
war crimes edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


First for acquire

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You know, I wasn't enthusiastic about Star Trek: Discovery to begin with, but after I decided to give it a try (after all, who wants to miss out on quality Star Trek content?), I found that I really liked it. I also found several other shows that Trekkies like me can enjoy which are available only on CBS All Access like Strange Angel and The Twilight Zone. I know that there are probably a lot of people here who are waiting for Star Trek: Picard to renew their CBS All Access subscriptions, but those people are really missing out on a lot of great content.

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>content content content
Do you have a soul?

The Devil isn't the only one who buys souls.

>tfw you will never go to a medium sized regional start trek convention in the 90s, get a photo with a chubby Klingon cosplayer, buy a signed photograph of Denise Crosby, attend a panel with Andre Gorman is, and finish off the day with a q and a from Admin Shimmerman

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Why would the Devil buy souls?

Shit was Kushangaza, and the Star Wars people would always set up in one little booth and it was regarded as a dead franchise.

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I wonder what sort of drugs he was on when he did this.

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>tfw cbs paid a bunch of people to wear the STD uniforms at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas

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suck my ass nuggets, kike

Data loves his girlfriend Aigis!

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Verlie Russworm a cute.

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Fuck off you retarded cunt

daily reminder

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There is a 99.78% chance you have a total acquistion. Therefore, I must choose to evade.

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t. CBS Executive

She doesn't know how to be cool.

based and TOSTNGDS9VOYENTpilled

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I briefly experienced a taste of what it might have been like to go to a star trek con in the 90s when my friend dragged me to a UK brony con in the mid 2010s. A couple hundred super passionate fans, getting together with no corporate oversight to dress up, sell their homemadecrafts to each other, host panels on writing fanfic, have a qanda with some minor background artist, and close the evening with a big party. It was lame because bronies, but very sweet because of how grass roots the whole things was and how naively enthusiastic everyone was.

Cause he was in a bind and was willing to make a deal.

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I wonder who could be behind this post.

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I piss and shit on /trek/

What if we're into that?

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put on a diaper, you fucking baby

I want to have the sex with Kira Nerys

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Never be afraid to mislabel a product.

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don't know why, but this made me kek

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>In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets. And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this. And in all of that... and perhaps more, only one of each of us. Don't destroy the one named user.

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Is this real?

Would you be content with this as your quarters?

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Looks comfy and I'd enjoy falling asleep looking at the stars every night

Yeah that's about the same size as my first floor.

>bedroom has blinds that open to the hallway

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Why does Worf have the quintessential bachelor pad with a coffee table in front of a couch?

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Gas all chestlets

Why is it so bright and spacious? It should be cold and dark, so that the people who work there can be perpetually miserable and angsty.

post your fat milkers

I feel like Ro's quarters are incomplete without some pizza boxes, empty wine bottles, and bras on the floor

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Spock needs only to work and fuck to be content.

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It's meant to be a flying cruise ship not a Cardassian space station.


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is Spock a weeb?

Dumb chestlet.

Why did Tasha hate chairs so much?

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>two rooms
>two doors

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Whenever she had to sit, she'd just use Data's face.

Why did Kirk want to live inside the smallest hole on the Enterprise?

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>two scoops

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Do girls really leave their dirty bras laying around?

If they're pigs

Only if their chestlets. Bigger bras are more expensive, so their owners take better care of them.

Can we stop with the chestlet shit

We can dream, user...

Once you stop being a chestlet.

very funny

You'd think the Captain would at least warrant a window. Even a tiny one.

Yes. Modern women are fucking slobs. They never clean anything because muh feminism. It's like living with a 33 year old teenager.

It makes me actually mad that so many people are begging for a Pike series but no one is asking for a Mudd one.

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Nobody wants a Pike series...

>Can we stop with the chestlet shit
>Once you stop being a chestlet.
>very funny

Chestlets eternally BTFO

Nobody is saying that. This isn't fucking reddit y'daft tosser.

