Why did he sperg out and get so fucking angry?
Why did he sperg out and get so fucking angry?
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Did you notice any female engineers? He wanted sex.
best part of the movie. fuck david
David's words were "This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more life", which apparently triggered the Engineer.
The alternate take on that scene works better, because the message has Weyland comparing himself to the Engineer, saying they are both gods.
did he notice/know the difference between david and wyland?
he didn't kill him.
because they were white men
Because Ridley Scott is a hack!
If I woke up and a bunch of white people were standing around me I'd be pissed off too
Prometheus had been sleeping for 2000 years and got woken up by a bunch of manlets, I'm sure you would be pretty grumpy too after that
imagine you wake up a million years later and find the monkeys you tried to genocide staring you in the face
he was a space nigger
>Engineer rips David's head off
>David is mostly fine
>David stabs Walter in the neck with a nail
>Walter shuts dow
What did Scott mean by this?
>Get outmanoeuvred by your creation
>Another one of your creations kills you
>The creation of your creation genocides you
What's the message here? I'm confused.
never create anything
He is recaptcha in bipedal form
Covenant isn't canon
Don't have kids
did't they intentionally debuff androids precisely because of David's sperging out
>accidentally made lil shit niggers
>they come back and try to pull "aye yo, we kangz. now make us immortal"
Everything past Aliens is bullshit fanfic. It's like Terminator, only the first two are canon.
Back on earth all they could know was that Prometheus was lost, nobody knows the details of what happened there.
who? everyone died but the one chick david saved to experiment on the only logical reason is david made them weaker somehow while trapped
>entirety of Engineer civilization is concentrated between one city and one military base
Yeah I'm happy to agree to these terms
Who created the engineers?
presumably this guy is some common grunt. All he knows is he was on a mission to genocide some genetic mistakes on Earth before everything went to shit. Now he wakes up and those freaks are asking him about eternal life, as if he's the tooth fairy. And not only that but they made a synthetic freak too, which speaks some butchered version of his language. You gotta feel for the guy
>Everything past Alien 3 (A.K.A. "The Pleb Filter) is bullshit fanfic.
laughed more than i should
now i kinda rewatch that and imagine it with those type of black people
>entirety of the trillion year old Engineer civilization is concentrated between one shiity concrete city on a whole planet and one military base
I really like the IDEA of the Engineers and their visuals. David genociding them and the apparent devolution they suffered poses some interesting questions. And despite all the flaws I enjoyed Prometheus. But Covenant felt like the exact same movie in a lot of ways and you really get the feeling Scott will OD in his jacuzzi with a bunch of tranny hookers before giving us some answers
I was waiting for this movie the moment they announced the production
david accidentally said ur mum gay
that david make out scene was pretty great though
David asked him "Do you even lift?", and the guy was all like "nigger, don't you see these gains?"
>(A.K.A. "The Pleb Filter)
I don't even mind Alien 3, it was a good way to end Ripley's arch. But if you see it as canon you're as bad as the people who wrote it.
He was offended that David spoke in barbarian steppenigger PIE instead of the vastly superior and more archaic Afroasiatic.
They're all canon. Even Resurrection. The only choice you can make is which direction you favor more; Cameron's or Ridley's because there is a subtle but very real divide among them.
prometheus still thought aliens were after him and just wanted to escape. he did nothing wrong.
hack writers
i'm david
so the ship in Prometheus was overrun by Xenomoprhs. But what about that entire fleet that was parked next to it?
>They're all canon, Even Resurrection
Resurrection is only canon with Alien 3. That should tell you everything.
>Why did he sperg out and get so fucking angry?
Either psychosis or hes a trained soldier on a mission going sideways fast (over the past untold millennia)
He just didn't like that Fassbender smirk.
Clearly there was an underground landing structure so all the landing bays must have somehow been connected
Why is David filled with cum?
He said the n word
3 is fine, faggot. I personally still favor the theatrical version but I like that everyone is pretending like the assembly cut is some kind of le underrated masterpiece gem because it adds 30 minutes of boring footage and castrates some of the more violent scenes.
didnt he hit the emergency shut off point in the neck with the knife, also bro synth only had one hand
>He said the n word
I don't think so user
>according to Dr. Anil Biltoo, the film’s official translator and linguistics consultant, David did as he was asked, translating his words as follows: “This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more life.”
Alien 3 is fine, I'm not disputing that. But it isn't a real sequel to Aliens. That's the real issue people have with it.
David called him a space nigger
He was an incel and was afraid that humans were there to replace him
Their failed human experiments wake him up after all his friends are dead asking for immortality. To add insult to injury the humans have created a blasphemous abomination of a non-organic parody of their biological work. That’s why he rips his head off in disgust.
