BTFOs a decades worth of capeshit

>BTFOs a decades worth of capeshit
How did he do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's frightening how much a single person can carry an entire series/movie.No wonder they pay them millions.

unceasing shilling

You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
Why don't you take your superhero movies and go back to playing fortnite?

>that name
>calling other people kiddos
Holy shit just go back

>that username
Is cosplaying boomer a new thing on /pol/?
Havent been there for a while.

Attached: Was+the+movie+for+kids+or+adults+_f231acbd988053393fe5e211096ddc5b.jpg (1000x973, 111K)

>watching literal superpower shoot laser from eyes pew pew garbage by (((Amazon)))
No, you go back kiddo.

Holy fuck genuinely shoot yourself in the skull. Please. At least use more than 3 different FUCKING PICTURES

God damn, this actor is so fucking based. Been marathoning The Boys today. The only complaint is the lack of tits.

>The only complaint is the lack of tits.
Wow, how did you end up such a hedonist?

>this samefag
>making another shill thread while you have one up
you have a week tops before you give up

>How did he do it?
He didnt.
He is a great character in a pretty good tv show tho.¨
By using meme posts you just attract attention hungry edgelords like him

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You almost get to see mother's milkies a few times.

It works, I am almost ready to pirate it.

>implying The Deep isn't the best character

>good show

Your single parent household background shows.

>good tv show
>Amazon capeshit
Holy shit,the absolute state of this board!
>attention hungry
I would gladly stop posting the pasta when you retards stop making capeshit threads.

legion already exists

Wow, tits in the age of unlimited porn, how awesome.

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This is being viral marketed, isn't it?

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>only decent dc content for whole decade is a parody

>You like gettin' your fucking gills fingered?!

i love him

namefags should be instabanned

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That scene shocked me, because you would expect a male character that #metoo'd a woman to be demonized, not made a victim deserving pity.

>dude I almost had you

Should i get Amazon Prime? I've been debating it with my wife and we think we should just for The Boys. What does 4channel think?

why would they whitewash the deep? motherfuckers are always complaining about the lack of nigger characters, a-train was already a mutt, couldnt they have 2 niggers in the show or is it just because the deep raped starlight and they cant show a nigger raping someone?

Just for this show? No. There has to be a way to watch this on some other site.

>nigger raping someone?
What's your problem? The black literally killed an innocent and had a drug problem. Where does it end with you?

They blackwashed A-Train so it cancels out

Just for the show no but if you buy a lot of things with Amazon yeah

yeah but whats wrong with having 2 black characters?
it would be cool to see homelander calling the deep a nigger

Why do the shills keep refering to Homelander and Karl Urban as based? Do they think we don't use any other words?

A-Train worked so im not even mad..

>getting this many replies for such little effort
That's pretty based, tripfag. Have another

Redditors are already throwing a fit about this btw

The Deep is a completely different character than in the comics, clearly they wanted to go for a different angle and the actor they got was able to play it the best. You know they could just have Homelander call A-Train a nigger instead assuming they even do it, which they won't

What gave it away? The 5 hourly threads? Or the specific name dropping of Amazon in half of them?
>Wow bros, when did Amazon become so based?? I’m so glad I’m a Prime subscriber!

>it would be cool to see homelander calling the deep a nigger
Speaking of which, I was honestly shocked to see stormfront was confirmed to be in season 2. Thought they would leave that character out.
Get ready for some slurs next season. Think amazon has the balls?

i loved the deep
i hope they're saving nigger for season 2

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Remember, you guys are the real heroes!

Speaking of based Urban, is Dredd considered capeshit?

Why is Himelander supposed to be considered a villain? He's a Chad

First episode or two I thought this guy was going to get on my nerves for the entire season but by the last episode he was my favorite character

>Everyone makes fun of Stuckmann for his batman v superman script
>He comes around and does this

Attached: stuckmen.png (519x655, 781K)

The Actor is a better Silver Age Superman than the real one.

i had the exact same feeling, this dude has a very very punchable face but god damn i cant help but just feel sad for the guy. pretty good actor.

No, it is a hope for better future.

Prime has a great video selection. The horror section BTFO's Netflix because it's got niche Italian Giallo films and other classics, it's not just over-saturated with 2010's jump-scare shit. If you want to binge tv shows, then Prime has pretty much every HBO show available for streaming and a ton of well regarded cable shows like Psych and Justified. Beyond Belief, Unsolved Mysteries, Frasier, Prime has got it all. When it comes to Prime Original content, it's hit or miss, but you'll appreciate that Amazon doesn't mandate BBC to be shoved down the audience's throats like Netflix does.

Are you gettin paid at least?

>is Dredd considered capeshit?
Paudron-shit, just like Warhammer 40k.

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This seris got butchered for Political Correctnes and Woke points
its absourd the amount of blackwashing, genderwashing, homowashing, "men are evil and women are saints" shit this series brought

He's right you know.

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Everything I hear and see about the comics makes me think that they're utter trash compared to the show.

