Was the Alita movie character a Mary Sue?

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Stop using words you don’t understand


>not arguments

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leaked script for the sequel

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No. She was a cutie pie thouh.

Does the Alita discord still exist? I haven't been in any of the Alita threads since May.

imagine being this obsessed


Learn to format, negro. Also, that is probably the most generic scriptwriting font I've ever seen.

Pretty based if i do say so myself

Nah, she was just a technologically advanced robot in a world of shitty robots. She also didn't have flaws that were actually just more strengths in disguise.

Compared to the manga Alita may have been portrayed a little Mary Sue in the film.

>formerly sneed's

Why do I keep coming here

She got her ass whooped in the Fight_02


That Discord was set up by Alita hating trannies to troll /ALITA/. Its fake and gay like its founders. That is where all the fake screencaps of false flag conversations come from.

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where did everyone go after the threads were purged?

No where. Posters moved on after the jannies purged the general. Yea Forums is a big board.

It's shit

You're shit

Cast him.

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>Yea Forums janny after he banned /ALITA/

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That movie sucked

HIYA! Alita sucked. Why are french fags like fucking martians?


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Yes. Indestructible body.


No. She actually gets her shit pushed in when she challenges the big guy. Mary Sue's don't fail. Cameron isn't a retard and knows how to at least write a basic character in his films. Every one of them experiences some down point in their experiences.

Ido straight up tells Alita that if she fucks up her Berserker body he won't be able to fix it. It has regenerative capabilities but it's not indestructible.

>sequels FOREVER

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She gets straight up eviscerated by the big bad during their first fight.
She's absolutely retarded when it comes to romance and fall for the dude trying to harvest her body parts.
Basically her major flaw is her purity.

Elements of it maybe, but she gets cut to fucking ribbon half-way through the movie. Haven't seen Ma-Rey Sue so much as twist her fucking ankle.


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>she gets cut to fucking ribbon
It didn't matter though. She lived without issue. No other cyborg could live through that.

>No other cyborg could live through that.
Grewishka got BTFO and repaired twice in the film before finally getting bisected in the very end.

She was a Jason Bourne. She can't remember. She also gets her ass kicked a couple of times Mary Sue's can't get even a scratch.

Post Alita with transparent background

No. Mary Sues have a tendency to be experts on everything, as well as have no flaws.

Alita would be a Mary Sue if she was also a scientists, and a biologists, and an engineer etc. Instead she cant even repair her own body. She is only good in kicking cyberbutt, which is justified due to her background story essentially, being a child super soldier trained precisely on the arts of cyber butt kicking. In that sense its like calling James Bond or Jackie Chan a Mary sue. You are allowed to be good at something assuming you presumably put the work in it.

Even when she had to do the surgery with Hugo's head, if memory serves she had to get help by the whatshername female doctor, which is funny because thats less of Mary Sue than she was in the Manga where she actually did the surgery herself.

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Alita's core was never so much as scratched. The flimsy white body is Ido's responsibility. He made it. Once Alita's core is in the URM body nothing is comes close to hurting her. She survived attacking Zalem. Grewishaka nicked her for a moment but her nanotech body immediately repaired it. Then she laughably took care of Grewishaka and Vector easily. Then she went on to me motorball champion overnight.

>Was the Alita movie character a Mary Sue?
I reject your premise

I’m fucking dying.


Holy based

There's a scene where her body gets destroyed though.

They even include flashbacks of her training and losing to her commanding officer, so she presumably isn't even the best at cyber butt kicking.

She isn't a mary sue because she has flaws and fails at things, it's a simple as that.

Compare and contrast rey in nu-star wars, who has never had a serious setback, and who is good at everything she tries.

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That wasn't her body. See

i might have to cook some steak n watch alita again

Posting what I have, friendo

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They should hurry up with the sequels so they can cast Milla Jovovich as Eelai.

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Op, I'm currently at chapter 31 of the manga.
She wasn't and never will be a Mary Sue, she is just powerful

>Ultra advanced alien technology body is better than what the plebs in iron city can cobble together from scraps.
Woah weird.

>She survived attacking Zalem
She jumped over a thing.

>Then she went on to me motorball champion overnight.

Your comprehension is shit, no wonder you have shitty opinions.

This doesn't matter, she took a major fall and would have died if she didn't get help. That would never ever happen to a mary sue character. Mary sue characters don't need help, they help everyone else.

I swear you retards just think 'mary sue' means 'powerful protagonist'.

For example, if you think Saitama from one punch man is a mary sue, you're also incorrect.

God I hope.

Fucking BASED

Why? It was shit

Because it was good.

>being this much of a mental midget.

Just because Alita isn't a perfect example of a Mary Sue doesn't make her completely not a Mary Sue.

holy fucking based what the heck

>Was the Alita movie character a Mary Sue?
Read the manga.

>what could you do to my ass with such a little thing user?

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Need an actress with bigger boobs though.


No, it was made clear inside her robot brain was the product of years of intense training and experience serving with some sort of elite space marines. If she was just a normal human though, she'd definitely qualify as a sue, but clearly, a Beserker just ain't that.

>kicks everyone's ass
>nothing bad happens to her
>everyone wants to be her
Definitely a Mary Sue.

Based. Everyone always forgets about her and Nova's other henchman. I really wanna see Michael Biehn cast as Ed for the motorball story.


>formerly Yoko


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thanks. Sneed

I really hate that they changed Alita's backstory in the movie continuity. According to the special features on the disc, she had a pretty normal life and got conscripted into the Martian military and cyberized as a teenager. I guess the script was written long before her manga origin was revealed, but it's just about the dullest possible thing they could come up with and kind of fucks up her entire character.

buy more blu-rays if you want to restore her smile

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Why would I buy a bluray? The torrent is online for free.

thanks for letting me know, now i don't have to buy the blu-ray

I love Alita, but that is as based as it gets.

she fails her mission in the war and then gets her ass kicked in the underground and would have died if not for being rescued by Ido and the others

she also would have been killed in the motorball tryout if Ido hadn't been looking after her

it won't restore her smile though

I don't know what they were thinking with Nova either. He's Joker with a stack of PhDs, not the immortal king of Zalem or whatever, that's more like Mbadi that anything.

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Has the sequel been announced yet?