Worst Movie you ever saw

Post the worst movie you ever saw

>Princess Mononoke
yeah it looked fine but the plot was insane garbage
>made no sense
>tried for some environmental theme but failed
>had no idea who the pig was
>who were the wolves meant to be?
>What was the all the human shit about
>just a a bad story to a visually nice movie

this is not a princess monoke thread, so no jap boys crying on here defending it, it's for posting other bad examples also.

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Your favorite movie.

Dear White People. I thought it was Eddie griffin on the cover and thought it was a comedy.

and coming in a close 2nd is this pile of stinky garbage

>disgusting visausl (well animated but such an ugly design)
>another stupid movie - who was magic and who wasnt?
>who were they on the train to see?
>who was the ghost face
>generic make ching chong good guy

I've seen both the original jap version and the english dub version, so don't @ me over I dont know what Im talking about

the onl difference is the english one was worse but at least I didnt have to listen to JAP overacting all the fucking time

like theyve been told their mother has died eeverytime they react to something

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>I need a cookie cutter plot to enjoy a movie


this is you isn't it. assblasted in another thread so you make your own

describe the plot then, genius
do a summary of the movie
go on...

This fucking piece of shit

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based Jap hater

this also Billy Bob Thorton? wtf were they thinking?

Ironic you complain about the plot since Mononoke is one of the only Ghibli movies with an actual story, not just slice of life/coming of age vignettes

Drive. It's a movie that insists upon itself. You have to give it credit for creating a forgettable nostalgia based movement with a footing in today's world while at the same time pointing out everything that is wrong with this post modern genre. Lesser minds call it 'Flick (nouveau)'. I call it '(Veille) Shit'. Terrible.

Black Panther was mediocre at best. Still crazy the amount of praise it got. Not big on capeshit but watch them when they come on netflix usually. Like why did people think this was some great cultural phenomenon for black people? It's just a meh superhero movie. Not even the best marvel movie with a black lead (Blade). It's like a Steel or Meteorman tier black superhero movie

Jap shits btfo no reply

>who were the wolves meant to be?

are you from the international poster thread? this retard couldn’t find the title of this film PRINTED IN ENGLISH on this poster. you’re pathetic

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damn you saw only pretty good movies

based retard

>Princess Mononoke
spirit goes insane because of taint caused by iron. kids gets poisoned too so leaves village to find cause, meets a town of iron smiths poisoning the environment and a group of spirit hunters after a boat spirit's head. also meets a girl raised by wolf spirits and team up together to try to save the boar and the god of the forest.
nature good man/industry bad, try to love with nature instead of fighting against it

>spirited away
girl and family are 'spirited away.' girl gets job in bathhouse of spirits ran by evil witch who has enslaved a dragon with amnesia. leave bathhouse and ride train meeting witches good sister, return back to bathhouse to collect parents dragon remember who he is and that he knew the girl. girl and family return home

>hey guys are you from my thread? that no one is posting it?
>haha you're pathetic....
>please post in my thread :^(

>He doesn't appreciate the quality of Japanese media like me
>silly gaijin

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so bad

also how is nature good when its the one killing the people

The fuck does any of that gibberish mean?

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he's a stupid little gerhkin

I didn't think that Spirited Away was a pleb filter but here we are.

>this entire post
remind me never to watch this shit jfc

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>disgusting visausl (well animated but such an ugly design)
thats your opinion I respect that
>another stupid movie - who was magic and who wasn't?
almost everyone but the girl
>who were they on the train to see?
old baba's sister
>who was the ghost face
river spirit that got polluted
>generic make ching chong good guy
there all Asian it's in Japan

not capeshit so zoomers can't understand

Not meme answer:
Sausage party
The sacrifice
Reservoir dogs
Disaster movie

only plebs and weebs like it
how'd have thunk it??

Seven Samurai is actually terrible.

Yeah the anime is utter trash, changing everything good about the movie.

Agreed. I didn’t make it past 20 min.

>so no jap boys crying on here defending it
Only western normalfags give a shit about Ghibli films.


It's the only movie I turned off before the end. Just couldn't take any more. FUCK TERRY GILLIAM.

>when Disney-tier anime is 2deep4you
Never change Yea Forums.

he never made a good movie except 12 monkeys

>ITT a bunch of retards post movies that range from mediocre to great
posting the actual worst theatrical film (no garbage straight to DVD/OnDeman shit) I've ever seen

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have you considered the idea that there is no good and no bad or are u an hardcore christian manchild ?

This piece o shit

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True, it's not a great movie. Good enough, but the story is a bit underde-
Nevermind, you have shit taste

The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea

literally kill yourself

why would you watch that

cringe comment not gonna lie

one of the most overrated movies ever, desu. DUUUUUDE, Let’s make Alice in Wonderland but make it even less coherent and substantially less funny!

Mr. Nobody
Guardians of the Galaxy 2

stop replying to your own posts you pathetic subhuman retard


Best bait thread on Yea Forums right now


>Princess Mononoke
In 2019 Los Angeles, former police officer Rick Deckard is detained by officer Gaff, and brought to his former supervisor, Bryant. Deckard, whose job as a "blade runner" was to track down bioengineered beings known as replicants and "retire" (kill) them, is informed that four are on Earth illegally. Deckard starts to leave, but Bryant ambiguously threatens him, and he stays. The two watch a video of a blade runner named Holden administering the "Voigt-Kampff" test, which is designed to distinguish replicants from humans based on their emotional response to questions. The test subject, Leon, shoots Holden on the second question. Bryant wants Deckard to retire Leon and the other three Tyrell Corporation Nexus-6 replicants: Roy Batty, Zhora, and Pris.

