The boys “plane rescue” is one of the most horrifying scenes I have ever seen in a tv show.
Antony Star deserves an Emmy for that performance.
The boys “plane rescue” is one of the most horrifying scenes I have ever seen in a tv show.
Antony Star deserves an Emmy for that performance.
Yes user
I immediately subscribed to amazon prime as they had a discount at the moment. Best of all I get free shipping and other discounts. Great deal and a bargain.
I can’t wait for season 2 and to check out other selection of amazon prime videos such as Too Old to die Young. Wow amazon is the home of kino. Thank yo
if he's so powerful why doesn't he just kill everyone on earth?
does he actually call it lazers lmao
Because he wants adulation from the masses.
Hard to believe the first thing I ever saw him in was Outrageous Fortune, a shit tier New Zealand crime-drama that was shot-on-shiteo for the first two seasons.
It’s not even about adulation. The guy just loves being superior to humanity.
Does the show explain why that Compound V shit makes different powers for different people? I kept dozing off because the show was so boring
What is this fucking shillage with the boys. How much is amazon paying you losers?
Well, in the comics it fucks with your DNA.
Why the fuck would Amazon pay shills to advertise their product on a hentai imageboard that pirates everything?
I have amazon prime anyways for the free shipping so whatever
Fuck this show
why not? disney does
Horrifying? Get the fuck off this board shill, and take your goddamn hyperbole with you back to red dit.
It's legit unsettling. This scene actually made me uncomfortable. Great performances all around, too.
It's like the shills aren't even trying anymore, it's literally just "Woah, isn't X show great, Y actor in it is GOAT, yvan eht nioj"
So Queen Maeve can take bullets no problem and has super strength but she would have died on that plane? Really?
i know im literally SHAKING
She could probably still drown or something.
What's wrong, not enough Disney cock-sucking for you? At least this show lambasts their capeshit for its cynicism and blatant commercialism.
After they did the George W quote on the beach, I felt disappointed that they didn't set this in 2001 and really do an alternate history for the 9/11 attacks like the source material.
damn youre so woke teach me your ways
Damn, you're so worldly and jaded. I was like that at seventeen, too.
This show screams “reddit”
I thought I already filtered you, put your name back on.
And tell me this board doesn’t have shills. Give me a fucking break user, they’re not even trying to be subtle.
>Queen Maeve
I still don't understand what her powers are
I think that first post might be a joke as a response to the already shill-y sounding OP, but who knows
I think the implication is that the earlier you get injected with Compound V, the stronger you are. Homelander was a test tube baby being given Compound V since he was an embryo, so he's superman. The rest of the heroes were injected as young children so they're much weaker. And when the Boys take Compound V as adults, they just get generic enhanced strength/speed/durability.
Those amazon prime posts you're quoting are ironic responses to the actual shilling. You're right that there are shills but it's probably not those guys. It's people like OP who keep spamming the exact same two pictures of Homelander over and over again
>laser eyes on the plane
>laughing on the plane
So how do they beat based Chadlander? With the power of love?
Yeah the scene was nice. Homelander's actor did a solid kino job in every scene he was in. Though im kinda bummed the scene's context is no the same as in the comic, in the comic the plane rescue was during 911 and the entire Seven (not just homelander and maeve) botched the rescue and caused the plane to crash into the brooklyn bridge instead of the twin towers. Its a shame the scene wasnt about 911 in the show but i still liked it.
That's boring
is this show actually good? it seems like reddit incarnate.
it took me the longest time to realize this guy is the same one from Banshee. He looks and behaves completely different - good acting right there.
Agreed! Also, don't forget the Man in the high Castle. All this and Amazon's quality services? Sign me up!
you are such a newfag
go back to reddiiit
it was pretty lit
i'm primed for season 2
Why did he go through the back door?
I loved the parts where all the Christians were crazy psychopaths and secret homosexuals. It finally opened my eyes about how corrupted and wrong Christianity is.
