Fucking literally who?

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Jba Reham, says in the file name. I think Jba is pretty cute.

Remember when Disney bought Star Wars and everyone was so happy because it meant they'd bring a level of quality control to franchise that had been missing.

You mean little kids were happy.
Adults don't watch Star Wars, unless they have some sort of brain defect.

Haven’t you noticed she always hang with the park reys? No incel would dare to harass the Reys with an angry black lady nearby.

I didn't really care. Same with the fox meager. I Just want see how Disney ruins all these franchises now.

>Haven’t you noticed she always hang with the park reys?

No. If she did, rey wouldn't have given this boy his first boner.

Attached: 1564920090524.webm (640x640, 1.34M)

If I was a shirt enough guy would she mistake me for a child and whisper in my ear too?

The tonfa really completes how stupid that character is. Why not just give her a gun?


SHEB OON was a rebel spy and one of leia's top guard


>the new black character is sassy, ornery and has a hood accent

Attached: 1394757742627.png (696x544, 732K)

he should of stuck his tongue in her mouth

How about
>I am spy
>wear Rebel alliance logo emblazoned on my jacket

wait give a nig a gun in an amusement park , now thats a sassy comment

Such a magical universe to get lost in

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>one movie has incredibly dumb female character with oddly colored hair
>another movie has black character with oddly colored hair
i wonder how it will turn out

a face you cannot stop shitting on

when will we see a Yea Forumssperg go postal there

It was reddit, and RLMdrones who swallowed their detached from reality takes about these Star Wars films made by the capeshitters' second fiddles with 2010s ideological poisoning.
Star Wars getting botched by the people they said would be the best for it basically negates their whole position on what would make a good film, but they're taking the stance now that the problem is with star wars as a setting, rather than Disney and what they've actually made with it.

That's just in the park. She doesn't wear it in the book.