Initially I got Amazon Prime to get 20% off videogames, and decided to renew my subscription even after they got rid of the discounts because the video selection was good. If you're a student, you get 50% off for 4 years after you register.

yeah, the comics are not great
but at least they don't shove PC shit down your throat

Sensitive pussy. Ol


i must be pretty retarded, but i didn't quite get the ending.
did becca actually turn out to have wilfully cucked billy? if she was raped, why didn't she tell anything at the time or attempt to contact billy at any point in the last 8 years?

The whole show feels so weird, cool premise but it gets rather boring and obvious what's going to happen after a while. It tries to do a game of thrones where gore and sex are shock factors but i really don't feel anything from it.
I've read a few things on here which makes the comics look better. I would have liked to see the Black Noir thing but they fucked that up right? Since Kimiko broke his leg.
Any nerds here can give their opinion on the show?

no argument able low iq. OI

I hope you realize literally everyone hates you and you're fighting a fight that will never win because it's your stamina vs an endless amount of stamina from everyone on the earth

Black Noir didn't get his leg broken and was actually kind of absent. I'm sure he'll play a larger role now that most of the Seven have been cut down.

>clearly they wanted to go for a different angle
>joke fish guy that forces himself on blondie
>if black = national outrage
>so we blackwash the runner guy (who is a rapist in the comics) and give him somewhat a reason for being an asshole

>having g all the best powers
>cucking a jobber's wife, making her cum 3 times, and impregnating her with your super seed
>jobber turns into a mass murderer over false pretences
>fry the brain of the milk truck preying on your shitty childhood
how can one man be so based?

right actually rewatched it, this one threw me off, since she cut him open and he is bleeding. But i have no idea about her power level, mb she strong enough.

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>everyone on Earth watches capeshit
One day the reign of capeshit will end, and I will be hailed a hero.

This and Vinland Saga are pretty good

I hope they don't start putting him in everything, he has serious potential for a career and once he becomes over saturated then that's it. We will have to wait another 10 years for an actor this good

If you're gonna get at least one streaming service then yea, its cheaper than Netflix and even if you don't use the streaming part regularly the one day delivery is very very helpful

How come most superhero deconstruction usually focuses on DC superheros like superman whilst completely ignoring Marvel? If their going to deconstruct the superhero genre you'd think they'd aim for the most popular at the moment.

Watch Mr. Robot if you haven't as well

this pic really triggers me
think it's because he opens his mouth so wide like one of those fake politician smiles

Is that Zac from SBTB?

Almost as if he's supposed to be a slimy fake dick
Also, this series is getting so shilled that I'm compelled to say
>just watched it, it was pretty good
>stream it for free
>never ever pay for streaming services
>fuck amazon

the way they maintained a pristine boy scout image with homelander for a few episodes before diving off the deep end was fantastic to watch. i never read the comics so maybe it would be different if i were already aware of these characters, but going in fresh it was a thrilling experience.

Wish they would have made her a bit more reprehensible to make her fall in line with the rest of The Seven.

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It's only getting worthwhile shit now

They can't have any of their female characters be objectively bad people. Even Popclaw, the pornstaw "recovering" junkie that killed her landlord had redeemable traits and was played up as a victim with no control. I kind of actually gave a shit about Queen Maeve giving up and just internally begging for an out in the comic. Whenever show Maeve is on screen I just pop open a bottle and see if I can finish it before her scene's over.

Black noir is played by a black man

Implying Basedlander isn't the best thing created by TV in the past 10 years.

Will capeshit ever end?


Yes, for milk.

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It was actually Black Noir who raped Butcher's wife.

Honestly, homelander was spot on, butcher was okay, the rest were good enough. The genderswaps added to the story.

What pisses me off is no Terror.

No, you mean I'll be hailed as a hero for enjoying capeshit.

She probably fucked him willingly too

You demonize the character and then give him a piece of his own medicine. It both makes you feel bad for him while also showing you the pain he brought to others. I do hope he see's the lesson from stupid shit he did and maybe helps the boys at some point . The company he works for doesn't give two shits about him or the ocean(it was hinted their major polluters)

Queen maeve barely does anything in the comic either.
just a slut that give the best head

I like how sex is the ultimate weapon in this show.

literally everything comes down to sex.
>the supes all come here to have crazy sex!
>sorry political guy we have video of you having sex
>I can blackmail gay guy with his gay sex habits
>homelander has some weird mommy fetish
literally every episode comes down to sex. it's the most american show ever made

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to be fair being gay in America is a death sentence for Republicans

Prime video is absolute dog shit. Just torrent it or stream it ike everyone else. 1 series is not worth $100

They tried hard to give a lot of these characters depth and sympathetic qualities. Even Homelander you can start to feel bad for because of his upbringing.

Why are we overrating the plane scene? It wasn't anything too special.

It also helps that we finally see an indestructible being doing whatever he wants with zero consequence. And he's "happy" doing it.

As a guy who doesn't like Marvel or DC movies, should I watch this show?

Because it was a milestone for Homelander's character. It showed that he is a sociopathical megalomaniac who cares more about social status than actually being Superman. He even stayed at the beach to kill off potential survivors because the public can't know about his true self.

Depends why you don't like them.