Bryant has Deckard meet with Eldon Tyrell so he can administer the test on a Nexus-6 to see if it works. Tyrell expresses his interest in seeing the test fail first and asks him to administer it on his assistant Rachael. After a much longer than standard test, Deckard concludes that Rachael is a replicant who believes she is human. Tyrell explains that she is an experiment who has been given false memories to provide an emotional "cushion".

Searching Leon's hotel room, Deckard finds photos and a synthetic snake scale. Roy and Leon investigate a replicant eye-manufacturing laboratory and learn of J. F. Sebastian, a gifted genetic designer who works closely with Tyrell. Deckard returns to his apartment where Rachael is waiting. She tries to prove her humanity by showing him a family photo, but after Deckard reveals that her memories are implants from Tyrell's niece, she leaves his apartment. Meanwhile, Pris locates Sebastian and manipulates him to gain his trust.

A photograph from Leon's apartment and the snake scale lead Deckard to a strip club, where Zhora works. After a confrontation and chase, Deckard kills Zhora. Bryant orders him also to retire Rachael, who has disappeared from the

Good god what a pathetic butthurt loser kek

based posts. dont mind the thin skinned retards, the fact is all these "great movies" (totoro included) are actually full of eastern nonsense (all of eastern philosophy is goofy, nonsensical self refuting garbage, incidentally - and it shows in eastern movies) yet we're all supposed to act like they're God's gift to cinema.
To this i say: cringe, gay, missed me with all that shit. you niggers can go back to watching the IMDB top hundred like the plebs you are.
>inb4 "ist all ur favorite movies so we can say they suck cuz butthurt"

Coming with a pick that isn't a meme
Mulholland drive.

>hey, Im a boy whos just chillin here, but im also a DRAGON
did I dream this part? saw this movie as a kid on television and was very confused. what the fuck is wrong wis nips

The worst movie I've ever seen was that stupid marvel shit in space trying to remember the name it had chris pratt and
guardians of the galaxy

That was the first scene I saw of that movie and wondered what the fuck was going on

Thanks for all the you's boys

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you clearly have no knowledge of shinto or any other animistic religion which is fine but don't pretend your ignorance is tasteful or good


I saw some shit, but nothing exceeds this garbage.

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By far: DRUIDS. A French movie with Christopher Lambert. Don't watch it, it doesn't even have "so bad it's good" value. The Adventures of Pluto Nash is better. Just My Luck is better. Even The Room is better. Don't watch Druids.

Cringe. if you have to read a bunch of goofy philosophical frameworks to be able to understand chink movies, i'll just pass on it altogether.

epic bait retard kys

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. Not even worth laughing at.

Just to clarify

I am not baiting
They are seriously the 2 worst films I ever seen. As 119126734 said just because someone tells you its good doesn't make it so.

If you have no personality or thought of your own enough to figure it out thats your problem

A confusing poorly written unclear movie is a bad movie no mater what you think. Moreover the fact these movies animation are ugly just doubles it down

Stop being jap loving queers and defending it by saying its bait

Go watch a good movie. If your too stupid to know one ask me, ill give you lots of tips (and none of them are jap shit as those weird cunts make bad films)

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Good choice it was lame as shit

I don't know for sure but Baby Geniuses was painful to watch, one of those 90s-00s cringy comedies like Son of the Mask

anything you dont like is bait. heard this brainlet tier reasoning a million times before. just accept that what you like doesn't have to be universally approved.

i don't care if you like these movies or not but your reasoning and posts are stupid

Best bait thread on this site right now.

i was legitimately disappointed because for years i've seen people talk about the ghibli "animated classics". it's all just a bunch of random shit.

if you didn't care you would say something smarter than "your post is bait". your butthurt is showing. it's actually possible to dislike these movies without having ulterior motives.

you called jap movies "chink shit" so excuse me for mistaking your stupidity for bait :P

>>tried for some environmental theme but failed

Stopped reading right there, you are either a brainlet or you need better bait. Enjoy this (you).

all asians are chinks to me. what would you prefer i call them? it's a catch all term for stuff i won't bother with anymore.
>everything i disagree with is bait XD :P

epic bait retard kill your self

>son of the mask
Never heard of it

alright, then explain it to me. so the guy is a lake.

Still, it's weird that two movies considered among the best animated films in history are the worst movies you've *ever* seen. At least you have to concede that some aspects (animation, pacing, music...) do work - even if you dislike the plot/characters. Have you seriously never watched a movie where NOTHING works and everything is fucked up from A to Z? The Room, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Fast & Furious Tokyo Race, Never been kissed, Wild wild West, Battlefield Earth? Have you never watched any of this cancer?

Id like to reach through my screen and violently yank your spleen through your asshole until you beg to rewatch Mononoke.

>opinions contrary to my own must be trolling
your mind is extremely limited.

Epic bait retard

Despite your taste being utter garbage, I would have to say that Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare is the worst film I've ever seen

Death Bed
Garbage Pail Kids

Uhhh Grave of the Fireflies?

still not baiting. you however, are still angry because i don't like the same movies as you. it's kind of laughable

Not that user but either you haven't watched enough movies or you somehow think Friday The 13th part 8 is a better movie than Spirited Away

Empire Records. Maybe one of the most retarded script of all time. I thought it was some well-regarded cult classic so went in thinking it’d be good and then I was just shocked how messy it was.

The pacing is all over the place
it's frantic, boring then reachig for a climax that never really comes, They are messy and incoherent which is why they are dislikeable.

Flashy animation (by which I mean lots of movement) is not exciting or cool, its like Akira - all sound and fury, no story no heart.

