Did anyone ever like this guy
Did anyone ever like this guy
a little... when i was young and watching Jackass. But he was always low tier compared to Steve-O, Pontius, Knoxville
I watched his show on MTV when I was stoned as fuck once and it made me realize what a spoiled little shit he is.
At least he affiliated himself with some pretty cool stuff.
bam seems like a decent guy but I don't idolize him. him and most of the jackass guys got money and started acting like retarded rednecks with it.
he was the annoying kid you hung out with because his parents were rich and he knew some hot girls
Before he was in THPS.
>went to middle school/HS with a kid who moved (here) from Philadelphia
>always talked about "dude I used to know Bam dude bro I used to skate with Bam bro did I ever tell you how I grew up with Bam"
>idolized Bam to no end, and fell in with the "dude smoking and drinking and skating lmao" crowd here
>got some dumb (but cute) underclass girl pregnant, she carried his weight the entire relationship
>he ended up becoming an alcoholic cokehead pill popper because "dude you NEED to drink/pop pills after a skate sesh cuz your body's all banged up bro LMAO", the coke was to compensate for the downer effects
>last I heard he peaced the fuck out of his kid and "baby momma's" life, in order to chase more skate seshes and coke/pills
>basically became a lil mini working class Bam
Like pottery
>philadelphians are subhuman
thanks for the newsflash walter cronkite
he was originally from rural New Mexico, same difference
Viva La Bam was kino when I was 14, Bam being a pathetic manchild doesn't change that
Knew him in passing from the Chester County area. He was a legit good skater. Shoulda stuck with that. Complete loser otherwise. Him and his friends would show up at a bar in West Chester and buy the bar a round. That's all they were good for. They usually ruin everything and get kicked out before the night ended. Steve-O and Knoxville were the real talent (if you wanna call that show talent). Genuinely surprised he's not dead yet.
when i was young i always thought he had the sickest style, he liked skateboards and lambos so yeah he was my favorite
then i grew up and realized johnny knoxville is the absolute goat followed closely by dunn
Some faggot at my middle school wanted to be called “Bam”.
I only liked the Wild Boyz. Nature plus stupidity equals quality TV.
Fuck, youth is the only important thing you will ever have
Those losers are from west chester and delaware county. Another world from philly.
t. works with delco bums who all "knew" bam
this lol
my buddy used to bounce in philly in the early 2000s and said his brother is one of the most annoying cock suckers he ever had to deal with
He was a big bitch on JAckass but his spin-off show was pretty fun.
he and ville valo had a great relationship
Bam is only about 3 years away from being Phil's age in the CKY movies and early Jackass.
What is his weird obsession with Ville and HIM and that gay logo?
ville was cute. everyone found him attractive (straight, gay or whatever else)
and HIM was a great band
He was a talented skater and CKY was the precursor to Jackass and it was funny as hell... He has always been a petulant cunt, though. Now, he's older and hasn't progressed at all. He's sad and insane at this point.
I ain't tryina get my dink subked
Woefully underrated
>works with delco bums who all "knew" bam
I worked with some guys from LA who claimed/pretended to have been part of "the Jackass guys but back then it was called Big Brother". I wouldn't care if it were true anyway but I always wonder why guys who know they've peaked right there stocking the shelves at Target always pretend to be cooler than they are by some association which likely doesn't exist.
I don't understand why this culture worships fame in itself.
He was a try-hard that was only famous for picking on his dad. He was shit
In death he will find peace
Unless you were an edge little faggot junior high kid, no.
Big Brother was around in like '93-ish or so, it might be true, but most people who are "really" involved in skateboard culture are subhuman degenerate fucks so none of this matters
Saw this fat fucker in the bar and was hanging out getting hammered only when someone called him Bam did it dawn on me who he was. It was kinda pathetic and I felt really bad for him.
i did in middle school
I brap on Bam
I hate all those degenerate faggots, making losers think they will be something when they grow up
I know what Big Brother was, all the more reason I knew they were full of shit. They name-dropped it for the same reason you did: to appear to have special inside access to secret and ultra-cool famous people.
