so basically... blumpf
So basically... blumpf
>rightists are still mad
Trump is a dog whistling white nationalist who has encouraged a militia of white incels to commit domestic terrorism in his name? Yeah.
It's bongal Dlunk's problem those Mexicans are dead! REEEEEEE
two scoops
this but unironically
imagine if there was 3 scoops
who encourages black people to murder each other every year in larger numbers than all mass shootings combined for the last 100?
institutional racism?
wouldn't they be shooting non black people if that were the case?
Blumpfulstiltskin is why. FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
literally orange hitler yikes
holy based
I don't know but they don't shoot up walmarts when normal people are shopping like you incels.
so you admit that you don't give a shit that literal thousands of young black men murder each other each year? as long as they stay away from your safe non black wal marts then theres no issue?
Omg i love when he says orange man bad.
Also Republicans?
fair enough, I just wanted people to be honest here.
Stop being mean to daddy Trump
I don't care about gang violence in Chicago, I am not in a gang in Chicago. I care if some right wing incel is going to shoot up malls or cinemas or whatever.
last time I checked it wasn't politicians who were forcing them to carry guns and shoot each other?
Why don't you actually vote for people who have real approaches to ending poor inner-city crime then? It's almost like if you fixed minority neighborhoods, you would have one less boogeyman to use?
Lol zoomer, Republicans once advocated for shoveling thousands of guns into ghettos to sell on the cheap...
>muh left vs right
You are brainwashed.
its not just Chicago, its almost every state. and thats fine that you feel that way, I sincerely hope you'll let the general public know how you feel instead of grandstanding and pretending you care.
and introduced crack cocaine to the ghettos under reagan lmao
Yes but unironically
what the fuck is that image even supposed to convey
yikes, that sounds like one hell of an excuse.
im not american, my country is capable of having multiculturalism, and guns, and not shooting each other.
literally this
Are you saying that ironically because that literally is true and at least 2 different Presidents are on recorded tape saying that.
No, I know it's true. Republicans are scum but most of the kiddies on 4hcannel don't know that yet (they will someday)
It's not an excuse, my government has literally and openly admitted to destroying black neighborhoods in order to either marginalize voters or ghetto blacks off so that they couldn't get into the free market system. If they stay poor, you can blame them forever.
>J E B
I don't like Hillary and that isn't even remotely an argument. Try again, kiddo.
so what about these incels then? are they exempt from having an excuse for their shitty and abhorrent behavior? if not, why?
>The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.
I never once excused that behavior.
Remember when all those mass shootings happened before Trump was elected? Why didn't we blame Obama/Bush/Clinton for those?
Sweden yes
>why didn’t you blame obama
we did user. that’s essentially the role of the president in a nutshell, they take the heat when shit hits the fan
Fake news. Black communities have always been shitholes long before the war on drugs. Crime was going up fast before the War on Drugs started around 71/72. Indeed, even now a lot of violence isn't even drug related its just personal bullshit.
Based Colbert making incels seethe for over a decade
go shoot up a walmart cletus
>Black communities have always been shitholes long before the war on drugs.
What the fuck do you expect? They basically went straight from segregation and Jim Crow laws to the war on drugs and the rest of that bullshit
They were shitholes before Jim Crow came along after reconstruction then. Relative to the rest of America blacks were happiest and most well of under slavery.
>Relative to the rest of America blacks were happiest and most well of under slavery.
Just stop.
can you find even 1 article that blamed obama for anything?
>these second class citizens who were immediately freed from chattel slavery, who the entire South demonized and mistreated for decades, had a hard time building strong communities
Outside of Fox News or Breitbart?
ill rephrase my question, can you find even 1 MAJOR article that was circulated on every major news station which blamed obama for literally anything during his 8 year presidency.
How is Trump responsible for these shootings? The same shit has been happening for decades. Nobody blamed Obama for sandy hook.
And while I'm at it, why are people mad that they took the shooter alive and compare it to how cops basically have a license to kill blacks? If that were the case, why are the prisons full of em?
Slavery and segregation actually weren't big issues. The biggest problem is that blacks have smaller brains. As an evil white supremacist incel thats hates minorities no matter how hard I try I can't stop Asians from outliving and out earning me. Why? East Asian are smarter than whites.
>1 MAJOR article that was circulated on every major news station which blamed obama for literally anything during his 8 year presidency.
Literally look at any Fox News broadcast from the Obama years
Two is all it takes.
>fox news
>every news station
based retard
because the 2nd shooting is not being covered and adding both totals together gets over 30 deaths blamed on Blumpf.
you: SlAVErY aNd SeGrEgAtIoN wErEnT bAd
and were these stories circulated anywhere but fox?
>every news station
what are you even asking for you seething moron
because every news station is blaming trump now right? Fox is definitely not on trump's side?
obviously 1 news station can and will have differing views on the president, but when its a republican president its never just 1 station, its every station.