Anthony Starr in #TheBoys looks like a blonde Bradley Cooper and sounds like Chris Pine.

Phenomenal performance though. The whole plane scene is chilling

Stormfront being played by a girl

It's unlike either of those properties. Closer to Watchmen in tone I guess and it doesn't overstay it's welcome

I don't watch that shit either, but I enjoyed this. I'm a sucker for classic rock which pops up every now and then in it (made by same guy that made supernatural, go figure)
It's basically the same initial idea as watchmen, it's an alternate reality where superheroes exist. In watchmen it's "what if superheroes are basically just really tough people, except one of them is literally god?". In this, the superheroes actually have magic powers. But they're mostly not indestructible.
Definitely worth giving the first ep a watch and deciding from there.

Irredeemable would have been a better choice for that.

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It’s like Zack Snyder BVS “what if superheroes existed in real world” but 10000000 times more edgy.

Nah it's got actual color.

Wasn't that implied by the way she was flirting with him. Fucking slut. I'm glad this show shows women for their true nature

They whitewashed the shit out of Maeve, it was fucking absurd.

*Also, it can't even just be because Maeve is a woman, because they changed Stillwell, who's flat-out evil, from a man in the comics to a woman in the show. I just don't get why they did things this way. Makes no goddamn sense.

Probably got told she'd be fired or Billy killed or something. So she got offered loadsamoney her husband alive etc if she raised the kid.

Fucking hell grow up.

>Wasn't that implied by the way she was flirting with him. Fucking slut. I'm glad this show shows women for their true nature
LOl woman hater. probably a incel

i'm watching the show Prime-arily for him

do u mean pauldron?


should've kept this part desu

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>They can't have any of their female characters be objectively bad people.
Can't say there are any objectively bad people at this point, except for terrorists and milkster bimbo. They all have some kind of redeeming qualities.

nope it's just a new popular show
pirate it and give the first episode a chance

I didn't know what I was getting myself into really so the first episode was way more impactful

How did they manage to portray Americans so accurately?

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Really liked the cutting-edge satire on the Christian brainwashing totally going on by celebrities and influential media people
And the blonde woman having to say she's a virgin... awful, just awful indoctrination has the boys with all the episodes in pretty good quality. just have a few adblockers to stop all the popups.

>the Christian brainwashing totally going on by celebrities and influential media people
I know, right? It’s scary to think of an elite in-group that filters all entertainment and information that we consume.

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but they're gods chosen people. How can you hate god's chosen goy? Remember the 6 optillion.

This was a good show. Look forward to Stormfront in season 2.

I agree that Amazon is better if you want to avoid seeing BBC rail young white pussy or 2 fags fuck each other up the ass in every show like on Netflix

Is his character in the show the biggest Chad ever made?

Okay so, there was a fly in like episode 3-5. It flew past multiple characters faces in scenes, in multiple places. It wouldnt really be a big deal but they made the sound for it like really loud.
am I being autistic or does it mean something?

I'm convinced this is viral marketing
The show is cliched to hell and back, it uses the most basic cliches each episode
And how the fuck did this numale blackmail the fag-priest? he could've strangled the fucker no problem, what a mess

because killing Huey would cause the video to be uploaded

>You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
>Deus Volt

It is and I love it. Watching an all powerful egotistical maniac on screen never gets old. I just wished he was tall and actually buff to be more passively threatening.

By using that smile
that damn smile

Don't bother with the comic book it's edgelord cringe shit of the lowest order. Like, if you thought the show was edgy the comics are like that times a hundred. Believe me when I say the tv adaptation is better than the source material.

I noticed it too. It just flies in and out and goes away. It was weird. Maybe the mic picked up the buzzing sound.

That was obviously the shape shifter character doing recon.

huey bullshitted him. he made his whole career off pray the gay away,so being the meat between a manwich was going to ruin his career

shit tier bait

The acting on this show was spot on. The Deep and Homelander carried the rest of the cast.

it was definitely stock fly noise

How come no one points out that A-train is a parody of Anthony Mackie's public persona?

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The flight plan lists me, my cape, Queen Maeve here, but none of you.

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This board is really high quality at the moment. Between the 50 boys threads where people are shilling Amazon and the 50 retarded sneed threads. The sneed threads would be somewhat entertaining if people actually created some new OC.

Do I need to have read 346 million different fucking comic books before watching this show to know any characters, or is this a new universe?

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I didn't even know a comic existed and enjoyed the show. I think probably even more because of that.

life revolves around having sex mate. unironically go have sex

the comics are meh

the batman v superman script was great - people just want to see marvel stories with bad jokes and not morally gray superman / batman alongside a poorly cast lex luthor

It is a self-contained universe DC tried to kill.

A bit distasteful considering all of the Boeings dropping out of the sky.

This is unreal, the first two episodes was some of the most poorly written and edited TV I’ve ever watched but everyone here loves this series? It’s rare that I disagree so strongly, is this a show that gets better later or something?

It was just a fly they didnt bother dealing with

You and everything you type literally stinks like you're 50.

You just have poor taste.


Someone like him should have been Veidt in the Watchmen instead of some twink