Name one instance where nudity was used tastefully in a film

Name one instance where nudity was used tastefully in a film.

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Other urls found in this thread: kitchen joi

the Witch

Emanuelle in Space

Groundhog Day

Reminder that no big tit will ever make up for the lack of ass.


me and u mom :)

Look at those jugs.

>not wanting to watch trashy films just to see some nice tits
consider suicide, OP

Great Expectations
Sin City
Under the Skin



who are you quoting

this, unfortunately, is the real redpill about women

American Psycho, now check 'em.

Attached: american psycho.jpg (1280x720, 37K)


Mulholland Drive
>gee literally everybody did this but now it's bad
You glow. Real bad.

fixed OP's image for anyone that wants to save it and reuse it like me

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The only film that ever used nudity appropriately was American Beauty, and even that had the gratuitous Thora Birch scene. Mena Suvari absolutely had to be topless at the end though, it brings home the reality vs the fantasy. There’s no rose petals anymore, just a real naked young girl who’s nervous about this old guy about to bang her.

All other nude scenes are just for the sake of seeing some actresses tits.

nice singles

Sienna.mia.stubbs' instagram account

Your grandpa did it and you're here.

who am you replying to?

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too young

Another Martini, user?

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I belive that I am ebing constan;y filmed and that woulsn be the best chance fr me to see some tasteful nudes


Based and paranoidschizophrenicpilled.

schindlers list

literally WHO

This 100% The subhumans here will disagree, though.


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this kitchen joi

Woman in the Dunes

its more intelligent to like tits than asses

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first three words that come to mind


Pretty Baby

In the realm of the senses

bet she has cute pink nipples with big fat stretched areolas
god damnit :(

God those tits are amazing

it's also less homo


That image proves nothing in your argument.

You fucking mick

thats a butter fat pigg squealie
ignore pig face smash those tiddies an an ass poke her as bet her vegene stinks like a nogs hole

the whole point is so that it's not tasteful

Iceland knows what time it is.

Big Mommy Dunst's fat milkers and hairy pussy lounging around in Melancholia

>Third world shitholes like ass
>Hurr durr no proof

Sonatine, Chunking Express

Andreas' dream in The Passion of Ana, you faggots probably don't even know this movie, it's too kino for this board.

Lol, it's been shown time and again that only non-white third worlders prefer ass.

No butt will ever make up for a woman having a chest like a boy. Deal with it Tyrone.

Rubber Lust (2012)

my gf has tits like that

Reminder that no big tit,
that no big ass
that no beautiful face
will ever make up for the lack of a personality.

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This. Had some ok chick beg for it but she's schizo

Big tits dumb as shit chicks but cute

skinny chicks all fake an attitude those eye brows duckface pout slut

I found the computer artists who did that sequence and asked them if Susan Dey was cast because her facial geometry was easily reducible to simple shapes.
>For Michael Crichton's "Looker" we used several mirrors and a single pin-registered Mitchell, to get multiple views on a single frame. Art and Larry Malone actually painted (or pasted) grids and reference dots on Susan Dey's face.
>The images were hand-digitzed on a 60" custom 2-cursor Talos tablet having 200/in resolution (or maybe higher than that).
>Amazingly, the story line (which we helped with) showed an automated version of this scan on Susan Dey. We were basically predicting how this would eventually be done.
>Something you might not have guessed is that we used someone else for the body and Susan Dey for the face. Mal McMillan helped us splice everything together, and helped us compensate for lens distortion (a key issue in doing this).
>There was nothing special about Susan's features, although
they were clearly excellent in retrospect. Our job was to digitize whoever Michael Crichton chose for the lead actress. Susan Dey was a wonderful choice, and she was great to work with.

Vickii36h. Seems to have had a tumblr. There's a VK album with plenty of pictures. No nudes tho.

Marky Mark getting his cock out in Boogie Nights

Terminator 2

she prob an hero now being this milkcow

>caring about a girl's personality
women are to be used for sex, not conversation, they can literally only lower your IQ

Based and SOULpilled

I love that movie.

>having a libido is a bad thing

Reminder that big tits doesn't equate to lacking ass.