>muh newt, muh hicks, bawwwwww
the leaked script already explains everything
The Engineers used to reproduce like humans but at some point they became sterile. So even though they lived for upwards of 300,000 years, they were dying out. But along the way they encountered a species that attacked one of their own and impregnated him with a parasite "child". That monster child was called "the Deacon". They worshiped it and called it "our lord". When it eventually died they used its blood to seed more worlds but the blood ran out (that golden-ish liquid that the Engineer drinks in the prologue is the Deacon blood). So in order to keep seeding more planets with possible descendants they tried to synthesize the Deacon's blood and that failed experiment is the black goo
now here comes the REALLY retarded part
Earth is th eonly planet where the seed took root but they were disappointed in our barbarity so they took a child and educated it on their own planet and returned it to Earth. That child was Jesus. They got pissed off that we killed him so they decided to wipe us out with the black goo. That Engineer is "the last Engineer" so those dudes David wiped out are some failed seeding experiment
no one cares
>o add insult to injury the humans have created a blasphemous abomination of a non-organic parody of their biological work. That’s why he rips his head off in disgust.
Maybe they were created by an advanced AI but are really salty about it. I mean why the fuck not; the xenomorphs are basically referred to as biomechanical horrors.
Please be lying, that's the most retarded crap I've read in a while
t. your shit fan fiction
>sleeping for 2000 years
they are worthless sperm .. and nothing of value david had a bigger cock ,got triggered
>The Engineers used to reproduce like humans but at some point they became sterile. So even though they lived for upwards of 300,000 years, they were dying out. But along the way they encountered a species that attacked one of their own and impregnated him with a parasite "child". That monster child was called "the Deacon". They worshiped it and called it "our lord". When it eventually died they used its blood to seed more worlds but the blood ran out (that golden-ish liquid that the Engineer drinks in the prologue is the Deacon blood). So in order to keep seeding more planets with possible descendants they tried to synthesize the Deacon's blood and that failed experiment is the black goo
Well, that doesn't sound too b-
>Earth is th eonly planet where the seed took root but they were disappointed in our barbarity so they took a child and educated it on their own planet and returned it to Earth. That child was Jesus. They got pissed off that we killed him so they decided to wipe us out with the black goo. That Engineer is "the last Engineer" so those dudes David wiped out are some failed seeding experiment
Jesus fucking Christ.
its swinging check his film with that carrie chick
he had a nice fucking dream and those faggots woke him up for some bullshit reason
It's true
That's from the legit leaked script
tl;dr ,
sounds looks brill but what about the billion engineers planet .?
No it's not. My dad works at Fo-- I mean Disney and he says you're full of shit.
whether you choose to believe it's real or not is up to you
here's the link
but the DL cunt ruins franchises
could you imagine waking up with a bunch of black people surrounding you? at that point you have to fear for yourself
That's the script of Prometheus. I have read that as well as the previous draft by the other writer and both do not contain the bullshit you concocted from your brain diarrhea.
Humans killed our Lord Jesus Christ who was an Engineer
How are the ones in covenant formerly a failed seed? Seems like they were quite successful
>I have read that as well
you clearly haven't because the stuff I wrote is all here. For example take a look at page 137
>That child was Jesus. They got pissed off that we killed him so they decided to wipe us out with the black goo
Not surprised to hear the Jews are ultimately responsible.
The engineers create life, the existence of David was blasphemy.
you mean the guys David killed? They looked like Ugs and Grugs and they were dumbfounded by the spaceship
Top Kek an that genocide myth to steal israel
They had survived as a society for atleast 2000 years unaided
It triggers the fuck out of me too.
>hey Ridley, nerds were pretty annoyed at the team taking off their space helmets in Prometheus
>fuck it, no helmets at all then
How can you all shit on next film where david kills all the >impotent
civilisation .. GTFO this is as funny as running from an earthquake , she was best getting brutally anally raped in t. trilogy
because the monkeys killed jesus
>Why did he sperg out and get so fucking angry?
David poured Pepsi in a Coca Cola glass
What's established in the movie is:
>something happened during early AD that pissed off the engineers and wanted to bomb Earth for it
The literal jesus part is what Ridley ommitted because it was ''too much on the nose'', but it was their reason to punish mankind for it.
The part with the deacon what you wrote previously, I don't recall reading at all.
>''too much on the nose''
oy vey
the first few minutes were good.
David arrives by Holloway's side and looks at this mural. David walks up to it and reads the Engineer LANGUAGE THERE ARE NO SUBTITLES when David speaks out the language.
DAVID (Engineer language)
Our lord came from the chosen one in the time when our ancestors birthed life. His sacred blood was our salvation. His sacred blood through our lips birthed life on other
HOLLOWAY What do you think are inside these Urns or Vases, whatever they are?
