Let's settle this once and for all

let's settle this once and for all

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they all did a god job honestly.

In which one can you do thousands of thousands of quests?

ASOIAF > Star Trek > Lord of the Rings > Elder Scrolls > Harry Potter > Star Wars

Star Wars > Game of Thrones > Harry Potter > LOTR > > > > > Elder Scrolls > > > > > > > > > > > Star Trek

I'm not making a judgement on how well the universes were used by the authors, just on the potential of the universe and their complexities. Yes, the LOTR books were better than Harry Potter, but there is very little room for expansion or lore depth unlike in the Potterverse.

Tolkien and lucas are based

Greatest as in what? Most detailed? The one I’d like to live in? Probably Trek either way. Though LotR might be the most detailed and internally consistent. Also Lucas didn’t create half of what’s considered the Star Wars universe

Nice universes, but Jack Kirby created both the DC and the Marvel universes.
How many people can claim to have made 2?

none of these are even remotely in the same tier as LOTR

Jack Kirby


Elder Scrolls has a pretty great universe, it's like 80% of the reason anyone even gives a shit about the games

LOTR>TES>Trek>Potter>Star Wars
Stat Wars is only last because I'm leaving all EU out. I also never read or watched game of thrones so I can't judge it

why aren't there more women that create fictional universes like Rowling?

Tolkiens the only world builder I see up there every one else is a hack

I like star trek but the universe is made up as they go along, potter is similar.
SW is a great sandbox but can be hit or miss in nexecution.
LOTR is proabably is the most consistant and well put together. I don't know much about Got or oblivion desu.

>No Tomino
I’m kind of OK with this. UC is too good for Facebook discussions

>Frank Herbert

An argument between these six would be priceless!

I played both Oblivion and Skyrim and don't remember the story desu. I remember there was some kind of mordor-like hell universe and their devils were leaking into the real world, but I don't remember how the player gets dragged into it or what the point is.


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Don't know but I want Rowling to be my mommy gf.

My main man Todd of course

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Todd because he'll kill me if I say he was the worst.


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Star Trek, just more believable, the different cultures etc.


lotr>star wars>got>elder scrolls>star trek>harry potter

lord of the rings gets a lot of credit for making the very idea of creating a whole mythology world a thing. star wars is an incredible universe to make things in which is apparent by how many star wars spin off type things are easily made and have been for decades. game of thrones is a good fantasy world but its only a bit better and more fleshed out than other fantasy world settings out there all of which copied Tolkien. elder scrolls is among these "other" fantasy worlds. star trek is essentially built off of the real world so it loses tons of points for that as far as universe building goes. harry potter also is built within our own world and while the books are great stories the world building fantasy elements are not what made harry potter good, its basically why the fantastic beast etc... stuff just doesnt really have the spark of harry potter, it was the characters and plot not the universe that made harry potter great.

GRRM talking to Todd
>so todd whats your tax policy for tamriel?
it just works

>muh potterverse
it's extremely poorly thought out and shitty. It doesn't hold up to any closer inspection, it's a world created for children and doesn't make any sense. It pales in comparison to any of the other universes

>including the Elder scrolls
>but not this
Good god the fucking injustice.

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The lore is good but it matters jack shit as they can’t seem to show it in game.


>oh hey blue alien that is basically human #1821

aliums are boring because of budget constraints

I nominate Incal by Jodorowsky/Moebius because every space scifi ripped them off endlessly. Especially Star Wars.

What this guy said.

I also despise star trek, the whole universe just feels so fake and artificial.

The people who make those images don't read anything that doesn't have a normie friendly screen adaption.

star wars
people will say tolkien to sound smart and contrarian
rowling created the best fap material, arguably

none of those people deserve to be on the same list as Tolkien

Arguably the Trek universe. I concede that it is nowhere near the intricacy of LOTR or the depth of GoT but Roddenberry had a unique vision of people being fundamentally decent and working together. Star Trek reruns remain big partly because of this hope that has no comparable I can think of.

Michael Kirkbride and Christopher Weaver created TES. Todd is just a suit

LotR > Harry Potter
Star Trek > Star Wars

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LOTR>Elder Scrolls>ASOIAF>Trek>Star Wars>Harry Potter

Todd didn't create TES, in fact most of what we find interesting about that universe was created by a small group of writers including the great and powerful Michael Kirkbride.

>Roddenberry had a unique vision of people being fundamentally decent and working together
An extremely naive one, as it turns out.

