What should I expect?

What should I expect?

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cool visuals and goose

Wanna fight?

Good visuals

So when Seagal is invincible it's shit, but when some random chink does it, it suddenly becomes cool? Literal brainlets, all of you.

This. The story is okay, some of the dialogue is painfully bad. The violence is decent. The pacing is great.
A surrealist violent thriller

Kino unless you're a pleb

Vithaya Pansringarm isn't the protagonist. The story in this film is actually interesting. And, most importantly, the choreography doesn't look like something an autistic 15 year old would film and put on youtube


No one really likes this movie.

Real human bean in Thailand.

Jokes aside, I really like this movie. The karaoke scenes are my favorites.


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I really like this movie

based and karaokepilled

Unbelievably fantastic soundtrack. Stunningly beautiful visuals. Great story. I LOVE this film.

>tfw Refn and the Goose will never team up again

Nicholas Winding Refn trying his best to imitate Wong Kar Wai. Honestly, it had one decent fight scene and some good music and cinematography but this is the movie that made me realize Refn is more style over substance.

>Not realizing this after one film

After First Man failed its oscar bait, and Refn redefined tv with TOTDY, I think there's a fair chance of them working together again

hot thai hookers and the goose.
nothing else of value desu

yeah that's his thing. I like it. I was waiting for some more visceral stuff since pusher but after neon demon and totdy I think I see where he's going. That's cool. Maybe he'll change his mind one day and make something completely different but I like what he's doing anyway

>The pacing is great.
somebody get dis nigga outta here

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I literally went to the cinema expecting shit that I would laugh at with TV afterwards. It was pure kino. The critics are plebs

Very cool movie worth watching for the visuals and the violence alone. Doesn't deserve the hate it gets, nor does it deserve the contrarian praise it gets on Yea Forums, but it's a very cool film and I like it more than The Neon Demon while most people seem to prefer the latter.

Well to me it seemed like Bronson and Drive had an equal amount of style and substance but this was the movie that seemed like it wasn't a healthy balance of both and just came off too try-hard to me but i never watched his earlier movies like the Pusher series and Bleeder so i guess that means i have no merit to judge Refn's style like some of his fag fans on here.

This film is a lot more 'awesome' than TND. It's bloodier, more seems to happen, Goose is awesome.
But TND is a better film. It's a lot more precise and polished.

The pacing is objectively god-tier unless you're an adhd pleb

I personally didn't get it

Not enough growling for my tastes

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Pretentious dogshit

this but I’d still give it a positive review


In what way is it pretentious?

Cinematography was done by Kubricks former DP. Larry Smith also shout Eyes Wide Shut

Best cinematography of 21st Century imo

Kino, my friend.

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By attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than it actually possessed.

In what ways does it do this? It's a pretty straightforward tale that acts as an allegory for Refn's own personal frustrations. How does it attempt to be more than that?
Also, attempting to impress isn't pretending to be something it isn't. So that wouldn't classify under pretentious.

Yeah no shit, it's the same thing with Lynch

>Also, attempting to impress isn't pretending to be something it isn't. So that wouldn't classify under pretentious.

It's the definition of pretentious, idiot.

The definition of pretentious is "something that pretends to be something that it isn't", not something that attempts to be something you think it fails at.
Otherwise every bad film would be pretentious by attempting to be a good film. So no, you are the idiot. Don't bother replying unless you have a real argument.

>whitey in Bangkok not as a sex tourist
>well dressed white tourist does oddjobs for asian crime family
>OST kickstarted the muh-Stranger-Things-80s-synth crap
>pretentious movie overall

Watch something else.

A better film in a sort of objective sense, but to me OGF is more like a rough gem and TND is more like a polished stone. TND doesn't get remarkably interesting for me until about the second half, but it gets from point A to point B just fine. OGF is interesting to me throughout, unfortunately it also gets pretentious and sometimes stupid.


Take that off.

Kino that you wish you appreciated more than you did
I just really liked the original script and wish they made that version instead of the drier released version

Then I guess you're no one
(Just kidding, of course!)