Netflix Kids Show Promotes homosexuality

No Good Nick's season 2 shows two homosexual kids,one of which is a main character, making out. When will they stop with promoting degeneracy?

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cringe, fuck off boomer

>From the original pitch for Stranger Things.

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They look like they’re in their late 20s
Tell me when Finn Wolfhard and whoever the other kid starts kisssing

>seeing gays will make kids gay

I know this is a bait thread but for those for whom it's meant to be honey to just realize that kids shows have been showing hetero makeouts for years and it's no less appropriate for helping kids realize who they wanna fuck

>Some literally who tv show about gays is promoting gays to kids
>Meanwhile Rupaul's drag race has been on tv for over a decade and kids grew up watching it

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>even the news anchor goes back and forth from referring to the kid as a boy or girl

Educate yourself, please.

I mean that's the plan. If they don't get diddled by uncle Lester then maybe you can fuck them up by screwing with their heads in their formative years.

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How do they reproduce then?

>if I repeat the same /pol/ talking point then it means its true


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>gets cancelled in the same season as the show goes gay
I don't get it. Is Disney pro homo or not?

>that video thumbnail
lol no

Go on any gay forum or discussion site and find out how many of its members were abused as kids.

>he doesn't know

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Pro-gay but even more pro-money. See that easily removable for Chinese audiences scene in Avengers with Joe Russo playing a gay widower.


I always forget that scene was in there until someone mentions it.

>I frequent gay forums
>I collect anecdotal stories
>I extrapolate to the entire population
Imagine if any of this was true.

>using online communities to collect data ever

Seething faggot

How about a ham sandwich?

Fuck off, you're sexually retarded.

Heterosexuals do that for them.

/lgbt/ is pretty real

Go on a white nationalist forum and see how many of it's users have never had sexual intercourse.

Have seething dilation

Bourgeois identity politics. The only people butthurt about it are Ahmed and Nazis

Gay kids are regularly bullied into suicide. If we don't teach kids to be accepting and understanding we allow them to develop into bigots.

Depends where you are in the world. They're accepted in some areas.

Your point being...?

I agree with your point overall; the situation isn't equally bad everywhere though.

Very cute

Nigga got a receding hairline LMAO

What's the big deal? You hardly see their lips touch

Looks natural.

Only issue I have with this is they aren't very cute

They're not ugly

>let me show everybody how straight I am by posting on Yea Forums dot com!

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Lucky boy
Finn lips are heaven

What's this?

Don't you think it might be possible that you got the cause and effect reversed? Homosexuals who are adults today would have grown up in a time when it was less accepted, so they would have been more likely to have been ostracized from their peer group, making them more likely a target for predators.

Studies that internet retards cite as "proof" of their conspiracy theory about gays usually say this. Of course it's ignored though.

The Goldfinch

My wife Sophia Lillis’ new Netflix show will redeem them and usher in a new age of Netflix exclusive Lilliskino

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You know you don't have to watch it, right? You're choosing to get upset over nothing.

Do you want a safespace or something?

She’s getting fucking BLACKED

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>fags say that seeing nothing but heterosexuality in the media confuses homosexual children and harms their emotional growth
>what? no it doesn't work the other way around why the fuck would it you bigot

what are you, my retarded aunt?

someone's in the closet

it's you

Where are you located, warn me when you go on your shooting spree, okay?

Have sex.

kys breeders


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unironically the dumbest thing i've read all day

don't breed

All fucking faggots must fucking hang

>No Good Nick's season 2 shows two homosexual kids,one of which is a main character, making out.

>fags say that seeing nothing but heterosexuality in the media confuses homosexual children and harms their emotional growth
It won't make them heterosexual. It might make them think they're alone or abnormal though.

they are fucking abnormal

It's a benign abnormality.

unnnnnnnfffffff sexual ;~~~;

Why do you care and how does it affect you on a personal basis. You got two choices turn it off and the second to not pay for the service I don't understand the need to complain about something that doesn't affect you other than disinterest or disgust. If I don't like vanilla ice cream plain and simple I don't eat it I don't run a campaign of hating vanilla ice cream. Let their parents decide what to watch simple as

>people are born gay
Is this the greatest lie the left has managed to push into the public consciousness?

It's the most likely explanation, given the medical evidence we have.

