What is your dad's favorite movie?

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Good morning vietnam.. Apparently I was concieved to that film, thanks Robin i guess

We've talked about this subject many times.
1. The Sting
2. It's a Wonderful Life
3. Midnight Run
4. Valley Girl
5. The Blues Brothers

enter the dragon

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Dune (1984)

something with Vince Vaughn, probably wedding crashers

Not sure why

It was one of mine dads favorites too. Also platoon.

My dad's favorite was The Shawshank Redemption.

My dad's dead, fuck you, but he always liked Lawrence of Arabia. And the Dr Z one I can't spell because he was a Russian escaped from soviet shit American.

Doctor Zhivago

the matrix

My dad doesn't watch movies.

White men can’t jump
Devil Wears Prada
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Mine is too, user. I just caught the beginning of 50 first dates and had never actually seen it, so I watched it. Now feeling sad and missing him, so I made this thread. Sorry about your loss user.

My dad left

Fifth Element

I'm sorry for you having to be of African descent.

He's dead and never told me.

Either mad max or the quick and the dead. I remember he always watched those if they were on. Fury road was the first time I ever really seen him excited about going to the theater

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Blazing Saddles and Tombstone

He has a couple. The Quiet Man, Rocky, Shawshank Redemption

The Godfather Part II
The Searchers
Young Frankenstein

Probably rocky

Fils du Masque

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Independence Day

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I never knew my dad.

I stopped talking to my dad when I was around ten years old, and he made no real attempt at getting in touch with me until seven years later when my grandmother died and I showed up to her funeral. He told me to call him, but I didn't because I was angry at him. It's been over ten years and recently his black girlfriend got in touch with me and told me to talk to him. I had dinner with him. It was awkward. Not long after that he accidentally sent me some tranny gif on facebook. I deleted my account a few weeks later. I don't know what his favorite movie is.

Annie Hall, Harold and Maude, Reds, and Young Frankenstein were all up there.

I miss him.

Demolition Man

Leon and The Mask/Legend of Zorro

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kino about anons dad when?

The Wild Bunch

The Rock's Hercules

Scarface (1983)

life of brian, based father

It must be dead father week on Yea Forums. Mine passed in the beginning of June.

His favorites, in no particular order:

Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
Wargames (1983)
Strategic Air Command (1955)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Godfather (1972)

Titanic, he's seen it like a hundred of times.
Also, Arnie's movies and LOTR.

of course it's awkward, it's been 10 years. But that's OK too. Even if you only talk to him a few times a year, it would be best for both of you if you did.

A New Hope

Sorry dude. Maybe try again in a few yeard

Sorry user. Good movies

Any Resident Evil shit (he has a crush on Mila Jugovich), Pulp Fiction, that Clint Eastwood western with Morgan Freeman.

60's Batman

I don't know. He's dead.
Possibly a python movie, mel brooks movie, lawrence of arabia, or a naked gun movie.

Raising Arizona closely followed by Caddyshack

An odd choice, your dad is either a really cool dude or a total cock.
Platoon or the good the bad and the ugly are my dads favourites. He really likes apocalypse now but he always turns it off just before the final act.

Army of Darkness and My Cousin Vinny


Fellowship of the Ring.

5th Element

>Kelly's Heroes
>The Third Man
>Arsenic and Old Lace

Kelly's Heroes is an under-rated movie, even though the theme song really didn't fit

The Thing
the Death Wish movies
Smokey and the Bandit
Sean Connery James Bond
Bruce Lee films

Indian Jones.

It's my favorite, too

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Rio Bravo. Love you dad

Police academy

honestly the big favorite there is Smokey and the Bandit

Tombstone. He literally watches it every time it's on tv. The quintessential boomer.

This or Apollo 13

Hondo with John Wayne or the mountain men with Charleston Heston.

Either Apocalypse now or Kill Bill

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Jeremiah Johnson

the godfather, el topo, 8 1/2

Unironically "Blended," but I try to cut him some slack because my mom died of cancer.

Bicentennial Man

He only likes 2 movies. Fargo and the Big Lebowski.

He would name about five John Wayne movies and then Starship Troopers

Apollo 13
The Right Stuff

The guns of Navarone

Absolutely based fathers. My dad's favorites are Blade Runner, Raging Bull, and Manhattan.

Hell in the Pacific, still haven’t seen it properly

Why is everyone ignoring the fact that this little chimo's dad likes 50 first dates lamo what a queer