ITT: Contemporary Kino

ITT: Contemporary Kino

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This film is as if someone watched Jacques Demy film once and decided that he can do it. Fuck off with this shit.

good choice, user.
for me? pic related

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Doesn't make it not good in the sense of films made today. Obviously our standards out worse now which is why i was specific. Anyways, what films of Demy do you recc?

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absolutely atrocious film. pure hollywood tripe

t. yuropoor

dishonest and glib

you must have incredibly low standards

Stopped watching before she even met the goose because the songs were boring. A musical has literally one job...

only the first song is bad. the rest are perfect

As someone who was in musical theatre through middle and high school and parts of college cuz he didn’t have enough money to make short films, I hate this movie with a passion

why's that user

american sneeder

Congratulations on getting pleb filtered. The first song is the best.

It just to me represents that actor/naive artist mindset of its good art because I enjoyed making it, not cuz it’s good in some theoretical sense or cuz the audience liked it. I’m admittedly a cynical and coldly analytical artist. Doomed to be a director.

Walked out of the theater during this flick. What a really bad way of glorifying war crimes.

>war crimes
Name a single war crime that the US of A has committed

I'll wait.

Based boomer

I saw an Icelandic movie from 2015 called Rams recently. It was fantastic, easily one of the best movies I've seen from the past decade.
Of course nobody on Yea Forums will have seen it because we only watch capeshit here, but I'd recommend it.

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Can you elaborate on what you're mindset is? Also, why should it matter what the audience thinks? Doomed to be a director as opposed to what?

>copying david erlich comments from Letterboxd

absolute state of Yea Forums

that most art is masturbation and most people adopt a style because of it’s ease of use as opposed to what they really think is the most substantial
Because they have to pay for it. It’s morally bankrupt to make something 100% only for you, which I understand is a controversial opinion. But I also think Kubrick made Ees Wide Shut and everything else with the audience in mind.
Actor vs director mindset. An actor usually has to give themselves to the role naively to give a sincere performance. A director has to remain cynical in at least some sense to maintain his perspective. A director must also know things the actor doesn’t about the character because an actor understanding his role is not important, only what his expressions convey on screen or stage matter. If he understands his role but doesn’t show it, it’s worthless

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Young Girls of Rochefort and Lola.
I actually loved the film and i have seen it twice, but my personal emotional baggage tied to the experience of watching it, made me hate it. So fuck off with that piece of shit.
Absolutely based and correct.
I don't read his reviews but it seems like we are on the same page.

Hey does anyone remember me I was that love letter to cinema of the year back in 2011

Excellent movie

That is the issue I have found with myself when I create. Like you mentioned, it does tend to be 'masterbatorial' in that it's only for me. I struggle with trying to find that balance where it is for the audience as well. Though I am not sure how to work on that.

I caught that a few years ago. Completely forgot about it till you brought it up. Real rural kino


Hakonarson use to post on Yea Forums


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I feel ya man. It’s a tough balance cuz you gotta make stuff that makes you happy first. I’ve taken an extended break myself cuz I can’t think of a concept I consider universal. I need to snap out of it.

cmon user, I first saw it with my decadent ex gf yet still love it

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I guess the best scenario is when you love something that happens to be very relatable and likable to so many, though many artists are unlucky when it comes to this, as audiences' interests aren't vastly ranged.

matched, beaten even

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This post thereby confirms, ultimately, that Yea Forums exists solely to be contrarian.

you're wrong

will never watch this movie because of how fucking gay they look in this picture

remember when this movie won best picture

What kind of fag watch this shit?

Supporting Israel

>musicals are g-gay!
Imagine thinking this past 8th grade. I feel sorry for you insecure people

BR 2049
The Witch