>medical evidence
kek, even experts don't say people are born gay, but at best "it's decided early in childhood."
But hey, if you repeat a lie often enough and...

You gotta admit that's pretty hot, OP. And I'm not even gay!

Strange that so many faggots were born gay and just happened to be molested

THat's not a kid, that's a grown ass man

Molestation is unfortunately not uncommon in the general population.
They've identified some genes and hormonal factors.

Wtf is this show, also what kind of fag knows about this show, not even fags watch it

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>They've identified some genes
fake news, and the "hormonal factors" is pure speculation and wishful thinking

Also, I find it funny that (not saying you do) people who tend to think that people can be born gay often claim that IQ has nothing to do with genetics.

>No Good Nick represents a new start to Totah’s career, as this is actually the first role in which Totah’s credited as Josie Totah. Totah came out as trans in an op-ed written for Time last August. Now credited by her name Josie Totah, she’s playing Lisa Haddad on No Good Nick.

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>fake news
As for IQ, I never even mentioned it, and it's widely acknowledged that intelligence has a hereditary factor.

Homosexuality isn't bad.

This is now considered a woman

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It's like you have three thoughts in your head, BBC, IQ and gays. All day everyday.

I just looked at the first two, both clearly state they deal with speculation and not hard science or genetic analysis of any kind. Again, it's wishful thinking with no genetic proof, despite the propaganda.

The sooner all fags are killed off the better, they're a fucking embarrassment to humanity.

yikes, that is a lot of projection

>Molestation is unfortunately not uncommon in the general population.
So you're saying the homosexual population ISN'T vastly over represented as both molestation victims and perpetrators?
Because that would be trivially simple to prove with statistics.

They present evidence. Are you retarded?

IIRC they're overrepresented as victims, but it's not clear what the relationship is. It's very much possible that they're more vulnerable to abuse. I've never seen reliable evidence that they're overrepresented as perpetrators.

They present speculation and a hypothesis that cannot be confirmed. But that's enough for some when it agrees with their political agenda.

Yes. Which is hilarious when confronted with other aspects of their agenda, like pedophilia and transgender issues.
There is zero (0) medical evidence of that. It's 99% lies and 1% wishful thinking.

I tip my tinfoil hat to you.

Yea Forums was and always will be a pro-gay broad. Reddit/election tourists will never change that.

Cringe. Just remember, there is no proof homosexuality is genetics, and there is nothing you can do about it, aside from spewing propaganda.

They presented a theory with the evidence for said theory. It's objectively not just wishful thinking, and the fact that you describe it as such indicates that you have an agenda.

>IIRC they're overrepresented as victims
Then why did you just imply that they weren't?
It's almost like you're trying to pass off falsifications as the truth until someone actually points out that you are full of shit

>there is no proof homosexuality is genetics
Knowing how much research is being done on human genetics, it's likely they'll find something related, if they haven't already (the links I provided were far from the only evidence).

>Which is hilarious when confronted with other aspects of their agenda, like pedophilia and transgender issues.
There is 0 consistency for those people and they are solely motivated by their desire for power. The same people will tell you that both gender and orientation are social constructs in one breath, and then claim trans and homosexuality are innate biological characteristics in the next.

>When will they stop with promoting degeneracy?
When we kill them.

You mean child molestation, which is HIGHLY illegal and unlikely to change as such?

They're abnormal in the same sense that redheads or left-handed people are abnormal.
Seeing redheads on TV won't make your hair red, by the way.

This is upsetting to me, a person who dosen't watch this show.

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Sure, I believe that is a possibility in the future.

Yeah, they the one with political agenda here.

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Get AIDS and die a horrible death, disgusting sodomite.

I never said that. Now you're just misrepresenting me.

I would love to stab you in the throat with a screwdriver, over and over again, faggot.

Literally go kill yourself

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It's unknown what causes transgenderism AFAIK. It's a recognized condition all over the world (in various forms), so it's unlikely to be something culture-bound.

It never was. Faggots are universally hated, retard.

Well, I'm sure you'll let me know if they ever find any scientific proof. Until then, keep pushing the lie sistah.

>tfw watched too much gay lion king

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Yea Forums is gay as fuck. Granted we're gay Nazis.

It's impossible to verify that this photo ever existed in real life.

>Faggots are universally hated, retard.
nope lol

>It's a recognized condition all over the world (
Didn't Americans just removed it from DSM, lmao?