Nobody gives a shit about nu-
Pike, nu-Mudd, or anything else from STD.


Captain Ash Tyler
First Officer Phillipa Georgiou (mirror)
Operative Gabriel Lorca (prime)
Scientist some andorian
Helmsman Harry Mudd
Engineer some tellarite
Doctor Christine Chapel

Make it so

Make it no
then gtfo

yikes post

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What happened to /trek/?

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>no toilet
>no shower
>only a sink
If not for that, yeah seems pretty comfy.

You know exactly what happened.

>stop being a blowlet, Tuvok

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Awwwww boohoo, wittle white male sad he cant talk about his white male shows? boohoohoo, trek is female, trans and brown now.

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I believe I can see the future
'Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again, that might have been a dream

I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around, oh no

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend

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lel, poop boots. Great meme back when ENT was airing.

I know this feel. Never marry.

Imagine not being a pinkskin.

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Shran calling brown humans "shitskins" is canon.

>Picard's quarters
Crewmen probably have to sleep on straw mattress bunk beds near engineering.

I just want the companionship
I'm terrified of being alone
Don't even care if they're messy I'd still love them

I wonder if Data left any fluids on that bed.

Yeah I take it back, she just doesn’t clean as much as I want her to. I got home from work today and the house smelled like roast chicken and fabuloso. I’m just being ungrateful.

I believe I can see the future
'Cause they repeat the same things to me
I think I used to have breasts
But then again, that might have been a dream

I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
Because nobody wants chestlets around, oh no

Every day my bust is exactly the same
Every day my bust is exactly the same
There is no love because my breasts have no gain
Every day my bust is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In disgust, because my cup is so small
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend

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You don't know what you have til it's gone.

What I wouldn't give for a spinoff show about sentient holograms starring Vic, the Doctor and Professor Moriarty.

Pretty sure I saw in some technical manual that the vast majority of enlisted quarters are double occupancy. Better hope you make chief petty officer fast before you choke to death on your Vulcan roomie's plomeek broth farts wafting down from the top bunk.


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>Whenever she had to sit, she'd just use Data's face.

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Just hope you get a different shift so that you can sleep when your roomie isn't there

Just get a dog, they give you all the same benefits with less mess.

wait is the vulcan roomie a male or a female? cuz that might be kinda hot.

disgusting shit sniffer

>Crewman user, it is highly illogical for you to bury your nose in my, as you call it, "brapper".
>T-that was not a request for you to stop, merely an observation. You may proceed.

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Better to be alone and in control of your destiny than shackled to someone who drains your resources and then has the temerity to resent you for it.

>ywn share a room with a female vulcan
>ywn have her acting all tsundere saying you stink of human
>ywn have her smell your clothes secretly when you leave for work
>ywn learn the intricacies of vulcan massages from her
>ywn help her with her pon farr
Why even live?

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>post beat season 5 episodes
>hey wait where's the one for Enterprise?

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>Janeway and her crew so grossly incompetent that they get defeated by two Ferengi armed with swords and an encyclopedic knowledge of the Rules of Acquisition

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>why no enterprise
Zoomers think it's cool to hate on the comfiest Trek there is.

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What episode is that from?

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Reminder that CBS personally pulled the plug on Enterprise because they didn't want to pay for Star Trek's production.

It's not STD

>tfw no mildly dominant tsundere vulcan gf who wants to sit on my face and tease me about how me getting aroused is a typically emotional response

>tfw no vulcan roomie to do butt stuff with
>ywn tie her hands to the bunk posts and have to hold her down by the hips as she squirms while you plant your kisses between her thighs
>ywn grab that bob cut and pull her head back, forcing her to arch her back and push out her plump breasts begging to be sucked
>ywn never drag your nails across her thick, juicy ass while nibbling the bottoms of her earlobes
fuck this where the fuck is my phaser

damn if you ever need a place to stay for a couple days let me know

And now they're gonna blow literal billions on garbage no one wants.