They are fake movies. More like nu-art, it can hang in a gallery and you can tell me its amazing, but it doesnt compare to a Carabagio which is solid in every respect

Regards them compared to the following
>The Room
would never watch such shit
>Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
was passable as popcorn fun
>Fast & Furious Tokyo Race
yeah it was bad but at least it had a story
>Never been kissed
Are you serious thats a good movie
>Wild wild West
kind of funny, stupid cgi aside its fine
>Battlefield Earth?
would never watch something so shit

the difference is everyone pretends Ghbli makes amazing movies. He/they dont

and im happy to enter into any discussion about it, and have put forth some reasons but all the reponse is
>duurr bait
>grrr i so angry u dont like movie!

and no one has denfended any aspect of why they are good movies


its fucking shit

i think a short hand is if girls think theyre good movies they usually arent

hence Ghiblet movies being on this thread

>reddit spacing
>shit opinion
imagine my surprise

>would never watch such shit

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Your reasoning is fucking garbage. Why should anyone waste his time to discuss this with you when you are obviously retarded?

>Criticizes other people's taste
>Charlie's Angels:Full Throttle was passable and Never been kissed was good

The first thing that appeals the audience in this movie is its art and animation. I, as unexperienced and poor in technical knowledge about the subject, think it's utter fascinating, it manages to create a whole world out of nothing, and the use of lights and shades, the forms and colours make the overall experience a visual joy. And in addition to that I find the characters' gestures and movements extremely plastic and realistic, some other scenes have been mentioned in that aspect by other reviewers but I was particularly fond of that one where Chihiro is walking with her parents and she gradually moves away, only to come back to her position with a little run-up. These things don't happen, usually, in animation. In so far as they are unnecessary, easily ignorable and feel like a waste of resources, we hardly see characters making these little movements which in the end result in nothing relevant. Ghibli, however, animates them, and does it with such a mastery, a love for detail and a goddamn naturalism that I can't help but feel amazed.

As if the visual aspect wasn't good enough, the movie is also a pleasure for our ears and has what I consider the best track of my heavily worshipped Joe Hisaishi, one of the best (if not the best) film composers I have ever heard. Spirited Away is exceptionally good at that aspect; I'd say it's one of the very few cases in which there is, at some scenes, such a strong fusion between story and music, that I can't conceive nor think of one without the other.

But despite all of these beautiful qualities about its setting, the real substance of this movie is at its story. I apologize in advance, again, because as I'm going to develop some points I will give some free spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie I'd recommend to stop reading at this point.

It has been said many times by critics that Spirited Away felt like a senseless blend of magic elements, just a simple story filled with many things the author introduced undiscriminatingly to drag out the experience. Well, I have a quite different point of view for that device. I just can't conceive that the animation, for example, is taken to such a high level of detail and, on the other hand, that doesn't happen with the story. And by rewatching it repeatedly in a short amount of time (once every two months, more or less), I began to develop some theories about the nature of the world that is depicted here.

There's your problem, you're confusing Miyazaki with Ghibli as a whole. Watch a Takahata movie instead, he actually knows how to write and direct.

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What must be considered at first is that all this magical world, with strange creatures and spells, is just an allegory for the always difficult transiton between childhood and the first steps of adulthood. It's the age you start dealing with responsibility, when you realize your acts have consequences and you have to make decisions that will affect your future; you define yourself and the course of your life. Miyazaki puts these simple concepts by transforming the need of finding an identity into a way to escape the wonderful yet cruel world where Chihiro is suddenly trapped. Its hostility imitates quite well the drama of the process, as it reinforces the need of an additional effort every one of us have to make at some point and reset our lives and our positions.

Does this mean that Yubaba's world is an undeveloped blend of magic, hostile things that only serve as a situation that Chihiro has to overcome at some point? Well, I don't think so, as it seems to have a clear structure and hierarchy. One of the stories I see compared more often with this one is Alice in Wonderland. However, I would define that as a blend of unrelated events, a story whose main charm lies in its anarchic, nearly nightmarish, narrative. Spirited Away is not like that in any way. In fact I think there is an effort to transmit a strong sense of logic throughout, it tries to delimit the causes and consequences of every single case.

paragrpahs are reddit?

no wonder youre such a retard

AND YET,, AND YET..no one has uttered a single word why any Ghbli movies are good.

"and all across the land, the weebs and nerds were silent as a real man stamped on their opinions, and not one had anything to say..for they all knew what they cherished was worthless, hadn't a word to defend it."

You say it's good visually, that alone makes it factually nowhere near the worst film ever made. You are simply a jackass if you think any Ghibli film is anywhere near worst movie of all time, sure they are overrated in some respects but there are so many films 100x worse it's not even funny.

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>While the plot and ending were mediocre AND it shat on the cons and hustlers genre it tried to emulate, it was merely forgettable and not "worst movie ever".

For me, it's Chaos (2005 - the one featuriong David Gage and Sly Stallone's son). A remake/(homage) to The Last House on The Left but low-budget and besides the shock value of violence (antagonist stabs the first victim in both kidneys and rapes her as she wails as a banshee, dying), the rest of the movie just felt flat. Not to mention some other movie studio also had a low-budget flick under the same name with no theatrical release, except that one was slightly better: cop thriller with Wesley Snipes, Jason Statham and Ryan Phillippe), a film that tried to be Ronin but failed.