Colbert Report was kino. He gets a lifetime pass from me.
I too would seethe if a propagandist lied to the American people and encouraged mass murder of right wingers under the guise of “comedy”
>quoting a post without reading it
how retarded are you?
so a joke story about the colour of his suit? thats it? thats the only criticism he ever faced from the entire country at once? the guy who deported more people than trump, bush, and clinton combined?
>but when its a republican president its never just 1 station, its every station.
Not Republican, Trump. Trump says retarded shit all the fucking time, what do you expect? They didn't do this with Reagan because he didn't act like a retard all the time.
i bet you were shilling npc memes up until recently, faggot.
How was the journey over from Facebook?
>be McDonalds
>lefties convince you to get rid of plastic straws in favor of recyclable paper straws
>the paper straws aren't actually recyclable but the plastic ones were
>a year later, admit this to the public
>Drumpf begins selling MAGA plastic straws that actually ARE recyclable
Are you really expecting me to look back through broadcasts from the 8 years of Obama to find when people criticized him? Of course they did.
Nah, I don't mind the blacks that much. But they aren't as intelligent as the whites. They are also a bit more impulsive and violent.
you are s8 up schizo boy holy fuck. how shitty it must be to have been your close friend
he asked for one article, and then he asked for an article that was somehow circulated on “every major news station” ... what?
>Drumpf begins selling MAGA plastic straws that actually ARE recyclable
Yeah, for $15 for a small packet of 10 plastic straws lmao
holy shit libtards epicly btfo
Clinton didn't act like a retard?
no im expecting you to pull your head out of your ass and stop pretending like you haven't noticed that the media controls the narrative.
>Clinton didn't act like a retard?
No? Not anywhere like what Trump does
its not about recycling retard its biodegradability. holy fuck you r dumbass
I know its hard to admit that you've been lied to, no one likes doing that, but after you take that first step your embarrassment is replaced with righteous hatred.
Clinton raped women
Lied to about what? I didn't even pay attention to the straws thing and if McDonalds lied, then I'm not surprised, its a multi-national corporation, they will do what they can to save money. Of course they don't give a shit about the environment.
>your embarrassment is replaced with righteous hatred.
literally proving the online right is full of incel terrorists. you're so deranged you can't even sound normal for one thread to make your point lol
What is it about Reddit that compels people to insert their politics everywhere? If you're so obsessed with it, go to your circlejerk sites where it belongs.
Who are you yelling at?
Yes they did you fucking idiot zoomer. You don’t know anything about anything. They thought Reagan was going to start a nuclear holocaust and just about said so every night.
I can respect the fact that you think I'm insane for using words above a 4th grade level of English.
It's not grandstanding to care when it directly affects you.
at least with reddit its "grassroots" propaganda, pol is just straight up failed education societal rejects working FOR FREE
its incredibly selfish to only care when it affects you.
Hey Trumpies, hope you are looking forward to the violent videogame and gun ban
United States
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967[6]
Alaska's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990[7]
California Fair Employment and Housing Act[8]
Civil Rights Act of 1866[9]
Civil Rights Act of 1871[10]
Civil Rights Act of 1957[11]
Civil Rights Act of 1964[12]
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Employment Non-Discrimination Act
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Executive Order 11478[13]
Executive Order 13166 – “Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency”
Fair Employment Act of 1941
Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 - enables qualified employees to take prolonged unpaid leave for family and health-related reasons without fear of losing their jobs. For private employers with 15 or more employers
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Homeless Bill of Rights
Lloyd–La Follette Act (1912)
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
Massachusetts Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Initiative
New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
I dislike Colbert regardless of his social or political views.
I don't deny that. Incel shooters attacking public places at random is much more likely to have an impact on my life over people in the slums. I also don't give a fuck about starving children in the world or when California has an earthquake.
So? Acts don't change the culture in institutions, just last week a tape leaked of Reagan calling black people monkeys
/pol/ is the exact same thing by definition
trump wumpy go boom boom in pantsy wantsy killy killy blacky man eat two scoob mcdonald #impeach
or maybe I think you're an idiot for rambling about your love of "righteous hatred" because someone told you trump sells $15 plastic straws
if you dont understand Yea Forums format you need to lurk more faggot
you don't sound like the kind of person who is flailing their arms and desperately trying to reshape the foundations of the country in favour of their own personal views, I dare say I had you pegged wrong.
yea america needs to figure out its shooting problems, it's not a contest to see which group does it more (but if people want to make it that, then we must be looking at cold hard facts, not delusion). because when you combine them all its quite horrifying.
That's why the overwhelming majority of colleges and universities are making it easier than ever for every non-white/non-male person to enter, regardless of prestige. That's why there are non-white police, municipal officials, federal officials, lawyers, doctors, state officials, CEOs, teachers, and so on. Institutional culture. Dude, it's not the 80's anymore.
Hillary did nothing wrong
Trump is the worst president in American history
did you not understand what I said? or rather, what I was suggesting?