(((buttstuff))) is for faggots and chestlets


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CBS needs to reboot Enterprise. It's just in time for the Romulan war. The only people who'd come back for it would be Archer and Phlox more than likely, which is honestly good because they could potentially get the cast right this time.

>become subservient to woman
>she resents you
No shit. You've become weak in her eyes. She's disgusted by you.

My gf loves assplay, and she's rocking a pair of DDs.

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shut up, virgin

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Butts are gross and gay. You're gay if you like butts.
Feet are also gross. You should only like a few places on a woman.
The vagina is a disgusting place.
Boobs are like balls on the chest. GAY.

I like this a lot, but the word is "complement".

sex is gay

TV has been vastly shit since the 90s ended and now suddenly it's getting great? What the fuck happened?

Q3 2019 - The Dark Crystal, Carnival Row(?)
Q4 2019 - The Witcher, Short Treks, His Dark Materials
Q1 2020 - Picard, Devs
Q2 2020 - Discovery, Cursed
Q3 2020 - Avenue 5
Q4 2020 - Lower Decks, The Orville
Q1 2021 - Section 31
Q2 2021 - Lord of the Rings

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I want to feed and seed Riker.

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Last episode, maybe? Can't remember.

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post your sneeds
and by sneeds I mean tits

What stirs you into action?

Pegging ValleyForge.


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are they legit doing more short treks?

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Why weren't the later TNG seasons this weird?

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What are the feral hogs of Star Trek?

Yup and they look fun

Bashirfaggot and Valleyforge


I know we're supposed to hate them, but they make me laugh

>Oo-mox is how the ferengi masturbate.
>That one episode when Nog, a child, gets an adult to give him oo-mox.

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Inappropriate sexual misconduct. Nog should have been expelled from Starfleet Academy for such unscrupulous behavior. 1995 was a different time.

Is TOS or TNG comfier??

Which has more Vulcan braphogs?

Bashirfag is funny sometimes, VF is just annoying

They complete each other.

How is anything about this "getting great"?
It's a load of shit, bar the Orville which is okay.

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Technically he wasn’t in Starfleet Academy yet

They really don't

I like each of them for different reasons

I don't like nu Trek but the Orville is far from being the best thing on that list

BF is more intelligent but most of her posts are cringe, VF is dumb but his posts are funny

Physically no, but he was enrolled as a student.

Bro you gotta leave the house sometimes.

It's a troll post, I'm sure
Like what

Comfiest to least comfy;


>comfier than VOY

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What is the best thing on that list?
It's all race swapped SJW trash.

VF just has his two catchphrases "pretty rad" and "le perfect star trek gf" and spams 4/10 cosplayers and the same picture of Selar over and over. While I see him post around Yea Forums now and then, I've been grateful that he usually stays out of /trek/ lately.

Better than Orville on that list? Jee

Lord of the Rings
Section 31
Dark Crystal
Short Treks

I never said it was great dipshit.
I hate a lot about it.

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>spams 4/10 cosplayers
I think he gets off on ugly women

Considering how often he white knights BF, probably

>The Dark Crystal
>Carnival Row
>Short Treks
>His Dark Materials
>Avenue 5
>Lower Decks
>Section 31
>Lord of the Rings
>It's all race swapped SJW trash.
Give me an example from half of them. Or did you just start screaming when you saw that Triss, a literal who, is North Italian Caucasian instead of Aryan pure Bavarian phenotype?

>can show male nipples, but no female
I thought society was supposed to be woke
>getting triggered by a black character having sex

>Hate a shitty show just because a black guy and a Mexican woman have sex in one scene
Based retard

Since when was Ben Shapiro a woman?

>Ben Shapiro
Hi faceblind autist

>another delusional ds9 fag

real list is


At least he stays in his league

>can show male nipples, but no female
Liberals have gone complete retard.

