This was the most fun I've had with any recent show in the last 2 years

This was the most fun I've had with any recent show in the last 2 years

Attached: the-boys-1.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

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you must lead an exciting life

But I bet you had more fun looking up sienna.mia.stubbs!

ITT: times you got blatantly shilled into watching something but you ended up liking it a lot

Who is Lamplighter why didn't they show a single scene of him or did I miss something?

Is that a Twin Peaks reference?

The middle is quite slow and slogs for a bit, but the last 2 episodes are neat.

Do not watch this series. It is actually SJW propaganda. If you watch it, you're literally raping children, supporting ANTIFA, and killing white people.

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>full frontal nude of male actors
>only thing remotely close to nudity from female cast is a 60 year old woman leaking rancid milk through her wrinkled udders

that and the cheerleader not having blue eyes are my only downsides

I watched it this past weekend, and I actually liked it a lot.

they kept warning that there was going to be strong sexual content, but it never materialized.

i will definitely watch season 2 though


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that's some 90's tier fan wallpaper

I just got Amazon Prime to watch The Boys and i must say i should have gotten it sooner.

why does invisible man have a suit doesn't that defeat the very purpose of his power

Fuck off, shill.

There any feminist/sjw bullshit in it?

Literally merchandising.

no not really. There's one part where a character spills her guts out and the company just normally flips the thing over and markets it to no end.

Comics are 9999999999999999999999 times better

No 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times

Lamplighter is the guy that Starlight replaces.

When they had invisible guy in cage why not spray him with spray paint so you know where he is?

Well there's women in it user so i don't know if it's for you.

In the comics Lamplighter is used as a bargaining chip as a cease fire for the boys not to engage in all out war with the Seven the first time around. He kills Mallorya granddaughters thinking they're butcher and company.

Brown eyes best

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when Hughie and the female break A-Train's leg with the crowbar, why didnt Hughie kill him then?

is seemed like a huge plot hole

she's got some plaque build up

Have sex LMAO!

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Lamplighter is supposed to be a Green Lantern knock-off.

Idk I downloaded them and they’re okay but they really lack substance compared to the show so far.

>There any feminist/sjw bullshit in it?

Attached: soyboy2.png (210x240, 6K)

If you paid attention the show tells you everything you need to know about him. Pro tip, pay attention to the backgrounds, especially TV's during conversations, the show does a lot of visual foreshadowing.

not really user

Attached: masterofdarkness.jpg (205x246, 5K)

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Do you have some specific examples?

I assumed they did kill him or at least took him hostage until he showed up again a dozen scene laters

Definite dumb plot hole

He does that in the show too, they'll probably show what happened to him next season

When Stillwell mentions some heroes have to "retire" (subtly implying they're assassinated by the corp) there's an ad of Torchlighter playing directly behind her.

watches capeshit on jew media ,

Go the Fuck back

iTs dUMb JeW sHIT, FUck ofF

I think most "superman is ebil" gimmicks are terrible (like bright or injustics) but Homelander was fucking awesome. I loved this actor i dont know him from anything but he was so good at doing this cold sociopath pretending to be a benevolent human.
It's a dumb comparison but he reminded me of Arnie in Terminator

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well they made fun of modern feminism so yeah there is

Why are incels so afraid of women?

>that scene

none of them had phone cameras?

because modern women have more testosterone than low-t, balding men

Wasn't excess test one of the reason for being a hairlet tho?

desu wish Transluscent hadn't died so quickly he was great

it fucking is, these people are dumber than a herd of sheep

There's some of the best anime of last year on there too.

Attached: made_in_abyss_fourth_layer.png (1280x720, 706K)

>If the characters do something I don't like, it's a plot hole!

Nice brain.

I'm assuming Mallory OK'd a hit on him that The Boys carried out which led to the current status of them all being disavowed at the start of S1.

The first several episodes were great, but then the atheist crap happened and the pacing slowed down considerably, it's like they wanted to change the direction of the show half way through. I also heard the source material is a lot more daring.

>the whole point of the mc being with the Boys is because he want revenge for her girlfriend
>finally can kill the dude
>wait the nigger needs more screen time!
yeah sure it's not a plot hole

If they actually showed Hughie decide to not kill him, then it would make sense. Just showing Hughie doing other shit and A-Train magically healed is bullshit

Lamplighter fucked something up for them, that's all i vaguely remember

In the show, it sounds like Lamplighter very consciously tortured Mallory's grandchildren.

Anyone else got somwhat bored after episode 3ish? Had a good start but slowed the fuck down after that.

>Wifi working in the middle of the Ocean

When Butcher was first hired by Malliry to manage supes things got so tense that they called a truce. Butcher would leave The Seven alone and they'd leave him alone.

Lamplighter couldn't cope with the deal and burned Mallory's grandkids to death.
In order to keep the peace the Seven beat the shit out ofturned Lamplighter over to The Boys who killed him.

Vought has technology to resurrect supes but they come back basically mega-retarded, Lamplighter is basically locked away in a cell smearing shit on the walls but is trotted out occasionally to keep the brand going.

He wasn't magically healed, he used compound v to heal. Try watching the show next time bucko

>If the characters do something I don't like, it's a plot hole!

Nice brain

>If the characters do something I don't like, it's a plot hole!

that's what cinema sins literally teaches them

But they didn't do something

who would you rather fugg, Starlight, Maeve or Kimiko?

Green Lantern probably

The mid is pretty slow by going over the whole Vought/military aspect. It picks up in episode 6 and onwards.

Pure capekino


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>Have sex LMAO!

Attached: v is for video games.webm (360x294, 2.23M)

Do the supes die, I want a train to die.

Imagine ever browsing Yea Forumseddit

>most fun
You should leave your basement more often user

How does leaving one's basement contributes to watching fun tv shows, you braindead mong?

gets his head kicked off by hughie, who is newly a super

>pulls a train