I want to thank the producer Mr. Gorenstein and the Executive producers:
Mr. Kripke
Mr. Rogen
Mr. Weaver
Mr. Levin
Mr. Trachtenberg
And most of all Mr. Goldberg
Any chance of a title or something you cryptic shitheads?
The Lads
The Nonces
I don't know if you're ironic or not, shithead.
The Boys, on Amazon Prime, but also, your pirate streaming site of choice.
homelander was even more of a dick in the show. In the comics at least he tried to help
Why would you laser a man before throwing him out of a plane?
this song should play when black noir sticks his dick in hughie's ass during herogasm
This just shows how much of a hack Snyder is when a superman clone is better than the one we got in his shit movie.
Imagine how good this series could of been without all the SJW shit
>they’re not even trying to be subtle.
Yeah because they're not serious, they're joking.
you are reddit
how can you summer niggers fall so easily for larping cunts having a laugh at your expense
>my favorite capeshit is so much fucking more mature and deeper than yours bro
>shits on MCU and Disney
It's only a matter of time before people break of their programming.
Well she broke her forearm before stopping a bus so we know she isn't completely invulnerable. Also she would be in the middle of the ocean and swim back to land.
Because in this universe the Chinese probably have their own version of the homelander.
He doesn't act anything like Superman though.
every woman in Vought was a cunt, fuck off schizo
worked and seething
>unironically saying "SJW" in current year
Amazon Prime is useless to me in Ireland beyond the tv shows as it offers no benefits as we have to use Amazon UK which doesnt give the actual benefits of Amazon Prime to Ireland residents.
the same question why don't you kill all the ants in your house
I enjoyed watching my wife watch more than anything.
This scene really fucka with normies.
>give yourselves a hand!
My favorite bit.
Death to Butcher and mc
I'd always shill a show with an aryan god
since it looks like the show axed the setup for how he dies in the comic I'm betting he's more vulnerable than he lets on
>evil superman doesn't exist
>I don't like this thing, must be some group who I consider my enemy
Literal fucking schizo behaviour. If things on Yea Forums get you mad then you don't belong you fucking newfag.
I don't like how violent the show is.
Why no Terror?
>Rapes roasties
>Kills sand niggers
>Looks like Chad meme
Yeah I'm thinkin he's /ourguy/
This scene was good, but calling this ''one of the most horrifying scenes in a TV show'' is a big fucking stretch.
It's only "horrifying" if you sympathize with the passengers instead of self inserting as Homelander
Vought got ahead of the curve and raised/conditioned him to be loyal to Vought.
It was perfect though, and sufficient enough rage and growing megalomania are undoing that
I don't think they did? He's technically still there and now there is another factor. Tbh the show seems to be better than the comics for me so far.
so did butchers wife get raped or not? im still confused by this
I watched the first two episodes and it some of dumbest, shittiest writing/editing I have ever seen in a tv show. It’s a shame because the premise sounded cool
No, all women are whores and homelander is literally super Chad
Chadlander did nothing wrong.
wait wtf banshee is in this?
Can someone explain why this scene is getting everyone so hard? I haven't seen The Boys yet but I plan to soon. That said, I don't really give a fuck about spoilers because I'm not a disneybaby, so someone explain what they liked or found "horrifying" about this scene.
>superhero trash
>uh oh, fun detected, better post this overused soi wojak heh that'll show them
Only people that seemed crazy there were the heroes, the PR lady and starlight's mom. The christian teens seemed like naive but nice kids and all the adults acted like hopeful nice people so idk what you're even talking about.
Yes but she is obessed with supers so she saw she was pregnant and kept the kid in secret. In the comics she gets raped and dies.
>tell me about it because don't really give a fuck about spoilers because I'm not a disneybaby
Just watch the fucking show man. It's not bad at all.
I would also like to know. saw a couple pages of the comic and it seems brutal
Not him but I've watched it and I still don't get the big deal. It was kind of funny how much they fucked up on that plane but why are people creaming themselves?
It's a bit overrated but it does demonstrate nicely how he flips from PR mode to no fucks given so easily once the situation changes. It's kind of the definitive moment where you fully realise he's the monster that he is.
