>tfw the best girl in the show literally became worst girl by the end at the end
Tfw the best girl in the show literally became worst girl by the end at the end
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a matter of perspective
>tfw best boy Bran became worst boy by the end
>implying she didn't got a upgrade
That's funny because the opposite is true for Daenerys
They killed my baby, and now they're going to win an Emmy...
Pic not related?
If Emmy gets a Emmy too i'm ok with it
shes gonna lose to a gook bros :( and to make it worse David Benioff, Kit Harington and Masie Williams are all going to win..
Who’s the gook?
get out with your negativity. my dubs confirm
>that negativity
This is not how meme magic works faggot, she's winning it
The greys anatomy gook
the best girl gassed the jews for us
Why are her arms so fat?
Why does she have so much fat under chin that she looks like some sort of engorged anglo amphibian?
nobody is perfect, user
pic unrelated?
>seething this much
>last scene before the attack on KL isn't Dany punching a mirror because she realizes the demon she has to become
Nah that's from an event
have a real rare
are you the 1/8th poster?
you can never hurt me dany, i will always love you
Based Colin.
>you will never wake up next to this
You can't fool me, that's Emilla Clarke, star of the SyFy original, Triassic Attack.
but she does looks prettier with less makeup
Imagine playing with her hair while she giggles, after you're done giving her multiple orgasms.
She's wearing a bit more than "a little" but the ghoul look is pretty funny
Huh, must be her cousin or something
>Please, please, user, I don't want to, I want to go home.
what would you do
make a 360 turn and walk home
Shave her mustache.
Wow that looks so much like Pinterest real estate agent of the year Milly Rose!
Hold her hand tightly and tell her it's going to be okay
Id squeeze her tits so fucking hard and slurp every last drop of sweet Emilia milk.
There's absolutely no way a straight male wrote this
She did mention that she learned a lot about acting and film production on the set of this movie. It was her first real acting job, after that guest spot on that British soap opera.
stop with the lewd you absolute fucking nigger, it gonna get the thread pruned you brainlet
They tore her apart took everything from her and threw her away
Dont give him the you's, its probably sansafag out for revenge.
Fuck Jon Snow
I really love her sunburst eyes. It's probably my favorite feature of hers.
For me? The lips. And the eyes. Also the personality. The body is nice too.
That's just the way her lip curls
built for kissing
How tall is she again?
Approximately 5'3"
5'2' or 157cm
>that bed size
she's liking dozens of pics of babies on instagram everyday and now she's posting pics cooking
she's searching for a husband and it will be me
Shes very small, compact and SNUG
She is made for holding and hugging, but no men will ask her out and shes lonely.
No just no OP
>stalking her likes
Yeah, that's kinda creepy, user.
>but no men will ask her out
No i'm not, i doesn't even have a instagram account. i just repeating what someone said before
She's the perfect woman and has her pick of the crop yet she's only had 4 boyfriends in like 8 years and half of them were gay and one cheated on her
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
How the FUCK can this be possible, holy SHIT
She's a virgin and waiting until marriage, it's the only explanation
She's very needy. You'd have to deal with her constantly clinging to your side, always needing hugs and being dragged to endless events with her. Not to mention the nightly aneurysm PTSD attacks, you wouldn't get much sleep.
For your own good just sit this one out, I will bear the burden for us all and ask her hand in marriage.
She doesn't date actors anymore because they're degenerates and normalfags are too scared to ask her out
You have a whole life to live senpai, i wasted mine too much doing nothing. Let me do this sacrifice, not for me, not for you, not for ecg. But for mankind.
>X is for Xenophobic
What did she mean by this
it's just false humility, idiot
Wrong way around OP
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
She was always the best girl, that never changed
Does she carry around a pop figure of Dany at all times?
There's at least 10 pictures of her with one, too many to be a coincidence
Maybe she has the doll as a lucky charm
>game of reddit
your cringefest is over and you need to go back
It's a figure muuuuum
High-res Emilia is still CUTE
Why wouldn't she be?
What a fantastic opinion you have there user. I agree completely and think you might be quite based.
big eyes uwu
Cute eyes
I thought Daddario was a succubus but this is a real succubus
Because high-res pics are usually very unflattering, especially on women, because it exposes all the flaws on their face, but she's still CUTE despite that.
