HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack and Jackson
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack and Jackson
Previously on /bb/:
no firsts
I was talking about The Jack Show ya doofus
first for jack show
nick had a boner for tommy
first for not being punctual
Just used your name because it rhymed nicely with "let it go" tee bee ech. My bad BBO. You're still a faggot. Put me in your next tweet.
nth for my precious
I might just do that. Whipping up an extra spicy one this very moment
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
>bog will never suck the soul out of your body and then feast on your lifeless corpse
i would understand if it was tommy that full of shit, cause of all that anal, but her? she never had anything in her butt....
BB21 winner looks LIKE THAT?!
jack saying he will bury christie if he stays. anal agrees.
>haha, i'm not in any alliance ;^)
kek. sure is regretting it.
who's everyone's draft picks? i went for BOSS CLIFF HOGG III, Nick, and Bog against my friend's Ovi, Bella, and Bimbo
christie is finished
Jackson, Jack, Anal, and Bella. JUST.
If only he had just stuck with his bro and flipped the house on Ovi. the entire season could be different right now.
cliff nicole david bimbo
just remembered this mastermind picking kat 1OA
tommy anal bimbo
and bella ;(
i love you guys so much
found this when going through my video caps of the episode. gave me a chuckle
I feel like her pussy smells of fabric softener
i love you too, man
im a girl
this SUUUUUUUCKKKSS. should have let my sub expire
jacks body isnt even cold yet nick...
okay, Ian
>this moron is whispering in a room full of people again
never learns
Big Jess and The Jack Show in HOH
is Nick finna dab on Jackson's body count?
Doesn't Anal keep saying how she thinks Nick is creepy?
If he hits Anal and Tommy he can top it.
that's come great game talk in hoh room.
so glad jack waited so long for it
>it's a 'the gay guy runs the season' episode
wake up up when ott2 starts
Anal is a bitch, I wouldn't listen to a word that cunt says
nick ain't gay, he is bichad
the cuck show is killing it (his game, that is)
so you'd rather have the gay get to final 2 and lose?
Maybe it's not OTT2, maybe it's:
Big Brother: Northern Invasion
Poutine Papi
thats holly and kat. anal said she would have gone for nick if bella didnt first
>multiple different sources that say you know each other
wtf is this retard talking about, jesus christ. get a grip
wasn't aware that bog was gay or a guy
did you never meet b-rhett?
anal loves nick and I think he's her second favorite person in the house besides jack
the only person I heard calling nick creepy is kat, but I think she's just jealous because he's not cuddling with her
the feeds just aren't comfy this year now that sams gone
thanks cbs. i love soooo much
they haven't been comfy all year desu. well i shouldnt say that. i have enjoyed quarky bimbo bonding over the past couple days. but even that was more just qute than comfy.
analfag at it again
I respect ya but I can't understand you.
Like... "comfy" or not, feeds are only getting more intriguing. I can't put myself in the mindset of a person who would complain about the change in feeds over the past few days. But you do you.
I can't listen to jess talk. she says like too much it turns my brain off
nice lol
Good feeds died with David. This is a very lackluster cast. the only way we were going to have an entertaining game is if pre-jury was Jessica, Anal, Kemi, Ovi, and Nick. toss out all the players that do nothing but sleep.
WHY ARE THEY SO FAKE???????????????????????????????????????????
what the fuck are you babbling about
face it, comfy feeds only exist through rose colored glasses
frank was 24/7 comfy feeds
all of 2016 was incredibly comfy with frank+bridgette and then OTT right after
now THAT is a big brother opinion if ever I saw one
OTT wasn’t comfy
holly and bimbo saying christie and tommy need to go A S A P
it literally had the comfiest houseguest of all time
Yes it was.
It was the most comfiest season.
1/2 the house was
what do you gals think is bimbo’s favorite meme?
and is she more of a “have sex” or a “dilate” poster?
this tastes good
where you at dog? are you watching? are you not entertaiiiined?
this is correct
i would expect her to be a "cope" poster
They should have talked Jaba into backdooring one of them this week. Evicting Jack is a weak move. The oaf is not a real threat.
She's a markyposter.
ayyy lmao
eh, i think it's a fine move. jack connects sis to christie and tommy, with him gone christie/tommy do lose a good amount of influence, and he can win comps. going after christie would have been best though
Dropping the hammer on Christie this week would have put her on tilt for the rest of the game if she survived and keeping a bitter Jack in the game would be funny.
2016 will be the year I look back on fondly as a boomer.
