How does one get a job like this?

How does one get a job like this?

Attached: christopher_nolan_saj36807.jpg (3504x2336, 625K)

1. get on your knees

Not by being good, which is evident considering Nolan is a director.

go to a job
buy a camera
make a course of weddings filming
film weddings in the weekends
shoot shit mon-fri

i did that. I'm finishing now my full lenght movie. Maybe i will share it on Yea Forums. It's a found footage incest erotica.

Know any Jews?

get gud

>He began making films at age seven, borrowing his father's Super 8 camera and shooting short films with his action figures.

Attached: ApuCowboyToy.png (923x713, 16K)

Be jewish or be ready to become a jewish slave that will do anything and everything they demand from you unconditionally.

What makes a good director? Do tell, pleb.

Embryo getting mad.

He's one of the only directors making big budget original films you faggot

Make something cheap and good, then move on to something more expensive.

Most big names in the industry started small. Write a script, find some actors, grab a camera and shoot. It's really not that hard nowdays with all the digital technologies around.

Having a famous father certainly helps

If always involves spending several thousand dollars on a short or shoestring feature and that project showing promise. Most wont get past step 1

Answer the question coward

Embryo fuming.

Be talentless, born into a wealthy family, and appeal solely to pseudo intellectuals.
Voila. Christopher Nolan

how many jumpscares?

>ywn see Nolan play out the plane scene with action figures

In Nolan's case, he had the advantages of having dual US/UK citizenship and a rich executive father, though it seems like he started with fewer connections than most star directors. He got lucky making a movie for 3k that made it to major festivals.

>incest erotica.

Do some free gigs as AC.
Learn Camera.
Rent, buy or get client to rent camera and create reel.
Join local 600 for steady work.

Nolan's model doesn't really work anymore. Every idiot can buy a decent camera these days and the indie market is oversaturated in a way it never used to be.
You actually need talent or the right connections to get noticed now.

>Pleb can't answer simple question

Attached: aD6KW7Pe.jpg (600x400, 56K)

yep it was the fashion in the 90s for studios to scout for the hot young independent director with his low budget movie but those days are over

Ari Aster got attention with a short, but he also graduated from AFI

Ari Aster was connected. And came from a very wealthy family. And it still took 8 years of making short films before he was "allowed" to make his low-budget feature film

Paul Thomas Anderson
Edgar Wright
Kevin Smith

Who else am I missing?

>mother was poet
>dad was musician
I’ll give ya the wealthy part but even connections in tv don’t mean shit for film
>tfw I have a famous ballroom dancer father who couldnt do shit for me if he wanted to

>found footage incest erotica
It'll do great on pornhub I'm sure.
That said, good for you user for walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Shia should be proud.

Attached: shia.gif (299x360, 778K)

Troy Duffy, director of Boondock Saints, who then blew his big break

Thought you might have been a friend of mine up until the erotica was mentioned. Then again, what the fuck do I know, maybe his latest project is just that. He hasn't told me what it's about yet.

It's the basic connections user. You know someone who knows someone, or you've met so-and-so one time and can maybe get a meeting.
It's ridiculous to say there's nothing more to it than that, but that's probably the most important part for most people. And yeah, like I said, he had to spend 8 years making short films before they gave him a chance

>You know someone who knows someone, or you've met so-and-so one time and can maybe get a meeting
If ANYONE makes good short films for 8 whole years they can get a meeting. The trick is the making good short film for 8yrs part. Most people who don’t have wealthy, art respecting parents give up.

does nolan actually know how to use that? or is this why we have a cinematographer

start befriending some dudes having surnames ending with stein or berg

That's not exactly how it works. And also, his 'important' short film was made at the start of those 8 years is the point I was getting at. That was the afi film shot on 35mm that had a lot of money behind it and garnered acclaim.
But even beyond that, the average person can make good short films for 8 years without getting that meeting very easily. Unless you're making the 'right' films, you just don't get noticed on the radar. So you get minimum festival acclaim (I'm not saying none). You can say "oh, but you'll have a great portfolio", but getting anyone to check out your portfolio isn't very straightforward. It's the same as with script-writing. They very rarely check out the work of a random no-name.
I guarantee you there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have consistently made good short films for more than 8 years and who haven't gotten that meeting

