You have the ability to adapt any JoJo part into live-action. Which part is it?

You have the ability to adapt any JoJo part into live-action. Which part is it?

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Battle Tendency, Stands are gay.
(Steel Ball Run is cringe)

Is JoJo actually gay or ironic "I sucked my friend's dick as a prank" gay

2 because it's the only good one. 3 has super boring stands and outside of DIO is filler upon filler, and everything past 3, despite often having cool stands, is way too fruity.

4. I love small town settings and the fact that the villain is just a serial killer and not someone who wants power or shit oike that.

It got gayer after a point, it wasn't originally gay.
Latest part and first few parts is like a completely different manga.

its /fit/ gay so 2nd one


2, 6, or 7. BT is cool shit.

The latter. Araki is probably a homo but he has two kids so he's doing God's work.

Too me it really depends on the part. For example, Part 1 is like any other Big Masculine Figure story from the 80s time period. Part 5 was really dumb though and for the new timer would turn off a lot of people.

posting jap live action is like posting >2010's american cartoons

4 is very enjoyable but I wish the villain was persistent throughout the comic instead of popping up out of nowhere halfway through.

At first I was going to say no part because it'd butcher the source but I think every part could be adapted into something decent.
SBR and part 4 would be the best although it's impossible to get the style and fashion of jojo in live action.
SBR would be awesome though. It would work perfect live action especially since most stands don't manifest as spirits so you wouldn't have a bunch of cgi monsters fighting each other

Nipspeak is inherently kino.

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>those thotoids

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Parts 1 - 3 = manly
Parts 4 onward = gay

It does bother me that Araki keeps making the men skinnier and more feminine, but the art quality is improving.

It's neither you projecting imbecile.

It's flamboyant but determinedly straight, there's only two gay characters in a series that's spanned 30 years.

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It speaks to the artist's character that every canon faggot dies horribly.

>Not liking Part 8 so far

Technically 4 but they all get killed in a horrific way

Any good females in the series at all

There's Tiziano, Squalo, Sorbet, Gelato but who else?
DIO? Pucci? Diego even though he has god tier taste in women with HP?

Araki is 100% closeted homo but as others said it is less faggy weewooo gay and more "why would I deny myself of any pleasures as the absolute top limit of alpha male perfection. If the ass is fat, I will fuck it, because I must conquer all things in my sight" roman philosopher-king gay.

Part 4 is unironically the best part and for awhile it kept the aesthetics of early Jojo.

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Part 3

>be inspired by greek and renaissance sculptures and the ideal human form
>"haha jojo is gay XD"

1-3 manly, 4 is regular people, 5 is gay, 6 is lesbian

SBR adapted into a comedic persketti western

This is the correct answer. Diego the Wacky British Dinosaur would be even more kino.

2 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 3

asami a qt

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Jotaro dies in part 6

Anime only? Yeah I guess. 4 is the best part but 2 had the best anime.

Good, jotoros the worst Jojo.

Giorno is easily the worst Jojo. He's a gay loser with no personality.

Die animeonly

1 or 2. Straightforward stories, and I don't know if Stands would really work that well in a live action setting. If they could get Stands right, then Part 4.


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Part 6 definitely. Filming the time acceleration and universe reset would cinematically interesting and unique (incidentally there's a Futurama episode that shows something similar and indeed, there are a few episodes similar to Jojo plots)

Giorno is quiet and reserved. He's not really the main character of part 5. If anything buccirati is. He doesn't get a lot of screen time or lines and I like that araki did that because it made every character in part 5 memorable, even fugo. But when Giorno did speak or act is was interesting and perceptive. Jotoro is just a brute and a loud retard.

>read Manga just to spoil yourself and experience the subpar version of the medium

Manga readers are basically cum brains. They don't have any patience and need the dopamine hit NOW. Instead of waiting patiently for a beautiful David production, they rush through the Manga just to be ahead of other anons on an anonymous image board so they can gloat about something in their life for once.

I read the manga years ago before the anime was even a thing, so um, shut the fuck up retard.

You know they cut a lot of content from the manga to squeeze it all into 39 episodes? Enjoy your cut content shitfest

He's literally just as reserved as Giorno
In what way? He punches things a lot but that's what every other JoJo does too

Any from 6-8 would be kino

SBR is the easiest

t. adhd dur-brain

You're such a fucking liar lmao. You're most likely a teenager, which would make the odds of you reading Jojo before the anime came out very slim. You would have been 11 or 12yrs old reading Jojo? I don't think so zoomer. I hit the nail on the head with my post, didn't I? You only started reading Jojo after the anime came out so you could zoom ahead and feel some sort of superiority on Yea Forums because you're a fucking virgin loser.

Part 1-3: closet gay
Part 4- : openly, flamboyantly gay

Jotaro is shit, specially compared to the previous JoJo Joseph. To me it's obvious that Araki tried to make a story in which le japanese man is le strongest and saves the world from time stopping vampire. Its so over the top and so japanese mangaka that it seems it was planned from the start. part 3 is utterly shit and dragged way to long.

I'm 22 and started reading JoJo when I was 13.
I haven't even seen the anime except for a few episodes from part 1, the animation is quite terrible and makes the art from the manga look shit.