If you're a dude, having your chest touched by anyone shouldn't be NEARLY as offensive and 'violating' as having your dick and balls fondled, right?

A woman gets her tits squeezed and it's as bad as getting her minge fingered. People can only show parts that AREN'T in the 'offensive to touch' zone. You can creep on someone's shoulders, but any woman would rather a creep rub her shoulders than twist her nips or rub her butthole.

>likes ugly women
>white knights e-girls
based VF

>t. bashirfaggot

Attached: 90.jpg (1160x629, 224K)

>retards promoting shitty shows, sperging about minorities having sex, showing everyone how faceblind they are by comparing tripfags to their alt right thought programmers and writing erp about sniffing butts

Attached: penn_jillette.jpg (300x400, 31K)

Everyone's just joking when they say they're convinced BF is a woman right


real list is


kek holy shit

>getting triggered by a black character having sex
>hate a shitty show just because a black guy and a Mexican woman have sex in one scene
I can't believe you've just said that to me you stupid fucking retards.
Your minds are so infantile and undeveloped that I shouldn't even give you the time of day, but here I am replying to you dumb cunts.
I fucking hate you.
I hate everything about the way you think.
You could not comprehend one iota of my viewpoint because your mind is a fucking sewer grate and all that comes out of it is total shit.
Fucking stop posting here, right now.

>Literal Zionist Jew
>Alt right

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>I hate a lot about it.

>comfy tierlists
>ent not number one
Jesus Christ this general has gone downhill.

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>the image that goes with the message should convey every single thing about that post

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Ok time for bed zoomzoom

Not even the hottest /trek/ girl

Why yes, I do judge new Star Trek movies and series based on its merits as a show and not based on what incels on Yea Forums, Midnight's Edge and my zoomer nostalgia says. How could you tell?

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There are posts on Bashirfag's facebook that confirm she's a biological woman. Everyone who says she's a tranny got memed.

>Discovery, Short Treks, Picard, Lower Decks, Tarantino, Section 31, Nickalodeon
>None will be as good as Deep Space Nine but I'm still happy to have new quality Star Trek
>All of these fags are missing out

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Who is this post making fun of? Normal people capable for forming their own opinions?
I think you misunderstood the point of the meme.

DS9 is for people who think they're intelligent
VOY/ENT is for people who like fun
TNG is for people who think they're nerds
TOS is for actually intelligent people who like fun

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What is this post even trying to convey? I hate this forced newfag meme

>Sex: F
>"Wow it feels so good being a woman."
>"I had my period :3 wink wink ;)"
>Father: "That's my... daughter ha ha I'm proud of you..."

She's too ugly to not be a tranny.

The simple way to end tranny claims is to post cameltoe

Why would her aunt ask her if she's pregnant and take her to Planned Parenthood to get birth control if she wasn't a female? Also there are pictures where you can see BF's feminine bone structure in her hips and legs

TOS is for people with an adventurous spirit.
TAS is for mega-nerds.
TNG is for people who think they're intelligent.
DS9 is for people who are intelligent.
VOY is for classic Star Trek fans who ran out of other Star Treks to watch.
ENT is for classic Star Trek fans who ran out of TOS to watch.
DSC is for low attention span action watchers.

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>Who is this post making fun of? Normal people capable for forming their own opinions?
>Basing your opinions on Yea Forums incels, Midnight's Edge and being blinded by nostalgia is forming your own opinion.
The bar's gotten pretty low for free thought.

You're replying to a guy with actual face blindness.

Her aunt is mentally ill and has a sub 80 IQ.

Her entire family on Facebook is a bunch of sock puppet accounts.

I accept both of these takes on ENT.
ENT is also great for chill lewdness.

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He's saying you missed the point of the meme. The guy in the meme is supposed to express an opinion that the OP is making fun of. Please lurk more.