Only likeable character in this show
Katana is based though.
Homelander and Maeve go to a hijacked airplane to save it, Homelander accidently destroys the controls and decides to let it crash so his incompetance doesn't become known and threatens to kill everyone when they beg him to help
>every member of the seven is so much more interesting than every member of the boys that I keep rooting for vought.
It was hilarious
Really? I pirated the whole thing.
how did she sneak up on him if A-train scouted the area?
She is a qt too but her character was poor developed
She hid in a vent
So did Butcher just really like the Spice Girls a lot?
>Homelander accidently destroys the controls
he did that shit on purpose, he wanted everyone to die so he could show his mommydom that he could turn it into a massive win for her.
what episode was the breast pumping scene?
But I do. We had some ants a while back in the house, and I poisoned them, so now there are no ants in my house. Your point?
I was not expecting this level of kino, what the fuck,
Quit shilling this lame show. Amazon Originals are all garbage.
The 5th episode was so fucking weak, that it really brought down the whole series for a bit. But that 4th episode scene was indeed masterful.
His wife did
Their reaction to mother's milk speaking with his wife on phone
There's nothing in the scene to suggest it was premeditated, after he does it he even thinks about what to do for a solid 5 seconds before quitting
Chadlander is the only reason to watch
There's a couple reasons why I don't think he did it on purpose. First is his ego. He would have took credit for it like he did for making supervillains. All he told Stillwell was that he turn the situation around for them. The second is that he still had the supervillain option that works way better then letting a plane crash.
I think he just saw how much work it turned out to be and just didn't care enough to try and fix it.
Isn't it obvious that she was not raped? She went into a room with Homelander with the clear intention of having sex with him. Came out a few hours later, still getting dressed. She was into supes and fucked HL because she was a slut. Calling it 'rape' is just Butcher's rationalisation of the fact because he can't deal with the reality that he was cucked.
It was good but not the best lol watch more shows zoomer
That will happen when you have zero lines.
>including the twitter comment that regret isn’t rape
Yeah I’m thinking this is /our show/
Why have amazon prime for free shipping like this user said? Don't you guy have free shipping when purchasing more than $r100?
The only products I buy from amazon are books. I don't know how it works with other stuff and other countries.
>I think he just saw how much work it turned out to be and just didn't care enough to try and fix it.
This is what I got. That it was a mess and he just wanted to walk away once it wasn't easy the way he's used to things being.
Show runner said it was too hard to constantly film with a dog but that he will be in a flashback episode in s2
I thought it was jason bateman all this time
the fuck?
I need new eyes
t. Seething marvelcunt
It's a very different story, setting, format, and pace, but the tone is what we should have gotten with Watchmen.
i dont care for comic spoilers, what is the realtion betwwen black noir and homelander?
this image should be an instant permaban
First four episodes were good, then it meandered around with no real purpose
>Group forms to punish superheros
>Kills a grand total of one superhero
kys you dumb cuck
Like what?
And this is enough to pay a monthly fee? You can't wait a week for something?
Now I don't for a second believe Amazon would shill their show on a Tibetan basketweaving forum, but some of the posts in this thread are downright fucking alien to read. What is going on? Are you guys trolls pretending to be shills, shills pretending to be trolls, or absolutely fucking braindead?
Lord Bezos knows where you live
It happened on Yea Forums, it can happen on Yea Forums.
While I'm skeptical, I wouldn't be surprised.
Nah he's much more reasonable in the show. Homelander from the comic would've killed Haley Joel Osment.
It was probably initially shills getting a base going, they have since quit and now it's anons having a giggle thinking they're funny
9/10 show.
Thanks shills for convincing me to try it.
If you're not hooked on the first episode, just give up and wait for phase 10 MCU.
It's more a 7/8 out of ten. Shows pacing becomes janky and people's character starts randomly changing.