DAVID I am not entirely certain, but I believe the humanoid seen being attacked orally gave birth to this being and your Engineers worshiped it. I believe what is ever inside these capsules is something these might be some kind of experiment. If my translation is correct then they were trying to recreate the blood of this being whom they worshiped.
>His sacred blood through our lips birthed life on other
*on other worlds
sorry the formatting is fucked up
Those weren't the engineers.
a replication of his creation, but a mere mockery (in his eyes)
Also, the part about the Deacon is pretty damn clear even if you don't believe the script. The murals inside the "head room" clearly show an Engineer being attacked by some creepy little thing and then the other mural is some Xenomorph-looking thing in a vaguely "Jesus on the cross" pose clearly shown in a celebratory fashion
supposedly the big head is the face of the Engineer who birthed that Xeno, so a kind of a Virgin Mary vibe
caring about canon in this franchise is completely pointless because it never made sense to begin with to try and mash Alien and Predator together in the first place. they only did it because of a couple of video games in the 90s.
shit Id be mad too.
Alien vs predator is definitely not canon, even the games set it in the alien time period which would've been infinitely better than the present
the one on Atari Jaguar was really goddamn fun, and that arcade beat-em-up was a hell of a fun time too. gimme a movie based on that, you literally could not fuck it up even if you wanted to.
is there anything in AvP that really rapes Alien canon though? I only recall that it's some hunting maniac who also hunts Xenomorphs, is that so far fetched
>W-why did chad beat up my incel beta bot!?
Engineers were based aryan nephilim giants
It ruins the first film because they knew about the xenos all along, the mystery of the alien ship is one of the best parts
there's a different Weyland in the first AvP movie than the one from the other movies in the Alien series, he's much older and the Weyland from Prometheus was born in the 1990s. other than that I can't think of anything.
Based user dropping truth bombs
>All these shitskin and nigger replies
I can almost respect Scott cumming all over his legacy with these two films.
Niggers survived for far longer in Africa unaided
accept refugees
Barely, those fake engineers had a city and even corn that had been selectively bred
Well I stand corrected. Good fucking job deducting that shit.
Don't think a ~7 year old script can be qualified as a leak though, but it does appear that Lindelof wasn't trying to be obscure for the sake of it. Though much of this hasn't been put to film, which leaves the possibility for them to still alter things for the upcoming one, which I think is in pre-production.
He knew where his own power off button was so he could press it, while the bald space allen had to improvise with decapitation.
>accept refugees
Fine I'll agree to place two to live in your home
David was a one of a kind model, not something meant for general production, he's likely got every top tier component there is and a database of everything the company knows, all the back doors and secrets. Walter may look similar/same but he's no where near david's level of thinking. That isn't to say walter is stupid, he clearly picks up on david being off and knows how to interact with humans in a friendly way, understands emotions to a degree. I really wish covenant had left in the dani/walter scenes that got cut as well as some of the scenes from the novel. The bit with her asking him about being alone after her husband dies, him offering her weed to smoke to calm her down, playing flute tunes for her in the temple while she tries to rest. There was a lot there that could have made the friendship into something more and in effect made the betrayal by david mean that much more in the end. I seriously fucking hope walter can jack a ship and hunt david across the galaxy. That robot needs dani pussi.
They engineered themselves no pun intended
Lolololol this
I taking all this in my shrink therapy group , thanks user
Fucking magnets
I don't give a fuck if there is some dumb amerimutt vs gook war analogy
It sucks. Troops ruined the movie.
was Mel in the gorrilla spermer outfit ?
I love you guys but them on space ship are worthless to this an waylend was he jesus child ..???
Go back
>Jews killed Jesus
>This pissed off the Engineers
Wait, was Hitler one of them?
not that guy but it's from some youtube video, some user posted it a few days ago in another thread, probably get's reposted every once in a while
Their entire species was genocided shortly after so I don't see why it matters who and what they were.
>Their entire species was genocided shortly after
The naval intelligence bureau does not believe what we saw was their homeworld as there were no signs of heavy industry or logistics required to meet the demands of interstellar civilization with building space ships and what not
the script says the one from OP was the last engineer
those wheat niggas weren't engineers but another of their creations
He wanted to be rescued by his own people, not a bunch of primitives that wanted to steal his work
Ridley has said there will be engineers in "Awakening"
They'll be looking for revenge on David
The engineering school.
