Yea Forums but the year is 1985

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no fuck that

I wish I could go back ;__;

me too. good times. happy times.

>kids trash
>few ok ones
nothing has changed

Too bad everything slowly turned to poo after 1997 :(

>the colour purple
when will this movies about niggers will end?

Who can stop Sylvester Stallone?


>back to the future
>travels back to 1955
>scene inside a burger shop
>nigger serving tables
When will the forced diversity shit end?

Stallone can't just keep making Rocky and Rambo forever

What the sneed do you want?

This has been a wonderful year for movies. What are your favourites of the year? Mine are

1. Brazil
2. 乱
3. Insignificance
4. After Hours
5. Desperately Seeking Susan
6. Runaway Train
7. Sans toit ni loi
8. Prizzi's Honor
9. 青梅竹馬
10. 童年往事

What will they do in BttF2?

Yea Forums didn't exist in 1985

They should you know.. actually fucking go to the future

Colour of Purple is shit. Spielberg has lost it lads

Thoughts on this guy? Just discount Stallone or what?

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Whoopie Goldberg is a generational talent she can sing and act and she's so funny I think she's going straight to the top.

Terminator and Conan are alright but he's too limited and people will get sick of the accent- Expect him to fall off bretty soon

I'll bite the bait.
The "nigger",or Marvin Barry as the credits called him, becomes mayor in part 2 after Marty tells him he will become the mayor when he travels to the past. This is what Doc warned Marty about when traveling through time as he could change the future.


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What drugs are you guys on

Have you guys seen Runaway Train? The guy who plays Buck gives a great performance. I think he's got a bright career ahead of him.

Nice double dubs

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>posted 2019
Gonna have to try harder on your fake articles dingleberry.

>part 2
user. I know they basically spelled out that there will be a sequel, but that shits at least a couple of years out. And i highly doubt some throwaway line will be that important to the plot. Interesting theory though

>1985 btfo

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Heard Roger Moore's done as Bond. Who do you say they'll get as the next guy?

Nice pretend list faggot. All of these movies look like shit.
>half the list is disney
What the fuck in your pretend future are they basically the only company that makes movies?

I liked Come and See. Lots of piles of dead bodies. Best comedy of the year.

that wasnt Marvin fucking Berry, it was Goldie fucking Wilson, and then Billy fucking Zane, because Billy Zane is a cool dude

LMAO Goonies flopped. Imagine thinking anyone would like a "forced kitsch" kids movie. Pathetic.


What was up with the mom and son incest being pushed so hard in Back to the Future? Was the director just letting his fetish seep too much into his work? Also half of my theater walked out towards the end when they literally name drop the film. So cringey

shouldnt we be posting on a notice board in a community centre or some shit, the internet is in it infancy...holy shit, we can kill this shit before it even begins, we begin with Bill fucking Gates

>Billy Zane
Who's that? Oh, what difference does it make, he won't amount to anything. Trust me, he won't.

>color purple
>out of Africa
>jewel of the nile
What's with all these nigger movies?

All of that is unironically garbage except BTTF

The 80s was full of sappy movies about black people. Now we have tons of race-baiting movies about black people. I'm not sure which is worse.

the new wave chick from friday the 13th part 5 was hot

What the fuck was with them mentioning the octopus at the end of Goonies? Why bother lying about that ?! What really happened was interesting enough ...why embellish it?
Do you think they will go look for the pirate ship in the sequel?

>tfw 4channel was a black and white xerox fanzine

ITT: shit Yea Forums tricked you into watching.

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Yes he can. New Rambo looks kino. He can shit in showers in hotels, pound it down the drain, deny it, and make these fucking movies until he dies.

The Color Purple was such ridiculous garbage.

I bet my life savings there aren't more than 2 more of those films

holy fuck, was that a Titanic within a BTTF reference....

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>out of africa
>jewel of the nile

(((they))) are at it again bros