What a fucking disappointment this was. This could be really good

What a fucking disappointment this was. This could be really good.

Attached: True_Detective_season_3.png (250x370, 244K)

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It thought putting an ape like face on the screen and making it mimic "deep thinking" expressions that it could compete with the first season. This show is only ever going to have one good season.

Name one (1) tv/movie with lead black character that is considered good

Pursuit of Happyness


Pulp Fiction

I thought it was ok

Predator 2

Men in Black

Black dynamite

True Detective, retard

Imagine taking a concept like a LRRP and reducing it to "we wuz badass and shiet"

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la haine

Event Horizon

Acting was really good. The ending was kind of anti-climactic.


Tiger Force iffy ugh


What was?

The Fresh Prince in Bel-Air


Don Cheedle looks shit in this

The ending was a pretty good metaphor for Alzheimers.

It was kino and showed how bad alzheimers can be, ofcourse u plebs just want LE SPOOKY MONSTER MAN WHO KILLS PEOPLE FOR FUN


>"Man was a LARP in 'Nam. You know what that is? Live Action Role-Playing."

Attached: True-Detective-season-3-finale-Roland-West-1754646.jpg (590x875, 76K)

It was great though. 2 > 3 > 1

Caspere knew this

dem keedz


It was a solid 8/10 to the last two episodes, those retroactively made the entire season a 4/10 at best. Absolutely awful finale that undermined everything up to that point. Conclusive proof that Pizza is a hack and Fukunaga was the actual mastermind behind the greatness of S1.

I liked it. It has a nice contrast to season 1. Each season has obsessed detectives unable to let a case go with their personal issues getting in the way. Each investigation led the detectives to believe there was a larger conspiracy, however it was always possible their obsession was creating a conspiracy that only existed in their heads. In one case their was a sinister powerful conspiracy after children, and in the other it was a series of accidents and misunderstandings that ironically forced a conspiracy to exist to cover it all up.


This. The ending itself with Hayes succumbing to dementia was fucking kino though

>bruce willis and john travolta are niggers now

Mahersh was a revelation as always though. Made it somewhat diverting and much better than that S2 shitshow, which was similarly (though less so) redeemed by McAdams

Imagine being THIS much of a stupid baby to actually not enjoy this season. It’s his most mature and well-realized entry. Frankly I can understand why people love season 1 the most but in hindsight it was such a sucker punch. I mean it followed all the tropes to make it likable. More than anything it was a nostalgia piece. I mean it’s in the name itself. Starting from the character of Rust and muh philosophy. Season 3 on the other hand is Pizza being a grown ass auteur, discarding and rejecting all that dishonesty and all those genre by-products. It’s him deconstructing himself and modern detective genre as a whole. Also I think that Haze is a thinking man’s Rust. Please bear in mind that I enjoyed season 1 immensely, but tell me one thing: how long can you tell the same story? Him being an intelligent screen writer and TD not being some daytime soap opera? You must understand his mindset first. I also like how people don’t really know what to make of this season, which is the cherry on top. Because it’s not a detective at all. It’s a serious existential drama about life choices and how they haunt us till our death bed. It’s really fucking tough if you think about it.

Cool "hot" take, now try to defend S2.

Lots of shows can be deconstructive and still be interesting. Unless you're saying he deconstructed pacing so it was at a granular slog than I feel like you're missing what made the season so unsatisfying. Season 1 didn't have that problem, on top of having more likeable and interesting characters. I agree that S3 has a clear purpose and it is interesting on paper, but in execution it was dull and mostly forgettable.

the guard

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Well yeah I can agree with that. But still I’d say that in the end it was worth it. It deserved to spend so much time on character development. Idk maybe I liked it so much cuz I really felt the story and the characters. It was way more relatable than the other two seasons. I mean I still have so much to say about it, I think I should rewatch it soon

American Gangster

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I don’t remember it lol

Django unchained

Daddy Day Care

White Chicks

I agree with the touching aspects of it. It made me far more emotional to watch that final scene that anything Cohle evinced, but Rust will always be my guy. Watching him waste away in his apartment over his obsessions and discarding even casual sex as being not worth it was far too on point for me.

The Wire

Well yeah. That’s the beauty of his character. But I think as we grow older we will appreciate and relate to Haze more. He’s more realistic and his story is really fucking devastating

Moonlight, Luther, Django, The IT Crowd

Whoops I named two each, guess you're a double retard

The IT Crowd is the only one of these that isn't objectively shit, so I guess that makes you the retard.

Every Madea movie

First season: Fantastic story, atmosphere, and characters, with an unfortunately disappointing finale.

Second season: STRONK WAHMEN.


The Godfather

every denzel washington flick

rewatch season 2. it's a lot better if you just dont compare it to season 1. season 3 however, will never compare to either.

Nah, you're just defending it because you're a self-hating white cuck who virtue-signals by pretending to like media with niggers in it. God, what a fucking sad existence you must have.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, what a cope. You literally said "considered good." I didn't know you meant "considered good by Nazis."

TD will never top Season 1 but I really liked Season 3 for what it was. Much much better than Season 2 and the dynamic between Roland and Wayne was pretty good their on screen chemistry was excellent. Boomer detectives was pretty cool too.


I think you're oversimplifying it a bit. The finale was a bit of a dissapointment with the exposition dump at the end but I still think TD3 was one of the best shows on TV

Fun story: the show made out the LRRP's to be much more hardcore than they were in real life. I mean, they were hardcore, sure, but their primary job was not actual fighting, but listening and observing for enemy activity. Basically, they were watchdogs, but they avoided all enemy contact where possible.

there were some really pretty looking shots and the acting was really solid but other than that season was pretty bad.

Shut the fuck you braindead incel. Literally fuck your own face

based les grossman poster

FIRST EPISODE WAS VERY GOOD, huge potential, but Pizzoleto is a fucking FRAUD HACK. Season 2 was a lot of better in every way than season 3
>better casting and performances
>better atmosphere
>better soundtrack
>a bit of Lynchian touch
>it took some risk after season 1, it was different. Season 3 is blatant copy pasta from S01 but much much more bland with shit writing.


He's not wrong user

They used climb trees and then jump down and rape Vietcong in the ass

probably, but still Cringe m8

Sorry you aren't patrician enough to recognize the greatness of The Return, Mulholland Drive, and Blue Velvet

The actor, ironically, is pretty articulate IRL and comes across as pretty erudite.


I've never seen a racist be so woke before

yes S02 had a bit of lynchian atmosphere, even the soundtrack, bar scenes, some surreal stuff etc..

stert sum franklin shiet wid me

In the Heat of the Night

It wasn't so much that it ended up being an accident, it was more how everything was wrapped in a huge exposition dump at the end. It was such a lazy and weak way to tell a story and took all the wind out the show's sails.

>disappointing finale

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