>Fridgette feeds
>OTT wild ride with Jason's balls finally getting smashed
>Election night
>Carrie fisher and her mom dying back to back
Too much kino for one year.
those haven't existed past week 2
how was 18 outside of those 2
only seen feed clips but it seemed like the rest of the cast were awful people, save like tiff and early boots
world peace and season one of stranger things
it was pretty fun. final 6 being 3 pairs going against each other made for interesting feeds
i want Kitty KatKat to lick my balls!!!
frank, corey, vic, bridgette, tiff and paulie were all great feeds as long as they were together. problem was paul and james were 2 of the worst and were always there and corey spent too much time with nicole
Big Moo nearly took out Paul with an apple.
this 100% paul ruins live feeds and as much as corey could be gold, he did just spend most of his time lying in bed with nicole.
There's a lot of revisionist history going on here. The feeds were okay, but not nearly as good as BB17.
all good choices
I think we should figure out how to get her to come meme with us after the season is over and she has 500 Gs
>17 was good
i liked most of the cast but all they did was play potball or whatever they called the fruit bowling. there was very little conversation or game talk.
>yfw kat was the original "im a girl" poster
She'll get sucked in over at Reddit because of the good boy points the alumni get over there.
who's going home? I haven't watched any feeds or episodes in weeks since it was the Christie Show
Shit, forgot about those. Man, what the fuck happened to Stranger things after season 1? it was a genuinely spooky homage to 80s flicks with a great atmosphere and good cast. Season 2 was total filler, and Season 3 felt like a completely different show. it's all cartoon scenarios and cheesy comedy now. they even had a fucking le drumpf analog as a major plot point throughout the season.
Jack is a goner. He's going to CC2.0.
I wonder how the house is going to react when Julie tells them that CC is coming back.
my memory of the final 8 and on of bb18 live feeds was
>watching cam 1/2 with people chilling
>paul appears and starts yell talking
>switch over to cam 3/4
>paul appears
>switch over to cam 1/2
jack. normally i would say its only monday and things can and do change but naww... jack show is canceled hundo p.
Is the season finally turning around? Worth getting back into?
i was hoping season 3 coming out in summer would recreate the magic of season 1 but sounds like im not missing out
welcome to netflix
it turned around 2 weeks ago
it really was just a game of avoiding paul on the feeds but the other feeds were almost always at least watchable. not like we had to avoid half the house like in a lot of other seasons
it was never worth dropping in the first place
Nicole is a cute.
and as always, we can’t rule out that she was pandafag
yeah you’re probably right. it doesn’t hurt to dream though.
actually it does hurt a little
I think it would have been a GOAT season if Paul had been evicted in week 1. James might have still found a way to fuck it up though. Cast had great potential outside of those two.
Jacks, former best buds, passing each other like ships in the night, not even a small nod
you hate to see that
but that Neverending Story song tho...
I think Nicole could be one of us though. She seems more comfortable being /user/.
Unbelievable Harry Potter
it was actually much better than season 2, besides the musical number.
the Steve/Dustin/Robin Russian storyline was comfy as fuck.
Vic now lives in Ubly
It had some decent moments, but it's decided to fully lean into being vapid nostalgia bait. There is a scene where two of the kids sing the full theme song to neverending story in the middle of the climax of the season, right after a major character death(and one of the only truly good plotlines of the past two seasons). completely shattering the momentum and turning the situation into a joke.
unfortunately she’ll probably get her ass kissed by “star struck” orbiters after the season and it will ruin her forever.
but I think she would fit in well with the rest of the gals.
until she gets asked for pictures of her feet and leaves two minutes after arriving.
yeah my view might've just been colored by a compilation of people being assholes to bridgette, was mostly the girls I was talking about
Jack confirmed worse than Beelzebub
the original cucumber man
He lost all his hair.
man, if corey survived the final 4 eviction, I think he could have won
makes him look like a 19 year old manlet
BB rigged that baseball comp so his button didn't work right. He had that.
this just makes me sad...
does he have cancer??
The Puerto Rican Stud
The Ubly Virgin
>somebody in F3 could have won
no way you cray
Can someone please redpill me on this show? What's the fucking point of this shit?
Seems insanely boring for both the cast and the audience alike.
holy shit, was he on a fuckton of gear in bb18? He looks like he lost 30+ lbs of muscle.
99 day chess match
He has advanced staged ubly.
>Can someone please redpill me
you are way too new to be here
kat really hates tommy
she wants to purge the house of the homos
That was how she looked after Ian was done with her after the wrap party.
so you DID fuck her ian? i thought you just got a quick blow j
I don't understand.
I understand even less now.
to comfy feeds guy, i don't know about you but the hoh room feeds have been comfy as fuck the past hour or so
ian forcing michelle to play 10 hour long backgammon match where he refused to win until she let him sniff her feet was weird
I can't listen to jess say like 30 times each minute
>Kat to Holly- It's me, Cliff, Jess, Nicole. We all really want you in there as well, and we really like Michie. There is Sis, Christie and Tommy. I think they are thinking that if we get you, Sis will come over with you
based nick sliding through
99 days in a house, no outside communication, no pen&paper, no tv, no internet, everything possible to force social communication and create paranoia
nope, it's still a turd. production cheated for the fat girl to liven it up, but still boring and predictable af
probably not, got the girl, stopped working out
kek’d and check’d
>force social communication
>create paranoia
So they're basically forced to hang out and be bored together for 99 days? Is there lots of fucking involved? Sounds like there would be a lot of fucking involved.
