What are some good films about depression?
What are some good films about depression?
normies truly lack empathy
Melancholia is probably the best film you will find if you are looking for a film that
encapsulates depression perfectly
post the one where the guy is schizophrenic and kills his girlfriend
I have none of those things
This isn't depression it's complacency and greed of a normalfag.
thanks doc
The only true thing about that picture is the pet, and probably le cookies.
Other than that I have the right to feel depressed because I don't have (nor i can get) a gf, a good degree, etc.
This is actually 100% true for normies. Spend one moment observing them and you’ll see they’re complacent, bored, unhappy, or distracted. NOT depressed. It’s a fashion statement not because the technology and all else has brought out rare emotions that people don’t know so they describe it as depression. They don’t wanna year this though, since being depressed is the norm, and let’s them fit in.
remove that not
>le depression
just exercise. just run ONE MILE a day, and every week add .1 miles (mild) depression cured
post the edits
woah I never realized I had all of that
thanks mr count your blessings man
>someone who loves you
>it's a thin little brap hog making food
I have nothing there except the tea and cookies but instead it's beer and salami sandwiches.
I have a pet and I guess I could make tea and cookies if I wanted to.
le monke
kek thanks user
Could be a classic
reminds me of this classic
Similar to this, though I don't have the original
wow that's an edgy meme please report to Trump's involuntary confinement center at 0800
>that essay
i wish i had even one of those things.
I have the pet but at times it's hard to believe their love.
the ending was more than worth that pseudointellectual feminist slog
How else would humans have been able to compete for resources?
Early man would have died if they had tried to share everything. It paid to not give two shits about human beings you didn't know, more often than not.
At least, in the beginning
she's right tho
This movie made me realize that my dad probably killed himself.
That's one conversation I've been trying to avoid for a few years now.
shut the fuck up. that image of a nerdy white guy only showing interest in a woman when she’s taken is feminist propaganda, and you should kill yourself immediately
user it's called the Duality of Man not Woman for a reason.
Or strength train
Dig deep into it, tell us online nobodies it and you will feel better later without risking anything.
I'm not following you
13 reasons why. It really helped me
Basically, women are soulless.
the royal tenenbaums
No wonder he was a vermavirgin
how do incels refute her tho
nigga I ain't readin' that shit
half true but mental health is a serious issue that is slept on. I feel like maybe 3 or 4 out of 10 people who say they are depressed probably fit into this description and aren't actually depressed while the majority actually are.
>the entire dialogue given by the female
That's truly it, isn't it? The truest of all truths?
We're all wasting our time here, all of us.
There's nothing to gain here, really.
I know we're "stuck" here, but really, why have we not left? Why have I not left? And even after this, I still won't leave.
Honestly, I think it's the factor of being Anonymous, combined with the fact that this site, at this point, is mainly an echo-chamber. We can say and, for the most part, do whatever we want. With a group.
This is pretty much anti feminism shit though, still he was exposed as weak and unworthy at the end and resorted to violence ... this sounds familiar doesn't it?
I'm a man, I like struggle, I like shitposting and make anons completely seethe.
A woman's life sounds so fucking boring.
In the end, the strongest still wins. The law of nature never changes
This is just like a feminist comic where the man gets beaten up
It doesn’t refute anything
>is mainly an echo-chamber.
You don't get banned nor downvoted into oblivion by stating discerning views.
But yeah for the rest of what you said its accurate, being anonymous is like a superpower, like being invisible and having the power to attack anything and anyone, power is addictive and we're hooked, the only way to get over this is to acquire some power out of here.
an echo chamber doesn't need to outright censor dissenting opinions as long as they're drowned out by the circlejerk
Yeah but if a weak man call you a fat fuck, even if you beat him to death, you will still be a fat fuck, when it comes to ideas, if somebody told you a truth you don't/can't deal with physically removing them will not invalidate that idea, i suspect you haven't read that comic if you still acting like its some woke shit you are supposed to resist, it isan't, its natural selection at work, as redpill as it can be.
yes it does, its like you haven't experienced other forums, REAL echo chambers where you go against the local consensus you get banned, flagged, downvoted.
Don't mistake your great posts being ignored as some sort of downvote by an imaginary echo chamber, sometimes shit you say may not be as smart as you think.
if my primary goal was not being ignored then the easiest way to accomplish that is to write incredibly stupid posts
Women are below men and subhuman.
Why can't wh*tiods understand this?
Shut up
Can confirm comic. In the end, none of this matters, because the greedy rule the world and you and everyone who remembers you and everyone who remembers the ones who remembered you will perish. That's the cake, the icing is that there is no afterlife, no creator to judge the morally unjust, no paradise for the virtuous, and anyone who spends their life preparing for an afterlife is wasting their one chance at existence throughout the infinite chasm of time, there is no loop, there is no reincarnation, there is only what is and what isn't.
Oh, and people don't give a shit about animals, even here in the United States, (Louisiana might as well be third world) let alone places like China, some idiots even think animals were "made" for us, so the dog in the picture might live a good life, but countless more will suffer and then die badly. At least they live short lives, even the comic dog, but then the guy and the girl will be left behind to grieve the only being who every truly loved them without any strings attached.
He'd still be dead, and nothing invalidates that idea.