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Now that's what I call a very hot, and sexy, and incredibly enticing and gorgeous young woman....NOT those far-too-skinny, fake-tanned, bleached blond-haired, young women that are obsessed with, and caked in, all manner of make-up...and of course, proudly displaying their most recent pair of fake-tits....they're about as sexy as a bunch of dying daffodils. I’ll pass thanks!

Sour grapes.png

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only gay niggers prefer ass to tits

the original argument isn't that ass is better, its that a chick with tits doesn't mean shit if she doesn't have an ass to aesthetically balance it out. You've yet to give an actual counter argument.

remember that all that matters (in both genders) is FACE

Literally just do squats. Assclowns are retarded.

100% wrong
wealth > height > face > body > personality for men

What part of "name one" did you misunderstand?

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You're saying that as if it wasn't fucking obvious to everyone.

women dont lust for wealth
if you could fuck for money youd do it too, doesnt mean a woman with money attracts you

[loud vomiting noises]

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Apparently it's not, because everyone keeps falling back on the "no ass" fallacy.

idiot its
face>social status>wealth>height>body>personality

that's your opinion.

it's ok to just say you're a faggot bro

>N. Korea

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>not finding this the hottest part

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for me its

Unironically a faggot

Egypt and Argentina confirmed white.

starving families milk the hag til she dies its a culture thing

You can tell some angry girl with big boobs and no ass made this pic.

>tfw have none of these

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I think a better ranking system would be first establishing a baseline. If you have a girl who is a 5/10 in all respects.
An remarkably 5 face.
An unremarkably 5 set of tits.
An unremarkably 5 bum-bum.
Etc. Etc.
What do you improve first? What do you improve last? Is your priority face? Or perhaps your priority is feet?

barry lyndon

>my stretch marks are beautiful! i'm like a tiger!
Imagine being so dumb you fall for roastie propaganda. I bet you think only "real men" can handle single mothers, and that women are healthy at every size.

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how can anyone say anything but face?
there are 9/10 women who don't have great tits
there are 9/10 women who don't have great ass
there are NO 9/10 women who don't have great face

on b//tv

who cares as an old chad dude treat women kind an you get the works dont EVER expect want more cos newfag life is so weird ,

Ass indicates access to food.

>healthy at every size
>hot at every size

>doesnt show ratios

And you wonder why you're still a virgin.

I beg to differ.

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>thinking wealth matters in any capacity

Elliot Rodger would like a word with you.

>needing nudity to be tasteful

That doesn't count. Elliot was incredibly narcisstic. If he could, he would have fucked himself.

>signify femininity and fertility
>can be sucked on or played with and is arousing for both the male and the female
>soft, feels like you're touching a cloud

>literally no value whatsoever
>shit comes out of it
>men have an ass too so liking ass makes you kind of gay

assfags are mentally ill

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ITT the Virgins who never got laid an those who got scammed by whores an cum on her leg , then those who were there but didnt have a clue an cum on getting willy wet , keks
Dont Ever Get in a friendzone as you plebbits call it move on
Try better Dont be her Bro or Bestie , you want her to fuck you ,
Dont let social Media Govern you switch it off you went hiking ... to the 7/11 , had to escape this shit clown world , talk like them , Tell them your vision working an making enough to marry a good old usa house wife , treated right an Rearing Kids Right .. :>)
Most ADULT mutt women Loves this, they just dont want a cracker on meth an in a trailer ,

Hope this helps

maybe if you lowered your standards you could have sex

>>literally no value whatsoever
Actually, the ass is a great place to store fat for energy. It's a sign of sturdier stock.

those are the signs that her huge milkers are so fat and juicy that they literally bend space and time to flop down her chest, if you don't get an instant boner from that shit then you are 100% certified gay bro

Based .

There have been moments where I'd have loved to see more of it lol

>shitskin detected


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Men have tits too, but I apply this logic to foot fags all the time. A well manicured and moisturized male foot could easily pass as female foot. Theres nothing feminine about feet. I just dont get the appeal.

Based and redpilled

What about male nudity?

but will this stop white men shooters

I have not been with a woman for the thirty years I have walked this earth

That's oddly specific.Feels like I can read you like an open book and it's heartwarming to be real honest for a minute here.

Somebody got cucked

low test

t. someone that has never actually talked to a female


>Straight white men once again shitting one everyone else.
>Will later at shocked when liberals call them out.

