Kinos where the hero was mistreated by society but never gives up?
Kinos where the hero was mistreated by society but never gives up?
>she's actually right for once
Wait so is ISIS caused by guns or mental illness?
Ah, I see you are new to this.
>the difference is the guns
No the difference is forcing a homogeneous society to become more diverse and progressive in the hopes of eliminating the homogeneous society. This is the push-back you witness when you tell a majority society that built a country from the ground up that they are the bad guys and need to be eliminated.
what an inappropriate tweet
she is 100% correct
no way. now let me compare the usa to a small country that is 98% white
Pls I'm begging you to have sex
What kind of vidya do they play in Somalia?
she can't give up, she's an undead monster animated solely by her lust for power
i'm sure it has nothing to do with the retarded amount of anti depressant/anxiety americans consume on the reg lol
Does she have the data to back this up?
farming simulator
literally: have sex
Let's say you could only own regular pistols and hunting rifles in the U.S
Would it make that much of a difference?
The sprees would be much smaller, that's it. Like 5 instead of 20.
>we've had fucking "modern" weapons available for nearly a century
>nope, it's totally the guns at fault
>not the current political rhetoric or the decade worth of "opposite" political "white men bad" rhetoric that led directly to it
It's actually diversity. America is turning into Yugoslavia but without the communist police state forcing everyone to get along. It won't be long until we're a lot more like Brazil. Black and brown gangs and street criminals killing and beating each other up by the tens of thousands. A few unhinged white incels will go insane in response and the state run leftist media will point to the 100-200 deaths a year they cause while the blacks and browns kill 30,000 of each other.
modded san andreas
same in UK, but almost no shootings.
it's the guns.
She has a point. Good thing I'm not a burger tho. That society seems to be rotten to its very core...
People who live normal lives aren't really overly concerned with socio-political fringe theories though. Have you ever noticed that the people who "push back" are invariably losers who are unsuccessful in life?
scientifically illiterate
No, Brits are just subservient cucks by nature, this is why the USA was founded in the first place.
Poverty Simulator 2 and Post-Colonial Corruption 4.
She's right. We should be like civilized countries and have civilians mass murdered by people with trucks instead.
Is that dumb bitch really running again?
Europeans are garbage people. All the destructive ideologies and ruinous attitudes originate from Europeans. They corrupt every place they touch. The US successfully escaped Europe and they couldn't have it; they plotted and acted for a century to get their talons in this country. Stop claiming the Greeks and Romans and start thanking the Arabs that you even remember who those people were.
Whether you think we should have guns or not is irrelevant; you worry about your own laws.
Disgusting European filth.
No she fucking doesn't.
It's like saying the war on drugs 100% worked. Only the law abiding gun owners will be forced to give them up, because the government doesn't know who the illegal gun owners are.
I'm pretty sure if you gave guns to other countries there wouldn't immediately be an epidemic of mass shootings. The problem is America and Americans.
I support this type of shit because gamers and weebs are the most obnoxious brandworshipping basedboys on the planet
cope, that hasnt happened for years
>x -> y, therefore z
you need to go back to college
>Only criminals should have guns
>That way more white people die
UK has access to guns, the difference is that we vet people heavily before allowing them to own one and they're limited to shotguns and rifles.
What you can own though is a crossbow of any rating :^)
It's shocking and disgusting that she is excusing white supremacy by blaming guns!
yeah and those last shootings used legal guns. which they would not have if they gave them up
They have home grown terrorism in places without guns too, though
ever heard of the IRA?
Shes not, america has more people and a depraved culture that causes people to violently lash out
yeh violence only happens in america!
rest of the world is peaceful and its just angry white americans doing all the violence
>virtually every other country
How did the rest of the civilised world manage to solve this issue? Do Americans need a civil war about everything the rest of the world manages to resolve peacefully?
duh because they got rid of the trucks
IRA was disarmed and now barely does anything. You get it now?