The key character to understand how Yubaba's tyranny works is, in my opinion, Lin. She just happens to be the link between Chihiro and the rest of the magical creatures, just like somebody that is in some sort of intermediate level. Her physical appearance looks slightly transformed, but not as much as the rest. She is aware of the existence of another world outside of that one, the importance of remembering her name, her "identity"; and knowing that, she helps Chihiro and takes the role of a mother. I have the theory that every one of the creatures that live in Yubaba's world were once human, maybe little boys and girls like Chihiro who couldn't find the way to escape, or other people; and they ended up forgetting who they were, losing their "humanity" and becoming mere pieces of this world. Lin is a special case because it seems she's not lost her identity yet, at least not at all, but forgot at one point her name, the key to come back home, and knows her situation is irreversible. She maybe observed this in some of her companions when she arrived, and Chihiro reminds herself of that. Maybe because of that, because she knows and appreciates what she's doomed to lose, she decides to help her in an altruistic way.

And what about Kamaji? Another key character in Chihiro's development in there; he seems to be quite aware of his situation too. I'd say he is a bit like the "sacrificed" individual, who Yubaba used to start his project and maybe the only one that didn't lose his identity at all. He's a slave in this world, he knows it but can't help it.

So yes, I have a more "adult" and crude view of the overall concept. This definition of the magical public baths as a place were people are doomed to end up losing what makes them "special" is quite harsh and melancholic for a -as targeted and admitted by Miyazaki- kid's movie, and it might feel even weird, but that's how I interpreted it and I think it makes some sense.

just proved it

it's more about the animation than the story

Rule No. 1
have a good fucking story

biggest bait in Yea Forums history to be honest.
even people who hate weebs admit that these films are fantastic if not masterpieces.

All in all, these examples just show that the real strength of this story lies in the characters, as they are always depicted in a detailed way. Yubaba not being the typical villain, or not even being a "villain" at all; Haku, the hero and the "positive" one here has also an overambitious side and is for the most part guilty of his situation... and Chihiro, of course. She is a spoiled brat who learns to appreciate some things, but in no way overreacting at these points, as she sounds real and relatable at every damn scene. It's quite easy to understand her, she's not made to be likeable but her portrayal is solid enough to make us join her development through the story.

I could spend hours and hours talking about this precious anime and its many details, the enigmatic role of No Face, the negative influence of the parents in Chihiro's behaviour, and so much more... I love it. It breathes mastery at (almost) every one of its points, and I can enjoy it in many levels. My only grip would be the way things are resolved, which I have always found too rushed; reading Miyazaki's opinion on that ending I've come to understand the intention behind, but still I'd say the metaphor is made too subtle for the audience, and maybe the execution is also somewhat clumsy. But aside from this minor flaw, I can't help but admire this fascinating, eye-captivating piece of art, my second favorite anime behind Grave Of The Fireflies.

Maybe you should keep reading you fucking faggot

Did you just call yourself a "real man"? How can one person be so not self aware?

Probably Twisted Pair, the latest film by Neil Breen. An utter mess of a film, I have no idea who anyone is, what they are trying to do, where they are, or why things are happening.

"The animation is amazing"!

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>>Never been kissed
>Are you serious thats a good movie

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star wars episode3

See, you can't call anything Breen the worst because of how absolutely entertaining the madness is. Not for one second have I been bored watching any Breen film.

Treasure Planet >>>>> Spirited Away

>unironically calling upon normies and their misunderstanding of all organic culture as a defense for these two giant turds
this is peak reddit right here.
pic very much related

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There's only 1 Miyazaki movie I love, which is Kiki Delivery Service. In opposite to his other work, it really feels like a coherent story with character arch, well planned ups and downs and pretty satysfying ending.

I admire his other work, but I find it very disjointed and sadly boring.

Basically the best Ghibli movies for me are not made by H. Miyazaki (except Kiki, which is my favourite):
- Grave of the Fireflies - dir. Isao Takahata
- The Tale of the Princess Kaguya - dir. Isao Takahata
- From up on Poppy Hill - dir. Gorō Miyazaki
- Whisper of the Heart - dir. Yoshifumi Kondō

I will admit I was very engaged, mostly trying to figure out what phrases like "My cells and DNA were both genetically modified" or "Programmable matter, the corrupted version" mean.

>also how is nature good when its the one killing the people
People die of old age, and that's nature. The struggle within nature is also natural (animals killing each other), but killing the gods or higher beings isn't.

The girl has a really sexy lickable stomach and if you wouldn't hit that, you're gay.

I got my first blowjob ever after watching Mononoke. Good times.

i could watch a billion movies and these would still be easterner jank, being worshiped by people who make themselves victims of groupthink.

I would happily make little sped babies with her.

someone who calls these great movies "one of the worst they've ever seen" is literally not worth writing paragraphs of arguments for.
just like i wouldn't bother trying to convince my grandpa that work is not in fact all we live for because he's been doing it since he was 10 years old and it's literally fully embedded inside of him and he can't see himself without it, EVER.

Miyazaki is a misanthropic loony.

There is quite literally nothing wrong with humanity fighting against nature and enslaving higher beings. They don’t have any respect for us, so why should we?
Do earthquakes, tsunamis, and wild animals listen to human reason and empathy? No, so fuck them.

I hope you did not watch the first three.

Anons, I expect better than this.
Most of you are fuckin' retarded and gave terrible answers.

Calling Ghibli films the worse thing you've ever seen is edge lord crap.
If you don't like the story, fine, whatever (I don't like the story of Spirited Away).
But, there is undeniable artistry in the animation.
Dozens of animators worked hard on each of them, and it shows.

Next, calling movies like Garbage Pail Kids, the Room, Battlefield Earth, Neil Breen's shit, and Sausage Party the worst thing ever, why?
You knew what you were getting into before watching them.