>Milly Rose first day as a real estate agent (2011 Colorized)
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
>“I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has like a dad bod,” Clarke added. “I don’t need no six-pack. Like, I ain’t kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I’ve been with has been too perfect.” That's definitely true, but we aren't complaining.
>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.
>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
>When I’m 90, I’ll have a million stories to tell my grandkids. It’ll be lovely
There's like, only 4 pics she looks kinda weird due bad makeup but even there she's cute in a exotic way
a bit odd looking but still POWERFUL MET GALA EMILIA
>But I do want to find a human
No, seriously, what did she mean by this.
Exactly, not even in the other pics from the same event she looks that weird. It's specifically on THAT one
a real human bean
She has used this phrase multiple times
She's obviously not from this world, but fell in love with the human race and want to have mixed sproglets
She wants to be a literal tradwife lol. I need to marry this woman ASAP
She really does
How to explain to the sproglets their mom did nude and sex scenes though
>not having an edited version of GoT with all Emilia nude scenes cut to watch with your sproglets once they are ~16
s08e06 is also missing
What show?
don't tell them in the first place
But the plot does not make sense if you cut Dany sex scenes
It's kino
some shitty Lord of the rings spin-off i think
GoT is the biggest show ever, they would found out eventually
just fade to black whenever they start
Remember to stay hydrated frens
>2 months until the Emmys
>her hair is growing strong
>she lost weight
We'll see the Prime Emilia once again
her power levels are surging
>she lost weight
>implying she was ever fat
This was in Feb, does anyone want to extrapolate
Pretend GoT doesn't exist. Not like people will be talking about that show much in a few years. But when they're old enough explain it was for a role, and these are things actors have to do sometimes including kissing someone they're not romantically involved with irl
Not fat but she's definitely thinner than she has been for a while
>She said: "There were a number of very public discussions about the size of my derriere. One article said it was refreshing to have such a 'healthy-sized' bottom on television. You hear that and immediately hear, 'I'm fat.'
>"So I just wanted to save myself from any future eating disorders that may emerge. And the comments were the worst! Like, 'I'm gonna tap that big fat ass.'"
>Emilia recently joined Instagram but has been horrified by the graphic comments left on her pictures.
>She told GQ magazine: "You can't help but see the comments. One was just a list of all the sexual acts he wanted to do to me. In text speak."
This. Most of life is a matter of perspective. Sure she murdered a shit load of people but arguably Westerous would have been safer and united under her rule because she had a nuke and deep down was altruistic.
Im glad she died though because it was a fitting end to a shit final season. D&D didnt hold back...they literally went full retard.
Emilia is not for lewd.
Dying after the grand conquest can be kino but D&D have the writing ability of an 8 year old
Finally down to her shoulders and even a little lower if her hair was straightened . Still won't be very long by the Emmys. I expect her hair will be styled similar to pic related
from our russian brethren
any place I can post emilias after this place gets nuked
the next thread
what are you talking about? 4channel are a bunch of good boys
Is that from GOT?
/hr/, a GoT, a generalwaifu thread, or the next stealth thread. Sadly not many visit /hr/, no idea why
420 chan?
/hr/ is pure porn, /wsg/ would be good but you can only post gifs/webms
Voice From The Stone. Kino movie but a bit slow
not the thread the whole website
>pure porn
/hr/ is what you make of it, if Taylor Swift threads can thrive without porn, I don't see why Milly's threads can't
>Sadly not many visit /hr/, no idea why
its fucking lewd board, the thread never should have been made
The fact you are bombarded with pornographic adds the whole time too
The board was made in a time before time user, when image uploads were at a capped low and compression was lacking. Honestly I would have nuked /wg/ before /hr/...
It's only zoomer 70 IQ retards who didn't notice by season 4 that had to die since she was becoming so obsessed with power. That "Bran the Broken" ending to me PC and give a cripple the throne was so fucking cringe it makes me want to puke.
My suspicion is that Siney is going t see what JJ ambrams and C. terrio come up with, compare it to the trash the Game of Goys guys game up with, and then offer abrams and terrio millions of dollars and for bob iger to personally perform anilingus on both of them if will agree to do do the next trilllogy. I doubt either if them need the money so is would have t o be a peter Jackson type deal...
When Sansa wanted power it was okay?
from my point of view the civilians are evil
Was it too booby?