I saw some video explaining that the Engineer got angry at bs the rich guy told him. Hurr i made perfect life look a robot! The point of engineer religion/philosophy was to create a decent sentient life-form, not some shitty hand-made droid. It was an insult. So he destroyed the fag and his bootleg creation
The engineer fight scene at the end of Prometheus is the scariest scene in the whole series for me
A 13 foot super humanoid superior to you in every way is overpowered and impregnated by a giant squid that you birthed
would have been nice if either of those made it into the movie instead of this blue faggot flailing around like a retard
Why the fuck does Cameron think it's ok to follow up a horror movie with an action movie to begin with? Aliens 3 went back to its roots
The idea behind the initial plan to destroy humanity was because humans were to reckless and power hungry and when 2000 years later this group shows up they confirm these bad traits when Weylan asks for longer life and he has a robot AI that can't be controlled
prometheus really is the "movie that could have been"
it's got a solid premise, great visuals and atmosphere, somewhat interesting cast with a few stellar standouts (fassbender, pierce, theron, elba and his 2 copilots, maybe rapace), but the whole thing misses its own opportunities and the writers and director make such sweepingly bad decisions that it kills the film in spite of everything it has going for it.
also makes a couple of generic horror mistakes of not repsecting its own mythology (the virus tends to break people down and spawn new life forms, but for some reason it took the geologist and made him a super strong zombie just to kill off the entire unnamed crew of the ship in 20 seconds with his bare hands), and people making uncharictaristically stupid decisions (the biologist reaching out to just touch some clearly hostile alien lifeform, real biologists dont even touch aggressive earth animals without clear protection and backup unless this guy was the fucking steve irwin of spacetravel )
then it took the engineers and instead of explaining them or their mythology, or making them seem like rational thinking superbeings, it just played them like frankensteins monster escaped from the table.
convinced at this point, especially after covenant, that ridley lost whatever mojo he may have had, or is going senile, or just got lucky a few times. but so many decisions in prometheus and covenant seem like willfully bad ideas
I see what you mean, but I also feel like that producers and studio heads (read: morons) also wanted to do that same shit that they do to every fucking movie.
The black goo is chaotic in its nature
That's why David spends so much time tinkering with it.
He made it both airbone and stabilized the way it acts on human DNA in order to predictably produce Xenomorphs and Deacons
What a reddit post
you know every interpretation leads to one single word: niggers
imagine being your father and seeing the disappointment you turned out to be.
or worse, gingers.
its about white people being destroyed by the very social structures they created
its not canon
My dad is an idiot who can't hold a conversation about anything other than funny movies and the looney tunes. This is in spite of the fact that he is a doctor.
If anything I am disappointed in him. Fuck boomers seriously
Kek gotta tell my rabbi that one
that's better than my mom that keeps being annoying and asking me the most basic tech things a 3 year old can solve.
Engineers are really ascetic and spiritual. Weyland was a pompous, egotistical rich fuck. Engineers understood sacrifice, and humility. That creation was their duty. Weyland built a toy. Something totally of the material world.
I love the looney tunes, your dad sounds based AF OD
This. Fucking robots think they're such hot shit.
>implying you or any member of your race would ever be in the position of a biologically immortal race of gods
>implying you're not showing glaring insecurity issues
Work on those tells, famalam.
Everything sucks
Kek, underrated
why didn't they translate his monologue? why did they change the original script so much?
Whites should’ve been bred out by then yet they tried to create machines to preserve themselves
You got me on this one nigger
This was also my interpretation, everyone in this thread is retarded
Yeah, and this is why Prometheus keeps pointing out that it's Christmas Day and showing the main character is Christian. They lobotomized the script and then forgot to remove everything.
The script is Lindelof's
Ridley removed what he didn't like
Why should the engineer explain himself?
I agree with most of this. One point I slightly disagree on is that I think the Engineer's reaction was fine. It was pretty clearly established over the course of the movie that he was not likely to be inclined to sit and listen to a bunch of humans make outrageous demands. Given what we know about the Engineers and what they were up to before going into hibernation, it makes sense that this guy would just smash the humans around him and then try to finish his mission to destroy Earth. It also makes sense that he would feel absolutely no reason to explain himself or engage in dialogue with the humans once he decided to go through with his original mission. So this specific scene is good and makes sense imo.
The mistake here was that we should have gotten some other avenue of insight into the Engineers. Some other scene where we learn a little more about them and their culture and motives. One of the things that I felt was kind of neat about them was that they didn't seem to really have an interstellar empire or state, but rather just individual colonies that were kept in the loop by periodic visits from the homeworld on an impossibly long time scale. That's a really cool concept for a civilization but the two movies only just barely touch on it.
The Engineers we got weren't all bad though. Not getting any answers about them leaves them suitably grand and mysterious, like distant gods whom we can never hope to understand. Maybe that is better than senile Ridley trying to actually flesh them out, since he apparently thought the "Jesus was an engineer and the crucifixion is why they're mad at us" idea was great.
The engineers are no different from humans
David sees this. They're ultimately vulnerable, fallible beings playing God.
They even accidentally killed themselves during their experiments and are ultimately incapable of producing respectable creations, their best being humans.
David immediately knows he's perfect, that's why he choses the name