No, the worse movie I've ever seen was a legitimate disappointment.
Godard's Weekend is the worst movie I've ever seen.
While watching it, I thought to myself, "Did Godard intentionally make ever scene as terrible as he could?"
There's a 7 minutes long take, and the only thing you hear are car horns honking repeatedly.
You could use the excuse that its art house, but the themes and ideas are beaten over your head so many times.
Only an idiot wouldn't understand in the first 10 minutes of a 105 minute movie.
The artistry is there, but he intentionally made the movie terrible, pandering and grating.
I will never watch this movie again.

Are you admitting that you would think FT13th part 8 is better than Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke? How can one person be so ignorant

Kiki is kinda dumb too. She is a fuckup, people don't like her. She saves some kid and wow suddenly everything is great.

>but killing the gods or higher beings isn't.
I am not that guy and I am not going to argue about the quality of Princess Mononoke, just this one post.
There is no such proven thing as gods here on Earth, you can't kill something like that, there is no but because that's just impossible.

you're forgetting one thing, these movies aren't objectively good. thats the entire point. your mind just needs to catch up to that fact and then you can stop getting butthurt.
i never adressed that retarded part of your post for a reason.

If it can be killed by humans with primitive weapons it's not a god

People who think that the "message" of Princess Mononoke is "NATURE GOOD, HUMANS/INDUSTRY BAD" are seriously brainlets.
There's a reason why he goes out of his way to depict the good that the Lady Eboshi has done for the women, and the people afflicted with the disease, thanks to the industries. Seriously, that movie is not as black and white as you idiots think. Miyazaki is not misanthropic.

a movie has to be more than just "well animated". by this metric you could go find thousands of better things on youtube.

Animals do, even wild ones.

this thread is fucking terrible except for the godard hate. fuck godard

Almost everyone likes Kiki in the movie.

>-Grave of the Fireflies - dir. Isao Takahata
>couple of subhuman chink children starve to death boohoo so sad rape of nanking didn't happen
have sex

waste of trips.
>i never adressed that retarded part of your post for a reason.
Even just looking at the first part, your reasoning is "Look I'm so individualistic because I hate something that others enjoy". Get off your high horse

I'm sure you could find some short films on youtube or vimeo that are excellently animated, and depending on taste surpass Ghibli.
But, that's not my point, calling these movies the worst movie you've ever seen is just trolling.

This is the worst thread i've ever seen on Yea Forums
I can't believe i share a board with people this retarded who are literally too dumb to understand a fucking Ghibli movie.
You're probably all retarded idiots who have low expectations of animation and therefore strictly judge it by narrative rather than themes, atmosphere and imagery. You wouldn't fucking shit on The Red Line or Tree of Life by Terrence Malick for having terrible plot.

Honestly such a bunch of fucking simpletons, especially

I'm not saying it was the best but. Holy shit you must have

you're just dumb, kid. the fact is your favorite movies aren't that good. YOU get off your high horse lmfao
i never said they're the worst i've ever seen, but they are way down there. definitely do not deserve the cult status they currently enjoy.

this and the attempts to defend their arguments are just as stupid

OP is a retard but I'm honestly sick of plebs proclaiming anything Miyazaki and Ghibli does as untouchable genius.
It spread to Ni Nu Kuni which was a boring piece of shit game that everyone only praised because of the Ghibli attachment (when they weren't even involved with the Western release of the game). It's not uncommon to see fans of the game admitting to not even playing it.

>it's too deep for you, you just didn't get it

Miyazaki's fans are so fucking reddit holy shit

He's replying a retard who thinks all asians are chinks it takes no amount of brainpower for him to have the superior mind.

Just give up on this board, most people are idiots who only look at shit on the most surface level possible.
They like to watch movies and shout "PLOT HOLE LOLOL".

90% of the people here would stop watching a Malick film after 15 minutes because no one got punched in the dick, must be bad.

These aren't even my favorite movies. However, I respect them for what they are. Your reasoning is essentially "I don't like it and I didn't understand them so therefore they objectively suck".

>They like to watch movies and shout "PLOT HOLE LOLOL".
Why am I not surprised to see a fucking Patrick Willems-following soifag defending Redditzaki's garbage movies.

Just because our arguments are hurting your feelings, doesn't negate any anti-plot hole criticism.


He explained his reasoning, reddit.
Read his posts and stop being a disingenuous cunt.

chuckling sensibly at the plotfags that have been BTFO by your post

>it's too deep for you, you just didn't get it
thanks for admitting that you're a complete and utter retard.
i pointed out how utterly dumbfounded i am that you retards fail to understand a ghibli movie.
where in that statement am i implying that it's "deep"?
you're simply fucking retarded

>untouchable genius
>because i say so
everything you babies say to justify your love for this terrible nonsense-easternjank further proves that it's for brainlets engaging in pic related
you respect nonsense for being nonsensical? if that were the case, i would actually agree with you, except your entire premise is that the movies are unironically good, and not something to enjoy like you would an intentionally bad movie.
my reasoning is actually that they're horrible, goofy, nonsensical easternjank. that, by definition, is terrible. my opinion has nothing to do with that, that's called objective reasoning.
even their precious Buddha was a fraud. a rich kid who claimed to have no need for earthly posessions. easy to say when you can go right back to your previous life at any time, which i'm sure he did. now imagine your entire worldview being built upon something like that. now you're a chink and nothing you do makes sense to people who are outside of your chinksphere other than deluded westerners pretending that easternshit movies are great because they want to look cool.
a whole thread and not a single comprehensive post about why the movies are actually good, just personal claims of incredulity as to why they wouldn't be. you'll have to pardon me for not taking you seriously.

>watch popular and well liked movie
>dont like it
>go in Yea Forums and say its THE WORST movie
>150 replies
BASED IQ8 got baited ez

this, except it's not even bait. you can do the same with Interstellar or any other retard-tier woman movie. people get all up in arms because you brought an intellectual take to a feels based movie. people just arent interested in differing opinions and do all kinds of bullshit to cover that up.

