Want me to suck your cock while driving?

>Want me to suck your cock while driving?

How would you have responded, Yea Forums?

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No, that's a safety hazard to both of us.


Go for it, love

were women in the 70s really this slutty?

>Sadly I'm too short so there isn't enough space between the wheel and your head, and also I can't cum while driving.

Did she really say this? I'm going to see it with my mom tomorrow because it's discount Tuesday. I don't know what to do?

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i lost my cock to cancer

they didn't even have blowjobs in the 70s

They still are

The still are user

go see the Lion King instead

When did they get released?

i would immediately pull over and just bang her instead

It's a scene that lasts like 5 seconds
There isn't any other sexual stuff in the movie

Yeah, but he refuses because he's too chad for jailbait.

start blowing her instead

Don't go. I went with my mom to see The Wolf of Wall Street

How do I get my cock sucked by a dirty thot in LA bros

>no it makes me too anxious to actually cum so you'll end up fiddling with it for 15 minutes while i worry about getting blindsided and having my severed cock go flying in your severed head

What's wrong with her face?

Then why does Lou Reed talk about them on Sister Ray, released in 1968?

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How do I find jailbate

I remember going to see this and all the boomer wife next to me got up and left while the husband stayed and watched the rest of it lol

8/11/2001 exactly one month before 9/11. seems kinda fishy don't ya think?

Be Bradley Pitts

She's american

Passenger side blow job

because lou reed was a faggot

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No, thanks. I don't fuck with stinky americans.

are you cute?
do you skate?
if either then you'll be fine
if both then just go outside
if neither then good luck shmuck LMAO

>No, because that's obviously illegal and dangerous. Now get the fuck out my car.

Compared to who, the amazingly clean French? LEL

have you ever got your dick sucked while driving Yea Forums?
god i wanna lick margareth`s pussy so bad

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60% is still cleaner than 56%

Ding dongs were released in 1968. Pretty sure he was paid to promote them.

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How do I find jailbait pics, new to Yea Forums

November 7th, 1999



What did he mean by this?

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Yeah, blew my load and she kept on suckin while I was doing 80

Cant we just fuck instead

>"I'll take things that never happened to anyone who posts on this site for $800, Alex."

>old school chevys were literally made for banging
>boomers design cars
>nah we need a cupholder now

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Those older cars allowed for all sort of shenanigans due to space alone.

Nowadays, getting a blowjob while driving is not as comfortable unless its an SUV or towncar. Secret is to drive left handed and lean into your door, sort of turning your pelvis slightly towards her so she can bob up and down without your arm in the way.

She was my gf at the time. Tried to get off the interstate so we could fuck, but there is no where secluded in empty Whyoming. Ended up back in the truck, fucker her brains out in Colorado later that night.

I miss her so much.

you'd think so but even neet trips like superhotfire use to post about the whores he fucked including image proof

I find american women that slutty now.


you mean too virgin

the chad delorean car designs made for sucking and fucking

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I went with my mom and we were cracking up together the whole time. Sounds like you need a better relationship with your mom OP (NOT sexual)

If I was single i'd drive her to the nearest drug store, spray her with disinfectant and make her shave her arm pits.

I saw it with my mom and it wasn't that awkward.

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Go to bed, gramps

I begin to see there really is a problem, I get laid because I have a handsome face and can fake a conversation. But I see incels are real now.

Yeah I drove around some dark empty backroads for 15 minutes while she sucked me off.

I also got blown while driving on the freeway at 3 AM.

The backroads blowjob was kino.

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not really

that was when america was great, only the liberal hippies in commiefornia were that slutty, women today are much sluttier

Is this literally the only foot scene in the movie?

Literally just saw it with my grandma

no theres 2 more

>not really
Google "sexual revolution", user. And marvel at a world that didn't even know AIDS, herpes was not a stigma and a shot would cure any other std.

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Hasn't everyone over 16?

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There's only one way to respond to that


what was the other one aside from Margot Robbie in the theater?

wait until we're at a red light i don't want to crash

Do you really think that you're replying to someone who isn't a 12 year old shit skin summerfag?

Of course a sexual relationship couldn't hurt either

Leo's feet

i liked dakota`s feet

haha, wut?

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ask her if she wants you to eat her pussy on the ride back

>y-you too

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fuck off to r9k bro this is a chad board.

not driving cause i agree with brad, i just remembered i lived that scene with an ex wanted to suck me while driving and i told her it was dangerous, let me park if your so fucking horny. And she ate my load. Fucking bitches are more horny than men.

i seem to recall several more, maybe 6 or 7

I watched it with my mom and she asked me the same thing on the way home, as a joke of course haha.

I don't even have a drivers license.

show pits