When did Yea Forums start letting in faggots?

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You must be retarded to believe this.

thankfully my country hasn't degenerated to the point of this being acceptable
"first worlders" btfo

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These two things are literally the same.

Go outside, leave bumfuck southern states. go to scandinavia (the part of europe that isn't fucking poor).

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Homosexuals are all mentally ill. I have never met a single homosexual in my life who was not absolutely batshit insane, malicious, and ultimately sociopathic.

You'll just deny it and call it liberal fake news SJW propaganda.


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For political reasons, not for any scientific ones

No official ever offered and actual scientific or behavioural academic reason why it wasn’t a form of disorder beyond “we are better than this” and “out dated” and other blunt ideological instruments like that

>Molestation is unfortunately not uncommon in the general population.
You said that in response to me saying that a huge portion of gays were molested. The context implies that you are saying that there is no correlation because it is of a comparable ratio to the general population.
>Now you're just misrepresenting me
No, you just got caught being a lying faggot

What convoluted horseshit. Kill yourself immediately.

Why do you care? Just turn it off.

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nothing wrong with being gay and as always OP IS A FAGGOT

Yeah and they left playing videogames as a mental illness.
Real credible, they are.

In any case, let me know where there is some scientific proof. I'm sure it's around the corner.

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>nothing wrong with being gay

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>the explosion of transgender children is just a cohencidence
You're so dumb you probably still think gays are "born that way", huh?


user posted some links for you already. You didn't even bother reading or offer any valid argument.

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t. tourist

Based truth poster getting banned for stating facts
>It's impossible to verify that this photo ever existed in real life
no it isn't

Gender dysphoria is still recognized

>You said that in response to me saying that a huge portion of gays were molested. The context implies that you are saying that there is no correlation because it is of a comparable ratio to the general population.
That's not what I said. I said that molestation is common in the general population, but not that gays can't be more vulnerable to it.

>no it isn't
Yeah it is. The only original source is an Instagram story. Those expire. The photo was allegedly taken but never publicized in the accompanying photoset.

COPE. People will dick a tranny but not anyone who plays games. I'm not joking.

>That's not what I said
I quoted what you said you fucking retard. You don't get to say "that's not what I said" in regard to what it means in the context you fucking faggot
>I said that molestation is common in the general population
And when you say that in response to someone saying faggots are faggots because they were molested, you are implying that there is no correlation.
Go work on your reading and writing skills, faggot

she's only been in 2 episodes so far. wonder if they'll make her a series regular.

>Yeah it is
No, it isn't.
>The only original source is an Instagram story
How does that make the picture fake?
>Those expire
>The photo was allegedly taken but never publicized in the accompanying photoset
Because they realized people might see them for the disgusting pederasts that they are.
You do know that there are forensic experts that can determine if an image has been manipulated, right? Saying that it's impossible to prove it false is fucking retarded and a desperate grasp at saying something is fake and you can't prove otherwise because it benefits my argument.

Imagine being this dumb

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imagine being this gay

>You don't get to say "that's not what I said" in regard to what it means in the context you fucking faggot
Except I do, because I was the one who said it in the first place. Stop putting words in my mouth.
>And when you say that in response to someone saying faggots are faggots because they were molested, you are implying that there is no correlation.
There may be a correlation, but it's likely not huge, since molestation is so prevalent already in the general population.

Can you believe they put negros on a kids show. When will they stop promoting degeneracy, clearly we are headed for the end of days

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>How does that make the picture fake?
It's not certain that it's fake, but its existence can't be verified. That's a big fat "X" in the list of criteria for a story that should be passed on as unquestionably true.
That's what makes it impossible to verify.
>Because they realized people might see them for the disgusting pederasts that they are.
Or, perhaps it didn't exist in the first place, seeing as its non-publication makes its existence impossible to verify.
>You do know that there are forensic experts that can determine if an image has been manipulated, right?
Have they tested this image?

Kids mimic what they see you fucking piece of shit

>parroting this boomer talking point

>Except I do
No, you don't
>because I was the one who said it in the first place
That has no bearing on what a sentence means in the context. If you meant otherwise, you conveyed it incorrectly and are retarded.
>Stop putting words in my mouth
You said it. Just admit that you're an idiot and misspoke.
>There may be a correlation
Statistically there is.
>but it's likely not huge
It's significant
>since molestation is so prevalent already in the general population
So you weren't trying to say that molestation and being a faggot were unrelated, but now you are repeating the exact same thing? Molestation isn't nearly as prevalent in the general population. You are a liar, a faggot, and incredibly stupid.

