Handmaids Tale

What's Yea Forums take this?

I'm getting asleep currently in the first episode.

Feels like a womyn power fantasy serie.

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i dunno i watched 30 mins of it and nothing happened, im guessing its a 10/10 critics love it type deal?

sexy fantasy for catladies about being desired by men enough to be totally controlled and dominated

all i know is that one user posts cool scenes with various kiny gags, that's it

My gf watches it. It's a white woman victim fantasy, and otherwise it's a mediocre show. Besides the obnoxious social commentary, virtually every character spends the entire time whispering instead of speaking, and the lead actress is incredibly unattractive. It's a waste of time.

Season one was fun, rest have sucked. But the last scene of the latest episode was great so maybe thibgs will turn around.

it gets better in season 3. just stick with it. its a tour de force

Boring dystopia trash show based on twenty year old book that got popular because of feminist outcry "IT COULD HAPPEN FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Now forgotten.

Meanwhile in the middle east...

Who's the lead actress

Its a womiin rape society fantasy with fugly bad actress

A fucking goblin of a woman.
Fuck she is hideous I don't know why everyone on the show wants to fuck her so bad.

And who is she?

It's nothing but a female victim fantasy. The cinematography is 99% dramatic closeups of women's faces where the background is out of focus. The rest of the show is just Peggy the brave women saying FUCK MEN.

The logistics of Gilead don't even make sense, if they wanted these women as breeders there would be no need for all the ceremony. At the very least they would do so to women like Peggy who since the first episode has interacted with nothing but open contempt for everyone around her. The show paints her as a genius schemer but really all she does is say FUCK MEN. Additionally, they send breedable women who have rebelled to pick up unexplained nuclear waste instead of force breeding them. If this place exists, why isn't Peggy there?

If this wasn't bad enough, they patronize the one women who knows her place as if she's fragile and mentally ill for not wanting to run around like a Femen protester with FUCK MEN written in sharpie on her exposed breasts. All she wanted was to raise a family and run a household, but she ended up being drowned in a swimming pool.

Also Peggy is a coalburner. Seriously I fucking hate this show but have been subjected to three seasons of it so far.

>its a tour de force

Someone post that shot with the wings.

You gotta get your bitch in line bro I bet she makes you watch reality TV too

Mate how can you tolerate 3 seasons of this. What kind of rage fuels your life.

i've seen this porno

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What will happen with Fred? Will next season be his trial?

The book was inspired by the Islamic revolution Iran and the infighting in Sovjet Russia, you mong.

Feminist fantasies.

That isn’t what the Journalists in the Mainstream Media compare it to. Nor the show’s writers and producers.

>Feels like a womyn power fantasy serie.
It's actually a humiliation fetish and female victimization fantasy series. It doesn't pose any interesting questions, it's just a series of more and more humiliating scenes that roasties can get off to

Why don't they focus on the interesting stuff like the war between the US and Gilead out west

who gives a shit. I want more scenes of nick having sex with an ugly handmaid

How about looking it up you braindead tard

the ugly girl from madmen, i don't know the name

It's a show for mentally ill roasties and their orbiters.

because women aren't interested in important things like war

A very good friend of mine who has literally been an incel for the past 15 years now has a gf and they watch this show. To hear him talk about how good the show is beyond cringe. He is the very definition of beta orbiter and it pains me so much.

It accurately produces the destruction of fertility and the environment by the current global homo world order.

Oh to be a Night of the sons of Jacob fighting in a crusade on the Chicago front against gender traitors and the sons of Yam.

I find a certain irony in the way Gilead use unwomen to move radioactive dirt around.
Praise be.

it's a good story with some kino cinematography.

>tfw you realised this is the chick from Euphoria with the rocking tits

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Season one is good - surprisingly subtle - Season two is patchy, Season Three is unmitigated dogshit. Serena Joy is best girl.

huh? That's the first thing that always comes up. Obviously the equivalent in the U.S. would be fundamentalist christians because they already passed laws preempting sharia law

Breathe. Breathe. Exhale. Exhale. Exhale

Because Atwood wanted to point out that it could happen anywhere, including the democratic USA, and the media believes that Trump's government is the closest they've experienced to a reactionary takeover. This doesn't change the fact that the book was a translation of the Islamic Revolution into Atwood's country.

If one is subtle then I can't even imagine the rest

Elisabeth closeups are so fkn cringe. Every damn scene they go into her nosehole with the camera. Somehow she gets away with everything and everyone else has to pay for it. It's like some ugly womens fantasy to be desired by white men. My wife watches it and every scene she comments how hidious and obnoxious the main character is.

Didn't they more or less cover the book in season one? Maybe that's why it was better than what followed.