>still fighting in the Emma Wars

Attached: L+M+N.png (2202x1000, 3.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:


'Kat Wars' or 'Kath Wars'? 'Katherine/Katheryn/Kathryn Wars' is too wordy.

Forgettable bitches

The Emma's all look unique

Literally whom'stve

at least the Emma Wars are a little challenging
the choice is quickly made between fatso, plain jane and Kathryn Newton

Attached: 45120.jpg (689x576, 43K)

KKK wars


Attached: 1544039017105.jpg (531x800, 45K)

Wow. I'd pick the "plain Jane" or "fatso" before your pick, easily. And maybe it's because I didn't watch all of Harry Potter or Unfabolous but the Emma's have always been so plain. Attractive but not enough to even get me to fap. I'd take any of the Kats over all three Emmas.

Attached: 20411.png (700x700, 35K)

>still no Lily Wars

Attached: lillies.png (1098x279, 250K)

We're at war with Watson. We've always been at war with Watson.

Stone is our ally. Stone has always been our ally.

Attached: 1562501517938.jpg (1000x1000, 164K)

pokemon kat is best kat

tough between james and collins for me

Post feet

C-can I have the lilly mo folder?

Attached: Lilly mo.webm (640x800, 671K)

The Emma wars were won long ago.

Attached: 97E0AEB9-EEC3-44CC-9C9F-43662B57B064.jpg (2186x3280, 3.72M)

aye aye cap'n

Attached: Kathryn-Newton-Feet-4223218.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

so cute :33

War never changes.

Attached: jessicas.jpg (2280x996, 692K)

>The Emma wars were won long ago.

Attached: 003.jpg (2000x1333, 357K)

Was she banging someone here or what, looks like the bottom is cropped out.


for me it's katerina

Attached: 70126585f9b1a961411ade4d0d0fe66e.jpg (1273x1920, 343K)

3>>> 1> 2

Attached: Kathryn-Newton-Feet-3452662.jpg (1989x3000, 866K)

Not by you, hag.

Attached: 540AC475-DAA7-4ECE-B8DA-8734ABC82804.png (656x527, 30K)

That's an easy one at least.

Collins and James are cute, too.

Attached: 6fe1ef8742a269cdbb8281251a595c40.jpg (540x740, 87K)


I wanna drink her piss so bad, bros.

Attached: 1564881567082.jpg (2432x3648, 967K)

My wife Sophia Lillis is so cute.

Attached: 05388EF0-0964-4FF7-82C3-BE7BE1329EF4.jpg (817x1222, 149K)

I don't understand what are you saying

Blockers was a surprisingly good movie.

Was that actually Gary Cole's dick?

Attached: 1564881639473.jpg (2432x3648, 879K)

>that bloated tummy


Attached: 1564883456084.jpg (2400x3600, 1.44M)

I like James more by a lot

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Attached: 1564881980331.jpg (1367x2048, 430K)

>Getting distracted by Emma's and not realising the superior Emilia has already won

Attached: 1558537557226.jpg (656x875, 167K)

Most of them are too lewd to be posted on this family friendly board

Attached: 1534586115885.jpg (1080x1921, 264K)

>mu mu muh my celeb crush is better than your celeb crush with the same first name
you'll never be within 50 feet of these women, stop making these threads retards.

Attached: 1564884237313.jpg (2048x1366, 3.1M)

Why are you like this

>tfw will never live under her dictatorship
I watched all of the society jsut for her and based Campbell

Attached: based-campbell-the-society.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Attached: 1564883510815.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

Attached: collins.jpg (1024x1821, 193K)

Don't care Marry Don't care


Attached: sjad1TX.jpg (937x1170, 84K)

I’ve hugged each Emma except for Watson.

There are no other Emilias so she wins by default

Attached: 012.jpg (1536x2048, 784K)

what could have been.....

When there are no Isabela wars because no one can compete.

Attached: hitzecuqo0e31.jpg (1280x1918, 223K)

>no Waterston

Attached: 1563243731998.jpg (1365x2048, 221K)

Who was phone?

Attached: 740fullkatherinelangford.jpg (740x740, 54K)

yeah, but kill yourself

Attached: 5691170F-C5BD-4FA5-9695-EEA51BD96803.jpg (500x500, 30K)

N-no. NO!

Attached: tumblr_p91ad8vm2J1r2p77io1_540.jpg (540x304, 43K)

Langford: A qt but untimely only that #2
McNamara: Objectively the most attractive and the thinking man's waifu. Makes economics look good. #1
Newton: Reminds me that Wayward Sisters didn't get picked up and the Colony was boring. Not really much to say although like Langford she's a qt #3

Conclusion: 2 > 1 > 3

KatMac is bestgirl always

Attached: Katmacacute.jpg (680x485, 118K)



All three have foot tattoos, the one with the most subtle one is Mcnamara with a shadowhunters ankle tattoo iirc

kinda funny seeing people follow kat recently been a fan of hers for years now

Langford is cute and /ourgirl/

Attached: 0bx3j7zijsz01.jpg (1075x1344, 158K)

Men of taste

for me its meg donnelly

Attached: meg-donnelly.jpg (1080x1198, 129K)

You misspelled Moner.