This. Ban all violent games NOW

Would unironically put a bullet in your head

>gay bad

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You seem fond of increasingly elaborate nitpicking and insistent strawmen. I don't see any point in continuing this.

So all traits and behaviors are 100% genetically inherited and not learned. Good to know.

>t. internet tough guy

That's not what I said.

>It's not certain that it's fake
You said it is impossible to determine. That is not true.
>but its existence can't be verified
You just posted it, therefore it exists.
>That's a big fat "X" in the list of criteria for a story that should be passed on as unquestionably true
No it isn't. It's literal photographic evidence. Go prove that it's fake. Or even find someone involved in the photoshoot that claimed it was fake, because I know that none did.
>That's what makes it impossible to verify.
No, it isn't. It's a literal photograph. If you can't prove that it's fake, then we have to assume that it is real. That's the way photographic evidence works.
>Or, perhaps it didn't exist in the first place
That would be strange, since it's a picture and I can look at it. It certainly feels like it exists.
>seeing as its non-publication makes its existence impossible to verify.
Why do you keep repeating yourself? I can see the picture, therefore it exists.
>Have they tested this image?
Burden of proof isn't on me to prove that it's real. You have to prove that it is fake.


retard seething after his shit "argument" was exposed

So children do learn behaviors then from their surroundings, often mimicing what they see amd hear? Make up you mind.

You literally insisted "I didn't mean that" then you literally just repeated what I pointed out. I think you are schizophrenic.
Faggots are statistically over-represented in molestation, both as victims and perpetrators.

thats fine and all movies and tv as well

Violence is based and redpilled, faggotry is cringe and bluepilled

nah you're right, Netflix shows have been turning people gay since ancient Greece

might as well come out user, you know your genes aren't going to be passed down

>You just posted it, therefore it exists.
I wasn't the one who posted the photo.
>No it isn't. It's literal photographic evidence. Go prove that it's fake. Or even find someone involved in the photoshoot that claimed it was fake, because I know that none did.
>No, it isn't. It's a literal photograph. If you can't prove that it's fake, then we have to assume that it is real. That's the way photographic evidence works.
Do you really need proof that there's legions of idiots with far too much time on their hands on the internet?
>Burden of proof isn't on me to prove that it's real. You have to prove that it is fake.
Again, without calling in a forensic expert you can't prove or disprove that it's fake. It fails the check for anything posted to fucking Wikipedia (verifiability).

>this kills the /pol/tard

queers exist, have always existed, and will continue to exist. you're going to see more and more of them in movies, tv, adverts, etc because they exist and are people just like you and i

the sooner you stop seething like a whiny faggot and accept it, the happier your life will get. trust me.

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>gays and trannies are now accepted
>their numbers skyrocket
b-but muh they were too afraid to come out
"No!" monkey see monkey do, that's how culture is created and that's why the LGBT CULTURE has gotten so big in these past few years.

Dude. It was literally gay space reptilians back then. Do you even History Channel?

They can and do, but that doesn't seem to be the case with sexual orientation. People can and do grow up seeing nothing but heterosexuality but grow up desiring members of the same sex as partners.

You know what else occurs in animals? Cancer. Cannibalism. Incest. Finding aberrations in nature doesn't justify it in human society.


ironic how this phrase was coined by two literal trannies. little zoomer shit, you're probably too young to even remember what movie im talking about lmao

>their numbers skyrocket
I've never seen evidence of this. The closest thing to evidence is an increase in things like clinics for transgender people, which can indicate more widespread awareness rather than increasing occurrence.

Then why aren't there more kids turning into pigs?

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Only in your head.

When it was made.

Thry do, look at America.

That's not what he was saying. He wasn't using it as a moral justification; he was using it to refute the idea that homosexuality is somehow "artificial."


Look at these fags trying to ignore the obvious. You're all unoriginal copies.

I legit started anally masturbating as a teen because of shit I saw in movies and then watched a lot of porn which made me bi. Without Hollywood and Porn I probably wouldn't have half the fetishes I do. So yes, as a zoomer, I believe sexuality is a spectrum and that being gay can be a choice. So yes, this propaganda is confusing kids.