And what's all this about paranoia? Why would they become paranoid?
eat shit and die
big brother is a summer long tv show that turns social relationships, socializing, and social politics into a game. contestants are locked away in a house with no contact from the outside world. there is a televised and edited program, and a direct live feed into the house for viewers to watch.
why did she have to wear these stupid tassles?
mistsploitable.png is CANCELLED
>he doesn't know
>play both sides but actually be loyal to one
>get betrayed and targeted
>win veto
>reposition himself in the middle again
he just needs to do it few more times and he wins
you right now
I say appreesh to my boomer coworkers and they think it’s funny
PaulSad1.0 was comfy TV
>be 2019
>be clueless
>not be a devinbro
Why even live?
that's awesome.
>see tons of bb18 posts
>none about /ourguy/
best room in a long time
It's a shame that all those PAs just threw it all away.
Hi Paul...
take me back to bb18
more like bb14
Frank looks like he aged 10 years between 14 and 18. What happened to Frank Vicious?
that too
cut off his hair and stopped spending all his time outdoors so he wasn't tan
he got a gf
>The sunrise conversation between Frank and Bridgette is forever lost to time
I remember the cute antics before bed they did after too. all gone.
BB missed an opportunity here. They should have given them pasties for their chest instead of that huge top.
It was up on BBviewer for a year though. I wish CBS would have given some warning before they nuked 3 years of feeds.
Would Bridgette and Jackson produce the most square headed being to ever exist?
What happened to them anyways? did they just destroy the drives? it's such a shame that they are all gone, it would be a pretty interesting time capsule to back to early seasons.
Grodner probably has them in her personal spank bank. She probably still uses BB2 feeds to get off.
Thanks, bro. I have seen the clips before I'm just lamenting the loss of the full event. it was like 2 hours if you include the post reconciliation antics.
>2 hours
it was way longer than that
Imagine watching BB2 feeds in full 480 rez.
How is any of it a game? What do they win?
how much would you pay for past feeds? id fucking love some bb9 feeds
$500K or $CDN100K
How do they lose? Do they get voted off or some shit?
Are you counting the entire night of gaslighting and bullying? I was just talking about the sunrise convo
bbviewer guy liquid8d might have them. I believe he usually keeps last years live feeds up on bbviewer so maybe he just takes them off bbviewer and has them in a closet somewhere
CBS is full of Retards
she wasn't there, it was holly and kat, then nick entered
I would give grodner my anal virginity for bb9 feeds.
that clip of crazy James running around nude and all the girls nude in the pool made it look like so much fun.
I could be remembering wrong but I thought the sun came up on the east coast by the time frank and bridge started talking and by the time they were done it was coming up for them on the west coast which would've been 3 hours
They get killed off.
Every week they have a competition to win HoH(Head of Household). the HoH nominates two people for eviction. after this they play a veto competition and the winner can pull either themselves or someone else off the block, at the end of the week the house(except for the nominees and the HoH) vote to evict one of the two people on the block. this keeps going until two people remain in the house at which point the last 9 evicted HG's(the jury) pick the winner.
He never had them. He just tapped into the CBS servers.
he still has bb20s and CBB2s feeds up, are they still on the CBS site?
That hot tub was gross. The cumbubbles on top were sick.
what the fuck. He was on twitter in early 2008? who even used it back then.
nah you cant go earlier than june 26
> tfw a BB17 bro and Beckyfag for life
dingo is a girl
d-did baller ever get n-nude?
I can’t believe that twitter even existed back then. and I’ve never used it once in all this time.
for some reason it feels so much longer ago when I watched it, then watched it again on youtube.
it’s also hilarious that it was followed by one of, if not the, best seasons.
bb19 was followed by bb20
He had a condom full of oxy up his ass. Of course he did.
Is this a consistant BB pattern? Does that mean next season will be kino?
Oh, great. Melissa thinks she knows shit. Taran... tell it like it is.
baller changed clothes out in the open. nice size but no where close to james
It's not consistent, BB9's kino followup was 1 season away, BB19's was 2
Who had the biggest dick in BB history?
james huling
Oh, great. Melissa is getting fucking heated at the chat for saying Sam is the worst player or whatever. Yeah that is why the chat was hired by Rob to podcast to us. No one gives a fuck about the chat.
rip mistie
still 0 votes against her
its that time of the week where melissa listens to two people talk about the feeds and gives her completely indefensible takes on the house
that’s a good point. and he was such a weirdo, I hate that I saw so much of myself in him.
