Is John Locke the most kino character in TV history? also general Lost thread I guess
Why the fuck did that guy even kill him? Did it even make sense at the time?
Why was she always so horny?
for me, it's Bejamin Linus
Debatable, but he’s undoubtedly one of the most tragic TV characters in history. God shat on him at every turn.
Ben knew that the death of John would unite the rest of the group
he sucked
jack was better
No, Locke sucked.
Leftovers was their better show
Ben was jealous of everything that John had/was, he basically says as much when they bury Locke. He was just using Locke to try and regain his role on the island. At the time though it was a bit of a shock.
He wanted control of the island and saw John as a threat.
Jacob turned up everyone's sex drive when they got to the island for a laugh
literally nothing made sense after season 1, it's best not to think about it
everything made sense, normies at the time just couldn't read between the lines and thats how we got "wtf they were dead the whole time??"
This show was and remains a waste of time.
ok so why didnt the smoke monster kill eko at first?
why was walt special & kidnapped and become a computer?
why kidnap babies?
why did the others pretend to be primitive tribals or/and hillbillies?
why did the island have a magic buttplug?
why didnt jacob just tell ben locke was skinwalker instead of pissing him off to the point he got himself murdered?
He could have been but the writers ruined his backstory and had no idea where to go with the plot. Lost was a fascinating show but the lack of a proper ending means it's Game Of Thrones-tier. Such wasted potential.
1) Needed him to push Charlie, Locke and others towards their eventual fates.
2) Children were kidnapped for safety and other reasons, Walt was also no more special than Jack or Locke
3) Studying the fertility problems on the island
4) Maintaining a façade so that the survivors were less able to understand their motives, and/or track them down.
5) Jacob explains this
6) Needed to die so that another could take up his role, and so that he could communicate with Hurley. Even if that's an overly convenient excuse, Jacob tries to see the best in people, and likely had hope that Ben wouldn't fall for Locke/MiB's manipulation
Echo's actor went back home after losing one or both of his parents. He was meant to be part of Jacob's selected I believe
>it makes sense just not in the show
oh okay then retard
He is on the names in Jacobs cave but crossed out cause he was killed
>smoke monster was omniscient
>walt being able to mindjack a computer is not special
>the others wanted to be secretive but at the same time kidnapped a pregnant woman and then released her again because babbies, >magic buttplug contains evil juice is a real explanation
>i died on purpose even though that lets the bad guy win lol
speedwatcher confirmed, Juliet even admits Ethan went way off mission with Claire. Also she wasn't let go, Alex let her out.
It was bullshit when they killed him off. But then he somehow came back.
This show was a mess towards the end.
minor details faggot
Yes, in the very beginning of the show. They changed his personality and overall character drastically though, jew-jew clearly had no idea what to do with him.
I am doing a LOST rewatch general every Wednesday and Sunday at 22:00 UK time if anyone here wants to join. Upcoming episode is s1 e7
literally all of those things were explained in the show? how can you be this stupid
literally just jelously.... it wasnt out of character, remember when Ben snapped and stabbed keamy without thinking thru the consequences?
Kate was a bitch but Evangelene is a total tom boy sweetheart
...tfw you realize you are the john locke of your friend group
>its a Drive Shaft episode
thank you but no thanks
To be fair, the consequences suited Ben just fine. Turns out threatening to blow up his own boat wasn't really a good decision on Keamys part.
seethe harder smoothbrain, just because you couldn't understand doesn't mean the show was bad
Desmond>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
>hating Drive Shaft
not cool user, don't you like You All Everybody?
no one likes you charlie, not clare not locke not your brother not the audience, nobody