Attached: 2530306791363531405_n.jpg (1080x1191, 167K)

Which one?

This. She cute.

Is this an age appropriate tummy?

>10/10 turbo qt
>Certified genius
>Perpetually cheerful
>Always enthusiastic about her work
>Horror junkie
>One of us (Prefers Star Wars to Harry Potter)
>Always involved in anti-bullying and other charitable causes

I don't know anything about Langford but she must be pretty impressive to beat KatMac

Attached: Kat-katherine-mcnamara-40784246-1080-1080.jpg (1080x1080, 1.41M)

Kathryn Hahn>All of them.

>still fighting in the Emma Wars
Emily Jean won a long time ago

Did you send that opinion in by telegram, you fucking boomer lmao

Is there any Yea Forums waifu that's actually at 90%+ approval on the board? Everyone seems equally hated and loved.

her prize, a wall



Attached: 2019-07-12 18.34.59 2086673602220087134_181252701.jpg (1080x1350, 139K)

good stuff

Moner is widely loved as top tier fap material

Attached: 1538611504339.jpg (800x1200, 373K)

Jessica Alba and some of the last generation waifus are 95% Triple-A rated. I'd say that All the ones that have /hr/ eternal threads are probably the same

that was easy

Anya Taylor-joy, Isabella Moner, Emma Stone, Ana De Armas

ASR, a long time, also Emma Stone, but there are just really small but very vocal pockets of megautists who spam the board with Roberts and Watson while Stonechads live their lives. In reality, everyone agrees Stone is the best, talent, looks, career and personality-wise.


do you have the lilymo one where she is in bed with a skellington and no shirt on?

Stone has a pretty significant hate crew, probably because her name is Emma. The others yep.

Not that attractive.

My wife Sophia Lillis is perfect.

Attached: D354C2CD-7373-42F2-B8EC-E168B70D3764.jpg (300x300, 74K)

lol fuck off

I mean, She is the queen after all.

Cállate boca mejor, maricón.

Attached: 59.webm (720x1280, 1.66M)

Literally who?

Why does she exude fertility here?

nobody hates on the OG queen of Yea Forums

Attached: tenor.gif (440x440, 1.76M)

Moner's easily the queen of Yea Forums. She still has threads regularly go to bump limit

Excuse me? Is there even a hint of doubt? MFK

she was

Attached: 1512605318278.png (809x372, 533K)

all you need is 4 obsessed faggot to make you believe it, see

Beverly Marsh in IT, young Camille in Sharp Objects, Nancy Drew in Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase.

Attached: 32C909B6-D9C1-450C-80DC-93A18BA07220.jpg (970x1200, 74K)

Have you told your parents yet? You have my support.

Oral fixation

Attached: Drink.webm (780x438, 2.62M)

Here comes Mrs. Roastie.

Alba is the least appreciated Jessica

No one hates based J-Law

Attached: jennifer_lawrence_night_out_style_london_5_9_2016_11.jpg (1280x2240, 313K)

I see she's learning from mommy Amy

Attached: Amy's mommy and lil sis sharp objects.webm (768x432, 2.87M)

Nothing wrong with that.

Attached: 25.webm (720x1280, 1.44M)

I share her oral fixation.


Attached: isabela-moner-walking-her-dog-in-west-hollywood-07-17-2019-6.jpg (1280x1920, 333K)

true hurts you

You'll have to adopt, user, cuz your wife is genetic poison. Look up her brother and see what sort of genes she's carrying

Never heard of her

I'll fixate her oral

>Harvey Weinstein's cumdumpster

>muh jeans

Attached: 561.jpg (1080x1326, 90K)

She’s actually really good and she’s one of the only pure qts left.

Be warned, at any monent, your thread might get moned

Attached: MonerTime.jpg (1024x1280, 380K)

what about her sex toy?

Attached: Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone Have a Lot in Common (your personal puppet).webm (1280x720, 1.1M)

I think after three years still denying that Moner is popular on Yea Forums is an exercise in delusion.

>the image that saved Yea Forums

I doubt it. At any rate she's not a Katherine so stop spamming her

I have seen some threads of her being archived without many answers, that means that at some point her obsessed fans are not in Yea Forums, therefore they are not as many as they want us to believe

Attached: 874F684B-B65F-4D7F-A9DA-C7EA3CC325B1.gif (245x160, 1.33M)

>this retard doing hoops in his mind

>ddg search "best emma"
>Best emma is actually 3rd on the results
So, it's treason then

Attached: 2-19.jpg (800x1222, 102K)

Being in that much denial.

Attached: 79.jpg (2074x2533, 630K)

he mad
>inb4 he claims everyone is samefag and "obsessed"

Attached: 6URLIPj.jpg (3240x2160, 919K)

Okay that made me laugh. KatMac is still better though

Attached: 1563499112066.webm (480x184, 435K)

me in the trunk

Stop false flagging Watsonfag. Stone and Roberts spammers live in peace together after putting you in your grave.