Hands down Tolkien followed by Lucas. Rowling literally nicked everything from everywhere. The rest aren’t even in the same league.

Agreed. The main Trek timeline is top notch.

I'm not even meming when I say Morrowind has worldbuilding close to the same level as Lord of the Rings. Not that it's Todd who made that happen though.

>no kinoko nasu
shit list

Tolkien then Trek. Everything else is for children.

Our holy Father the LORD G-D, upon whom all these pale imitations based their "creations"

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>wah I'm too lazy to read literally any of the in game books or do any sidequests
>why won't they spoon-feed the lore to me
TES has a rich lore if you're actually bothered to invest time into it

I don't like universes that are totally fantastical. I prefer ones that have fantastical elements situated in an otherwise normal world. Therefore, Harry Potter is the only universe here that really interests me. The other franchises have cool things about them, but Harry Potter is the only one with lore/a universe that I like.

>rowling created the best fap material, arguably

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Non-Retard List

Trek = LOTR > SW > ASOIAF >> TES >>>>>> HP

Taking into account quality of original works, extended universe output, and existing/potential OC.

>I played both Oblivion and Skyrim
Look at this n'wah

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I played both Morrowind and Skyrim. It's pretty generic and you can see the LOTR influences everywhere.

It doesn't help that the games are buggy as fuck.

LOTR>>>>>Star Trek>GoT>Star Wars> Harry Potter>>>>>>>>>>>>The Elder Scrolls

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The only legit world-builder there is Tolkien. And he did it mostly because he needed a constructed world for his constructed languages to develop in.

If i wanted to watch naive utopian tripe I’d read a children’s book.

They're all good but I'll go with Star Wars as being my favorite as I type this post (Disney fan fiction not included)

Tolkien is even on the same level as the rest of those idiots. He alone constructed his world and it's still more complex by an order of magnitude than anything the others created with the help of dozens more people.

Tolkien created twenty languages, nine writing scripts, one thousand named characters, and currently has more than eight thousand pages of published material with God knows how much more in Christopher's archives.

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Todd the god=star trek=LOTR
the rest are shit

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anyone with GOT above last place needs to go back

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I do read the books fag, I actually quite like it, but reading books that have no impact on the game is just meh. The wider world should actually appear to be linked to the game instead of feeling like two separate entities.

Everything cool about TES was written by his one buddy who took shrooms after reading the Vedas.

Todd of course

Your taste is objectively shit, harry potter was a book for primary school children.

(and thats a good thing)

Tolkien. How is that even a question?

Tolkien is on another level.
Star wars has potential while game of thrones has depth at first but then you realise that only the seven kingdoms have lore and essos is basically the definition of space filling empires.

Eh, I seem to do alright working with people in the public sector instead of trying to stiff everyone. I wouldn't let some bums into my house but I think you're being unduly pessimistic about humanity, in part, because our media like to project those stories.

Also if a decent society triggers you so much then LotR is out the window too given the elements of heroic legend and New Jerusalem imagery.

Like Harry Potter?

What game is this?

Star Wars was created by the people working for Lucas. All he ever wanted to do was make a Buck Rodgers movie.

>if a decent society triggers you
Where the fuck did this even come into the statement I made at all? Why does this shit have to get shoehorned into even every conversation?

Lotr...go read the children hurin m8. Tolkien had nuance.

Harry Potter’s universe is just this shit but with Fantasy elements instead of cartoons and video games.

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>Yea Forumstards
>elder shit
>cringe scrolls

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Every single one of these creators has done the same impressive feat and that is the reason they're still remembered today; they reach out to a new viewer or reader, and give them the handshake of
>"here is something totally new that will feel completely familiar — it is something you've known all your life, but have never been able to put into words. Here are the rules of the universe and I promise to never break them."
This is the basic promise of every enduring piece of popular culture. As such the core principles are always the same and any comparison is just detail and preference.

This even with how perverse he was with the fishspeakers and honored matres

witch trainer silver edition

Kevin Smith View Askewniverse

damn, do those legs to all the way up?

Robert Jordan

Todd didn't create elder scrolls. Some would argue he only made it worse

Todd didn't create Tamriel, he ruined it.


LotR>Trek>TES>GoT>SW(old EU)>Harry Potter>SW(Disney)

TES is batshit crazy and unique when you really get into the lore.

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Tolkien and Lucas and its not even close

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I miss when franchises didn't have more than 3 movies.

Then why is the actress who played her as flat as a board?

Thor+Asgardians > All

np, have fun

Todd didn't create the elder scrolls universe though.