We understand it.
The movies are dumb and Miyazaki's an idiot who thinks that writing storyboards on the fly, hastily cobbling them together prematurely and then calling it a day counts as storytelling and scriptwriting.

This is embarrassing for you. Imagine actually being a fan of some geriatric misanthropic pedophile whose approach to storytelling and filmmaking is to draw storyboards BEFORE actually writing and then making a movie based on his patchwork of drawings.
This is some Rian Johnson tier fan-coping, you dumb motherfucker. Enjoy your overrated weebshit while I go watch actual good movies like Treasure Planet.

Fair enough, I don't think everything ghibli has put out is the end-all-be-all of animation.
Hell, I've only seen like half of them.
I wasn't a fan on Ponyo (no where near the target demo).

I do think they do deserve their cult status (at least in the US) though.
Most Americans don't give a shit about japanese animation, so the weebs prop them up to get Disney fanboys/fangirls watching them.

Just because its cult, and you are a movie fan, doesn't mean you have to like it.
I don't give a shit about Rocky Horror Picture Show, but it is THE cult movie.

That movie sucked

>the process of how he creates art is unconventional so it must be bad or devoid of meaning or worth my time!
cool, did you know Terrene Malick does the same thing?

this movie made me ignore whatever Shyamalan produces. Perhaps I am missing some good movies there and there but I can't risk watching another the village

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It's impressive how small brained you are.

Forgot name but maybe someone can help

About girl who moves into city for new job. Breaks it off with long time loving boyfriend to "find herself". That fat girl rebel wilson is in it and befriends girl and encourages her to be a slut and stuff. Girl fucks some chad bartender and treats her like a cheap slut. She has second thoughts and trys to go back to boyfriend like nothing happened. Didnt watch the rest but the movie is just the worse garbage ever.

there's nothing inherently wrong with animated eastern movies (i can think of 3 that i like more than any western movie, even - ironically a blend of western and eastern) other than the overdone indulgence with the nonsense elements. if you call this out, you will be called a baiter or be told that you just "don't understand eastern culture" like it explains a bad movie away.
you're probably the only person in this thread that likes the aforementioned movies but was able to realize that others don't have to like them as well, without that making them retarded.

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You can dislike it and that's fine, but calling it the "worst movie I ever saw" is nothing short of ridiculous with so many movies to choose from.
You deserve a swift kick to the teeth desu.

Completely missing the point, as usual.
By restricting himself to the 'patchwork storyboard' method of storytelling, he boxes himself into making a movie that has no sense of plot, time, space, or emotional ups/downs. He quite literally begins his movies with scenes or imagery that should have been reserved for climaxes but then he puts them at the beginning because, again, his stupid patchwork storyboarding.

Stoytelling isn't just putting images together with little to no context between them. He ignores basic things like transition, continuity, and it completely destroys many like-minded peoples' ability to even care about anything. You have scenes that are supposed to be serious and grave and then SUDDENLY it cuts to something somber and calm.

It's not bad because it's unconventional. It's bad because it's lazy and it shows the mindset of someone who lacks the patience to plan his movies accordingly. You cannot make good movies by drawing storyboards and then stitching them together as an afterthought.
Anyone else would get reamed over the coals for doing this but you're a soi-addled faggot who makes excuses for non-whites like Miyazaki because you're self-loathing and morally compromised.


>Thinking how the story is made matters
Fucking pleb

it matters when the "how" produces bad results, consistently.

>all the activity has led to this

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Good thing Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke are exceptions

I liked Spirit Away as a movie, its pretty and imaginative.
That being said, I have no idea what individual scenes are about or suppose to mean.
I haven't seen it in a decade, but I remember thinking that you could probably cut out half the movie and tell the same story.
If that's a deal breaker if some people, that's a perfectly justifiable reason not to like the movie.

The worst movie I have ever seen was Starship Troopers, and I've seen The Room and Manos. It was so bad that I had to leave the room for a few minutes during the final bug tunnel sequence. I returned just in time to hear Doogie pronounce, "It's afraid!" Whenever I hear that someone likes Starship Troopers, I automatically, irrevocably, correctly and permanently think less of them as a person.

The worst movie I've seen in the theater was Van Helsing. "Cringe-inducing" has been reduced to a banality these days, but I can't think of any other film that made me wince so hard.

I was very upset at my gf for making me see that

>you could probably cut out half the movie and tell the same story
lel, that's probably true. so much vacuous fluff in these movies. if you watched it now you would probably view it in a much less charitable way

Showing my age here, but I was like 16 or 17 when I saw it.
If anything, my tolerance for nonsensical movies that rely on visuals to carry the experience has increased.

Honestly I could see this being an honest opinion
Princess mononoke could be hard to understand if you have been exposed to the media of today too much
Its a modern work of art and its a different kind of storytelling to a postmodern kind which is about feelings and being vague, its a myth, a fabula, things serve purpose in it

do you get loaded as you watch, or what? i used to drink a shit ton and it made basically all movies tolerable, except easternshit that barely made sense even to a sober mind. im pretty sure people that have done drugs for a significant period of their lives are able to coast through even the worst nonsense media out there.
like, serious weed-heads and shit.

I thought it was ok. Nice cinematography for the genre, cool cast. Plot a bit meh. Been a while since I saw it, there's a sequel out isn't there?

you're confusing Eastern culture with purposefully artsy. the thing is, even shitty modern western movies are easier to watch because you can actually follow the plots - since they actually tend to have them, rather than a starting point and an endpoint with tons of random shit happening in between.


A what? Imagine attempting to impress a bunch of anons with your sofisticated taste, only to completely butcher a straightforward Italian name like Caravaggio. Unironically KYS.

