What type of accent does Louis Theroux have?

What type of accent does Louis Theroux have?

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incel accent

kino accent

Middle class condescension

Why does he have a French last name? Is he a Norman conqueror upper class twat?

Generic posh southern

looks like a mass shooter. better red flag him

Smug arrogant pretentious faggot accent.

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very rude post

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some days I'm etsu some days I'm batsu

hewwo woowie

I wish I could be as unsuspectingly based as Louis.

His father's family is American of French-Canadian extract from Massachusetts, the same pool of people as Jack Kerouac.

>Jack Kerouac

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came here to post this.

I heard that when Louis was younger he liked to go up to people and ask them "are you the bummer tied to the tree?" and when they said no Louis and his friends ran around yelling "bummer on the loose."

>classic louis theroux

thanks will kms before 46


>3rd documentary about the westboro baptist church
play the hits lou

i don't know who this is but imagine being a 46 year old man taking selfies and posting them to social media

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>haha I'm so cool because I have no friends and hate the sight of my own face

Nice polo shirt user

it's just a joke, louis. calm down.

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as if louis would ever get offended, by i mean anything, thats why he works, their are thesis's on him he's basically a freak of nature, perfectly non-judgemental, genuinely interested in what you have to say, monotone voice, its basically impossible not to just tell him everything

do you speak english as a second language?
just curious

no just drunk

>h-ha gotcha, i was just pretending to be retarded

have sex incel

hard hitting journalism

again? but i'm drunk, maybe later

I'm trying to write a fucking paper for my MBA and it's so mind numbing... I just cracked my first beer to get myself focused

have fun, I find a wiskey and dry is good for writing but not for maths, fuck that, glad I didn't become an accountant

holy shit my accounting classes were the absolute worst... I work with accountants in my actual job, so I SHOULD have been able to place out of those classes if that was an option
I had to practically torture myself to follow through on any assignments

just remember once you're done, it only gets worse

ui, am ui.

I guess that's why his show is called "weird weekends" and he browbeats all of his subjects from a liberal humanist perspective

always does

to the person he's speaking to, nothing to do with what the show ends up being, i'm talking about the way he interviews people,how he comes across in person, its very disarming


daddy accent

that's because he's a sociopath

is he? i remember he did that documentary on nigeria

yea probably

Thinks he should leaveccent.

look at his porn documentary
he spent all that time listening to what makes the people conflicted and then fucks around with them by asking if "his scene" was okay where he gives a line at the beginning of a scene
he's trolling them literally the entire time

>porn doco
when you said sociopath that is exactly what I thought of, so again yea probably is

also see 'the city addicted to crack' or w/e its called, he is fucking with an entire town of ice addicts for an hour and a 1/2

arent sociopaths meant to be cocky, risk takers? louis seems to get pretty scared in some of his documentaries like when theres a crazy chimp breaking windows. or is it psychopaths who are the cocky risk takers and not sociopaths?