Another one of those guys claimed to have been "close with Alien Ant Farm before they got big", something I myself would never admit to anyone even if it were true.
I live in West Chester, he was HUGE during the VLB glory days just because you could see him around. I went to the highschool he was kicked out from and he was considered a saint by the idiot kids there.
West Chester's always been a shithole, tons of easy as fuck, trashy girls though. At least it was like that 20 years ago. West Chester fags always tried to act like hardasses to Downingtown Fags and Lionville fags, but not Coatesville fags since Coatesville was the shithole that was the most redpilled as fuck and feared by all.
>t. rt. 30 Chester County faggot
>knowledge of a hugely popular magazine and video series is some kind of secret handshake that boomer skaterfags use to dog whistle to each other to seem cool on a Ukrainian shoe repair fourm
lol I don't even know why I bother posting on here, I can't wait for the liberal jews to shut this place down
The only WC fags who acted hard were the retarded white kids. Everyone knew the place was generally middle class. For god's sake, there's a country club in the middle of town.
HIM was shit, and amounted to what some poser goth girl's "ideal goth band" would have been. Next to actual post punk and goth, HIM was garbage, and don't try to act like "sorta gothy shit" wasn't their whole shtick.
Has anyone been paying attention to recent events? Suicide imminent he’s hitting rock bottom hard.
Fuck that CC, and fuck trying to turn onto North High St. from that piece of shit road along the south edge of the CC. Also that place looks busted as shit these days, a true relic of a dead time.
um yeah. he was extremely popular.
He's being real mean to Ape. He's breaking his mama's heart, and after all the shit they had to put up with over these decades.
Inner WC is nothing but shitty turns and hipsters. You want nicer areas you gotta go to the area between WC and Exton.
What is he saying or doing to her now?
man i wish i could pass out like that at night.
The dude was an asshole. The only thing I liked about him was when bad things happened to him. Other then that he was a time waste till Knoxville, SteveO or Englund did something funny.
He became steak sandwiches
He got drunk and threatened to rape her. He says he was kidding though he doesn't remember the incident.
His parents weren’t rich. They were poor until Bam started making his own money.
Anyone who says his parents were rich clearly has no idea what they’re talking about.
I always liked Dico or Dunn
Kino phil is back on the menu
look at his instagram if he hasn't deleted all the shit already. he's relapsing again and having a mental breakdown.
but it wasn't. they called themselves "love metal"
also, razorblade romance was gold.
t'ain't what the moon did...
>bam is now a fat alcoholic who looks almost exactly like his dad did 1.5 decades ago
Yikes. He was also the worst member of Jackass, by far. Lame as fuck stunts. Pretty sure they only kept him around because he was cool with kids
>and started acting like retarded rednecks with it.
Do you really think Jackass was made by people who weren't jackasses? That series was authentic as fuck. It was truly what ushered in hate-watching idiots, only difference is that they were lovable idiots
i agree. but they had songs that made my big tiddy goth emo girl melt so thanks for that Ville Valo.
yes, he makes good music
>Pretty sure they only kept him around because he was cool with kids
Or because it was fun(ny) to play on his fear of snek
starts slow but gets good as it goes on
Bam sucked. Who was the guy who hated mustard?
user, you know what happened between Bam and Valo?
Lost track after Dark Light era...
>actually liking the guys on Jackass
Most of their interactions with other people were them being absolute assholes (surprising for a show called Jackass). Some of their stunts turned out surprisingly good, but most of the time it was just watching some assholes attempt to be assholes in the most spectacular fashion they can think of to each other. That is somewhat entertaining, but when they involved normies it was just disheartening. I never expected to like any of them, and the ones who seem to have come out of it the best seem to be the guys I would like the least IRL. Maybe that means I'm even more of an asshole than any of them, but still, I don't understand why anyone would decide they like any of them based on the show.
This Emo girls were easy af, to get with them you just had to like whatever was on their Myspace. Even if it was shitty entry level "metal" or ""emo""
I once fucked a girl just by talking about how much I "loved" Invader Zim (show is shit btw)
>but when they involved normies it was just disheartening.
