>How about you shut that hole in your face before I spike your melon-sized head on a spear, you Winterfell whore.
>As I was saying...
How about you shut that hole in your face before I spike your melon-sized head on a spear, you Winterfell whore
Have sex.
>scripts give shit motivation for Edmure, Gendry (who shouldn't be Lord of anything), Yara to vote for Bran
>ignore why the rest are okay with it
Fuck George. Absolute Monarchy beneath an idealistic ruler like Dany would have been the greatest thing to ever happen in Westeros. Now they're all doomed, this is the future Jon chose
>*walks over and slaps the shit out of you*
>don't try me bitch
He did nothing but fuck up Robb's plans and sit the war out in prison. Why do incels love him so much?
Bitches be cray-cray, yo.
Was any ruler's tax policy ever mentioned?
Incorrect. Robb fucked up Robb's plan.
He was a mongoloid and I'm glad that he's dead.
>your melon-sized head
Top kek! That was a good one dawg. A good one.
Why would they turn such an important scene into a joke? Let the character make his speech and do some nice acting, there's no reason to spoil it with a retarded gag. I just don't get it.
they hate Edmure, just look at Hoster's funeral
To be fair, that scenes plays out exactly the same in the book. Blame GRRM for making him a joke.
>>scripts give shit motivation for Edmure
He always wanted to be relevant and to do the right thing.
He saw a chance to do the right thing and he took it. He was the first noble of importance to support Bran.
The rest could just have said "No" to Tyrion's proposal if Edmure hadn't turn the tide.
>Absolute Monarchy beneath an idealistic ruler like Dany
Yeah, but was she Alexander the Great, or Mao Tse-Tung?
Napoleon Bonaparte, or Joseph Stalin?
shut up incel
why would Bran be elected monarch when the North isn't even part of the kingdoms anymore?
Sequel show says all the kingdoms will seek independence
>pull out real assault rifle
>open fire
>blow half his upper body off
Genghis khan
>and to do the right thing.
No, script literally says it's because Bran is his nephew and having his nephew as king gives him influence. Keeping in mind he has never met Bran before then, has no relationship with him and knows nothing about him
She was Julius Caesar, and got killed by the establishment because she scared the shit out of them
Et tu Jon?