Ok, Abdul.

these retards literally think that homosexuality, trannies, etc were all invented by jews to destroy white countries

that's literally the level of retardation that most people ITT are operating under

They didn't "coin" the phrase, faggot.
They never even used it as a verb. It was just a plot device.

>you laugh at me because im different
>i laugh at you because your all the same

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You keep confusing behavior with objective reality, one is learned the other is not.
This is the crux of their belief, that homosexuality is an identity and not some trained or learned fad. You're no different than weebs or Marvelfags who model their life after whatever pop culture abomination comes down the drain.

Netflix is fucking gay

Yeah /pol/ is hardly a bastion of intellectualism.

>I wasn't the one who posted the photo.
Not relevant
>Do you really need proof that there's legions of idiots with far too much time on their hands on the internet?
Do you really need me to explain what burden of proof is again?
>Again, without calling in a forensic expert you can't prove or disprove that it's fake
Photographic evidence is real until you prove otherwise.
You are only hurting your own argument by desperately screeching that photographic evidence isn't real, when the people involved never even claimed that.

>ignoring how I pointedly referred to both instances as aberrations akin to cancer
That is what homosexuality is really, learned cancer.

fag pride is now bigger than ever, kids are now much more likely to say they're gay or bi than 15 years ago, there're even studies about this but that doesn't mean there's more of them, nooooooooo!

All fucking faggots must fucking hang.

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>make shit up
>get called out
>ad hominem
Rinse and repeat. It's all so tiresome.

>my identity is based in my buttfucking other men
teache how to be a nonbrainlet master

If a society fails to protect children, it will collapse. There is no exception to this rule.

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be gay
>Born this way!
be anything "bad"
>hate is learned!

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Any evidence?

Homosexuals aren’t born, they’re made through child rape.

Link said studies showing it's skyrocketing then.

Holy fuck, I didn't know that

Anal sex isn't actually that common, contrary to what porn and internet memes claim. Ideally, homosexuality shouldn't be an identity in and of itself, just part of the identity of the individual in that they prefer romantic/sexual relations with the same sex.

absolutely seething

The fact a man has male reproductive organs and a female has female reproductive organs and evolution etc. etc. People don't evolve into faggotry naturally; they end up as genetic dead ends.


yes, and I always will be. Children aren't your nee batch of future sexual playthings

>people don't evolve into faggotry naturally
It seems to occur naturally elsewhere.

do Americans really think they are "the world's first multicultural society"? lmfaoo what did they mean by this

do gay people ever realize animals are buttfucking eachother cause they all look alike? Is there a rebuttal to this, honestly?

as does cancer, but clearly both destroy their host.

>animals are buttfucking eachother cause they all look alike
>what is sexual dimorphism

So we should act like beasts then?

>muh degeneracy
It brings me great joy that every media outlet in the world triggers your retarded sensibilities.
Maybe you’d finally realize that the world doesn’t want your kind bigot and you’d then kill yourself and save us the trouble.

Weird how we still have infertility then. It being a genetic dead end and such.

They’re normal nothing you say will change that.

>the world
You mean like the Middle East? or maybe China? Eastern Europe? Maybe you should realize how no one else wants you.

Generally homosexuality isn't lethal unless you have a heart attack during sex.
I never said that.

Which is also bad?

Gay rights are surprisingly improving in formerly very hostile areas of the world.

Why would they stop? Because you want to?

The only one who’s a embarassment here is you bigot.
So follow your advice and kill yourself

>b.b.but muh middle east!

see pic related and then kys

>this absolutely DESTROYS the lonely incel /pol/tard loser

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he's right, you should join the other faggots and kys

This isn't promoting. If you think watching two guys kiss can make you gay, then you're just closeted anyway.

They offer gender reassignment surgery as an alternative to the death penalty for being a faggot.
Way to try and misrepresent facts, though

Note that this covers 2012 to 2017, in 2005 the American Community Survey from the U.S. Census estimated 776,943 same-sex couples in the country as a whole, representing about 0.5% of the population.

Those boys are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.

Truly "skyrocketing" numbers.


Promoting Ian shit but can’t show a nipple?