Nocturnal Animals

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huge tits and average ass > average tits and huge ass


huge tits and no ass < no tits and huge ass

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The problem with that incel is that he didn’t try at all.

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Can’t tell if this user is insane or not.

please don't post my pignosed wife here without my permission, thanks

You must live in a shitty place with shitty women, feel bad for you. Maybe leave the trailer park?

fuck of christian

go and deny your carnal instincts elswhere

All of these "this what each country likes" images, even for non-porn are literally made up bullshit.

maybe you just have 80 IQ unlike my 147 (measured, also a Mensa member and have a PhD in Mathematics from Hardvard) and that's why you can relate to women?

>implying the size is the most important
real pleb right here

Yes, you do.

Great movie, poignant use of nudity.

Also, the dead redheads on the couch scene was very striking.

Based and redpilled

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It sounds like all of the women you are around are retards with 80 IQs. I don’t fuck retards.

no one in here has mentioned the greatness of tomboys


please tell me she takes dick on video

Reminder that throughout the ages, mankind has been very divided on what is attractive on a woman regarding hair, skin, height, thiccness, but never breasts. Big breasts have always been liked by the masses, with only minor exceptions here and there.
You may prefer asses, or legs, or whatever, and that's okay. But at the end of the day, big breasts will always remain as the one thing men will desire, their most primal instincts aim towards them. Do not reject the tit, do not demean the tit. The tit is here for all of us, from the moment we were born.

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Get OFF my board patel

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Elliot didn’t really have wealth. What he had was doting parents. Subtitle difference.
What women really want is the power that comes with wealth.
If your parents control all your spending you don’t really have that power. Sure he had a nice car, but he didn’t really having *spending power* besides maybe taking them out to a decent meal, which every middle class kid has.
Also pic related is always true

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Its cos its all honest Fact an driven by me
If you Ever want Real Life partners do this ..
Stop being that INCEL
Get out an meet her femcil an you Can ..

Listen Go gym Lift an get toned , get fit even fat guys get there , meet chat women , they like you , an TOTALLY ANXIOUS AS YOU , if they not interested dont storm off in Hissy fit , this is called .. Dating , , Dont assume everyone wants to chat , smile , an if they smile back , just , Hiya .. I so an so .. , If she ignores you smile an give thumbs up an mover other equipment , move on , if you get a chatty girl , dont aske her to marry U , ask them questions an be nice an be honest .. say yeah I was quite shut in actually an quite frightened but out , hope you dont mind me talking ....Be honest in chat ..hope this helps I was a chad an bannded in uk a few gyms so dont ..Dont ... Get Your Confidence UP an an SMILE at folk

who the fuck cares for her tits and ass I just want to fuck some whores

Only patrician in this thread.

cumbrian thread

She's not 9/10 and her face isn't that bad.

Are we doing this here . ?
My work

>A well manicured and moisturized male foot could easily pass as female foot
And a trap could pass for a woman, I guess liking women is gay then, fucking retard.

Look how many kids they have. Subconsciously the white man prefers big asses, so they look in disgust at their big tit no ass wives and have one kid before getting a divorce.

Could this user pass the Turing test?

Really ?do want that all Over the Boards ?

>implying man ass looks like feminine ass
You are literally gay if you think that.

peak cumbrain post

There are societies that don't fetishisize boobs as we do.


This is one of the worst phone covers i have ever seen

Eyes wide shut

Quality over quantity.

>with minor exceptions here and there
You need to read it all, user.

Triggered foot fag spotted

I had such a crush for Karen Lancaume after that swing that movie.
Such a shame

A flat girl with a fat ass beats a titcow with a Hank Hill ass any day

Thanks man. I'll try my best.

Women of all sizes between busty and petite that have proportionate tit/ass ratios (minus fat chicks) >>>>> everything you just said.
No ass is unforgivable tho. It's literally a muscle, and can be trained. If dicks got bigger if you trained them you can be sure as shit every dude would be packing a monster. No-ass girls are just lazy and don't want to invest in their sex appeal for whatever reason.

Listen try Better b8 .. this is sum an newfag .. you old cunts not from Moots bbs , being that jellus on t. onion we at now real Chan .

this should ban you an all DICKHEAD HAHAHAHAHA

>don't want to invest in their sex appeal for whatever reason.
Just like lots of guys don't do it either, what's the deal? Just don't date those girls.