You're a fucking idiot if you think any of it was real. In order to be on ANY television show, you have to sign a consent form. They were all in on it.
i never liked this dumb faggot or any of his retarded shows
t. enlightened at an early age
He cuuuute
While I overall agree I still like their first demo.
>Emo girls were easy af
jesus christ i miss the early 2000s. the current year stock of woke art hoes is a fucking travesty
After the fact. Some of the reactions those people had were genuinely messed up, and the fact that they agreed to let it air for some cash is a part of why it's disheartening to me. The other part is the people who did not agree. How many people did they sling shit at or something stupid like that which no one will ever see?
Emo girls would fuck anybody easily. You could be a skele but as long as you dressed the part you could get in
>How many people did they sling shit
Probably a whole whopping zero because there was a Hollywood producer and film crew to supervise every stunt. Do you believe every reality tv is real too? Like, fuck, it was a show on a main network, not some youtube video
He's the worst part of Jackass. Knoxville is a god among men.
i used to look up to this nigga
I know a guy who got cucked by Bam. His wife apparently sucked his dick while he waited in another room.
Drink 60 oz of malt liquor and you can
i never degrated myself by dressing up like a weirdo faggot during that time, which is when i started really getting into Yea Forums so i completely missed the boat on that era of snatch
im 29 now and actually rather handsome and girls have this weird daddy festish now which has been beneficial to me
Bullshit. You can't hire enough people to fill the streets like they did on the budget they had on a lot of those skits, stunts, or whatever you want to call them.
Yeah, fork out enough money to keep it going. You call me naive, but I don't think you have the slightest clue about how Hollywood producers and general populace think and "work".
you hear about 8 chan?
the fuck is going in with this world
>able to fit into daddy fetish
Like wtf? I'm 26 and if anything I've Benjamin Button'd and have looked younger as I've gotten older. Anytime I say I'm 26 people tell me I look 19.
>most people who are "really" involved in skateboard culture are subhuman degenerate fucks
take it back
If you think that's bad I know a guy who's raising Bams kid.
i do still have hits of boyish features to me which i think adds to some appeal. probably my eyes
I thought Bam was from Oklahoma.
rake yohn
you’re forgetting bam was definitely a ringleader when he was around dunn, dico, raab himself and in the larger scheme of Jackass always did more of the simple but classic juvenile pranks, he made the shopping cart one of the main symbols of the entire show. He played his part well but didn’t hold a candle to guys like Steve-o and Johnny
that's literally nothing, drank a fifth of brandy last night
Is Dr. Phil secretly a Strigoi influencing Bam's subconscious mind?
that's only in two party consent states
new york city you can film people in public without their permission
Bro, if you're 29 and look like what a young woman would think of "daddy" you really need to work on your health.
If want you want an actual insight in to who he really was you should track down his old bam radio podcast which started off as a radio show, I have them all. So much dirt gets spilled on that show and not only about bam, Brandon Novak is on the show a lot making a fool of himself as well.
daddy is just what they call the chad currently fucking them
Damn dude, I hope I can be as cool as you when I grow up
Finally purging the pathetic dead weight males that will never reproduce or create anything of value.
Tell us a couple good moments from the show? I've always been curious about how things were behind the scenes and what kind of drugs they were all into.
wish i could see the vile, disgusting, nauseating excuse of a person that writes these types of posts
very bad opinion
you can film any one in public in all 50 states
even back in 2006 bam was a raging alcoholic who would always go on drunken benders but they of course would lead to others thing he has quoted himself on the radio show like Adderall and other various pills. Brandon Novak was also getting caught with heroin or methadone, Then there the fact they brag about Novak licking a colleague kids arsehole against his will which they all laugh about, Bam and some of his friends held this kid down while Novak did this.
