Wow, this is really bad. I thought I'd give (((Amazon))) a chance but this is horrible...

Wow, this is really bad. I thought I'd give (((Amazon))) a chance but this is horrible. The same tired quips over and over.. The same old dumb "ironic" tropes again and again.. It's just basic capeshit, and all of the underlying themes are actually very shallow, and unintellectual. I won't be watching any of Amazon's show as a matter of fact, fuck em.

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Have you watched Good Omens?

And I've come to the realization that all of the spammed threads on this show must either be underage kids excited about the newest superhero show, or Amazon shills.
Yeah, Amazon fucked that up too. Honestly anything they touch is garbage. I won't be sticking around for their Kang of the Rangs show either. FUCK AMAZON THEY SUCK

This place has destroyed your mind and you will never again know happiness. I'm so sorry.

Fuck off Amazon shill, he's right. Every show you make is horrible, and you need to go out of business NOW

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

Just go to a whore, user. You'll feel better with the sexual frustration monkey off your back.

>netflix shill

Fuck off, its better than anything put out by Netflix this year or last.

That was REALLY fucken shit.
Pure smug British sophistry.

No wonder the whole island is a dumpster fire.

Fuck this Amazon shill, Deus Volt is based and redpilled

I enjoyed the this show for the most part but there was a noticeable amount of filler in the second half (countless scenes of the group in a dingy room arguing) and I think the Deep was sorrily underused. Dolphin scene was kino and the best part of the season.

Also what the FUCK was Homelander's problem?

I'm only finished 3 episodes and it seems alright. It's not the greatest but I dont understand that hate boners for it. Unless it gets significantly worse


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>Deus Volt
put your name back on, freak

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Kys retard

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I see a lot of subtle ironic shilling for this show, and honestly to me this post seems like subtle ironic anti-shilling.

shows not bad but really the 60 mins per episode is too fucking long. You're basically waiting the entire time for some gross out stuff (Face sitting murder) or Homelander to steal a scene.

45 mins would have been a lot better. they just dont have the material to fill out the run time.

wheel it back kiddo

>shows not bad
>tries to convince people that atleast 75% of it is worth watching
Go back Amazon shill!

its a gross out superhero show. Either that appeals to you or it doesn't
the problem is that its largely filler material because of how thin the scripts are.

>Either that appeals to you or it doesn't
So either you're a degenerate who gives money to (((Amazon))) or you're normal.

>shilly shill shillington

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>watch "Red Shoes"
>wwaahhhhhh whats with all the dancing

Make that Amazon money boys!

Youre like a janitor here, taking pride in shitposting for free, while they take pride in pruning your shit for free. Meanwhile, youre both assholes.

Episode 2 was fucking dreadfully boring. Massive eye roll when the prisoner has to audibly explain to the audience that our character is scared, like we have watched him be boring and shitty and do nothing but hyperventilate for 2 hours

le contrarian post for a (you) addict.

>take out every single thing that made the comics interesting because it's too controversial except for the basic premise
>wtf why is this shit

I couldn't even manage 20 minutes of GO but I genuinely enjoyed the boys

>watching anything on amazon prime except reruns of curb your enthusiasm

>show begins with premise of punishing superheros
>Group kills (1) superhero, and punches one weakfuck to death

Butcher is a supervillain and is in fact worse than any of the supes. He kills everyone on the team except one. Also Homelander is actually a good guy that's ruined by everything around him and is led to believe he does tons of bad things he's never done because Black Noir is his clone and does bad things so that he can have a reason to kill Homelander. Which is why he was created, a defense against Homelander should he ever go rogue. Homelander thinks he's going insane and can't remember doings these things when it's really just Black Noir doing evil things to have an excuse to do what he was made to do.

There, now you don't have to go through all this.

Oh and by the team, I mean HIS team. Frenchie and the gang.

>Wow, this is really bad. I thought I'd give (((Amazon))) a chance but this is horrible. The same tired quips over and over.. The same old dumb "ironic" tropes again and again.. It's just basic capeshit, and all of the underlying themes are actually very shallow, and unintellectual. I won't be watching any of Amazon's show as a matter of fact, fuck em.

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Fucking faggot. Go watch Patriot and The Americans right now