You have stroke symptoms. Read your first sentence and call 911.
It's only zoomer 70 IQ retards who didn't notice by season 4 that the show went to complete shit
She wanted to share power with Jon. they didn't do that because D&D are fucking hacks
If she hadn't nuked the city it would've emboldened any uppity lord to take a shot at her dragon and then just surrender knowing the consequences would be mild for the majority of the rebels.
No but I'm thinking this was
She was horrible until lost it and knew she could kill. Then, she became the best character of this shit show. Of course, it only lasted one episode.
She's very daring
>ywn go mushroom picking wih Emilia
>character is evil because... she heard bells!
>character is evil because... she killed slavers
also checked and blessed by Milly
>character is evil because... she killed her enemies
Based Quads
>"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men, it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing." ―from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,
But what was Aragorn's tax plan?
Give this woman some sproglets
In the books this is an accurate view of Kings Landing citizens. They are total shitters.
Hell in the show, it never shows them in a really positive light. It's like the Joker would say, they'll eat you and each other when the time comes. They ripped people apart in early seasons. Euron in S7 basically says, they're shitters that just like watching people get their heads chopped off. Never are we supposed to really care about KL.
Or she will take them herself
Oh hello, is this the electrocardiogram thread?
No this is about shit writing in television shows
Ugh I want it
>what she actually looks like
Even better
>Don't talk like you're one of them jon! You're not, even if you'd like to be
>To them you're just a targ, like me, They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out-like a leper
>See, their morals, their "code"...it's a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the north allows them to be. I'll show you, when the chips are down, these-ah-"stark people"? They'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve
Gib expressive gf
Did this movie even have a script or did they give her dot points and let her go
What the fuck am I seeing, this is worse than any "I AM ACTING" face I have seen, it's as is she is suffering a fit of epilepsy while her mouth miraculously keeps talking.
good bait but that's the opposite of ACTING for her
nah thats me, I gave up
also 1/8th indian
She's back.
She is literally pretending to be different people you absolute mong
just be cute was her only line
>he doesn't know
tipsy Lou is extremely cute
lou is, he meant
She's still good in my books
Old, lesser known photoshoot
This reminds me of after S7 some dude was just shooping pictures of Dany with huge tits so he could have an excuse to have a tits threads
>best girl in the show
Objectively Margaery
Tits too flat but she did have a cute face
not him but in terms of personality margaery was definitely best girl. bit of a slut but whatever she made cersei seethe
Dany would be best girl if Daario was completely cut
Daenerys had her moments
They should just have stuck with the first Daario. Nu-daario was a fuckboy
Don't worry, she tapes the shit out of those
>films nude scene with Emilia
>leaves the show
Did he know the side effects of long term exposure?
SMOL and COLD intensifies
When pointing out Daenerys did it, it's a case of misplacing our expectations.... when pointing out that muslims did that same thing the majority of time when they seized/raided a new area or city- its being a racist/bigot/"islamaphobe".
Anyone want to guess why?
>dabs on D&D and collects an Emmy
Based and tape pilled
Imagine if she asked you to help her peel off the tape, wouldn't that be weird haha
that gotta hurt to pull it out right haha imagine if she asks your help lmao that would be funny
Emilia, what would your father think?
It's for charity I'm sure he wouldn't mind
But he was alive in 2014
You shut your mouth, or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you
Thank you for taking the burden desu
Will at eye level
Will sneaking a peek
How did he keep his eyes level in this scene?
literally talking about her breasts
This shot is unironically kino
It was the other way around faggot.
>1st and only time directing
talk about lies
>why yes MBY does have the best tracking shot
>ywn get to feed her and make her chubby
what a waste of a life.
Why feed her when you can give her sproglets instead
Emilia's boobs are fine, but -- and call me a nigger if you want -- ass > boobs, and certainly in Emilia's case.
>you will never ride the dragon with her while she genocides peasants
thighs > ass > face > boobs
her boobs are still well above average
t. boobguy
Literally god tier
I'm a nigger and I approve this message
BTW, Burger user here. Hope you fellas are enjoying the recent escalation in Burgerland. What will we see next?!
Behold Venus
body double
b8 double
what is wrong with you
>roleplayed Emilia/Dany multiple times before over the years
>always as submissive
>Final season rolls around
>Always asked to be be evil mad femdom Dany
thank you based DnD, even if the final scene is garbage, this is what I enjoy
what escalation?