She looks jewish. I'll pass.

Unironically in Silence of the Lambs... There's actually an interview (or piece of commentary maybe?) where Jonathan Demme talks about the naked body that Jodie Foster inspects at the beginning of the film. He talks a lot about her being nude and how that dictate where the camera should be pointed and what it should be focusing on. He apparently wanted to draw out feelings of both vulnerability and respect.

is it that burgerbois love anal so much because their mulitated penises cant feel enough to be satisfied by a vagina?

But what he says just isn't true, huge boobs weren't considered the most appealing attribute by most societies, there's no evidence of that, in erotic drawing from the past you even see ass being more emphasized them boobs, the fixation with massive boobs is a new thing, probable caused by artificial implants being developed.


Yeah, right? I don't get it. If you can't be athletic you can at least watch your diet and not be a skeleton or a fatty. A body that's well taken care of is the most attractive body, and it's something you can do whether you have big tit genetics or don't.
In guys' case they can only do so much for sex appeal considering height and dick size aren't really in their control, but at the very least you can prevent looking fat and lumpy like a boar's head turkey with untrimmed patchy stubble and long dirty fingernails.

Men want ass. This might surprise incels, but doggy and from behind is the normal position , which means you are fucking her ass (not literally the asshole incels). So ass is for men who want phallic fulfillment, boobs are for menchild with mommy issues. An adult man isn’t worried about how much tit he can suck, he is worried about how good the ass looks when he fucks

Seriously Build HUGE OF SELF CONFIDENCE TEACHERS WONT LET WHITE MALES , Christ life is hard , work to be more confident each day talk shop an an staff ask Hows your day , an listen an show emotions .. this is building blocks of life Mod teachers have ruined on many .Get a Good ~Gym Buddies you lifted with .. , if you dont get on they can recommend dates say you issues an I need a nice a girl , meet her date do first dates stuff , drink , cine , But dont fall in love as she .=she psycho an broke by daddy issues .. Its tasks an being socially aware , BUT DONT DO SOCIAL MEDIA , have feminizais saying you spend spend on them an expect nothing .. sluts

Caddy shack. Mallrats

That doesn't make any sense. If people didn't care about big boobs, why would anybody create implants with the specific purpose of making boobs bigger?

an your point being

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Big tits are like headboards on a bed, they're not necessary or really useful, but they look nice and if you have them they're a lot of fun to grab when you're fucking somebody. The whole point of a good rack is that it looks like an ass but it's socially acceptable to have them hanging out in public. Besides, you gotta feed all them babies somehow, bro.
It's not an either/or, it's a yes/and.

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any other anons with good kino in this genre?

Good, response, my Anigger

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today i will remind them

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Shit opinion, like literally covered in shit like your dick and mouth will be because you're so obsessed with the part of the body where SHIT comes from. I hate this stupid fucking faggot opinion it gets posted every fucking time someone dares to post a chick with huge tits because you know the truth, you know that you can't enjoy them because you'd rather be fucking a dude in the ass. You're basically saying you want to fuck a man or tranny as long as they have a nice ass. Like you would fucking turn down the OP chick if her ass wasn't plump enough, that shit is RETARDED and anyone who thinks like that is obviously a homo.

All of you are retarded and will never have sex.

I hope I can show anyone can Be the Best of themselves Here
an Get shag /sex
even in basements said above go gym , meet blokes an get m8s ??? >who would thunk ..
Use Blokes are very sociable animals you turn up .. Help You .. B the Better Bloke ..

I talking to chad blokes an then dating an be honest have issue most others do an all them will come same MH type stuff they Fear say .. its a Bloke .. But being honest .. no Homo thing its a Bloke thing an we Respect each other ..
Being honest having M8 irl .. WHO WOULD THUNK THAT WAS ME !!

reminder that people just 100 years ago didn't care about physical appearance.

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If everyone loved huge boobs through history, we would see plenty of sculptures, paintings and drawings with massive mega milkers, but that isn't the case, obssession with massive boobs is a recent development.

In english, doc!