I’m pretty sure they caught him really quick though, right?
yeah he seemed like the type to not give a fuck about that sort of thing.
and it would be hard to live up to james. you were not exaggerating about him.
It's a "social experiment". It's not all about gameplay. It's also who we, on the outside, "connect" with. That's why we don't have to agree on favorites. Carry on.
she's getting mad at the chat, several minutes in a row. taran is just awkwardly laughing at her. this shit fucking blows, and she's not like joking mad like brent gets, she's like bitchily fuming
even the retarded rhap chat has turned on melissa. hopefully she just drops an n bomb and gets btfo 5ever
howard or crazy james
that’s what I’m saying, it’s amazing that the train wreck season which ended with a junkie retard winning was followed up by the season with one of the best casts ever and one of the best winners ever.
she watches chat more than the feeds so its the only thing she can talk about
She reads reddit 10 minutes before airtime and wings it.
taran asks melissa for her opinion on something that happened so she talked about the chat instead
Michie killed The Jack Show
why did user delete the post about cuckwell
lol, he wrote
where his name tag tattoo is.
He should have wrote
>Rice Pudding.
>Jack: I bet Bella drives like this!
wtf Jack
cinematic parallels
We're going to be one Jack off on Thursday.
bb15 was a great cast too
I like that a 250# black man cried because some 90# white chick was mean to him.
at least we know we're not the only ones enduring it
>a 250 hashtag black man cried because some 90 hashtag white chick was mean to him
what did you even try to say here
>Howard bent over trying to hold his rage in
>someone walks in
That was kino.
# means pound
Before twitter this is what it meant for thousands of years.
zoomers get OUT
>taran gets btfo
>pretends it happened only because the chat misunderstood the question
this is some decent mist user I’ll give you that
That's why us oldfags think
is funny. It means Pound Me Too.
Reminder that Jack is a friendless NEET
i can't believe i never thought of that. god i'm a ratard.
But he's not an INCEL, so at least he has that...and herpes.
I feel like the after darks used to be up on torrent for seasons like 8-10. I would have picked them all up and kept them on my external if i was smart
If Rachel was on this season, she would have totally fucked Jack on the feeds.
Rachel’s is full of soul. Jack’s is soulless.
we got too cocky, Jack-bros
She's full of something.
truly the perfect hg to say quasi racist shit on the feeds
damn Rachel got fat
also why does Alex always looked so Bog'd
i should have put er a bit lower but whatever
quarky and hogg backyard
Because she got Bogged and Boobed.
some boomer said this to me while we were shitfaced golfing for work. but # was not used for lbs
it's fine, just hibernate til jury buyback when jack and michie run this season once again
oh lord
I wish Hogg would tell Quarky Star Wars stories like Frank did.
I wonder what movie would Hogg pick?
She did that a lot.
When did you first realize all women will be bogged? Even the shy innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and never says a word is definitely going to get bogged.
imagine wanting the gay loser version of the frank/bridge convos
only the idiot ones that move to LA
I wish he'd put on a trip so he would disappear
Not all women.
that orgasmic pelvic thrust at 15 seconds when brett spanks her thigh.
based Cliff
>nicole won big brother wearing that outfit
for some reason it reminds me of grandma's house
not of grandma
but her house
based retard
imagine if quarky went full bimbo after bb
>cliff: barbecuing your dog?
>cliff: like korean or something?
wew cliff
When do they get nude?
when they shower
ok i'm almost done venting but god. melissa was asked about all the different pairs and shit that taran was saying will be building blocks moving forward and instead of actually talking about the duos she says 'its so nice to talk about things other than the 8 and the 6', without actually talking about anything.
does rob really not give a fuck
happened to bb11 michele. you never know.
Ah, but of course!
tasting words is not a thing
No, he doesn't care. Rob had to hire a woman after the "incident".
fuck melissa and brent. taran and rob only reason to watch
my sides
And Aura now.
god I love her raspy voice bros it gets me ROCK
true it was just the pound key on the telephone
i love this webm
this one too, even though im pretty sure she was farting
looking like Bruce Banner
Imagine if she did some ASMR vids.
She'd make a mint on youtube.
someone give me a shot of him all jacked up in a sleeveless shirt
>you wouldn't like me when I'm hungry
Jackson looks better with glasses. It takes away from his squareness.
can't. how do you improve upon perfection?
aura isnt even the best raspyfu (she is the best jewfu tho, victoriabros stay losing)
new thread Ollie
I wish I saw this post so I would've waited 10 more minutes
i was thinking about this earlier today.
anal would be good at the sexy exploitative asmr too.
she is adorable here, too much for me to even meme about quteness
damn bro don’t tease me like that