WW1 movie

>WW1 movie
>hundreds of men charging towards machine guns and artillery shells like they're not going to die in 1 second

What did Hollywood mean by this?

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/his/ here, that's totally accurate to WW1. Military generals simply did not understand the concept of Machine Guns at the time.

nigga ww1 was a fucking shitshow and that actually did happen. why do you think Hitler went so insane?

Hey /his/, do you guys have a word for people who don't know super basic stuff like this?

Yeah, they're called fucking idiots


Why didn't they just use eagles to fly over the trenches?

"smartphone owners"

ignoramus. fucking hell ww1 was a shitshow. I reccomend reading the proud tower if you can stand boring to really understand just how plumb retarded everything came together for it.

It’s how war worked back then, a direct evolution from ancient line battles. Still pretty pathetic when you think about it because these cucks died for no other reason than because they were told to do so. Sadly this is the best even the most individualistic of the human races can do.

retarded nigger faggots



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Yea dude we heard you the first time. Brainlet.

Here, watch this video


Sorry, I should've said phonefags.
People of this gen of easy internet access feel like they don't "need" to actually study, investigate, or retain knowledge of much of anything on their own, because that knowledge will never be more than a google search away.
Thus they tend to be ignorant morons.

>pristine green field
>recently dug white dirt/sand trenches
>seemingly nothing on the horizon
>in a film called 1917

I have no idea what's going on here

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the futility of war

has anyone ever created a realistic soundscape of a verdun tier barrage?

the french loved to bayonet charge machine guns

Nice retort. Brainlet.

It depends on which year of the war it is. Judging by the scene depicted, its probably 1916, 17 or 18. They are wearing Brodie helmets which were first introduced in September 1915.

The whole war is one long learning process. Its not until 1917 that the British have the amount of artillery required to fully suppress the Germany defences long enough for the bulk of their troops to cross no mans land unscathed.

That said, there are so many different elements to a First World War attack. The weather, artillery effectiveness, preparedness of defenders, luck etc.

Hollywood normally does a shocking job of accurately presenting First World War combat.

Really hollywood. Have we reached the point where WW2 isnt enough?

cant tell if butthurt turk or butthurt kraut

>New Hollywood film about WWI is released
>all the generals & leaders are white while the grunt rabble are all poc & women
>literally ordered to feed themselves to the machine guns or their families will get slaughtered
>Oscar winner, hailed as the most "morally accurate" depiction of WWI ever on film

>implying there's anyone alive today that will ever understand the experiences of the soldiers in the trenches

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>WW1 movie
>protagonists are Brits

>WW2 movie
>protagonists are Americans or sometimes Brits

We will this meme end?

>weeda neba had dis 'ere wah if da huns'd jus buy their tellie loicenses like good lads

It means that Legends of the Fall may be surpassed as the best Hollywood made WWI movie.

when you stop watching american and british war movies

>going to war
>not staying how and fucking all the females left behind

based and negropilled

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yeah but this happened in ww1 there wasnt smartphone and no internet
they just had books

Those people aren't who I was referencing.
I was referencing people in 2019 who have no clue how shocking the use of firearms & explosives & gas was to the soldiers & generals of the time.

Again, projecting.

Based and Borispilled

no one gives a fuck about anyone else dude get a grip. like i want to watch a movie about retard slavs zerg rushing nazis on the eastern front? no thanks.

It's not really "super basic stuff"
Technology was changing faster than the old guard could keep up with. Too many old men stuck in their old ways that couldn't keep up with the changing ways of warfare. Most of them never even got within 100 miles of the front line, so they might have gone some time without ever knowing exactly why things were so different.

When I kept seeing the sand trenches I assumed it was Egypt

Iran and Iraq fought a trench war of equivalent brutality but you're probably too young to remember that one

>/his/ here
So you have no idea what you are talking about then.

>TFW one of the better depiction of WW1 came from a dumb (((Spielberg))) movie about a fucking horse

He's right though. How fucked is your brain?

In the UK we call them history teachers
>muh lions led by donkeys
>muh butcher haig
>muh Wilfrid Owen
>don't serve your country kiddos

the best world war 1 depiction is still young indiana jones chronicles.
this movie looks like dunkirk all over again. weirdly sterile war movie that's all about the technique being used (in this case i guess it's "one take").

Yes, that's why machine guns were utilised to great effect by the Germans in mobile warfare at the Eastern Front.

how’s that $100 chinese knockoff phone holding up you seething poorfag :^)

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>not understanding that concept in under one hour

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And yet it still happened. A fucking travesty is what it was.

/pol/ here, don't listen to these /his/ folks
you see, to really understand WW1 you need to know which sides were actually white. Outside of the USA and Italy being undeniably white, the other counties are more in question.

Either memeing or somehow an even bigger mong than everyone else over on /his/.

>Italians undeniably white


The real redpill is that Germans are not white

WW1 kino?


if someone posts that Mr Bean or whatever the fuck Black Adder gay fucking overrated fag bullshit one more time I'm going to fucking stab someone

>medieval movie
>cavalry charges directly into a spearwall

You mean this one?


>morally accurate
Don't tell me this is a thing. How can they try to qualify accuracy like that?

yeah dude totally, everyone was an idiot and didnt understand machine guns, that's why every single one of them used machine gun emplacements right? it couldnt be there's a far more obvious explanation like it being a war of attrition

>He doesn't own a smartphone
Came here all the way from /k/, did you?

this is the closest i have seen

They understood and just didn't care. "The general sighed, as the lines on the map, moved from side toooooooo sidddeeeee"

This sounds like one those missile launchers that shoot 3000 missiles at once

WW1 was so terrible. The world ended then and we are just exhausting in purgatory now.

No it really is super basic stuff that anyone with even a passing interest in ww1 knows about.