>but I don't know how to do it

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>"but i don't know how to do it"

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Try save millions here ..
that chan kek .. lol

>But I don't know how to do it.
the more things change the more they stay same

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I've never understood this fetish.. What fun could you possibly have with a giant woman that would be physically gratifying? Her tits are too big to fondle correctly, ass too big to slap, she can't sit in your lap and you can get killed if she loses her balance or rolls over on you. She could use your entire body like a dildo, but that's it. That doesn't sound fun at all.

this not film .. tragic but

And you would fuck a man if he had boob implants.

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>That doesn't sound fun at all.

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Good shape and proportion >>>> size

>Los Feratu

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god i want to be smothered by some giant milk milks

I'm willing to bet woodmeat gets massive amount of tail.

yeah, she also does escorting

don't look now

>Los Feratu

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self conches

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>Los Sneedatu


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It's the new meme to intentionally spell things phonetically.

video link?

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Look her up on any given porn site

except you know the size if your a manlet then yeah sure you can probably pass as woman feet most male boobs don't look that good unless they have bad(good) genetics and fat

Reminder that no big ass will ever make up for the lack of tits

Attached: white women 65.webm (640x640, 1.09M)

Lynch and Cronenberg have GOAT nude scenes and they're never gratuitous.

Blue Velvet
Mulholland Drive
A History of Violence
Crash (the Cronenberg one fuckers)

Also Elegy by Isabel Coixet has tasteful nudes by Penelope Cruz.

What is the best cup letter and why is it K?

Hips and ass is what makes a woman truly attractive, boobs are a good thing to have of course, but not as necessary, you can also give convincing boobs to a tranny, but you can never give them feminine hips and ass, it always looks off.

tits represent civilization, ass represents savagery. choose wisely.

Madicken intro scene.

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10,000 hours in photoshoop

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Boobfags are product of the modern decadence of the civilization.

What do legs represent?

For me it's flat chested, tall, short haired muscular women.

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So you want a man that squats?

>Look at me! I'm the white Nicki Minaj!

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This unironically.

for me it's bonbi

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my nigga

Do they have a full bush or shaved?

I just want someone to care about me

Do titmen have unresolved mommy issues or what?

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i love stretch marks on saggy tits

go back to your trap threads you fucking gay faggot

>For me it's men

For me it's petite, flat chested, young girls.

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>20+ acre lot of land
>10 acres of buckwheat, oats, and potatoes
>9 sheep
>3 cows ready to breed and milk
>18 years old
I'm probably going to be 45 before I'm as well off as 18 year olds were 100 years ago
Fuck cities

She has the body of a fertility idol.(and not the fat kind) Her face is like a 6.

For me, its men

Attached: also me.jpg (1080x1331, 109K)

Imagine getting sucked into this fake quirky shit like a total goon

he lives in the middle of nowhere in bumfuck maine. you're welcome to move anytime m8. a house in those places is usually dirt fucking cheap

I hope he eventually found someone

have sex


If you're a man that's probably not going to happen. Sorry. You're better off fulfilling yourself emotionally and treating women less like something you want/need and more like something you enjoy having around.


Remember Boxxy? I said the same thing through years of that shit. Never forget the real skyqueen.

He likely did considering the advert, and he was only 18 with a good deal of owned property. That shit's massively attractive. Eventually he'd find a girl at church or at the post office, or maybe their parents would force their girl to mingle with him because he has prospects. That's another thing we don't have anymore, parental inference.

Good lord, I thought I was the only one who knew about this movie.

And as an answer for OP, At Play in the Fields of the Lord

I've always wanted to live in the middle of nowhere in bumfuck Maine. But starting a farm is both out of my means and 12x harder than it was that long ago. The complications of distribution, marketing, and the USDA up my ass are beyond me. I have no elders to learn from. I could do it, but it would be miserable and I would be risking my entire life.

based schizoposter

Saucy is that you?

Is it worth settling with a girl who hasn't got big ass tiddies?

I just found the vid. Good taste, my user.

all about the face

Based Chad dropping cunnypills on these n-words.



how cheap are we talking, mr. real estate man?

Fetishes are mental. Take tile guy for instance, the object of his fetish wasn't even organic.

how can one user be so based?!

Why do you guys do this?
I just want to stop masturbating.