Sort of? I assume Nolan somewhat knows how to use a camera since his first film was zero-budget. But in general, as shitty as he is as a director, Nolan's films look good visually and have a consistent look. So he knows how to communicate with his DP and probably knows the basics at least.

is it a bone chilling slow burn no jumpscares or not?

Unironically considering picking a Jewish name as my nom de plume. It wouldn't do me any harm even if there turns out to be no advantage, right?

>I guarantee you there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have consistently made good short films for more than 8 years
yeah I know plenty of indie directors that think they’re short is worth shit but fail to stand out in any way whatsoever besides being competently made. Ari knows how to attract a crowd. A common complaint for film fest submissions is a complete lack of originality, cuz they’ve spend so much money they’re afraid to take risks. And end up with something respectful, but completely unsellable.
Also, who is Sam Hyde

just rename to (((goyim schnitzelberg))) and watch magical big nosed genies appear right in front of you

I mean, I'd say the film festival problem is that the film festivals only seem to program films that lack originality, not that original shorts aren't made - because the festival wants to appeal to as many people as possible.
I know people who make competent, but interesting films who never get noticed. I know people who make awesome original films, that are a bit janky, and don't get noticed.
Most people just don't get noticed regardless of quality

>nolan is bad
i thought this meme died years ago

Memes die. Facts stay true. Fuck off back to plebbit

you’re not wrong on any of that. I’m just saying there’s always been a gamble to it, even for rich kids. I know a few silver spoon usc graduates who are doing absolutely nothing.
Also I just want to encourage non connected people to keep trying to make indie stuff. My time in college sucked cuz everyone either had a defeatist attitude, only supported school backed productions or only made their own shitty short and didn’t volunteer on anyone else’s. If the chances are slim when you’re not connected, your chances are 0 if you don’t try

>nolan fags think they're welcome here

Attached: 131245ULKWzre.jpg (600x315, 22K)

Memento was good. I liked interstellar too.

Oh yeah, despite my cynical attitude I'm actually in the process of making my own no-budget feature film. I have bare few connections, but I need to get it out of my system for my own sake.
I figure I can make this one film that's uncompromising on what I want to do, and make it to the best of my ability and then try my best to get it into somewhere like TIFF. And then, regardless of how that goes, I can relax and work as a 2nd ac on bigger productions, then 1st ac, then dop and eventually get real funding to direct another film in like ten years or so. See how it goes. That might be really depressing so maybe I'll quit after 2 years and make another no-budget feature. Who knows?

A close friend from school actually just finished making his first feature which he filmed in a week in one location. It's not what I would make. But I commend his drive to just sit down and bash the whole thing out.
The flip side to everything I've been saying is that in a lot of ways it doesn't really matter if you ever get noticed. You should be making films because you want/have to make films. Not because you want to be rich/famous. But I feel like I've gone on a weird tangent now

Have you read Rebel Without a Crew yet?

Good luck user. Best you can do is make stuff that you’d want to watch/pay money for if it wasn’t made by you

I haven't, no. I know the general gist of Rodriguez's story and I'm sure it would be inspiring. But since I'm already doing it...
The film I'm making I wrote in such a way to be relatively straight-forward and cheap to make while still making what I wanted to make.
I hope so. It definitely appeals to all the elements I think I enjoy. It will come down to execution but if it goes well then yeah it's a film that I'd love if someone else had made it

is that a smelling machine

I can't stress this enough. Read the book, it's basically the bible of indie filmakers for a very good reason. You can get a used copy online for like nothing, you won't regret it

Okay. If you give it that much weight, I'll look for a copy

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