D&D will win an Emmy for best directing for this in your lifetime

>D&D will win an Emmy for best directing for this in your lifetime

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I hope they do because award shows are a joke anyway, might as well drive it in

aren't the emmys bought anyway?

I hope they all win awards so everyone can shit on that series even more, since it'll be obvious where all those HBO gift baskets went.

Whoa! That's like Kubrick levels of badassery.

I think 4 of the 6 nominees in the best actress category this year are from GoT, so yes

Even Lena Headey is nominated who did nothing but look out a window all season.

I don't mind them winning best directing, what i would take offense with would be they winning best writing.

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They're just industry award shows. Companies do it all the time, "insurance salesman of the year" type of bullshit, these are just televised versions of those events. Who gives a fuck

I hope Better Call Saul blows GoT the fuck out

I hope they win every single nomination, especially if they're competing with Chernobyl in any category.

Unintentional comedy is the only thing the Emmys and Oscars are good for anymore.

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You now remember that Suicide Squad won an Oscar

Outstanding Writing

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I don't care about anything.

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This isn't real, right?

No, the judges just have shit taste.

It is.

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>come at me bro v2

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wtf. I can't tell if this is a joke. This is written as a parody right? If this is real, if this is how they write their scripts, how have they ever been nominated for anything? How did they get this job?

d&d are fratbro losers who only got famous because one's dad is a goldman sachs executive that pays for all his son's dipshit movies

It was for Makeup though, and Killer Croc and the eye monsters looked fantastic in SS

I love how the dragon just came back and sit behind danny just so they could get this shot done.

Do you think they used a real dragon?

To be fair she deserves to win it for her work in the other seasons. Like when Jon Hamm won for his weakest season in mad men

They could if they tried.

AHHHHH I miss her

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This actually kinda explains the wight hunt a bit better, Jon doesn't turn around and fight zombies for no reason viserion crashes the ice under him, and the water is heated up from dragon fire that's why he doesn't freeze. Still retarded though, just extra retarded directing on top of it

>Come at Me, Bro, v2

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nth for the cutest queen

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Imagine losing the last ounce of credibility your award holds on a meme. If only those Hollywood fucks lived in a society whose name was Robert Paulson.

canon ending


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>Jon tries to be hardhome jon

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I think Maisie Williams will win it this year, they love that a strong independent girl killed the icey white man boss.

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>that scene
Wow... just wow

She killed a walking dead walker. Rick Grimes has been doing that for seemingly 17 seasons now. Can't really be all that impressive.


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But Rick Grimes is a white male. Maisie is a young strong independent woman who leaves a guy she fucked and goes off on her own independent adventure. The only way this could be more of a sure win for her, is if she was black.

>that eyelid

LOL they should have photoshoped that