How often do you guys think Emilia masturbates? This is purely a health concern question and not lewd at all.
lewdposters out
it's called a twist. Fairly predictable but it's the kind of twist you expect from hacks.
in my experience the people who are always like LEWPOSTERSGETOUT are the ones who get off on other guys telling them how rough they would treat their waifus, its a type of waifu cucking
Damn bro, haven't been seeing the news? Young guys sperging out, pew pew pew, and now Drumpf saying "fuck your second amendment."
Come and take it, you orange retard.
No one wants to see your autistic sex fantasies you sperg
unironically actually am in London
America has mass shootings everyday, I don't really take interest in it now
Id suppose once every 3-4 days. She’s single but also very busy.
>calling people a sperg
>obsessively posts pictures of his waifu
no user, i have some bad news for you
>mfw drumpf started boomerposting about violent video games
You can "no u" me all you want but it doesn't change the fact the vast majority of these threads don't want to see you spam your sexual fantasies
there is something weirder about people just wanting to post picture of some female celeb and not even jerk off to her, if you wanted to jerk off then at least there is a reason. Might as well start putting her picture on your wall as a shrine
>no trailer
I have a bad feeling about this
Have faith in Emilia's cuteness
She became /ourgirl/
GOT being ruined for the normies was worth it all.
I was always suspicious but when he eagerly agreed to the bump stock ban, I knew for certain he was a complete retard. I'm almost convinced he doesn't want to win reelection.
I hope Trump chokes to death on Kushner's dick. I can 3D print a bump stock if I want to and there's nothing he can do about it.
id let dany takes my guns away if it meant she sat on my face and abused my cock and balls with thin rope and a riding crop
Yea you’re gonna have to leave bro....
A deliciously violent, seductive and manipulative Emilia is peak Emilia, using the cute and smol to draw you in but really she likes to dominate and control by wrapping you around her finger so she can enjoy your discomfort and pain when she straps you to the bed
your bf is a lucky guy
>tfw the worst girl in the show literally became best girl by the end at the end
>americans wake up
>people start posting degenerate shit
I was gunposting, that other guy is lewdposting and probably not even American. It's barely after 5 in the morning on the east coast.
hate to break it to you
from the uk
imagine the hugs
imagine the voracious ass worship
Cease the degeneracy immediately. Electrocardiogram threads are to be wholesome at all times.
>posts a heavily photoshopped pic from a photoshoot she hardly enjoyed
You're not even a real fan and are just here for cheap (you)s
thats the MBY director right? if theyre still buddies i bet she could be convinced to do a sequel
>Emmy looses the emmy
imagine being this upset someone is talking lewd about your previous waifu, you just wish she would force her feet down your throat while she called you a good boy
There's a bunch of paparazzi pics with them together in 2016-2017 but I don't think anything too recent
That director has never made anything since or before MBY
A rare glimpse of her long necc that's been hidden since she was a teenager
You need to stop judging characters with your dick.
shes a pretty accomplished play director, seems smart and is currently batting 1.000 on kinos. I'd like if they kept her but changed the AY story, it doesnt seem that great and i'd like to be surprised so long as the lou suffering is kept to an appropriate minimum
They cut out the rape and a lot of the bullying in MBY so it's definitely a possibility if After You were adapted
Jojo wrote the script for the movie and After You was released before the movie so maybe she's decided to tone down the Lou suffering now she pictures Emilia as the perfect Lou
I demand a cute and non mean adapted sequel
>Yep Yep, Yeep, Yeep...
>lucky it wasn't on your trousers
wheres all the black people
Those yep's are so cute!
Holy shit, those glasses are so reflective, you can see the court.
We're going to need to keep revising cutenoises.mp4 until it's like an hour long
Autismo here, what does taping in this context mean
prevents wardrobe malfunctions
She literally uses tape so the dress wont fall or nipslip, zoom in on that pic
bruuuuuuh look at those biceps
bitch been LIFTAN
she was always worst girl. you are just too much of a maladjusted virgin to realize it.
>that projection
Thats gonna be a oof and a yikes from me
IMDb says she has a movie about some gorilla coming out starring Angelina Jolie
I bet she could fuck your femcel ass up, roastie
Her arms may be thicc but they aint flabby so she's alright in my book