MOTY so far?

MOTY so far?

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hollywood but i haven't seen it yet

tec pika

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none. this is the worst year for movies ever


sky walker

OUATIH. the ending is fucking superb

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It's the only movie I've liked even a little in the last 3 years other than Blade Runner 2049.




Once upon a time in Hollywood or Under the Silver Lake if that counts

The movie of the year is yet to be release

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OUATIH. It's not even super great, it's just that there are no good movies anymore.

Haven’t seen anything from this year except for Godzilla, so probably that.
I hope Joker is good

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I havent seen new tarantula or new Bong, but honestly all the good movies im waiting for release from now to the end of 2019
Nothing good so far except for the new Soderbergh

Why is it I feel that I have seen this movie before?
Do the Japanese just keep making this same movie with slightly different posters?

Kung pow for the 17th year in a row.
I am unbiased trust me but i agree with the critics.

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The events of real life are making this movie trite and irrelevantly mild, even before its release.

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Idk, do Americand keep making the same capeshit movies with slightly different posters?

The Lighthouse

The ending would have been better if Lena Dunham was amongst the group of hippies.

Yup. Good anikino died with Miyazaki.

They at least bother to make the protagonists visually different.
Japan churns out these "That Magical Time I Met This Girl" animus, in the vain hopes of an Oscar? Do they really care about Oscar? Or making something memorable?

posts like this feels like made by a disney viral marketeer attempting to sabotage competing brand from making anything good.

>WB needing outside forces to sabotage their film-making.

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i don't even remember her being in it. i suppose that's a good thing.

kung pow 2 soon

The Beach Bum
Season of the Devil
When the Trees Fall
Phantom Islands

The Souvenir
Detective Pikachu
Ash Is Purest White
Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
Alita Battle Angel
Lords of Chaos

Alita: Battle Angel

Hands down.

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have sex


>John Wick 3
>Hobbs & Shaw
>Shpidaman Fun From Marvel

Fun but wouldn't see again
>Lego Movie 2
>Godzilla King of the Monsters

>Lion King
>Captain Marvel

I think that's all the 2019 I've seen in theaters.

Based zoomer

For me it's john wick 3

Parasite or the Almodovar movie.
I'll watch OUATIH next week.

How could you tell?

I just like having fun when I go to theaters.

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>Cary Solomon
>Chuck Konzelman

Not sure i'd enjoy watching this

This is pro-life right


the favorite

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
The Farewell
The Beach Bum
Under the Silver Lake

Haven't seen Parasite yet. Worst movie I've seen this year is The Dead Don't Die

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Thought the Apollo 11 documentary was incredible, otherwise Hollywood

Ash is purest white was pretty good, what did you expect from Zangke?

Can you guys defend the Beach Bum to me?
I mean it was kinda nice and a fun way to pass the time, but it never felt as good as the best Korine hits (ie Trash Humpers, Spring Breakers, Gummo)

For me, it might actually be Endgame
Not a good year and I haven't seen much(still gotta see

The Irishman


Damn...the dead don't die is bad? Do you like any of Jarmusch's films?

Dragged Across Concrete

I don't watch movies

Misdommar tbqhwy

Yes, Under the Silver Lake counts. It opened wide release this year not in 2018 so it counts.

holy based

I love his work. Especially Down by Law.

The Dead Don't Die tries to be cute but isn't. And it's boring to boot.

There's 4th wall breaking shenanigans that don't quite hit and come across as very contrived and lame

the absolute state of Yea Forumseddit

>Dragged Across Concrete
>The Art of Self Defense
>Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
>Under the Silver Lake

Dragged is probably the best imo


What's your fav movie so far, user

This movie isn't even great, but these year has been so miserable with films

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Avengers Endgame, the highest grossing film of all time.

It's a shit year but this still isn't the best film

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Its barely a movie, feels like another episode of a horrible tv show for tards.

Apollo 11

Where did you see parasite

The Great Hack

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Dark Phoenix

Climax, not sure if it counts but it came out in March in USA


At least we have a film industry powerful enough to involve the whole world.

>Ash Is Purest White

good movie but it's from 2018

Parasite, Apollo 11 and Pain & Glory are top 3 so far.

Hail Satan?

Marvel Studios presents Disney and Marvels: The Avengers: Avengers: Endgame

Godzilla KOTM but only because the competition is so pathetic.

drumpf was russian

A Hidden Life directed by Terrence Malick it isn’t out yet but Malick is the best director who is currently alive

>”maybe the great hack was really the friends we made along the way”

>landscape footage is so fucking epin, I'm such an artist
Fuck off, fag, Malick is shit