Cast it

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>when your realdoll gains sentience & says "fuck it, I'm out"

He nailed that dead, lifeless look that most zoomers have.

im convinced everything south of the US is not real life

you think they left it on him for a while?

Pure quinoa.

you can kinda see his bulge

Could've worked with some shades i guess. What was he thinking that no one would notice those zombie tier eyes?

actually based.
But now with the real question - Who will play him in the biopic?


>Could've worked with some shades i guess.
It really wouldn't. Every visitor checks in, and checks out.

>when your realdoll gains sentience & says "fuck it, I'm out"

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This nigger really thought he would fool the biggest tranny-fuckers in the world baka

cast him

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Did you know they show The Simpsons in Brazilian prison?

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fucking lol

Was his daughter supposed to dress up like a prisoner and stay in his place?

Face looks OK. Wig looks really bad

Anyone have a link to that one Brazilian prison video during the riots where the were it's just some prisoner walking around and recording all the mayhem? In this particular video there's a group that he captures on video hacking at the head of some poor bastard while he's on the ground. I think he was already dead because I don't recall him reacting to pain. But the gore in this scene was especially brutal.

He actually passes more than the usual pile of leftie trannies like ContraPoints or Brie Larson.

look at this dude

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Tom Hardy

well, he tried. this is spy level shit

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Tremendously based.

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no one cared who he was 'til he put on the mask

Ciaran Hinds?

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what a shame, he only had 2 weeks left to go

Fucking cringe

Isn’t this the plot of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

i imagine the arresting officers took hours to get those mug shots given how much they were probably dying of laughter

Horror show

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plot twist this guy was forced to be the distraction while the real smuggler got through

Jesus fucking Christ

This is disgusting , yet I need to see it

Leslie Nielsen in brownface (ripperoni)

kek'd and paleopilled

"My bad".

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kinda creepy

he's a human bean

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What's he thinking lads?

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He really nailed the 19 year old 'millennial female' disguise. The only problem was the skin was too clean.

You got to be fucking kidding me.


oooh my love

r8 STASI disguise

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This is probably true, narcos do this all the time.

What was he thinking wearing sandals? Those are obiously a man's feet. And the skin color is different.

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I like the Austin Powers one

are you guys retarded? Do you think the executive will hold his daughter in his stead?
>oh boy he broke out, well I guess his daugther will carry on his sentence

not quite on Mission Impossible's level, but seems like an honest attempt. Maybe next time choose a more subtle wig and don't opt for glasses that bring out the soul-sucking voidholes that make out the eye shapes.

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Rich Evans, master of disguise!

pretty smart not gonna lie, would look like a white man on CCTV for sure

top kek

>he thinks Brazil's prison is like murica where they won't hold your children hostage in exchange for you to go back to jail

would you?

Richard das Geburtstagskind.

The fact that you're leaving your daughter in a place that is known for rape and murder already shows how much of a brainlet you're.
>hurr durr the prison authority will intervene

Its Brazil, she'd probably be raped and killed before anyone finding out

most likely by cops

It's Brazil dude

This guy is going to get raped in prison

Would have fooled me from a distance.

He's El Chapo tier - he's the one doing the raping.

He looks like John Malkovich

The Amazon Joi©

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if he was el chapo tier he would have walked out of that prison without trying to dress up like his daughter

so what you're saying is 13%...

He broke out once before.

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El Chapo did not walked out in any of his prison stints

Dick (Fett) das Geburtstaskind.

I can't wait for the doujin adaptation.

"You wanna be a girl, you're gonna get fucked like a girl"

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guarantee that this was a diversion to have someone else sneak even more through

glad I’m not the only high iq user itt

>I’m going to the hole for a while

he should’ve worn a plastic orange hair

His daughter is a npc in ocarina of time?

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Kinda fucked up the rat turned them in after they thanked him.

Imagine there are 20 guards constantly laughing and teasing him in that room

>imagine there are 20 female guards constantly laughing and teasing him in that room

shut up, come brain

see I told you Travolta ain't gay fuck you haters

ironically would pass as a female in the streets of Brazil

Imagine the smell

Would you fuck it, though?

I'm not a come brain so no

Isn't that a discordtranny insult?

>no i didn't melt my mind with porn! y-you're tranny from discord!
>why yes, i do fap to incest and traps, how could you tell?

Don't ignore my question.
Are you or are you not saying that specific insult did not originate from a tranny discord.

His daughter is asian?


who made the first meme? who knows, bro, who knows

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Reminds me of the subset of tranny freakazoids that actually wear latex masks to appear more like women.

Anything other than Nicolas Cage is a fake reply


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>being this obsessed with trannies

Shut the fuck up tranny

Wait, he got through to Spain? Why didn’t he go to the bathroom and put it in his bag or something?

>that tile backsplash
Looks like this was taken in someone's standup shower

He could have got away with it if they were Asian.

>nobody posted the video

Charged and convicted with aiding and abetting