I liked both CKY and Jackass because the antics were pretty funny to me and the music was good. VLB was alright too even if most of it was staged to fuck. Bam seemed alright but he's fucking lost it these days. It's pretty crazy how much he looks like his dad did during the shows era. I also felt pretty bad for Brandon, I mean he was something like early 20's and already viseably losing his hair
Bam's editing in CKY was really the predecessor to the style you see in things like mde and similar YouTube videos, his skill with editing is absolutely Kino, just watch any of the CKY intro videos. obviously Brandon DiCamillo was the funny one of the group, but together they made a really great team.
>he was something like early 20's and already viseably losing his hair
The Norwood Reaper comes for all, some he just comes for sooner
CKY was kino but bam pretty much sucked in everything else. I feel bad for him though, losing your best friend really hurts. I hope he finds happiness somehow
this. as retarded and spoiled as bam is, he was great with a camera and editing
That hillbilly bowling skit was great. I will always laugh at that guy feeling up an fingering the bowling ball
And why did he allow that?
big brother was a fucking great magazine
Bam never really talked about his bulimia on the show but he would always target a fat friend of his named Ryan G a photographer that would work for him and sit in on the show, It is clear bam was projecting his own insecurities about his weight onto Ryan G. Brandon Dicomallio was on the show for first 3 years then disappears and basically he made the show far more entertaining, it went down hill after Dico disappeared from the show.
He made a career out of surrounding himself with people more entertaining than himself
until now
I'm actually embarrassed of how obsessed with this guy I was. Looking back on it, you could always tell he was a pretentious asshole but my dumb teenage girl mind idealized him anyway.
i recommend people watch that vice documentary they did on bam
pretty good and interesting background on him and how fucked up his life is
I almost forgot at the end 2005 shows episode run Bam gave Brandon Novak money to pay for a prostitute. He brought two back to bam radio room to have sex with before in which they engaged in ten minutes of small talk before Brandon Novak starting fucking one of the whores then the live fucking gets cut off and music plays for the rest of the shows remaining time.
>held him down while Novak licked his butthole
God I wish that were me
Yeah he's right. The guy that started the whole thing and got those nobodies a job humiliating themselves for attention was the real loser.
Main Cast official ranking
Knoxville>Steve-O>Pontius>Dunn>DiCamillo>Wee Man>Preston>Margera>England
It's kinda depressing now cause it showed him getting his shit together and now hes back to his moody self
Dicamillo wasnt main cast.
He was in more episodes than Steve-O
bam is a spoiled silver spoon bred manchild that's never had to do an honest days work in his life. he's never been through the crucible of wage slavery that makes a man a man. so he will never be anything more than a child. it's kinda sad really his wealth is also his curse he just doesn't know it.
He's a spineless faggot.
His mom was so concerned about his drinking problem she signed him up for a rehab show on VH1. She's a horrible parent.
Haggard is unironically a better movie than Space Cop in all aspects
>HIM was a great bands
>and HIM was a great band
I had a classmate in 7th, 8th and 9th grade who loved both Him and Bam. I believe he got that love logo tattooed when he turned 18.
>but my dumb teenage girl mind idealized him anyway
The difference now is that you have a dumb woman mind instead. You're still as naive and stupid.
He just wants the spotlight again.
Yah but like did he get off on it or...like wtf?
Don't mind me, just posting a band a thousand times better than HIM:
8chn is literally hosted by a US defense contractor..
apples and oranges
>it came from redd.t
Yeah like if HIM were shitty oranges that got shit out by some hobo maybe.
>i'm not a weirdo faggot, I just like visiting Yea Forums
They didn't hire anyone moron, they're called extras for a reason. This isn't a holloywood production this is "Hey kids, you wanna meet bam and be on the show?"
Yes you ARE naive.
link us or give us some name to google faggot
Tiamat > HIM
>guy has sex
>say he came from reddit
What does that say about you, sweety :^)
yeah i can't find this, just some episodes here and there but not the whole catalog
Says you're from redd.t if you think your word on an anonymous anime discussion board carries weight.
Bam? Fuck yeah. All of the Jackass crew were cool, and he was my favorite character to play in Tony Hawk's Underground.
Fucking delco bro. Fucking delco.
>bam is a spoiled silver spoon bred manchild that's never had to do an honest days work in his life.