>I love subpar partners because I can't do any better

That one that Eva Green is in Black background using Black gloves looking like that Vênus statue


it has to do with life expectancy. You reproduce if you don't think you're going to make it. if you've made it, you reproduce less

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>this is your brain having sex


This is the ultimate redpill, only virgins will disagree. Feminine personality is needed in ones life. Thursting vagina becomes boring after awhile and the only thing real left is feminine caring

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>proven high social status > qualities that presumably make you have a high social status
More like this.

shut the fuck up pedophile

tits > ass, but stupidly big titties like OP are unattractive, they have to be jusssstttt right

Shut the fuck up, redditor.

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shut the fuck up cunnyposter

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You don't belong in here, mate.

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>the fixation with massive boobs is a new thing, probable caused by artificial implants being developed
Boy do i have news for you.

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absolutely disgusting

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Basically. Funny how black women have the largest asses with latinas second, much like how blacks are the least intelligent and least powerful race and latinos are second least intelligent and powerful.

>see cute girl
>calls it disgusting
You have the gay, mate.

Soul and truthpilled

Soulless and emptypilled

My fellow Assmen


but i came here to look at milkers, if anything you liking flat chests makes you the gay my friend

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Where are all the cunnychads at?

Imagine thinking even the rare better females can qualify for even having a personality. As long as they're good mothers, loyal, not a cunt and not ugly and not have bad health conditions, who gives a fuck. Getting bored? Just fuck her more, spend time with kids too, take her to a shooting range.

The room

I'm sorry who what now?

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A chad is a chad regardless of social status and wealth. I know a married woman who cheated on her beta husband with a broke ex-con. Beta dude had money, a house, a good job, and was faithful. Chad didn't have any of those things, but he was hot and dangerous so the obvious choice was to fuck the hot guy and make the stable guy raise the kids.

For men it's Body>Face>Aggression>Dominance.
High status is a sign of dominance because it means people follow you, but without dominance status loses the appeal.

>it's a cumbrain thread

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A reminder that ass is preferred by blacks and hispanics, some of the two lowest races and whites and asians have always preferred beautiful bosoms. The reason why it's suddenly changed in America i s only because of the Jewish media and porn which has suddenly emphasized ass as the best thing in the last couple years. Funny how the most niggerfied and mixed race countries shift towards ass in preference as they become more mixed. Niggers and spics gtfo the board.

For me, it's taller, athletically toned women with large breasts.

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looks like they lost

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500 IQ post

Wh*toids BTFO

There's N O WAY she can wipe properly

Based turkic countries

>this 1 (one) example proves the rule wrong!
When will thiccfaggots ever learn?

>implying I give a shit about personality
I’m only concerned with not being cheated on.

For me, it's chubby girls with pale skin, or really fit slightly muscley girls, but also pretty much anyone in between, I enjoy smaller tits and asses too and I prefer rounder faces by a large margin but I don't mind other types of faces and I also I have a feet and axilla fetish.

Is this the most based mindset? You guys think having high standards is a virtue but it's just hindering you and adding to your obvious inceldom.

fucking jannies

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Good chance most of you are spics or niggers preferring ass. Yeah yeah go fuck an asshole filled with shit while blasting your shit tier music, fucking apes

Oh so that's why this one has been found in a pile of chestlet statuettes.

Attached: hurrr.png (1080x804, 485K)

>Source: This random Pornhub/Youporn "study".jpg
>Alternate Source: Another image, with no underlying source just text and images supporting his claim.

And I'm a tits guy.

>Flippantly unaware of how much spics talk about asses or niggers loving white girl ass
>>And I'm a tits guy
You're a faggot and no you're not, if you're a tits guy then I'm a toe guy now go kys

How retard are you? If you look at real civilizations, not some backwater tribe from 50k years ago, it's mostly medium sized breasts and normal weight, not fatties with huge saggy boobs.

For me it's petite flat chested girls.

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Are you Jewish by any chance my friend?

>How retard are you?

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Same here user. Seeing as the thread's at 304 replies yet 170 individual posters, makes me wonder....

This. Mutts love ass

>getting this mad when your other argument is literally anecdotes, most of which are probably from mass entertainment or made up in their mind.

sadly body double

>janny in charge of moderation

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Explain Iceland.

I only have high standarts on the internet.


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