Damn.... I had no idea....
Any good films that talk about how depression can be on the inside but somebody is hiding it?
(I need to spot weakness in people faking happiness. Dont need fakers in my life)
Damn.... I had no idea....
Any good films that talk about how depression can be on the inside but somebody is hiding it?
(I need to spot weakness in people faking happiness. Dont need fakers in my life)
Mac Miller and Chris Farley didn't kill themselves. They were just junkies who OD'd.
don't forget about PSH
hoffman overdose too
robin williams was practically euthanasia
ID not End Me
Huh, I can't name a single actress who offed herself but I know a ton of male ones.
Is this girl from Prypyat?
Mac had a death wish after Pete "big cock" Davidson cucked him with Ariana Grande.
Marilyn Monroe, that chick from the Wizard of OZ, girl from Diary of a Country Priest
Men kill themselves far more often than women in almost every country. Twice as many times oftne, but a few exampels where it's 7 times as many iirc.
There are a few exceptions like Pakistan and China where women kill themselves ca 10-40% more.
farley was depressed and super self conscious
but yeah his death wasn't intentional
It's like that on my country too, isn't that backwards? aren't women supposed to be more sensitive and shit?
Depression looks like a bunch of privileged white men?
Men are more "risk taking".
Men are more prone to having outlier behavior and being isolated
You can blame it on Le society but women just create better support systems for themselves and are more likely to seek help when they need it.
Really says a lot that the mask of happiness fails to hide pain in the eyes.
Why do people keep spreading the meme about Pete SNL Mutt having a big dick?
also men tend to pick violent and guaranteed ways to end while women almost exclusively stick to cutting and pills which fail to do the job most of the time
Though we peg women as being more sensitive and mentally frail, have you ever thought about how ridiculously insecure guys are? From even the smallest shit like feeling "emasculated" and having their authority questioned and all kinds of shit like that. I mean shit, think about how many times in your life you've tried to crack a joke with a dude and he got pissy with you, or how fucking upset some guys get when their jokes fall flat, or how many guys kill themselves over a girl (I'll probably be one of them) and it's pretty easy to see all the stereotypes women have been stuck with are true of guys way more often than not.
robin williams died of autoerotic asphyxiation
Not that far off from the true, my balls look exactly like 3 week old roast beef covered in fuzz.
ive never had a guy act like that outside of high school, but plenty of grown women are insane
so did chris cornell. anyone that "kills themself" with a belt tied around a door knob or whatever is definitely pulling a michael hutchence. cornell's wife knew exactly what type of kinky shit he was into and immediately started blaming whatever drugs he was on in order to save his legacy
who's bottom center and bottom right?
>doing dangerous powerful drugs
>not having a death wish and hating yourself
More like what severe mental illness looks like
Farley and especially Hoffman were on crazy combinations of drugs strong enough for any individual one to kill them
They probably knew they wouldn't wake up
Wow thanks for reminding me Bourdain is gone from this planet. Also didn't PSH accidentally overdose?
both were talking about revealing some pedos in the entertainment industry
Cobain shot himself
Womens lives are in general better, since what is important to achieve for happiness is easier for women.
If a woman is depressed she gets comfort from friends to help her get back up and men reach out in the hope for a chance to get with her, while a depressed man is a broken man who is to be avoided.
Women make less money, but they achieve the key goals by making less money so they don't need to strive to do as monetarily reward work as men do.
basically, men need to have sex.
I would kill myself today if there was some painless method that didn't involve permanently scarring people which live with me. They just dont make trains like they used to. Anyone want to meet up for a koolaid group pact?
Who is top middle guy?
This is what happiness is
Who was the mysterious Cuban Pete?
Bourdain was murdered
Jaime Kennedy killed himself?
Forehead 3.6 Meters. Not great
Chris Cornell and Jamie Kennedy
Change Kurt from OD to "Courtney".
Might as well have been suicide for chris
I said ID not OD
i want to kill pete unironically. he's responsible for mac's death. FUCK THAT FAGGOT
>Jamie Kennedy
Nope. This fag is just forcing memes.
um no sweetie chester bennington was john podestas illigimate son and he killed him because he was going to expose pizzagate get it right :))
Lets just say they were big guys
Is he holding rosary beads? Never noticed that before.
Mac Miller died of terminal male pattern baldness