>being this retarded
his pro decks were extreme swagger back in 6th grade.
My point exactly. Talk about imposing, and she's supposed to be his mom man..
i remember tons of ppl wearing clothing with the heartagram
t. fat ugly virgin
fucking Tiamat. Wildhoney was off its own nut.
you were lame as shit if you wore bam margera shit
i think he always had people around him that i liked more. the dudes in jackass are better than him and same with viva la bam. i like his folks more than him
obligatory RIP dave mirra post
We used to make our own lyrics to that like faggots:
>Save de whaallless…
>Chain ourselves...to de trees....
cause you couldnt understand shit those swedes were saying
stop being such an incel and just say "reddit". It honestly only makes you seem like an incel to try to self censor it.
Dr.Phil to the rescue
>sorry, i have bursitis
>so you have to play with an airhorn?
>it helps
Rake > Bam
>"Uh, Mr. Bam uhh, I need yuh tuh open up and tell me bout whut that "bend yer dick to yer ass" business wuz about cuz I think you're crying out fer help in that song"
Liked jackass when I was a kid, Bam seemed to have it all, money, people that admired him, he was a good skater, etc. Now it's just fucking sad, almost 40 year old with the same basic mindset he had 20 years ago, which is wearing on him.
It just keeps coming.
Pro tip newfag: When you get to captchas, you're posts getting filtered for "spam" terms, "redd.t" being one. Some people can say it, some people can't. When you go to post and it says "your post is spam" you have to change a letter. It's fine tho, I understand none of this is actually a thing on redd.t so it's understandable you weren't aware.
I preferred Popwar
Rate this /fa/tards
>Now Bam, ya' gotta stop that down there I ain't tryin' to get my dink sunked on my show
His family grew up poor you fucking moron.
No actually listened to HIM they just knew the heartogram
My first girlfriend constantly talked about how hot Bam was and how much she loved him. I looked and acted nothing like him.
This is awesome to watch. What a fuck up.
This man is how old and still dresses like a teenage tard?
It's always about Ape
fuck off you puritan dick gobbler.
>Steve-O and Knoxville
You mean who were not genuine and were just acting for the bucks while bam was the real deal. A bunch of faggots if you ask me
when I was 10 i guess I liked him
so he gets what he wants once again: more reality tv junk
Send him to the ranch
he is going to make the biggest fool of himself if he goes on dr phil holy shit
>years of violent stunts and drug abuse
Looks like it's finally catching up with him.
fucking kek
Yeah he's talking about the ones you'd never knew existed if Bam didn't create the show. Those guys.
he was always my least favorite Jackass member but Viva La Bam was pretty ok Don Vito was a god
Bro don vito got accused of groping two underage girls at one of bams parties, lost and had to register as a sex offender for 10 years, then died halfway thru year 9.
that episode where she told dunn he will die in a drunk driving accident
look at this misinformation
>denies living in clown world
oh user
She's so brave!!!
If anyone is really hurting here, it's Ape.
>it showed him getting his shit together and now hes back to his moody self
Novak and frantz talked about this on their podcast, how bam basically fooled everybody into thinking he was off the pills and booze. But in reality he was still doing all of that shit, and he never really stopped for the last 12 years or so.
didnt bam have a shitty trutv show for a little while?
Hate him all you want but his whole fortune came from him skating and becoming pro from an early age. His mom was a hairdresser and his dad worked at supermarket.
Yall be dumb as shit if you don’t see this is all publicity for a tv show
Literally who ?
Don´t bother, im not sticking around.
don't worry, this will change soon.
Okay so let's lay this all out on the line for perspective.
These guys never graduated highschool and went from middleschool to MTV straight shot as kids. From there it's been nothing but money, jackassery, skating, drugs, partying, and great times. That's all they know. A few of them were little tag-alongs that really had no place in CYK or jackass for that matter and easily dropped out after the fad passed.
For the rest of them, this was their life. When Ryan Dunn died, it was basically the end of real jackass. The whole morality of the situation finallly hit these kids like a ton of bricks, and there went the TV show, the skating, the jackassery and most of the great times. In the end, they were left with the drugs and the partying and that's all they did. They can't go back to the old ways, not after Ryan died.
