Why is black media so cucked now?

Why is black media so cucked now?

It was better from the 1950s up until the late 00s. We were tough, had real, tangible culture, black men that dated out like OJ Simpson and Tiger woods got backstabbed by their white partners and we all laughed about it. Now the face of black culture is Donald glover and Drake. Suburb niggas that let non blacks do whatever they want to them and complain about how blacks are "too racist". Not to mention 20% of black men voting conservative despite open white nationalists in the streets. Marrying whites that hate you and want to kill you is seen as "uplifting " now.

Holy shit.

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I doubt black people visit any boards apart from Yea Forums.

we're taking it back

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who even honestly cares about them? i have nothing against them, let them be, just dont pay attention

>sees a wojak posted in another thread
>makes a whole thread about it

>OJ Simpson
>got backstabbed by their white partner
Pretty sure that was the other way around, and it was a throat stab.

They killed Bernie Mac and every other nigga immediately fell in line

Did you really think jews were only going to do it to the whites?

I'm one of them you faggot

Because in the past black culture was black culture, but thanks to Hollywood's, the political elite, and the lefts insane obsession with black people it is being shoved everywhere and as a result has to be whitewashed and toned down because the majority of people obsessed with black culture and pushing everywhere actually find old black culture to be non-pc hence we get people like Donald Glover and all the leftists on Twitter, politicians, Hollywood, and black people eat it up because they are obsessed with black people and live seeing it everywhere.


I'm black

Drake is not even black, he may as well be Arabic. That's who he appeals to the most.

us blacks can enjoy kino too, fuck off, also there are tons of blacks on /fit/ and Yea Forums

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There's too many brothas on /r9k/ and ecen there they are treated like shit

Don't even get me started on the types of black folk on here and /pol/. Imagine needing white people to tell you to love your own fucking race and calling yourself a "national socialist" when pro black movements have been around for centuries.

>us blacks can enjoy kino too
this is false.

What's your favorite soda flavor?

if you want to see them they post on /r9k/

No one on Yea Forums discusses kino

don't forget Yea Forums and /lgbt/

Root beer BITCH

>Don't even get me started on the types of black folk on here and /pol/. Imagine needing white people to tell you to love your own fucking race and calling yourself a "national socialist" when pro black movements have been around for centuries

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>Friday isn't kino

What are some movies where a character gets a thick white gf?

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>if ur a black person that browses Yea Forums that means ur a right winger ethno nationalist

yeah okay buddy

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This. They are pampered so much now.

shut up nigger

Majority of black families are actually pretty damn conservative and religious. It's just that the current "conservative" party in the US is pretty racist, so it pushes most of that demographic away.


Damn right

Left can't meme as usual

Ok white boy ever seen an IRL pol meet

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thank you

White liberals told them how to feel and produce media for them depicting what they think they should think while trying to make other whites feel guilt. They aren't allowed to think and feel for themselves anymore. Before they were physical slaves, now they are slaves mentally. If you're a nazi incel you could link this back to the jews.

Do you have tits? Lots of fat black men tend to have tits.

Go watch old movies and black 'culture' use to be about hard attitude and music with tribal african shit thrown somewhere, now watch modern movies, black 'culture' is about gangbangers and being a slob in the poor part of town. Progressive nature of modern media has put on a pedestal the very thing most holding blacks down and most blacks are too stupid to call them out on it and instead continue to eat up the shit that only encourages you to stay down. Basically the hollyjews see money at pleasing the modern dumbass black crowds and unless you stop giving them money for it they will not return to making dumb blacksploitation films that makes blacks look cool instead of like pitiful fruitcake who needs help that modern black movies are.

TLDR, stop being a bitch and stop buying shit media

Kys nigger

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>Suburb niggas

And Black entertainment caters to the Black Middle Class because they are the ones with expendable income.

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