If it is trolling they skirt the line very well to appear like 20 something interns that were forced to read knowyourmeme pages on chan lingo for an afternoon
People actually like this reddit tier show? It's nothing special besides "muh brooding edgy heroes, what if superman but bad" and even that was played out by the time the comic was released. I'm convinced most of this show's audience is underaged or mentally stunted "adults".
Can't this nigga fly at mach 20? Would getting wind rapidly blasted in his face really be such an inconvenience to him?
>Shows pacing becomes janky
This is a symptom of the way shows are made now. They make short seasons that have to end on cliffhangers of massive hooks, to make you wait a fucking year (or more), instead of being able to tell a paced out long form story. They have to have the dense first few episodes of the first season, then stretch to a hook, then subsequent seasons have to quickly resolve the hook in an unsatisfactory way so that they can set up for the next hook, with slow sparse episodes in the middle.
Either make a one-off series, let the seasons resolve by the end so they feel like cohesive chapters, or stop making the seasons so fucking spaced out.
Short gimp seasons with massive waits between was a mistake. It forces stories to be an exercise in cock teasing.
>we will never see the Super Duper.
>what if superman but bad
Confirmed for not watching the show. It really asks what if Superman were based.
Not in the way you think. More in the way of "what if it was all show and corporate bullshit, and oops, our Superman is a monster." I agree we have too much capeshit, but at least they are willing to show how scary it would be if Superman (or any hero) was just an asshole. Not bad, per se, but more like what happens if Superman ISN'T a perfect, moral, right-in-the-head guy. How could that slip into becoming something frightening that no one knows how to really control. (That's not the overall story, just Homelander's arc)
why do they pay to put that show on their boxes
Did I really just lose 6 hours of sleep just to see a guy get cucked?
>neoneo/tv/ shits on Snyder capeshit because edge and collateral damage
>but adores this
There was 8 episodes so I guess you saved 2 hours.
I’m afraid of watching this show knowing there going to ruin the original source material at some point… or make certain parts even more unbearable than they already where
Between the free shipping and the free television shows, the Prime deal really pays for itself. I even talked my brother into getting it for him and his wife. It's really the best deal out there. Netflix can't even compare! Email me on via Yea Forums gold pass to get a special offer code. Remember to like and subscribe.
>Didn’t follow through with the 2007 alt history setting
Damnit bezos
>i've never seen breaking bad
Yea Forums is dead
>This superficial interpretation
Kys Faggot
No it's just summer
why does vic mignogna have laser eyes?
He never saw her before
This place memes plane scenes if you didn't know. This person is pushing a meme. Probably a shill though, as they have not added anything good or came up with anything good yet after weeks.
Homelander had no reason to lie about it.
The original comic is full of edgy and collateral damage. It was created to subvert and mock the superhero genre
the irony is this show is literally for jaded edgy teens
Edgy and collateral damages in Snyder shit is for muh EXPLOSAN MUH SHOCKING VALUE, it wasn't for plot purpose until BvS, but in that movie they went full retard instead trying to shove "there's no citizen here guys" into the audience face instead.
In conclusion Snyder or whoever he's working with can't write for shit.
when butcher started talking about spice girls it took me a minute to realize he was talking about spice girls and not just some random past team members
was thoroughly confused for a moment
What episode is the plane crash?
What number?
lmao at all the netflix seethe itt
How do yall antisemites keep coming to tv and movies board when all of it is made by jews. All of them. And yet here you are.
Cracks me up that Amazon made a better Superman than DC. I didn't care for Aquaman, but at least he was back to being the butt of every joke again
Noir is homelanders clone without free will bred to kill Homelander if he ever went against vought. The fact his only purpuse in life was to stick close to his target but not kill him unless given order made him go super nurs.
>haha why would a giant soulless corporation shill on a highly trafficked anonymous website with zero barriers to entry and is one of the most influential meme machines on the internet??? haha lol
It's literally as simple as making a thread every couple of hours with the exact same screencaps and canned comments about how great homelander is and how it's going to destroy marvel. They can hire some pajeets to do it for a couple hundred bucks.