Bam's guilty of never having the opportunity to grow up. He's guilty of being used by his parents as a meal ticket out of their poor financial decisions. He's guilty of not realizing his real potential as an adult contributing tax payer and only knowing the immaturity of his own personality. He's guilty of not being able to accept that the rest of his friend's actually had lives growing up and went back to them after the fun died down. He's guilty of being the center of this entire saga, being poked and prodded by his producers, his family, and his friends to continue to produce and keep the gravy train rolling.
When that train came to a fucking stop, he was the only one left on it stuck with everyone else's fare. He's been a completely tool on instagram lately but most of his criticisms against his old buddies is pretty much on point.
I main him in THPS4. Dude's the best.
cringe, imagine typing out that shit.
So what are you trying to say?
Imagine being part of all those parties and shit you saw on MTV.
Imagine being the only guy there the next day having to clean it all up.
Now imagine that being a metaphor for your life.
While I love Jackass, I would say that Wildboyz is equal, if not outright better.
Imagine caring
>browses a board that's nothing but finding entertainment in caring about other people you'll never meet's issues
*jumps off skyscraper*
That isn't what clown world is.
If he actually manages to find a way out of it then he might learn a lesson valuable enough to help other people in his situation now or in the future.
If not then he's going to die a miserable death and leave it up to future people, who will just have to pick up where he left off and learn from his enormous mistakes.
Pretty much. Imagine if young people today could "cash out" all the money they earned over their entire life at 18.
Faggot gets everything he deserves
No shit. He isn't exactly a fucking innocent.
He lucked into having friends who weren't white trash like he is.
>friends begged him to degrade and humiliate them just for the slim chance of making an edit onto TV
I don't know why you replied to my post with this.
I want to know how often he was high on cocaine during Viva La Bam.
That's okay. I'm satisfied with you looking retarded.
You don't know why you posted it either. Cool.
pls be in london
That episode where Pontius nearly scalps himself with a boomerang has me in stitches every time I think about it
you sound salty/bitter as fuck, honestly
So what drugs is he on? For me it looks like alcohol/antidepressant/food.
i never liked any of them, thought they would be horrible people to be around
anyone who uses this word deserves to be castrated
You don't watch television to make friends.
>Some of the reactions those people had were genuinely messed up
I don't even know what you're talking about. they were hardly ever assholes to people outside of their own little group
brap on me pls
Looks like a 3 year reunion for Sons of Anarchy.
Why isn't this on any streaming service? It's a great underrated show that no one really knows about. They could get it for real cheap.
Zoomer skateboarders.
I guess they're technically millennials, but they were kids back then. I remember them drooling over Element decks with his signature.
I'm actually happy for him. I hope he gets help.
Yeah, it'd be cheap but why would they spend anything on it?
Have you ever seen a rockstar in your life?
>He's guilty of being used by his parents as a meal ticket out of their poor financial decisions.
lol they were never poor. gtfoh
>doubling down the autism
>chad gets JUSTed when he grows older
Any other documentary kinos?
How much of a fucking triple beta are you to think that Bam was ever a chad? Holy goddamned fuck.
Young bam was peak trailer park chad.
>I don't understand why anyone would decide they like any of them based on the show.
You can't be trailer trash and be chad.
>this is not chad according to tv incels
>knowing what words mean makes you an incel
You should be embarrassed not to be an incel by your underage omega logic.