What? Are you retarded?

Was Harry Kim really considered sexy even though he was Asian?

You guys are real fucking mean tonight.

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copied to my hard drive

Go seek validation from your husband, we're busy shitposting.

We know you're a masochist, don't even pretend you're upset.

Is your internet boyfriend really an Asian twink?

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I've literally seen every STD episode once and have no desire to rewatch any of them. However with every very other show except ENT but I've been warming up to it I love picking random episodes to watch for the 200th time.


kek'd and saved

If you don't think there are families that go to ridiculous lengths to humor trannies, then you're living under a rock.

The 15 minute delay was because I was silenced by a jannie for saying she looks like a man, yet BF doesn't get banned for posting his face on every thread.

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>won't let me knock her up
I sleep

The only Discovery show I wanna rewatch is Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad. Literally the only fun episode of Discovery since it doesn't rely on shock factor twists and action scenes that are only effective once.

"Mommy, Daddy, why is that thot posing like a ho?"

Discord trannies get themselves into positions of power everywhere because they've got nothing better to do.

>normal families trying to have a good time at the pool
>some weeb thot wades into the water wearing stockings and starts posing for photos

I'd fuck her

BF is a chad. Hoes are women. Men who get sexual attention are chads.

I don't post myself. I am pretty sure I actually have stalkers.
Nothing, I'm just ugly.

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Oy veh, that doesn't sound very tolerant. Tranni-- I mean non-biological womyn should be able to take lewd pictures of themselves in front of your children and families, goyim. Think of Federation values! Aren't you a Trekkie?

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>BF is a Chad
okay __

I've watched you post them, retard.

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That is what you do at Colossalcon. You get really drunk and put on a wig and a bikini and people take photos of you. It's great.

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Hoes are farming instruments.

Then why does your "stalker" always show up before you start posting? Do you really think /trek/ is that stupid?

Why do you post anime girls?
Are you bi?
>im just ugly
Na, you're pretty average looking.
Can we have sex now that I've complimented you?

Why are there children in the background?

>I don't post myself. I am pretty sure I actually have stalkers.

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American diets cause American children to be colossal too.

Fine don't believe me. I'm telling you I've posted selfies on here before yeah, but a lot of these images were taken from my currently inactive facebook and posted here by somebody else.

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Because the west is dying in a pit of self delusion and degeneracy.

>Posing lewdly in front of families and children
>There is a serious pedophile problem within the Trek community
>Most pedophiles are gay
>Bashirfaggot is, of course, a faggot
>Most trannies are pedophiles
>This leads to a 300% chance Bashirfaggot is a pedophile
Can any of his supposed "stalkers" report him to child services? We have to save the child(ren) in his basement.

I see people rave over If Memory Serves thanks to The Cage nostalgiabaiting but everything going on in that episode was so fucking stupid, and how they made the Talosians look like generic bumpy forehead aliens

Can you post the tribble and vodka/bra ones?
I haven't collected those yet.

It was a decent episode but now that I've seen it I never really need to see it again. The Mudd one is the only one with any rewatchability. Same goes for the Short Treks.

People who are actually depressed don't ever admit it

Post your tits or gtfo. You've been cringey and off-topic lately so if you're going to act like an internet slut we'll treat you like one.

How do I prove I'm a different person from Bashirfaggot?

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Daily reminder that men cannot be sluts. They're chads.
Troi is a slut.
Riker is a chad.

Tranny confirmed.

How smegmay do you think his penis is

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There's nothing ever memorable or unique about each STD episode. The serialized format where everything runs together ruined most of that.

Christ she looks disgusting when she hasn't edited her pics with a blur tool. I've been lying to my dick for months.

A new shower curtain enters the arena

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>Mudd one
Confirmed for quitting after episode 4 like I did at first.

It's not a tranny, she's just a methhead.