Lol Hisaishi is an enormous one-track pony regarding scores. Always the same minimal piano line to start with and repeating motives. Guy is literally copying most Japanese scores in his style. Just listen Ryuichi Sakamoto's Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence (watch it as well, David Bowie plays an amazing role) and tell me that shit doesn't sound like every Hisaishi score

not contesting the rest of what you're saying, but nothing wrong with repeating motives, generally speaking

Its not just eastern myth and its a character driven story with more than one character
You shouldve payed attention

>ITT a bunch of retards post movies that range from mediocre to great

This, it's like people have never watched anything properly bad. If some generic blockbuster is the worst movie you've ever seen, you're either retarded or kidding yourself.

As for Paranormal Activity, I stopped at the third one. Kinda liked the first one, but the next two were dull as fuck. Only thing that could have made me watch it was that hot blonde, but I decided it wasn't worth it.

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Man my only criticism of mononoke was that it was too on the nose with its themes and message, but after seeing this retard I guess I'm gonna have to take that back

>>who were the wolves meant to be?

i wish there were an oscar for the most mentally fucktarded question ever to be asked so that you could beat yourself over the head with it

>Nominated for best picture
Its all so tiresome

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You can say this about most ''big'' marvel movies. And only millenials and kids think it was a cultural phenomenon, which is a lot of people, but people no one respects.

Your opinion is your opinion, but it's really ironic that you say the plot was garbage and then proceed to say you don't understand it, kek. What a moron.

Finally someone said it! FUCK that movie. It drags on endlessly.

Split is bretty gud.

Just look up Rebel Wilson on IMDb, brainlet.

Babe 2 Pig in the City is what you're after friend

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Ya, I got pretty high in my past.
In college I smoked weed daily, and occasionally took psychedelics.
I've quit smoking weed for my job, but I still occasionally take shrooms or LSD.

Drinking actually reduces my patience though, drunk me want to watch horror or comedy.

I didn't know if I was the only one who thought this movie was supremely overrated or not, but glad to know I'm not. Totes agree user

why did you find it offensively bad? I remember it being genuinely funny apart from the stoner guy

ITT: seething Ghibshiters


Nice bait

mr. nobody
happy death day 2
you were never really here


any specific reason why you dislike Baskin?
got it last month in horrorpack, I was kinda looking forward to watching it.

Perhaps you didn’t understand the plot because you’re a complete retard.

its literal shit, if you've seen the trailer youve seen the movie
plot is vague and almost non existant, first half of the movie couldve easily been cut out and after youve watched it you dont even know what you watched

yea and it was called "now you see me 2". retards couldn't think of "now you don't"

thanks for the heads up, I'll probably just skim through it to check out the gory scenes from the trailer

be more subtle next time

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>its like Akira - all sound and fury, no story no heart.
you fucking with us? I can't think of many movies with a more complex story
movie has shit tons of heart too. like when kaneda has the vision of tetsuo and him at the orphanage

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lost me at the 5th one, desu

fell asleep watching it lol

I fell for the Tarkovsky meme. I managed to make it through Stalker, but I fell asleep during Solaris.

War of the Worlds

>Bird Box
>A Quiet Place
>>The Silence
I feel like that literally these three movies are the same fucking movie. Just with """"subtle""'" changes to make it OH SO WOW DIFFERENT HAHA LOL XD
I watch movies with my bro frequently and we'll watch horrible shit and generally have a good time, I was actually suffering through these because they were that bad. Why is Sorrywood making these mass production "films" if you can even call these that?

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you have no soul.

>a movie about a little girl being forced to work at a bath house
I don't see why people think this movie is so great.

You might just be a fucking retard.

>All the activity
> has lead to this...

This is all studio Ghibli movies

i ahve to admit.
you know how to force attention on your mongrel visage thread.

princess mononoke is in my top 5 for sure
miyazaki is a genius

>I am not baiting
>As 119126734 said
Yikes, I'd say put some effort in it but here we are with all these replies

worst movies I ever saw are

1. star wars holiday special. complete shit and nearly unwatchable.

2. Stan lees harpies. some kind of army of darkness ripoff, I think. I can't remember too much because my mind is keeping the memory of it sealed to protect me.

3. now you see me. big budget, shit writing magician movie. you expect me to believe the villain keeps his billions in a liquid wells Fargo saving account and the magicians can just hack his pin number to siphon it all out? really?really?

Aquire taste.

How does a self described mediocre movie qualify for the worst movie you've ever seen

tits are way too big tho

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2001: A Space Odyssey

imagine having this much of a shit taste. I hate anime with all my soul but miyazaki is the only thing I actually recognize to be art. It's not even anime to be honest. It's just beautiful animation that is casually made by a japanese production. I know it's probably bait but god dammit it pissed me off.

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Obvious bait.

jay and silent bob strike back

nice bait

I remember only some women showing titties from a wall or something, pretty shitty movie indeed.

Agreed I would put my seed into her, ruin her sexy stomach, divorce and abandon

Coming in late to 2nd this

Probably this movie

It was really shit and like other Ghibli movies ITT its a joke
No sense or reason to what is going on

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Realistic take would have been,
"Please sir i am sick and dying of cancer can i have a real doctor"

u r stoopid

Your taste is bad and you're retarded. All your 'criticisms' of the movie are just you admitting you're too retarded to understand anything going on.

Same as above.


user, how could multiple movies be the worst movie you ever saw?

>animation are ugly
you want (you)s this badly?

Who the fuck would watch an animated movie that looked like shit?

good answer

Don't respond. He'll just say that critically acclaimed movies are bad but then reply with vague/empty criticisms and act like 'heart' is a term used by critics and taught in film schools or some shit.

