Was Todd a sociopath?
Was Todd a sociopath?
He just did his job
No he just didn’t bother taking half measures
What about this?
Oops forgot pic
He fucked jesse's bp
he was retodded
Bonus points?
What would Mike has done if he was in the train heist instead of Todd?
This character's literally me
Somewhat. Really wish he would have killed the whiny, self righteous bitch Jesse
He would’ve waved back. I can’t see mike killing children especially when he’s doing all his dirty work just for his granddaughter
meth damon
Yes, he shows no remorse for literally any of the fucked up things he does, not even in the slightest. And when his uncle and the whole gang get gunned down by Walt how does he respond? Not with anger or frustration, just “Jesus mr.white” that last line is was really cements him as sociopathic because he seems to have no attachment to those even closest to him.
Death of the author
No, he was a psychopath.
Before the heist he said something like "there's two types of robberies: the ones that success and the ones that leave witnesses"
Not autistic?
Nah, he actively enjoyed cruelty.
What if I too enjoyed inflicting cruelty on my enemies?
Interesting point. But when it came down to it I don’t think he would’ve had the balls to shoot without hesitation like Todd did.
Depends on which other cluster B personality traits you had.
> “Jesus mr.white”
Nope, only Mr. White
I think he was sociopathic but also "kinda retarded". How he didn't figure out that the shootout was Walt's plan at that point?
Is it possible to cruel and sadistic without being a sociopath or psychopath? I sometimes cry at certain things...
of course it is you bumblefuck self interested teenager, take your edgy self to google and figure shit out yourself
most definitely
Oh yeah? Fuck you too, you worthless insolent ape.
Post the webm. You know which one.
have fun with your cheap reproduction katana you fucking dweeb
I wouldn't say that he wound't have felt guilty about it. But I think must people underestimate how cold blooded Mike can be. He was about to kill Lydia when her daughter was in the house with her.
Sociopath is just a general term for a wide range of personalities and abnormal behaviors that the average person finds soulless or distasteful. Walter White and Gus could also be called sociopaths even though their behavior is radically different from Todd
This. I believe Mike is lawful evil. He's a bad guy, of course, but he has morals. And I doubt smoking a kid would be allowed within the rules he has established for himself.
I don't watch anime nor do I read manga, you dumb basement dwelling incel.
But most average person are soulless themelves...
It's not the katana on the outside that counts, it's the katana on the inside
Studying the blade
post Lydia's feet
start drinking heavily or do speed or something. you'll figure out who you are eventually
he absolutely would. he'd do it if it the kid was a liabillity
no they have souls Yea Forums is wrong