>tfw no diploma, friends, someone who loves me, or pet
How about now?
You assume just because you have no replies its because nobody read, but its not true.
This site is a bit scary when it comes to words you throw here, i saw talking points i injected being repeated by other anons, famous youtubers (who use this) and even some of the killers in the past, shit that never got too much attention when i posted, basically venting and then it travels.
remember, the majority of this site are lurkers, most people don't know how to post, or don't bother, but they are reading so, just throw your ideas.
who knows where they gonna end.
You win
That was life, feed the worms on your way out please, thank you.
i went from 49kg skeleton to a lean 1/2/3/4 and i still want to kill myself
what now
Honestly it's hilarious how niggers and spics get laid everyday and get multiple baby mamas
Yet incel white bois can't even lose their virginity despite the supposed advantage in dating.
Alien 3.
lol this is the gayest picture ever
That shit taco CAUSES depression, it's not about it.
Lol this is how normies really think.
normie """depression"""
Keep going
she isn't though. or he. artist may be a guy.
the comic is well written to appear on the surface logical, but under any kind of closer scrutiny it falls apart.
the whole bottom part about 'fucking chads is better for the species' is complete garbage for instance. she basically says being intelligent and studying is bad for the species, and fucking and popping out babies constantly is good for the species. which is complete garbage. if you want example on how that works out look at any shit hole third world in africa.
also she mocks men for being introverted and whiny, while not claiming women shouldn't be introverted or whiny. genetics work by taking from both men and women. if she wants to save the genetic line from feminine qualities, shes fucked, because timidity and introversion can just be passed from the mother, not to mention she seems like a passive aggressive bitch herself, so her kid will probably end up being just like him.
there is no rhyme, reason, or validation in modern dating/breeding. you dont need to be attractive, you can be wealthy. or just in the right place at the right time. there is no such thing as love, or individuality. just continuous temporary parts being constantly replaced.
but an image of dull cogs slowly being worn down as they pulled in and pushed out again and again until they crumble probably wouldn't make as good of a troll bait comic as this.
He died from syphillis and is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers in history do you really think you’re smarter?
Ordinary People
All that text boils down to is “I want dumb guys to fill my holes because fun”
didn't work for me. now I'm /fit/ with terrible self esteem and body issues and even less time in my day after work to relax
Fucking a competent and successful person is logically a better decision than fucking an incompetent person who has a Ph.D in useless information.
As long as you prove that you can take care of yourself and the woman in just about any scenario, then you're probably a suitable candidate. If it's painfully obvious that you can't, then only a total retard of a woman would choose you over someone else.
I've never ever seen a depressed person with a gf
I'm too invested with this twincest comic
you've not met many people then
>that pic
Do normies really not understand that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain? It doesn't matter how successful or shitty you are at life. It won't stop your brain from misfiring.
>don't even have a qt gf to resent me
>muh chemical imbalance
lighten sadfag
No, they don't.
90% of people still think it's just a result of being a spineless twat.
No, anyone actually depressed doesn't have the things in that pic. Tards like you faking muh depression and saying it's cuz muh brain when they have everything in life are cancerous normgroid.
thats true. only incompetent people get ph.Ds, and they are a lot of them with useless information.
i get to decide what is useless and useful information.
why? because i dont have a degree. that makes me an outsider. a rebel.
whats most important to me is working as a car dealer, i make 70k a year, am fairly attractive, and have three kids that i can suitably provide for. i have vague general knowledge in several different fields, but nothing significant enough to contribute to any actual creative process. its people like me that built society to what it is today. you could say the entirety of human history, no, not just that, the entire success of our species is because of people like me.
when i really think about it, any woman would be retarded to not want to spend their time with anyone else, after all, my candidacy is so stable. its the stablest.
thanks for reading my post, its about the only thing ill create this whole week.
Are you pointing out the only thing that matters? I have the rest and it does nothing
so by the end of the year you're running 52 miles a day?
that's absurd
i want a depressed gf. every depressed girl i met has avoided me once i told them i was also depressed.
I've none of those except a degree.
>someone who loves you
i don't get it user, truly. I've seen this comic posted over and over but I just don't get it. What's with it? What's the point? the plot? help me help you helping me.
The middle pic should have said
"A Girlfriend who cheats on you "
big kek
hard lel
haha yeah i've got all those don't I.
lmfao I literally have all of those things as well as 2 children, but I want to disappear into the abyss like 12 times a day lol
Roastie go
Roastie go
Go hang, roastie!
I'm a man
Shes right on the first half of her speech but on the second half she becomes a big cunt. A huge asshole
But the first half is completely right.
Normies go out and develop friendships and they form bonds with people
Normies go to clubs or movies together.
To have a girlfriend you need to form friendships
But the second half means shes a retarded thot
But yes this us how women think
Haha oh wow I have none of those.
I'm not saying you can't be depressed even if you have all these nice things, but for most of us, including me, we would not be upset for even a second with a girlfriend, a useful degree, a house, and friends.
The funniest thing is how she's complaining about him being a weak, ineffectual man, but at the same time she was attracted to a guy moping around on a park bench.
Basically it boils down to her thinking one guy was hot and the other not.
A Taste of Cherry
What else is there?