Interesting thought actually, do you think if guns were banned or just generally impossible to get for potential shooters, we'd see an increase in IEDs such as pipe bomb attacks?
where were you when the democrats became the voice of reason
Lmao now they're gonna pander to the evil gamers
That's not even true. Have you done even an ounce of research into other mass shootings?
look at the guns used by Virginia Tech shooter and Brevik
I thought everyone knew she was the worst kind of politician? She would advocate for slavery if that was the current popular opinion
Both. That’s the point.
Face it you got conquered, sit down, be humble.
violence of this kind? yeah. unless you're happy comparing yourself to brazil and nigger africa
see and kill yourselves
lol this isn't the 1930s.
Other countries also have socialized healthcare to treat the mentally ill. Why don't they ever use shootings as a chance to push for a more European approach to healthcare instead of yammering on the same gun control line that NEVER works?
Nigga Europe as a whole didn't give a shit about the US. Only Britain did and then France because of Britain.
The IRA had access to guns but thats not a fair comparison, they had contacts with foreign governments and were able to smuggle some in
Yeah if we all just submit I'm sure it would make things go very smoothly
So politicians can never change their mind on something?
America is literally a country founded on owning guns. Like, that's one the few things that makes it unique. If you don't like it, couldn't you go literally anywhere else?
works pretty well in europe though
nice the_donald screencap bro
You have more gun related crime in chicago in a month than the entirety of Europe have in a year.
Mass shootings are not usually done with illegal guns. Loners don't have criminal connections to get an illegal weapon and terrorist attacks performed by organised groups are best and usually stopped by law enforcement before they even happen. Illegal guns are mostly used by your regular criminals in gang-on-gang violence.
are you principled?
You seem a little upset friend, your post reads like a conspiracy nut's would tbqh. It's okay to calm down and have a discussion without generalising groups!
It's caused by Hillary Clinton, she's their MVP
Here in Sweden only immigrant criminals and licensed hunters (White people) have guns.
The immigrants shoot, throw grenades and stab each other every week. Only cops care, the rest of us think it's good that they are killing each other.
>the US is the only country with guns
some people actually voted for this idiot
>the villain becomes the protagonist
best trope
Stopped clock. Even the boomer civ_nat cucks there can get things right from time to time.
says the libtard while fumigating trump over "grab em by the pussy"
bad bait
why are these the fastest moving threads on Yea Forums is everyone just waiting for a chance to talk about non-tv related things lmao
He went on to apologize for pointing this out.
>difference is guns
I remember how my king came to my home and told me "pick up your sword gamer we are going on a CRUSADE"
cry more crapo tranny
>Bill Clinton sign the 3 strike law
how about they report the mass shootings where the gunmen was black
That's the whole of Yea Forums rn. A group of people who sit and make fun of identity politics all just succumb to the same shit.
Even if this were true, which it isn't, that'd be a start at least. People don't need to own heavy machine guns for home defense. "but it's fun to shoot" doesn't mean it should be allowed. It's so fucking easy to get a gun. THAT at the very least, needs to change.
this is true but that data is an every day thing and there are lots of people working to decrease them
those are gang violence, not the same as on of you incels shooting up a walmart when people are shopping
This is cringe but he is right. We devote a lot of attention to a few hundred shooting deaths when we've got hundreds of thousands of people dying every year from opioids, suicide, obesity, alcohol, and tobacco.
>change their mind
user-kun.....Are you that naive?
>A group of people who sit and make fun of identity politics all just succumb to the same shit.
Yeah, it's undeniable that semi-automatics are more efficient killing weapons. I agree with her.
The thing is, short of a massive federal campaign going door to door to take all traceable guns, any gun control legislation is pretty much symbolic only. It won't stop massacres. It probably would radicalize a shitload of people and cause more massacres in all honesty.
Consider that the NZ shooter was a licensed gun owner and there were numerous restrictions on what he could buy and use, but ultimately he had a semi-automatic rifle and he had access to 30 round magazines so he was as effective as any shooter in the USA.
This is the means, but what is the motivation?
People don't do mass shootings if they are happy with the status quo. If they have girlfriends, if they have an education, if they have friends, if they have a career, if they are happy within themselves and are looking forward to the future.
Take that away from people and they start going crazy.
The mentally ill shouldn't have to suffer. That's what mental asylums are for.