Attached: 1460436562197.jpg (465x512, 51K)

something about the paunch man it’s inexplicable

hope she loses the hair extensions

Lets look at this objectively all three have the exact same body type but watson has the shaplier bum, so watson wins

She probably will after the press tour is over.

Attached: 7887168797970560280_n.jpg (1080x1127, 189K)

We have a small but vibrant fandom

Attached: lucy.jpg (480x719, 61K)

As long as you remain peaceful towards us, we will be peaceful with you.

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Attached: Naboo_celebration.jpg (1920x816, 1.66M)

see, I don't lie, fags

Attached: 1510251465743.png (836x528, 146K)

Based giv poster but you've got one hand too many

>t you've got one hand too many

Attached: 1491267034569.png (741x568, 29K)


Real giv poster lost a hand in a car crash


Attached: 1496714246545.jpg (1000x800, 172K)

stone has a great ass now though, better than watson’s
Roberts has always had a decent one too

Yeah, then his ex-gf shot him in the face. V. sad story

Attached: Maya Hawke.webm (1262x718, 2.19M)

give story

Attached: 1517834240333.jpg (487x560, 115K)

Roberts has those long legs, cute tummy, and ridiculously tight bottom.

I want to be her seat.

So he got busted for being a stalker and went to jail but he cut a deal and was being transported out to a different site when the prison transport crashed. He was handcuffed and had to cut off his own hand to escape the burning vehicle but he escaped and went after the girl he was stalking. She pulled a gun but didn't shoot him but his ex gf that he was staying with thought he was pathetic and shot him instead. They never caught her


English rose

Peace be with you

I don’t believe that, it’s incredibly ridiculous

I don't see war here

It's the plot of Riverdale's season finale. I'm just fucking with you

she looks just like lana rhodes

holy shit bro. what's this from?

Fellas how do I get Chastain to go out with me

The two MBY girls are pretty popular


Attached: FdWR5-apePJl.jpg (400x400, 51K)

Langford is the Gallant to Rhode's Goofus.

Attached: 001-2.jpg (2250x3000, 1.48M)

Fuck off Black Hood, you're dead.

Attached: im4sxmphyg721.png (1080x1920, 2.13M)

Campbell's a retard, though.

dump lilymo pls

Attached: 1564240567501.jpg (1080x1080, 1.27M)

that dude's a cunt, enjoy

Attached: lily mo.webm (720x720, 1.08M)

I'll take Collins for the added benefit of getting Phil as a father-in-law.

her friend is topless owo

How many lewds does she have? I've never seen this before.

I'll second ASR.

Can you feel it Coming In The Air Tonight?

Attached: ICanFeelItCummingInTheAirTonight.webm (640x800, 1.36M)

Kek, I honestly didn't realize what filename that was saved under.

The Moner army lends their support to the Collins army in the Lily wars.

Attached: 15.jpg (895x1280, 134K)

The *wyooarra* Boynton Union is at your disposal

Attached: lucy-boynton-for-interview-magazine-spring-2019-2.jpg (1200x802, 67K)

Literally perfect

It will be in February.

>claw hands
>metal legs
I knew i'd seen him somewhere before.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 68K)

can't wait

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I want to marry Kathryn Newton

so inappropriate!

She'll dominate the next decade of Yea Forums

She looks like an ape.

yes she will

Attached: 42.webm (720x1280, 1.08M)



got you bro

Attached: 1516975052485.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

Yes indeed

Attached: 19955216_1395508243860173_6128877812670529536_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.37M)

which one doesnt have herpes?

they are all americans or americanized by producers, sorry

I wish she was my gf

and already dominated for 3 years

>Moner getting more roles means more Moner pics
>most of those are her with too much makeup
Monkeys paw

Only for premieres

Attached: isabela-moner-walking-her-dog-in-west-hollywood-07-17-2019-6 - Copy.jpg (1280x1920, 528K)

is she white enough to fuck the dog

TIL that Moner can hold her breath for 2 minutes.

Attached: 7.jpg (1044x1127, 92K)

Attached: 469.jpg (364x333, 17K)

Monerposting is dead and these spammers (and her turning 18) killed it. Shame.

I've seen 8 threads of her go to bump limit since last week. Try again.

Which waifu did Moner destroy that has you seething so much?

Attached: 52.jpg (1080x1328, 836K)

mmmmm...... Biel

Attached: jess biel a team me.webm (640x360, 2.87M)



Back the fuck off.

Attached: pikachu__knife_by_demonicangal-d4rdk94.jpg (700x750, 158K)

Why do posters keep trying this routine like it's ever worked in history?

Attached: isabela-moner (2).jpg (1080x1278, 319K)

They're jealous

oh lawd.

Attached: 1555911164373.jpg (425x265, 7K)

Umm sorry sweetie but we're team Reinhart

Attached: 1552073980614.jpg (1242x1504, 131K)

Yea Forums won't be here in another decade.

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