It’s pretty telling how you’re trying to forget about most first world countries.
Also even in places you listed are increasingly becoming more tolerant than gays and gay rights.

I accept your concession

Only thing he’s right about is that embarrassments should kill themselves. It’s just that he and the rest of your kind are the biggest embarrassments here.

>People don't evolve into faggotry naturally; they end up as genetic dead ends.
>i don't understand genetics

don't breed

>going from 0.5% to almost 5% in 12 years isn't huge
Yeah, ok :^)

We need more kino of guys kissing desu

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Two people in love isn't degenerate, these shows being shit is degen though

This is the argument the faggots use when they want to sexualize children

Maybe you should leave your bubble, normal people are disgusted by faggotry


man you've been shitting up every thread non-stop haven't you. Just suck a cock already you closet homo.

Nothing wrong with homosex, get over it and go till your fields Cletus

nice buzzword

>seeing a normal couple will fuck with the gay child's brain
Make up your fucking mind already.

/poltv/ - triggered at literally fucking everything

Clearly this represents growth of the population and not a simple reveal of what was already extant but hidden due to mongoloid conservatives trying to violently suppress homosexuality for centuries

>e-everyone is secretly disgusted by you!
Yawn. Don’t you people get tired of repeating this obvious lie?

Same sex COUPLES...

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Normal isn’t a buzzword

>i hate jews, minorities, fags and women
>hmm let's see whats on the telly

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>meaning there are even more single faggots
Good god, we don't even know how many there truly are.

I havent seen a transgender person in two years. Last time was ftm that worked at the mall .

This guy is the next Omar Mateen. He's been spamming threads non-stop with this stuff. I don't even think it's different people because it's always the same typing style.


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Shitty bait

"normal" is and has always been completely subjective.

thanks for playing


>nazis showing that they're ethically and logically on par with fucking isis


Are you illiterate?
The numbers actually says it's about the same.

>b-but muh they were too afraid to come out

>normal people are disgusted by faggotry

far right adult virgins aren't normal people

>you mean like the Middle East?
So /pol/tards like Muslims now?

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at the end of the article the do some weird hypocrisy thing which makes it pretty funny
like smart people didnt want to answer truthfully or something dumb, still makes a good image to trigger tards

Yeah because life was so great for the openly gay in the 90's.

wtf I wanna be smart and love LGBT now

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His sexual identity issues are wanting to suckle his mom's Khazar milkers

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/lgbt/ is literally 50% larping /pol/tards trying to cope with being gay

>obvious lie
You have a single fact to back that up?

Child molestation

Better than it will be once normal people have had enough of your special snowflake bullshit.

>d-day of the rope soon!

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Normal can easily be determined with statistics you dipshit

What is it with their obsession with gays and trannies? Seriously, hey literally spend hours reading up on all things tranny and then come to Yea Forums to brag about what they found.

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Has Ezra ever met a cute guy he hasn't kissed?

stop projecting pozzer

is this that screeching janny who hates the "liberal agenda" in tv/movies shitting up his own board?

literally exposure therapy

>gay kids will realize its okay to be gay

Yeah, me and you :(

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Who needs to study and shiieet when all you gotta do is support buttfucking to become smart!

awww cute

Thank you for sharing how triggered you are.

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>durr anecdotes
>i only believe things labcoats tell me, i have no mind, no thoughts of my own

Homosexuality is normal, get over it, neckbeard.
No, YOU dilate.

>why would nazis from /pol/ spend hours and hours browsing gay forums?

t. gaylord

Back to /pol/ boomercel

You sound like an antivaxxer.

>literally exposure therapy
you're clearly right, everyone who gets exposure therapy for fear of dogs end up wanting to fuck them instead

it's literally how furries reproduce

So I guess the faggots have conclusively been proven wrong so now they are just going to spam some faggot


>he didn't see the new numbers
oh nononononononoooooo

God I wish this were us

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Arguing with /pol/ is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what, they'll just knock everything over, shit on the board, and squawk like they won.

faggot cope

What are the new numbers? Could you post them?

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Reminder that all fucking faggots must fucking hang

t. Ahmed

they're so in love, it melts my heart and makes me smile

closet cope

Oh I'm hung baby OwO

look bruh you either want to suck on dicks or you don't. Seeing dudes kiss doesn't make me want to slurp down cocksnot but if that's what gets you goin then you do you


the best part of this is most of the people responding to you are straight guys trolling, pol is the new tumblr


user that's some random spic from Comic Con lmao
This is Josh tho :)

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like clockwork

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>two people respond before you
>I'm one of them and I'm gay as fuck
user what an odd statement.