One of the few things I liked more in the comic but I understand the need to change his style since they don't have compound V.
what's the deal with this show and why is it spammed 24/7? I watched the plane scene and it was just some edgy nonsense
fucking based
>that scene in the first episode where the girlfriend is killed by Not!Flash running through her
That got to me, kek
Why not? No company would pay somebody to shill just on Yea Forums. Instead they’ll hit a whole bunch of sites including Reddit.
people shit on him because he's a fucking awful director
Bedwenches get the bullet too? Or that black heroes commit black on black crime? interesting social commentary
Homelander's son is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
the real ones are the posts of trailers immediately upon releasing. look at the mindhunter thread for proof
He was super on drugs.
Antony Starr is fantastic. Good performances all around but he definitely stands out.
Comic did it much better. It was fucking hysterical how incompetent they were.
In the comics it's addressed as the status quo works for everyone. It's why there's mostly super heroes with no villians for them to fight. Why would you need to take over the world when you're rich, famous, and powerful enough to already do whatever you wanted?
He's calling Deep a bigger because he's black in the comic. He's pissed he broke the windshield like a dumbass. Also, the superhero who was supposed to be the pilot got slammed by the wing and almost died so there was nobody to land the plane.
Shills pretending to be trolls to distract others from the fact they're actually shills.
They probably even told themselves they were being smart and "in character", just like their counterparts on television. They probably thought it would be cool to be some sort of sly agent infiltrating this board, with everyone else unaware of what was truly going on.
Unfortunately for you dumb cocksuckers, I'm actually fucking smart, and you guys suck at subtlety. Hire me, you fucking assholes. I would work for just 30k a year, and I'll practically teach you fuckers everything when it comes to viral marketing. I practically called your game down to a T, didn't I? Like I said, you're of average intelligence, and I'm what it looks like when you meet someone who's ACTUALLY "above" average intelligence.
Now hire me, you fucking pricks.
Somehow made Hughie and Starlight into bigger whiny babies than they already were in the comic and made Butcher a cuck for no reason overall a 6/10.
Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
That last scene
Was it a dream? Or was it real
Why is there so much shilling and anti shilling of this fucking show lately? I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the greatest show I've ever seen. Who really gives that much of a fuck about it, to the point where they bitch about it or suck its dick on a Congolese Alpaca Farming forum?
I recognize you. You're very annoying. Neck yourself faggot scum.
Maeve is hot. I watched for her and Chadlander.
I told my friend about this and he was like “what?”
The Poofs
IMDb lists the release date of the first season of the boy as July 26, 2019, which aligns with when all the Yea Forums threads appeared. I'm currently watching the show and I'm in episode 5, however, there's something I find weird, I'm pretty sure I saw a webm of the ass head-crushing scene months ago in Yea Forums, that seems to me like a very strange choice for pre-release marketing, material, can anyone explain how I might have seen that scene month ago, was the show leaked or something like that?
>Spent eight years thinking your wife was raped and then killed by Homelander
>Turns out she fucked him on purpose and pissed off for eight years to have his child
I sure hope Butcher kills her.
Bait, but I'll answer. If you have people with inherent power, ability kill at will and no accountability you get narcissists.
okay sent a job offer there, check your inbox ;)
go take a look at those old alita threads
A-train frequently went to the place she was kept,
>Foreshadowing with Doppelganger being used to mislead people via footage
>Kid isn't 8 years old, he's at least a pre-teen.
>Kid's eyes lit up because he wants to blast Homelander
>Vogelbaum confirmed that the worst thing he did with Homelander was deprive him of a mother
>Stillwell lied about what happened to the kid with Vogelbaum but had a slightly different story
>Butcher was turned into a weapon to try and eliminate Homelander by the CIA (conversation that happened)
>Homelander is uncontrollable
>They want to replace Homelander with a more stable version of him in the future
>In the comics they use Stormfront's DNA to make Homelander, but they can't do that in the show because Stormfront is a Jewish woman and not a former Child Nazi
>Black Noir isn't the clone in the show because of easily he got fucked up by Kimiko, so someone has to be the clone: it's the kid.
