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Other urls found in this thread:


Who? What? Why should i care? Is that a fucking furry? Jesus fucking christ, disgusting.

>3 hour video by a furry
>about a Tarantino movie
It's like an imploding piece of poop.

The opposite to a furry's opinion is always true.

Did that furry actually spend 2 hours and 43 minutes to say he didnt like a film. Is this level of autism even legal?

Obongo legalized it and now we're dealing with the consequences

you can explain why this movie is bad in 2 sentences, why did this furfag take nearly 3 hours to explain it


fuck furries

ironically his "review" is only about two fucking minutes shorter than the film itself

instead of watching some furfag retard just watch the film and form your own opinion

It's the best movie I've seen since BR:2049. It's his best work in a decade plus

>It's the best movie I've seen since BR:2049
the absolute state of this board

Jesus Christ

You need to watch more films, not just mainstream Hollywood films although i do agree with the second part of your sentence.

"tarintino packed 30 minutes of plot into a 3 hour non-art film with soulless characters, boring and dull shots all around with characters doing tasks that the audience gives no shit about"
theres your review senpai

>The absolute state of Hollywood.
Not that user but BR was probably the last movie I saw in theaters where I didn’t feel like I got ripped off for the ticket price.

>furries are uncool
yikes grandpa, last i check it was 2019 not 2007

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>t. a furry douche bag
welcome to the inclusive club, home of the furry burger, can I take your order?


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Anymore rantsona kino?

Yiff in hell. Also, dilate.

Why would a film review be any longer than ten minutes? Who does this retard think he is?

Finally someone's asking the real questions.

Link me

care to explain?

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So the le 3 hours long video-game review meme already made it to film?r

youtube algorithm now pays more per view hour accumulated

this is why you see 10 hour long loops and 3 hours meme videos




imagine taking this furry degenerate seriously, shut the fuck up

People don't actually watch these videos. It's pure white noise used to pass the time when your wasting your day browsing Yea Forums, or wherever this furry guy's audience originates from. You go in viewing this stuff with the already built-in opinion that you agree with their primary point, and you just want the slight dopamine rush when the reviewer makes a 'gotcha' quip that 'destroys' the film. Like your mind going "haha, what if I was the one to say that? It'd make me look very clever."

who is that fag?

>using reverse psychology to get me to go see a movie i already want to see
nice try furfags

>video essay analysis almost as long as the movie

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Visually illiterate furry

Just imagine how much better the world would be if we genocided all furfags

Roger Ebert is only a 1% better critic than the anime furries anyways

>2 hours 42 minutes
At that point you might as well watch the movie and decide for yourself

mauler is based although

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Also, because these videos are long, there's a sense of security in knowing they aren't easy to refute, because the amount of effort needed to dissect a three hour movie review by a Youtube furry is gargantuan compared to the payoff.

>3 hours long

>People in this thread still haven't realised this is fake

>review as long as the movie itself

Hardly even matters, since this is a real trend on youtube right now.

I thought zoomers were supposed to have low attention spans. How can they sit through this shit?

>review longer than the actual film
what kind of autism?

tell that to the guy who made a 9 hour response to a 1 hour 20 minute review of dark souls 2

Does he actually justify the length with in depth analysis or is it just ranting and "comedy bits"?

implying Mauler isn't working on his 7 part breakdown as we speak

The absolut worst kind

wow thanks for the link
I'm totally gonna look this up based on that thumb

>cartoon wolf Avatar

Cringe normalfags



lmao at this one furfag newfag seething that Yea Forums doesn’t like them
go to a hugbox with your other normalfag tier fetish homobuddies


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Unironically this
They are all incredibly low IQ

looks the the furgins are getting defensive and upset boys watch out

How does one do something incredibly söy tier (being a “furry” or whatever cringe Internet group) and spam söy memes? Is it some kind of projection?

It was easily an instant classic and people need to get some taste.
Yeah Tarantino is an alcoholic cuck and a sex weirdo but he can still direct.

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literally don’t reply to seething furniggers, let them have a tantrum some because they literally won’t stop replying otherwise

Looks like a fake thumbnail i can't find this video anywhere

Not him but Sóyboys hate furries with a passion


literally where have you (him) got that impression? furfags are all over twitter and reddit and are mostly defensive crybabies who can’t take criticism (hence the replies I’m getting)
it’s mental gymnastics to label yourself over some mainstream fetish with cringey cons and shit and then call people sóy

Just stop replying dude. They are so incredibly insecure that making fun of them has been the death and boards, look at /tg/, they cried until the jannies made it into a hugbox for them. Let them seethe and samefag for a few hours they all do it.

I know

Is this a 3 hour review? Why the fuck would I watch a 3 hour review of anything?

>furfags are all over twitter and reddit
So are all other people on this site.
>and are mostly defensive crybabies who can’t take criticism (hence the replies I’m getting)
Nut you didnt give them criticism, braindead idiot. When you insult someone or give a baseless claim, you get them back. That's how it always goes on this site. You are the only one who can't take criticism here my friend.

I insulted a fetish, you are the one directly investing your personality into and getting offended on behalf of, a fetish. Like when you insult capeshit and marvelfags seethe. Typical söymale behaviour to associate yourself with these retarded “internet culture” groups and get upset when people obviously are going to make fun of them. Just gave the last (you) either way since that’s what you clearly need for closure.

>you are the one directly investing your personality into and getting offended on behalf of, a fetish.
That's a bold claim.

Link me up


video essays are fucking autistic, and if a review is more than an hour its not a review, its meandering

This is the problem with youtube ¨film critics¨. They know nothing about films and recycle opinions they read from the internet.

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oh shit googly eyes Tarantino is FUCKED

I don't care about this movie, but I'd just like to say fuck furries

Ebert didn't waste his time on films he deemed a waste of time. That makes him 10000% more sensible than reviewers these days

>objectively speaking this film is bad
>we haven’t established the true meaning of objectivity
>this movie is bad because it’s writers are not being objective
>excuse me WOT THE FUCK

Mauler is a dumb centrist sperg

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Nobody’s going to argue here, they’re cancer

A film cannot be objectively good or bad. It's a subjective medium

The only people who think a film is objectively good or bad are legitimate NPC's

Anyone got a link?

Guise...it's a joke video.

It's synth circus music with this text for the running time and thats really it.

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Using a furry avatar negates any opinion this "person" has

