He has a point

He has a point.

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If pencils misspell words, then how did that misspelling happen on that image?!

Pencils write, guns fire bullets. Pencils are designed to help transfer a mark to paper to record or create. Guns are designed to fire bullets at things and often into people.

This is an awful point, and the baby in the picture highlights the immaturity of the logic.

stewie makes a compelling argument here

libtards pwned

No way Seth wrote that seeing that he's a liberal douche.

Switzerland and New England have guns to their teeth and suffer no shootings.

Family Guy is a satanic cartoon intended to corrupt the youth.

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When you make shit up, sure, sounds great. America has way more guns than any other country.


>#2 Falkland Islands
is there even 100 people there

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very good, now just run a correlation to the number of black people in specific areas in the us, and cross reference that to gun violence reports

Freakin sweet

You have to look at the kinds of guns too. This is just guns, doesn't account for automatic, semi-auto or anything else.

They dont have automatic rifles and switzerland has tight restrictions on ammo. The NRA talking points are shit.

Battle Sheep.

Guns are tools, just like cars or hammers.
You don't give tools to retards (in this metaphor: Americans) and hope for the best.

Based Amerishoots.

Civilians in the US don’t have automatic weapons either. Not one mass shooting was done with an automatic weapon. Why bring that up?

Well it's per capita. If there was one dude on the island with a full armory they would be #1. Anyway they have to defend themselves from Argies

They do in Yemen, don't go to fucking Yemen.

>NRA talking points
>while using the most retarded grabber talking points
Kill yourself

Americans are fat and easy to shoot due to increased body mass and inability to run away fast.

What we need is faster mobility scooters and slower bullets.

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They made it too easy to not do your military service in Switzerland now. Not as armed as we used to be.

Ban all guns and make everyone use bow and arrows

and an overwhelming majority of them are not used in any violent crimes
its a direct correlation

What if we kept the guns and everyone just wore body armour all the time?

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someone here knows what they're talking about.

What the fuck else are you gonna use a gun for?

>what i think is what the tv told me and we should do as they tell us to

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Sport, hunting, home defense

Emphasis on home. Carrying one around at all times is a bit iffy to me but many of my friends I know do conceal carry

Hey Beter

>home defense

This is the most senseless thing you said. Thieves are not typically stupid enough to invade a home while someone is in it. I see this argument so often, but realistic, thieves are non-violent and go in when you're not home. Having a gun cause of home invader is the most paranoid fuck way of thinking. Thinking that if someone wanted to commit violence against you while you were home, that you'd be able to see the attack coming first and defend against it?

It's a bit of everything really. I mean if any mentally unstable 20 year old dipshit can walk into a store and buy an "AK-47 style weapon" obviously that's going to lead to problems.