Name a more boomer sitcom scene
Name a more boomer sitcom scene
loved this show and Craig Ferguson was great
>tfw you realize ICP stole mimi's schtick
zoomers and non-americas out
Fuck she used to be so hot
Was Drew an incel???
watch pink flamingos you cunt
Ok, I know the dude from ZZ top, Danzig, and Joe Walsh. Totally lost me on the rest.
The Drew Carry show was fucking kino.
It and Frasier ended the same year. I think that's when the era of good sitcoms ended.
He got laid by several hot women by being awesome. So definitely not.
they are Slash, Rick Neilson, Dusty Hill, Matthew Sweet, Joey Ramone, Lisa Loeb, Dave Mustaine, Roy Clark, Jonny Lang, Michael Stanley, and Joe Walsh
first one was slash
didn't he date a camgirl or pornstar or something
>tfw due to some bs legal issues we'll never be able to watch it
Lisa Loaeb was qt as hell
the comedy in this show was such shit.
meta faggot garbage
A contender.
Funny I was just watching this for the first time in forever. I forgot I had it sitting on my hard drive. Such a comfy comedy kino.
This whole show is a boomer treasure trove and it's ridiculous how overlooked and underrated it is
My favourite in there was lisa loeb. Love that 90s college rock
Matthew Sweet looks like a pedo
based Presidents
still prefer 5'oclock world though
It was a hit when it was on. It aired for 9 seasons and was a staple on TBS for a long time. Then it stopped being syndicated and just kind of dropped off the radar completely. It airs now on the Laff channel and I think that's the only place you can watch it at all.
My dad watched it religiously back in the day.
The hell? Drew Carey has over 200 episodes? I do not remember this show being around that long.
Is Frasier the guy who tosses salads and eats scrambled eggs?
>Joey Ramone in a Misfits shirt
Reminder this actually happened:
This show got weird as fuck once Kate left. The format as well, suddenly everything was shakycam, and there was like a new intro every episode.
that was awful. why would boomers subject themselves to that
Ah yes back when white people still ruled music and played actual instruments. Now it's all niggers with auto tune. Ahh. Sips
The last couple seasons were a such a stark drop in quality. The last season didn't even air in order and there was a general storyline going throughout it like most of the seasons making it incredibly difficult to know what was going on.
Drew wanted the show to end but there were still a few years left on the contract. ABC said fuck you so Drew started doing off the wall shit.
Makes sense. If it had ended when intended it would have had a perfect run.
Drew's character worked at the corporate side of a traditional department store, right?
Tfw the company would have gone bankrupt by now
based. being a boomer is looks like fun.
It currently airs on the Laff channel.
absolutely based
watched the drew carey show every day in high school
>t. 30 yo boomer
wait... I thought Cleveland is a shithole?
The last two seasons were about the department store being closed and Drew working for tech company
And then that one folded and Drew helped Mr. Wick buy them out and help create Drew's dream of a good department store that he could run, but through some shady shit it just ended up being exactly as it was before with everyone in their same positions.
Drew Carey's a big rock guy. He has a show every Friday night on Silvio's SiriusXM station.
in the future, these will be our movies
>not down with ICP