>those massive shoulders
>those oafish facial proportions
so this is how tripfags fall

>How do I prove I'm a different person from Bashirfaggot?
We know it's you, BF. Go to /r/roastme if you really need people to call you ugly.

BF, I want to feed you.

tfw no bashirfaggot gf to gently beat the communism out of

I'm not BF but okay. What evidence would convince you?

I miss when my country still did helicopter rides

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the mudd one is bogged down by the shit with michael and ash ketchum, neither of whom can act worth a damn and pull off a convincing romance

It's obviously you. This is so pathetic.

>BF w/ trip: *posts pictures*
>BF w/o trip: *posts pictures* IM NOT BF IM JUST A STLAKER

You're either shitposting or retarded

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Anyone got a picture of Bashirfaggot from behind?
I'd like one.

Is that image supposed to be retarded or do they actually think they're proving some sort of point?

That's why you focus on Mudd and Lorca the greatest characters that show could come up with.
Also Paul is fun for the only time in that episode. He gets boring again right after.


>blinded by the paleness

Ash Tyler can act. He gets good by the season 1 finale. Though that's in part because he's done crying about his PTSD he didn't even have and getting his hair petted and pegged by his niggress girlfriend.

Both sound gay. Especially a Mudd series. Characters like Mudd, in any of his incarnations, must be used and consumed sparingly, lest he lose his charm.

>no evidence

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Black N white not so useful for photoshops, better pics please.

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what the fuck, gang

although this one is pretty rad


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He was godawful in season 2

Women have arm hair too you fucking virgin.
That's why they shave.

>that musculature

>Klingon women
>only in okay tier
>Human women
>in god tier

Nobody likes you, tryhard faggot

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Nah he, Leland and Spock were the (only) highlights of season 2

>making a new thread this early

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no, only pike, mommy burnham and georgiou were any decent

I refuse to migrate to STD.

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Why is BF so sultry?

Migrate, ensign. That's an order.

>tripfag worship/arguing over Bashirfaggot's sex
>Valley Fag
>tard charts
Why do I still go to these fucking threads

>that adam's apple
>that Neanderthal brow
>those manhands

The thread hasn't hit bump limit yet, you retarded faggot

Get a divorce and marry me

well that's not a nice thing to say at all
( ;_;) ( ._.)

Go cry about it on Discord

Why aren't any of these pictures public on her facebook?

They're not from her main page, they're from her cosplay page

Why didn't the EMH Mark-2 get to be a main cast member on a Star Trek? He was genuinely great.

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What's it called?

It's not hard to find, you can figure it out

Andy Dick is terrible and you should feel bad for liking him.

Give the flute to Child A, then overthrow capitalism in a glorious revolution, execute Child B, and make sure Child C is able to both play and manufacture flutes.

Andorians and Romulans are god tier. Rommies are like Vulcans, but passionate and not stuck up.

It's not real. BF is the """stalker."""

Is Picard going to be better than STD?

Dude I'm on the page right now. It's real. Based on the personal information Bashirfag has posted, it's trivial to find her identity irl.

As someone who enjoys STD, yes. It's going to be a lot better. It can't reach DS9 levels, and it's unlikely to reach even TOS or TNG levels, but it could surpass VOY and ENT even.

I put ENT right under ds9/tng shame they cancelled it right when it got spicy.

What's the name of her page?

I'm not going to dox her but if you already know her Facebook page, you can find her online handle that she uses everywhere (including her cosplay page) by looking at the url

The giant space amoeba episode on TOS was pretty damn spooky.

>Tee hee, come dox me anons
t. bf

You're a moron

>1-2 likes at the most
>sometimes zero likes

Why would anyone use a trip on an anonymous board? Isn't that the whole point?

Some people like the recognition. No matter how you feel about it, trips are here, they always have been and they always will be. Deal with it.

Left is a man
Right is a woman
>everyone in the background trying to look away

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hmm, I dont know. it looks wider in the series

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