The moment something becomes popular it becomes a product. The artists original vision becomes irrelevant.

Star Trek
Star Wars

Lotr > elder > Warhammer > Trek/swars > Martín > the rest.
A few real writers arent here tho...

Morrowinds main quest was a straight rip off of LotR.

filthy n'wah

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How? There's a volcano and that's about it. It's more Dune than LotR.

As already pointed out there are two missing:

-Terry Pratchett
-Jack Kirby and Stan Lee



>Derivative drivel

>Are you fucking serious?

I thought Todd invented Fallout...?

Some nigga from Obsidian - Fallout new vegas

Potterverse is pretty well constructed in that it's pretty modular due to its simplicity. J.K. Rowling could continue to add history both forwards and backwards without contradicting anything. The Potterverse holds up to decent inspection with reasons for why wizards don't use Muggle tech, why Muggles don't find out about wizards, how the Wizarding World communicates with Muggle government, the status of magical creatures, social and class dynamics, etc.

The guy who wrote much of the core and supplementary lore was a theologian who did a lot of drugs. Imagine Tolkien but instead of linguistics he loved Hinduism and instead of smoking a pipe he ate DMT and datura like they were tictacs. There is a lot of interesting, unique, and inspired lore in TES, but unfortunately it is sometimes so alien and bizarre that from a business perspective Bethesda had to tone it down.

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Which amounts to nothing if 98% of it has zero impact in the game.

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kennedy, without any doubt whatsoever
actively ruins things and stops good things from being made, like kotor 3

Have to rally the allies( Rohirrim in LotR and the hillbilly dunmer in Morrowind)
Trip to a volcano to destroy an artifact of great power to keep the big bad from attaining their full power.

Yeah they slapped a coat of Hindu Mysticism over it but the story is a shot for shot remake.


*blocks their paths*

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Avellone is a hack

Better picture.

^ imagine being this wrong.

Hack who got lucky by ripping off Flash Gordon
Star Trek is not enjoyable to me, so no opinion
Arena was generic fantasy, Daggerall was Bethesda slowly developing their lore. Morrowind really established the best parts of the lore. But that's not just Todd, mainly Kirkbride and all of the writers built something great. c0da isn't lore btw u fags
Wholesome and great fantasy
Great child power fantasy, some cools aspects, but some weird and inconstant rules in a world where magic exists.

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He did some good things but everyone needs balance. When you take too much fame on yourself without people to balance you out and start believing your own hype it turns to shit.
Planescape torment was great, KOTR2 was good, Lonesome Road was absolute shit and you can see that it was trying to be the exact same thing he did with his influence of KOTR2.
It's the same with Kirkbride. He's great but he was one of many.

Tolkien literally invented half a dozen different languages and backstories answering literally every autistic "plothole" question any fan could possibly have about the series. On top of that he basically set the standard for all modern fantasy.

>Have to rally the allies
Wow that's really specific
>Trip to a volcano to destroy an artifact of great power to keep the big bad from attaining their full power.
Sure enough. But the trip to the volcano isn't the main drive of the story in Morrowind. Also the artifact is the heart of the creator God. Thematic similarities to be sure, but if Morrowind is a ripoff then so is any fantasy story, and LotR is a ripoff of Götterdämmerung.

Toho: Monsterverse

I'm sick of your empty promises, Peter.

>Michael Kirkbride and Christopher Weaver created TES
Julian Lefay, Ted Peterson, Kurt Kuhlmann and Todd himself had just as much if not more contribution than Kirkbride. He was important (after Redguard) but it was a team that created everything
Todd also definitely created and directed stuff for the games themselves, quests in Morrowind as I remember. The whole "Kirkbride created TES" is a meme.

LotR took more from the Kalevala than anything.

Hello Todd

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The MKult thinks everything begins and end with his ramblings.
He is a shitty writer with no range or depth.
He has two styles
1) Vague incomprehensible 2DEEP4U ramblings
2) Something weird fucks something weirder.

Gary Gygax

>ASoIaF over LotR
Get the fuck out.

Sorry, but it's true

Kathrine Kennedy and Disney cause they literally deleted the extended universe for money and then ruined the main story with shit political agendas

Oh fuck off the asoif world while better and more original than other fantasy tripe is still quite shallow. The seven kingdoms are basically static bar a few wars where nothing changes. Essos is one giant continent of essentially space filling empires.

the greatest universe is obviously the one being witnessed in pic related at this very moment by mask chads galore

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