>Hughie is an american hipster
>not a metal scot
Hughie is an american hipster
At least they cast Pegg as Hughie's dad.
leans pretty heavy on the adapt part of adaptation but so far homelander and frenchie are really carrying the show. I was mediocre about stillwell but now I'm pretty disappointed. no idea what they can do for next season if there is one.
Hughie is an incomprehensible faggot. Eventually just skipped most scenes he was in.
Comic Stillwell was superior, and served as a much better character for corporate apathy. The fact that comic Stillwell isn't even remotely intimidated by any of the supes is perfect.
I hate this dweebie dough faced little faggot so much. The biggest self insert in the history of televsion. The actor is 27 and looks like he's 44 and he only made it 'cause his dad is Dennis Qauid.
He looks 12 dude.
his final panel made the comic amazing for me.
They should have made his dad Scottish or something.
I don't understand his character, everyone treats him like he's a kid but he looks the same age as everyone.
I thought him and simon pegg were like roomates or brothers, then he starts tearing up a bedroom for a 15 year old.
Good recast. The comic version looks like some nobody 40 year old loser. I relate a lot more with show huhgie
>the shelves in his rooms aren't filled with toys and collector's items
>The comic version looks like some nobody 40 year old loser
That's just your average teenage Scot
I don’t like show hughie either. The dude can’t act for shit and just has a dumb look on his face every scene
why beard?
You're just not used to seeing Simon Pegg play a dad. He's one year away from 50. Karl Urban is 47, and he also looks old. Everyone else is at least 7 years or older than Hughie. He's obviously meant to be at least 25. Only Frenchie doesn't really treat him like a baby, and that's because Frenchie is the youngest. MM and Butcher both treat him like a baby in their own ways.
He's basically a manchild, still living with his dad, working a shitty retail job and doesn't even have the courage to ask his boss for a raise. He's not the fighter type, he looks soft and effeminate. That seems to be the angle they were going with him at the start of the show and then slowly he loses that shyness as he learns how the real world works and we see the development of that when he stands up to Butcher and he goes to help the guys that go locked up, risking his own life.
I don't know how he acts in the comics but that's how he is here. Him and Starlight where pretty much our eyes in to this world as the curtain kept getting pulled back.
>I relate more to a guy that looks like a faggot
Reminder these are his parents
No. Im a good looking feminine male who girls are attractive too, but also awkward in social situations.
Between the two of them there's enough chin for ten men.
Why didn't they get pic related?