This cant be happening
>Ahmed Nabil.
speaks more languages than you do
15?! FUCKING 15!? Is this the level arabs are at? Naming animals?
student cuckittini
it clearly states "French student".
Based and redpilled
it was a class about sexual education
Kek Shitskin btfo, average Ronaldo fan name Ahmed Allahouakbariifakmycousin
>failed his exam
doesnt look like it mate
>15 and learning what a goat is
What's going on in France?
>Ronaldo is responsible for Indian suicides and Arab exam fails
What a disgusting man
Quintessential French name
teacher must have been einstein
HAHAHAHAHA Ronaldo bros not like this
>Manchester United fan Nabil believes that is the case, although he does admit a hint of bias.
>"If anyone asks me who I think is the goat is, I'll tell him them Ronaldo but deep down I'm not that sure." he told us.
>"Sometimes I think that Messi is better but because of my bias, the former United player is the greatest."
90% of his fanbase are muzzie camelnigs with their skinny jeans, fake prada hats and 600 db shit “music” on the train from their 10 years old phones. if it weren’t for them, he whould be playing in the united states since 5 years ago at least
It seems its a British student learning French
as expected, his fans are all non whites
I can't believe it either bro, our Serbian trans female friend is going to have an aneurysm when she sees this, but can you please not call her Alfonso, that's her deadname.
Teachers are braindead. Math test first question:
>to make one shirt you need 6 buttons. Calculate now many buttons you need for a) 4 shirts b) 3 shirts
6 * 4 is wrong according to this genius because 4 * 6 is the answer
holy i just spit my drink
If I were the father I would smash the teacher's face on the ground
you're alright
Un Sneed
If it's a trans female, is he a man with a pussy?
how do we recover bros?
Arabs for some reason love him
He's a gay chud. Weird specimen.
the teacher is a pissifag
man with a wig
But "goat" only works in English.
Female transitioning to man?
you are an arab yourself retard
> m-muh roach l-language
nobody cares the specific subtype of your throat raping utterences, muhammad.
woman without tits
>un ronaldo
note how he wrote "a ronaldo"; it's up to the interpretation of the reader as to which ronaldo he was referring to. (pro-tip: it's the Brazilian)
un ronaldo
fake, gay & cia-pilled.
>Ahmed nabil
Typical Ronaldo fan is it?
I wonder how long after going into retirement he will come out of the closet
Sorry rapenaldo no everyone can be the GOAT
messimanlets...... we are SATANISTS!?!?!?
overrated but put me in the screencap
>hey guys, *insert racism*!! ehehehe
>ahaha XDDDDD so funneh!
sick of /pol/tards in my board
Diaspora MENA in action