"the boys"
its not even surprising anymore
Doesn't mean he saw her though
I agree with this guy. Also, I wonder, will the series have as much nudity as the comics?
I loved what a stupid whore this character was.
this. everybody on this board is a fucking manchild. Pathethic
based, your still a manchild bugmen if you like capegarbage
Did Amazon only give you shills like 3 pictures to work with?
>Fuck this show
>I thought I already filtered you, put your name back on.
>>uh oh, fun detected, better post this overused soi wojak heh that'll show them
>t. Seething marvelcunt
>this image should be an instant permaban
>kys you dumb cuck
>>This superficial interpretation
>Kys Faggot
>fucking based
>Bait, but I'll answer. If you have people with inherent power, ability kill at will and no accountability you get narcissists.
>this. everybody on this board is a fucking manchild. Pathethic
>based, your still a manchild bugmen if you like capegarbage
>marketing a thinly veiled capeshit veneer to attract and spread brainwashing propaganda to as many retards as possible
got to love big brother
If you don't think shills post on Yea Forums you're going to have a rude awakening when It: Chapter 2 rolls around. The shills for that on opening weekend were twice as bad as The Boys' shills.
This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this movie that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when Pennywise possesses the slideshow and we finally get to see his very creepy and mental face in the final scene. What a build-up! I nearly pissed myself.
The other one is in the basement, first we see the excellent performance by Georgie's actor. You'll float too never has sounded more epically scary. And then Pennywise rises from the waters. I jumped in my chair and still do when watching this. I can tell I will be on the edge of my seat in theatres this september.
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters. Be a part of history.
Rent-free. Also, he's clearly not Superman. He's not even evil/authoritarian Superman. He's "what if Superman were a corporate psychopath?" He's essentially Patrick Bateman with superpowers.
Fuck off you niggerkike rats.
I don’t even watch the show because I don’t watch capeshit, but calm down with the paranoid schizo shit where anyone talking positively about a movie or a show that recently came out is shilling it.
I know shill gotta exist but the way you fags approach it is /x/ tier aspergers
T. Netflix shill who doesn’t understand the benefits of amazon prime.
Imagine paying for the small selection Netflix has and not even being able to have two day shipping for free.
The series was written by an Irish atheist
>he mass-replied from his iphone
i laughed at the effort
It's like its 2018 again!
Realistically why would Amazon shill here? Fucking no one uses this site. If your going to shill, shill on FB, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. Then someone will actually see your shilling.
So unless shilling is just a term for the autists on the board spamming it with the shit they like (the actual case) because they're lonely and want someone to talk to you're wrong.
Inb4 shill post
Yeah, I hate moments like this. Superman tier characters who get affected by wind, loud sounds, stuff that makes people uncomfortable
Does't make sense
They shill quite literally everywhere. The argument for nobody using Yea Forums after 2016 no longer applies.
Some shows are just stupid and suck.
This is one of them.
this is great out of context
There are companies that provide only shilling astroturf services, it's not "amazon" shilling, it's some flunky hired by a company hired by amazon shilling this, and a dozen other things on other boards. If you think half the shit you see regarding a product isn't an ad, then lol
Why didn't they just starve Transluscent?
Prime is SHIT in the UK. Free delivery? Yeah 2-3 days. Price is hiked up to cover the postage cost. Fufilled by Amazon does not mean shit. I get better service from some twat on Ebay. Fuck Prime.
Or poison him, or drown him, or gas him, etc...
The show is a solid 7/10 but his performance is up there with Heath Ledger imo 10/10
>the exact same screencaps and canned comments
You mean like soijak posting? By that logic everyone dissing the show is a Netflix/Hulu shill.
There's no conspiracy, this board is 90% low-effort shitposting.
The amount of money Amazon put into shilling this reddit tier capeshit is insane.
t. Netflix shill
So powerful. So horrifying. I was literally shaking while watching it, I even paused it to take a deep breath. Just the intensity of it, my God. This show is breaking new boundries.
Chills. Chills. Just chills.