It's actually a genetic defect known as whiteness.
That's what I'm saying. All the Americans that are fucked in the head could use some treatment provided by the state, like Europe does. They're not giving up their guns anytime soon, so might as well do something that will help.
The difference is america has too many goddam ‘democrats’ that lead to higher gun crime
Not really, Czech Republic has more leniant gun laws and no El Paso incidents
shame the republicans closed them all under reagan then huh
I don't give a fuck if american's refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room, they are only hurting themselves not me. But you must understand that you will ALWAYS be inferior to europeans if you don't even try to fix your ways.
But user, those 99 % are mostly in 3rd world shitholes neither liberals nor conservatives care about. Why would the politicians harp on about something that probably doesn't even get a footnote in the afternoon news. That doesn't get you elected. First worlders don't care about cars exploding in Kabul. Brown people are only worth appealing to if they can vote for you.
The left will never support actual mental health reform because leftism is a mental illness.
This is the one who conspired with Gay Tupac to start a race war, right?
it's amazing never having to ever consider that there are people like this and that they spend every hour of their waking lives in agony over my very existence
Literally wrong. You need a license etc. In parts of the US you can buy firearms with no background check.
I will be in two weeks. And that logic does appear sound to me. Maybe you can go to college as well and focus on your future, this obsession with "white genocide" is unhealthy.
Physician, heal thyself
Yes. It was one of his greatest crimes, along with gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens.
>Kinos where the hero was mistreated by society but never gives up?
Downfall (Der Untergang) until the fictional part where Hitler commits suicide
Yes we should be more like other countries. I mean, look at France. They enacted strict gun control and there hasn't been a single mass murder with guns there since. In fact I'd post a picture of how peaceful France is thanks to their lack of firearms but last time I did it got me a 3 day ban so you'll just have to trust me.
well both really isnt it? jews are mentally ill and they supply them guns
Twitter is fucking retarded. There are only retarded people on it.
america isn't a people anymore. better watch out before you succumb to the same fate.
Nobody of any significance is suggesting a blanket ban on all guns. Neck yourself.
100% she gets off on the thought of a white supressor sexually dominating her
>fake concern/empathy from a Twitter-using sociopath
Do you guys just scour Twitter all day taking screencaps?
oh lol try taking a predicate logic course when you get there. you need y implies z. your boundless arrogance is certainly going to be tested.
Yeah, instead Brits just live in a surveillance state where they've given up even the pretense of being able to defend themselves against their own government
>targets congress-members of color
No, he targets you because you're fucking retarded, cunt.
both Clinton and Obama have pointed to Europe and Australia as good examples of gun control. Australia literally had gun confiscation. In Hillary's tweet she didn't specify "assault" weapons, handguns, or semi-automatic weapons in general. She just said "guns"
chicago has something else too...
Normal people also Endgame is the best movie ever made.
I gotta be honest, no, I don't really "need" my guns. They've only ever shot paper targets, they've sat in my closet for years, their only purpose is to blow away some piece of shit who thinks my property is worth his life and steps into the Castle Doctrine Pwn Zone, a day that will likely never come. Here's the thing though: I WANT my guns, and there's nothing you can do about it.
No Trump is the retard, hence him telling the 4 democrats they should go back on twitter despite only one not being born in America
The difference is availability of treatment.
>heavy machine guns
What did he mean by this?
holy fuck
Legitimately? Sixth generation consoles, often bootlegs or modded. You don't even have to be rich (by Somolian standards) yo afford video games.
Okay, but still there are no El Paso incidents and the same goes for Switzerland too. People who go on homicidal rampages without access to guns will use something else ie mowing people down with trucks and cars like in france/canada.
the difference is the single moms. mass shooting barely registered before the late 1990's.
someone tell this imbecile that not everyone has their own squad of goons to protect them
name one politician who thinks its good that ISIS has access to guns lol what a retarded counter-argument
>he doesn't know
It's a mating signal among xis species.
It's not about access to guns, it's about EASY access to guns. Some kid in America can go by a rifle from a private seller with NO background check, nothing. You don't think this is a problem?