Do you prefer Raimi's Spider-Man films or the MCU flicks?
Do you prefer Raimi's Spider-Man films or the MCU flicks?
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Is that shit?
what does ass feels like?
Salty coins and milk
Good, feels very good to grab and squeeze especially if it's toned (exercise). Had a dancer girlfriend and her ass was a thing of beauty, truly. Now I'm alone. Thanks user.
Anyone that doesn't prefer Raimi is braindead.
>do you prefer shit in your mouth or diarrhea in your mouth
The capeshit dilemmas. I guess one is technically easier to swallow, however much that eases your mind.
Exactly like your own ass
lawl. you dont touch naked women do you. women feel differently for each one
Toned ass is overrated. Just feels like a muscle. Squishy fatty tushy is where it's at.
You have one, don't you? Just shave it and see for yourself
Why not both?
Not really, ass just feels like ass.
Virgin as fuck
*le shitload of reddit replies*
Bags of sand.
Stupid as fuck. Your visual sense of seeing the plump female ass (which is shaped differently) and your emotions from being horny for touching her ass are distorting what it actually feels like. In reality, it mostly feels like a male ass
Ironic, since even the Dunst is more attractive than Emma #3
This meme would have been created by a literal 12 year old.
so what is this?
Literally the other way around.
Nah, my ass is skinny and whenever I grab it, i can't really sweeze without bumping into bone. My wife's ass, however, is really fucking big, soft, and wobbly. You couldn't cover one ass cheek with four hands. I'm afraid of eating her ass, because there's a chance I'll never find my way out.
emasculating woke cunt wearing heels
we little fella also
Dollar General
There a thin line between good and bad ass. Or should i say a T H I C C line
>has to contort her ugly white body into a unnatural position just to LARP that she has an ass
3rd worlders seething over a simple picture of a pretty girl?
t. emasculated manlet
>liking roid ass
Literal homofagsual
Sorry Ramirez you're not white just because you crossed a border
He's right. Why do you think most ass shots have women posing in weird positions?
salty coiny bags of sands
If anyone can post more pictures of this same girl we can test your hypothesis
What kind of coin, though?
Guys, thats someones mom. Have respect
I don't like Spider-Man
So who is this
You know I had to do it
Yes, that's the point
Peter Parker is not supposed to look like a model
fuck's sake
Could. Someone post the fucking source
I want to know too
like plastic bags filled with poo
Spider-Man doesn't even wear a cape you fucking retard
salty milk and sandy bags of coins
>Do you prefer Raimi's Spider-Man films or the MCU flicks?
MCU. I hate Raimi's spider-man films.
Literally in the comics he literally gets girls regularly because he's so literally handsome. Read a comic someliterallytime you fucking braindead retard.
None, into the spider-verse is the only good spiderman capeshit flick
Gave me a headache 5 minutes in
that will definitely confuse the capeshitter alright
It's kino user.
Your taste suck.