People don't go from one extreme to another, usually an idea is seeded and given justification over time before being accepted. This television series is that seed.
Here is the truth, all of you slowly became what you, whether concious or not about it, chose to be.


I’m aware, but I’ve seen that shit infect generals before and you never want the seed to grow into faggots thinking they are welcome

>nuance isn't allowed in my discussions!

boomer pls

I like that you guys are pro-censorship now.

>thinking that was nuanced

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>This thread
The amount of cope from faggots is funny.

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also Josh

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guess i'll go spam /pol/ with gay porn then for all you closeted homos out there

>not wanting faggotry peddled to children is now censorship

But this thread is you and your kind being butthurt about a show with gays existing. If anyone is coping it is you.

nigga I didn't choose to be an American ginger with an engorged left testicle

I dreamed about it, and they prayed

I'm fine with faggots existing. I'm not fine with faggots existing only to push their homosexuality onto other people and say that they need to be "accepted" in society when all they do is target children. Faggot.

This is the least of our problems. Have you seen the drag queen story times?

Once when I was bouncing around on lte ip addresses I found one that was banned for posting bbc shit on pol.
Made me laugh to think someone in my suburb was doing that

>not knowing what "nuanced" means
>meme reaction face reply

did your grandkids teach you this stuff?

Like clockwork

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well it's at least partially accurate

you should probably stay out of those generals then, or at least keep your retarded comments on your containment board.

>dude I'm fine with faggots existing but they can't be accepted
lol but user unless you live in the middle east or africa, you're in the minority there.

>statistical majority = normal

you're going down swinging aren't you

>you're in the minority there.
That’s what the left would like you to believe

When acceptance is left unchecked the mentally ill will run amok. Gay marriage should have never been a thing. Allowing them to file for a civil union would have been an acceptable alternative.
Now with allowing gays to marry you basically state that there is no separation of church and state. I'm not a religious faggot, but I do understand that the government going that far and cucking the church institutions ensured more degeneracy would follow. It emboldened the faggots to finally go after children and people supporting gay marriage are supporting the molestation and degradation of our children.

So prove it, show me some numbers that show most Americans are against gays having rights.

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That would be the definition of normal, yes.

>Now with allowing gays to marry you basically state that there is no separation of church and state.
So why could atheists get married? Why did marriages have benefits in the United States?

Anyways this is one of the reasons you guys lost the marriage debate, because you couldn't think of a good reason to justify separate but equal, and it would always boil down to "they wanna fuck our kids"

guess it's abnormal to be white then, better not breed just to be sure huh, wouldn't wanna pass on your abnormal genes

Since whan can't gays reproduce?

since big brain time on /pol/

>no numbers
why am I not surprised

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They can’t answer truthfully for fear of losing social capital ;)
>wtf why is everyone else not responding as obsessively as I am
Some people are busy, sweaty

it was your father

>dude I dont have numbers but trust me most Americans hate gays
That's pretty weak user

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The church would never force atheists to get married and atheists that would get married would be, obviously, hypocrites in that sense. The idea behind marriage has always been a man and a woman. Atheists were never prohibited from getting married but if they CHOSE to go that route they would have to follow the vows as well.
Simply put atheists are hypocrites. Homosexuals are mentally ill and need love and care like everyone else but we sacrificed that all in the name of "progression".

The church would never force gays to be married either.

>Homosexuals are mentally ill
ew, a christfag on Yea Forums

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Atheist actually and ironically. I'm just not one of those atheists that bash Christianity and Catholicism and then say "Islam is totes cool".
You are correct though. The church would never force gays to marry. The government did by providing those benefits of marriage to those who are married. You see a civil union, which is government binding, is essentially the same thing as marriage but without the religious connotation. The problem, however, is that there are a few benefits that are not covered in civil unions.
I have said for years that the proper way to solve the gay binding issue is to extend civil unions to have the same protections as marriage but Obama had to be a faggot and attack religion.
Notice how you don't see too many gay Muslims getting married don't you? The government would never force those fuckers to marry a gay couple.