>This is a 40 year old with children
Don't drop out of school and don't do drugs, young anons
I grew up next to a trailer park. Bam would have been just one of those rowdy drunken retards. The real chads are that incognito you rarely ever see them or even know they exist because they have kilos of meth stashed in their trailer.
thats chad as fuck bruh. You dont know what kinds of games women play.
spoken like a true underage. At least you aren't doing this at 40... yet.
you're both using the term 'incel' so technically you're both gay
I agree it doesn't make them cool, but the big brother stuff isn't bs. Jeff Tremaine worked for Big Brother before becoming the director of Jackass (or whatever his title was)
>in 1999, Knoxville was contacted by Big Brother, a skateboarding magazine for which Jeff Tremaine was an editor, and convinced Knoxville to do the stunt and film it. The stunt featured Knoxville testing out pepper spray, a stun gun, a taser, and a.38 caliber gun with a bulletproof vest,[5] which was included in Big Brother video entitled Number 2, which also featured an appearance by future Jackass cast member Jason "Wee Man" Acuña.[6] Other contributors to Big Brother at this time were Rick Kosick, Chris Pontius, and Dave England, who went on to become a part of the Jackass crew.
>most people who are "really" involved in skateboard culture are subhuman degenerate fucks so none of this matters
bam looks niggery
with his wide nose
I'm rubbing his face in his use of it.
trailer chad
I think Johnny did
Fair deuce. Try not saying it at all tho so as to not validate it as an actual thing.
I didn't validate it. I ridiculed him for using it. Who teaches you faggots how to hold a conversation? Should I be getting paid to post here? Because all I do any more is teach English to you dildos.
>Using the term isn't validating it
>oh uhh, the other guy is retarded
Bams being BASED AS FUCK, as per usual. Only onions boys thinks hes a Meanie.
Jackass 4: The unJUST
Taxation is theft
Girls are still easy. You just got old
I went to school with a cousin of his.
his dick is so tiny it would be like sucking his thumb.
He should be
I don't know how anyone could hate Bam. He's the definition of a bro. Someone you could have a beer and a few laughs with. Who unironically has anything against him?
Did he finally die? After how he treated his dad I think he should die.
When he was young he was the unelected ringleader that nobody really liked and now all those friends have grown up and left him behind to be the weird old guy who buys the beer and shitty weed so teenagers will hang around him and listen to him reminisce. He's a fucking loser.
It's like he skipped over this entire thread to respond to that one post from a position of ignorance.
>Look up
>On Yea Forums
Oh nvm
>When he was young he was the unelected ringleader that nobody really liked and now all those friends have grown up and left him behind
They didn't ditch him. They literally became old too and had families. He's still friends with most of them.
>to be the weird old guy who buys the beer and shitty weed so teenagers will hang around him and listen to him reminisce. He's a fucking loser.
This just sounds like something you just made up.
>Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth
he's mad at that black guy because his wife cheated on him with one.
Yeah, I skipped the parts where you no taste retards act like HIM isn't a garbage band just because scene girls liked them and you pretend bam wasn't the weakest link and biggest faggot in the group.
That doesn't address how your entire first post was completely inaccurate. It also doesn't excuse your ignorance on the subject without an entire threads worth of discussion that contradicts all the """"points"""" you made there. Again, you are try in vain to maintain a position of ignorance in this discussion, and because of that, there's simply no point in addressing you. Feel free to read thru this thread to invalidate your inflammatory misconceptions sweety.
>and you pretend bam wasn't the weakest link and biggest faggot in the group.
What an idiot. Bam made the show moron, did the editing, and pulled these absolute nobodies off his couch to star in it. Can you tell how retarded you are?
Imagine chugging on bam's little chode this hard. You get left behind too?
Fucking hell, brandon looks like a tramp
>Imagine getting BTFOed and doubling down on it
>Comes in thread
>Hits 'bottom'
>Reactively responds to last post
>Gets ridiculed
>Desperately tries to save face
Just switch back to the Reddit tab for now
Steve-o, weeman and pontius are the goats
>get paid millions of dollars to act like you're 15 for an entire decade
>money dries up and suddenly you're 30 years old
You'd be drunk too
>hurr durr only serious and nuanced discussion of my favorite eyeliner idol from when i was a tween he was ackshually an important part of teh cky and jackass crew and not a loser
See you in the next pop punk thread, faggot.
Nah man that's a 9gag tier gif
Steve O and Chris Pontius were the best
>When that train came to a fucking stop, he was the only one left on it stuck with everyone else's fare
I’m starting to believe the theories about a deep state war.