Really, like what? Because I'm willing to bet it's not really important at all. It's not like Berserk where the anime is all over the fucking place with time skips so it's of course better to read the Manga. I'm going to bet practically nothing of importance was cut from Jojo. 40 episodes for 1 arc is a lot of content and I'm willing to bet everything important was covered.

Giorno has no reason to exist. Bucciarati and gun guy are the only interesting characters in part 5.

Steel ball run but im afraid it will end like pic related.

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Jotoro is just the worst Jojo. Period. He doesn't have any personality or passion. He doesn't give a shit about anyone. He's a pretend tough guy and it's really really cringe.

> "I sucked my friend's dick as a prank" gay

Anyone can read a Manga it's not like it's difficult, it's even free. I do read Manga, I just don't read Manga for airing shows because it ruins the excitement of what's going to happen next.

What if it's a bad adaptation?
I was watching that loli vampire anime recently and the CGI was terrible so I just decided to quit the anime and read the manga. (There's also extra cute moments in the manga)

Obviously Part 7, the best part.


It went to shit with the gay jokes and flamboyant poses in part 5. Part 4 is tolerable in that regard and probably the best part though. Don't watch past that if you don't want to cringe.

Yea keep backpedaling virgin. You don't wanna watch the anime, which is the superior version, because you read the Manga and already know what's going to happen, which is precisely my point. You ruined it for yourself. You nutted too fast, cumbrain.

>implying Araki's art isn't a reason to read the manga

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> He doesn't give a shit about anyone
> Go to Egypt to save his mom
> Is fucking mad when DIO kills Joseph
> Go to Morioh to protect the town of stand users
> Try to save his daughter from Pucci

That's totally fine imo. I did the same thing with berserk. If the anime is shit, then of course read the Manga.

If I'm gunna read a Manga for the art, it's gunna be Prison School for me dog.

Yea Forums, the last movie you watched is the name of your stand, what does it do?

>all these jojobrony ironic weebs on Yea Forums
For shame

The anime is the inferior version retard.
Terrible voice acting, mediocre animation, if you want to enjoy the story you're better off with the manga.
I didn't ruin it for myself for reading the actual real product before it was an anime, you ruined it for yourself for seeing an inferior knockoff of the original.
I've rewatched DBZ probably 10 times in my life, I could easily sit down and watch JoJo, but if I wanted to experience it again I'd read it because the anime is trash.

Steel ball run or DIU

>Pulp Fiction
tell me please

Gay and not good

The anime is pretty supbar, only part 2 is better than the manga, part 1 is kind of equal in quality, for part 5 i still prefer the manga. Part 3 and 4 are definitely inferior


OK, ok, ahah oh my god. Alright, so not only are you a virgin, but you're also a spic? And you think jojos animation is bad COMPARED TO DRAGONBALL AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH

>he cares about his mom
Forced shit to make him go to Egypt. He treats her like shit. His lack of caring about anything is perfect for japanese edgelords to project themselves in him, Even his stand power is generic
>Dio... there is only reason you lost...
>You made me angry...
Jesus christ man. He is fucking shit.

just to be clear. we are talking part 3 Jotaro. part 4 is more tolerable, but I still don't like the wank they do to his character.

I'm not a spic you fucking amerimutt, my blood is much purer than yours, I can assure you.


He has a bad attitude but at the same time he obviously has a problem in expressing his feelings , remember when he defeats Kakyoin and bring him to the house and ask Holly if she felling okay, also pic related

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Besides the balls thing in part 4 what is there?

Did anybody play the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

Yeah it’s garbage

I actually liked it although the online was absolutely horrid

I agree but that doesn't make him less shitty. It either feels that his "tough guy" persona is an act, or the "caring person" persona is another act. Compared to the previous JoJo, he is absolute dogshit. His introduction was shitty too. You can't convince me he isn't shit. You didn't even acknowledge that his stand is generic, or that he is definetly a cringy edgelord and forced tough guy. He never felt complex. He felt like an overly forced character to make the reader go "OH SHIT THIS GUY IS COOL YAREYARE XD"

to me it feels like araki though of making a two parter. with Jonathan and Jotaro as the only two JoJos. They both are boring and forced in some way and it aligns perfectly with the writing style of the average mangaka: shit.

Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth as Jonathan and Dio

part 7 easy, or part 1 or 3

Vampire blood makes you a vampire
>Jotaro uses blood from DIO to make Joseph come back to life
>Is not a Vampire

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But you didn't acknowledge that he cares about Joseph, that he risk his live in Morioh, that he try to save his daughter, and there even more things, like his work with the Speedwagon Fundation in finding bad stands users, his trust in Koichi, how he kind of a mentor to Josuke, how he is concerned about Giorno being bad, and problably more. Yeah, i see why his attitude can be a problem in part 3, but in the end actions speak louder than words, he is definetly a caring person.

>invisible baby plot abruptly stops and is waved off near the end as if it held no meaning
>Fugo leaves the group and is never given a proper character arc
>Giorno's ability during his confrontation with Luca is never mentioned again after that one scene

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I can see this
(also checked)

Joseph destroyed any vampiric essence with his hamon.