Holy fuck guys is it not getting the attention and views you want so bad that you're shilling on an image board? I've seen previews for the show -didnt look impressive, and now I'm going to tell everyone I know not to watch it
I'd shill for you any day, Homelander.
You guys are reddit incarnate with this utter SOI TRASH
I'm a poc Marxist, but this is anti male/christian propaganda
Shills? Nonsense, they're just excited about the new feature you get when you buy a subscription of Amazon Prime. Oh you don't know about it? Here, bro, I got you a link
Remember, you get a 30 day free trial period so why would you not sign up? Join me, bro, we can watch all the shows we want AND we get all the fast shipping we want. A lot of items ship in one day. It truly is a deal too good to pass up on.
>>he massed replied from his phone
reply to this
The pacing is janky from the start. Episode 1 is going a mile a minute and Episode 2 is like watching paint dry by comparison
This is what phoneposters are like, have sex user
>have sex
don't forget about your free Twitch Prime!!!
It was in one of the trailers autist
is Starlight bulletproof? so is Maeve? but Maeve is afraid to fall from the plane?
Why would a superhero shoot a heroine before throwing her out of a plane
why is he so perfect lads
and yet, even this scene, is better in the comic just like the rest of the show
At last i truly see.
>The series was written by an Irish atheist
A fellow irishman is what you meant to say?
>Trying this hard when phoneposting
ZOINKS! Have sex
Anybody claiming that phoneposting didn't ruin Yea Forums should look at this faggot
Not actually phoneposting I just saved the file from the original soispammer (who is a phoneposter) but keep seething
Anybody claiming that shills didn't ruin Yea Forums should look at this faggot
>Anybody claiming that phoneposting didn't ruin Yea Forums should look at this faggot
>>Trying this hard when phoneposting
>ZOINKS! Have sex
>This is what phoneposters are like, have sex user
>>he mass-replied from his iphone
>i laughed at the effort
Holy shit you are a retard
I did it as well, but don't you think it would be more convenient to subscribe to amazon prime? The membership fee for Amazon Prime is $119 per year or $12.99 per month. The first 30 days of the annual subscription are free, and you can cancel anytime! But I'm sure you won't.
Enjoy kinos without the hassle of torrents, user.
>see its violent and has swear words its a big boy show
Or wet him and electrocute him until he fries, instead of just giving enough for him to pass out.
So you got Homelander, an invincible superhero who is a deity to the masses. He's the big star of Vought and The Seven. Everybody loves and worships him like a god.
But he's a broken human being. He was raised in a lab, by men in coats. His young, malleable mind was moulded and tailored into a pathological psychology and an antisocial personality. He was never loved, or given any real affection. He was deprived of just about everything a young child needs to grow into a good, decent person.
Everybody looks up to Homelander. But he is a sadistic psychopath with infantile fixations. Pathological behaviour defines him. He only maintains the superhero facade because he cant live without the adoration of the people. He only puts up with being a useful tool to a soulless corporation because he has been psychologically imprinted to crave the affectionate attention of a loving mother. This compels his behaviour to adhere to certain patterns that allow the corporations to control him. It makes him predictable.
Even though we hate Homelander for being a monster, and are envious of his great powers, he also terrifies us and evokes our sympathies when we understand what a tragic figure he is.
Why are people gushing about this? The setup is all there but there is bery little terror in the people throughout, only at the end of the scene do you briefly feel their panic
>phone posting bad!
>nooooooooo you can't post from your phone!!!
>what about our bans! Reeeeeeee shut it down!
Hey shill, can you do the posts where someone says the guy is a great actor, then you point out that he's also in Banshee, available now on Amazon Prime? I love those posts.
They aren't, Amazon is just shilling it really hard because they think we don't pirate everything.
Are you fucking retarded? Obviously these posts are tongue-in-cheek.
There's no way this isn't a shill
yeah I'm sure the comic from over a decade ago is full of cringe gay marriage propaganda and #metoo twitter hashtag stuff.
I think he's more annoyed than anything else
I had fun watching it, so I don't care.