Are you retarded? It's extremely simple.
I strongly dislike her wardrobe.
He's a pretty shit president, but there are far worse presidents. Nobody cares though because emotions are stronger than logic and hindsight.
when someone tells you trump is a fraudster and your response is that everything is a conspiracy and you are angry at everyone...that does not inspire confidence in your mental health or ability to improve society.
the fact you legitimately do not understand how your behavior is anti-social shows what an incel you are.
What do the J and B stand for? Maybe Jacobin for the J...
That's not how you spell Woodrow Wilson. Fucking lorelet imbecile.
How bad will the /pol/ assrage be when President Joseph Biden is inaugurated?
Idk about them, I just want a good president. It's been too long.
>Relative to the rest of America blacks were happiest and most well of under slavery
blacks kill blacks in much larger number than blacks kill whites
if violence is a product of institutional racism, why are they killing themselves?
>even Fox news polls show Drumpft losing
So who's winning the next elections?
>it's not a contest to see which group does it more
it is when different groups have different causes. Most angry white shooters are terrorists, most black shooters are just economically disadvantaged.
I don't visit /pol/ and I'll be very upset.
I knew animeposters were retards.
so you didn't understand then?
>if violence is a product of institutional racism, why are they killing themselves?
Communities destroyed, lack of opportunity, flooded with drugs, and so on
>Most angry white shooters are terrorists, most black shooters are just economically disadvantaged.
violence doesnt correlate with income, it correlates with race
its not the poverty, its the minorities fault
>schmogmalder klump
God, /pol/ got so obsessed with the idea of polls always being wrong (they weren't even wrong with Hillary, Trump won by like 1% in 3 states that were counted as Clinton, in the rust belt and thats what gave him the win - plus Clinton won the pop. vote) that they are going to be in for a rude fucking awaking in 2020.
They are still expecting 2016 to repeat itself, it wont.
you could say the same about poor, opioid filled white neighborhoods
and yet blacks commit way more homicides than whites
Sure thing, bud. Next time you want to talk about improving the lot for black people, you should discuss rap culture and how it sublimates the minds of the youth from productive endeavors. You might gain some traction if you quit blaming white people when the black people are effectively perpetuating their plight, as you seem to think ALL black people are suffering from and there are NO whites in the same boat.
Hopefully Trump again so I can laugh at the shitstorm this place is gonna be
You are looking at just income, that is wrong. You have to look at income inequality. That correrlates with violence
wow, a chart from the New Century Foundation, a nonprofit run by open white nationalist Jared Taylor. Seems trustworthy
>They are still expecting 2016 to repeat itself, it wont.
Helmut Schmidt
fair enough but show some evidence that poor black neighborhoods have different gini coefficients than poor white neighborhoods
the idea that one's social and economic conditions all originate with culture is fundamentally a postmodern claim. You know that right?
Blacks represent 13% of the US population, but 50% of the murders
heres a different chart by a different organization
>Let me post this infographic, this will certainly make them admit they're wrong and win me this argument!
Guys, you realize arguing on here is pointless, right? You'll never actually get anyone to admit that they're wrong unless you physically beat the shit out of them. So just have fun. Fucking Drumpfies...
Black males under 25, not blacks
Answer this, why has violent crime been falling among blacks? Genetics doesn't change does it?
>learning is pointless
They are monkeys
that chart does not say anything about economic conditions among different races, which was the claim you originally had. you should probably learn how graphs work
>people are learning here
Are you denying the effect of the rap culture saturation on black economic development? The glorification of crime, murder, and intoxication by equating it with fame and fortune, then hammering it in constantly? You know what kind of rap/hip hop gets ignored and is drowned out by the negative? Inspirational and woke rap.
Are you denying the effect of all this while simultaneously preaching about institutional culture?
Whats wrong with finland. Fucking fin supremacists being radicalised by anime and bears.
guys. we might all be equal, but just play it safe. stay away from brown town.
Even rich blacks are more violent than poor whites
Sorry libshit
>rich blacks are more violent than poor whites
Source for this claim?
Also, what do you think this says about it
This. My wife is black, born and raised in the ghetto. She wanted to be an engineer, so she did it. She took every opportunity available to her and now has a nice life, and the biggest hurdles in her life were the niggers trying to get her to be a nigger with them. I don't know anyone who hates niggers more than she does because she knows that they do this shit to themselves and tear down everyone and everything around them. They don't take the infinite opportunities offered to them because they don't want to. They only want to do drugs, drink, party, and spend money on frivolous shit.
>African-Americanprisoners who are convicted of murder are about 50% more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers.
>the convictions that led to murder exonerations with black defendants were 22% more likely to include misconduct by police officers than those with white defendants
>Most wrongful convictions are never discovered. We have no direct measure of the number of all convictions of innocent murder defendants, but our best estimate suggests that they outnumber those we know about many times over.