Indinity chan was hosted by a US Defense contractor, which likely means it was started or usurped by some branch of the US military or intelligence community.
The guy who founded 4 on the other hand, supposedly sold 4 and then went to work at Google.
Google seems to be directly connected to Oprah, and CBS, and a bunch of people in Hollywood.
8 was where Qanon wound up posting his stuff after he got kicked off of 4.
There was also the other user on 4 who used to post her feet.
Going by the above, and things mentioned in the Q posts and by foot user, and elsewhere, it sort of seems like there might be two major factions.
One that includes some major Media conglomerates like CBS, and tech companies like Google,
And the other is military intelligence of some sort, and included Qanon etc.
The takedown of 8 was basically the media side taking out one of military intelligence’s outlets, maybe to funnel anons to 4, which Google secretly controls, and which they might have more power to manipulate.
Alternately, 4 is the next target, and 8 was a test run.
Wildboyz is outright better and more consistently funny. It's a shame it's so underrated to the point of being nearly forgotten altogether.
Bam was the quintessential "dish it but not take it" dude, where he would be an asshole to you just for laughs, but god forbid you came back at him or did something to him, he'd get real bitchy and take his ball and go home.
I watched viva la bam a lot in 6th grade.
Him are bad
This is true. He was underrated as someone actually behind the camera rather than in front of it, especially on the shoestring budget the CKY vids were filmed with.
I remember on /ck/ as they talked to the guy and his room mate. He was an alcoholic who would sometimes pass out like pic related and one night he died. His open mouth implied that he dies screaming in pain. RIP.
It was just funny to watch how he rekt his parent's house (which all belonged to Bam anyway) and bullied his uncle Phil.
Everyone hung out with him because he had money and cool stuff but he's probably an unlikable cunt which is why he's all alone now.
He was like the kid who had all the cool toys and lax parents that you'd go over to his house, but not actually like the guy.
Hee hee, I sure am Mr sexy boy, want to meet up and stick it in my pooper?
Actually, I was hoping you'd stick it in mine :3
It's a coping mechanism. I used to play $1 sit-n-gos for hours every single day for about a year year with some guy I met through a mmorpg. He went on to become one of the most successful online poker players and is known by pretty much anyone who plays poker, and I still play $1 sit-n-gos every now and again.
So when I talk to other people who play poker, I'll mention that I used to play with the guy to make myself feel a little bit better about still being absolutely fucking shit at poker.
>she signed him up for a rehab show on VH1
Did she actually do that?
I grew up watching jackass, once it ended I needed that void in my life to be filled, viva la bam filled that void. Then I grew up and realized bam is a fucking prima donna manchild who can't handle not being the center of attention for more than 5 seconds. Like seriously, looking back on viva la bam a lot of the shit was just pure cringe cause you could tell how obviously scripted it was and you could see how bam was slowly evolving into an egotistical asshole who forgot who he really was. It becomes more obvious once you start watching more of his post viva la bam material, he starts dressing like a homeless person and most of the time you can tell he's 3 sheets to the wind cause he started drinking early in the day. It's just sad at this point cause you realize he's desperately trying to recapture his glory days. That being said his meltdown is entertaining to watch.
Yeah, and the show was supposed to be about helping Bam along with the other "celebrity" cast, but quickly became apparent of just how much of an enabler April is/was the entire time.
I always played him in tony hawk pro skater because he wore a backpack
He's alcoholic retard who needs a kick in the ass.
T.had to cover for Bam at a concert but he showed up late and drunk and left shortly after he arrived after verbally harassing the venue owner and his own assistant.
At worst, they were an average middle class family with middle class problems. No one in Chester County is actually poor unless you are the illegal mexicans working on the mushroom farms.
What mental illness is this? Schizophrenia?
He's fucking lost it.
Here's the finished masterpiece.
Is it bad I found this funny?
>my seekrit code writings!
He also wrote saying he needs Dr. Phil in his retarded code. Wow, so deep.
Nah, it's self-induced mental illness through heavy drug usage. He has nobody to blame but himself. Except maybe his parents for never saying no to him when he grew up.