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I'm convinced that anybody who defends it hasn't watched it since 2005 or believes its some ironic masterpiece a la The Room. It's simply abhorrent, and I cringe so hard the only comparable experience is an unending fever dream

Made worse by the fact the comic is my favorite book of all time

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The state of this bait

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Epic brainletto

Porco Rosso is pure Kino

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im so mad its not even funny

terrible film

Hey, I really liked your posts. I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on No-face.

I think Porco Rosso has a lot of whatever quality [X] makes a movie seem like a sequence of stop-start episodes. They're fine episodes though.

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>he's seen the first three also
Top zozzle lad, keep em coming

you're just too stupid to express yourself

This was mentioned elsewhere in the thread and id like to add it as my worst movie ever
It stats off good the bike race at the start is perfect
Then it goes downhill gradually until its just the two leads shouting at each other


Over and over
and the general saying
Huh....wat about a million times

And what the hell was the green babies plot all about
And who in the absolute fuck was Akira?

Why was it called Akira if he isnt even in it or is justva bunch of brains in a box

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I actually liked Guardians of the Galaxy, it presented itself as a comedy so the constant MCU quipping felt appropriate, and it came out before MCU got really formulaic

based & fucking checked

Yea most of the Ghibli stuff is garbo and over rated. I'd rather watch some random isekai or shounen. All good though as they make good pleb filters so you can figure out which people to ignore.

Lucky bastard

>nature good man bad
Good thing absolutely no Japanese movies with environmentalist themes have this message. This kind of hilarious moralizing is west-only.

This shit is probably the only movie I've ever walked out of. I saw this in the theater with my dad when I was like 19, and we made it about 20 minutes in. My dad was pissed, said he felt like his childhood was ruined. We also saw Last Jedi together, but I think he was in denial after that one.

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Battlefield Earth

In fact, I didn't watch all of it. I think I got about twenty minutes through it.
It's the only movie I have ever walked out on. In fact, it's the only movie I've not finished.

>like princess okinawa

I've just started to watch the original shorts. Took a few of them to get into it, but now I love that shit.
Spread out!

>also how is nature good when its the one killing the people
Absolutely based anti-jap poster

It's very tryhard and too proud of it's self-awareness.
The Final Girls is meta horror kino. It's all that Cabin tried to be, but in a great, actually funny, sadly emotional and effortless way.

>make it even less coherent
Which part of the story wasn't coherent? I felt it flowed pretty well senpai

>Ghbli makes amazing movies. He/they dont
And I thought you were a trash human being before this.

>>>The Silence
The Scorsese film?? Also Quiet Place is the best of this new subgenre.

>but miyazaki is the only thing I actually recognize to be art
Have you tried Mamoro Oshii or Satoshi Kon?

The English dub legitimately ruins the story though and makes asinine changes to the dialogue that fuck over the point of virtually half the scenes. Not saying you're talking about it, but either the guy you're reasoning to only saw it dubbed, or he saw it in Jap and still somehow didn't understand the plot.

Given most English speakers would have only seen it dubbed though, it's hardly surprising that most people in the west would see it as mostly a string of random zany events with little coherence, since that's what they were basically presented with.

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Whats the real meaning then?

>t. too stupid to understand a literal children's cartoon
Yea Forums really is the lowest IQ board

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Beautiful b8 OP. Well done!

A successful thread by every measure.

top kek @ all the seething weebs replying to this based post

This is a real reviw

"The result is a lovely, evocative tour de force. So why does it seem we should be enjoying it more?

For starters, the show runs a full two hours, and feels like it. The dense and convoluted plot makes you struggle to keep up with which witch was which. There are scads of unique and bizarre characters, but some of them are no more than a phantom menace. (Why, exactly, were we were introduced to the mysterious, and creepy, Radish Spirit?)
There were moments when it had the feel of Thomas Kinkade meets "The Powerpuff Girls." "


There's no outright 'meaning' like that. The film isn't about trying to teach you a lesson or any goofy crap along those lines. However, there are strong themes of exploitation and exploration of how people going about their lives 'naturally' and absentmindedly oppress each other.

This poster does a good job of describing much of the overall appeal of the movie, but there are a heap of other important elements that aren't necessarily obvious to a lot of people for various reasons. There are several plot threads with coherent internal logic and drama of their own that culminate into the final confrontation, but which won't be apparent to plenty of viewers because of the subtlety and reliance on the way the dialogue is delivered, much of which only comes across in Japanese. No, this isn't "super Niponese" stuff that only natives could comprehend, so don't worry, it's just that the movie heavily relies on its tone and presentation to convey things, so disruptions to this break key aspects of the film.

Noface in English is played off as a kind of a goofy villain. He offers people gold and eats them, and seems to be trying to do the same with Chihiro, but he comes off an an overall zany and simple minded being. In Japanese there seems to be a bit more to his character though. His insanity is taken more seriously. 'Sen' is, as far as we know, the first person in the bathhouse to show him kindness, and, being so desperately lonely, he becomes obsessed with her and desires her above anything else. But she constantly rebuffs his gifts, and he is slowly driven mad by this, each time he is more deeply injured by her denials. He is able to get others in the place to accept his gifts, and eats them when this is successful, but what he would do if she were to accept his offers is left unstated. This kind of drama drives much of the film's energy.

So you've dropped the act and now openly admit that you dislike them because of preexisting bias and never gave it a fair watch. I'm glad you were open with us about that

There is absolutely nothing redeemable about Sausage Party. The movie has nothing good in it at all. I watched the entire thing in my home on my own and was a complete displeasure. The movie sells itself by hyping up the big "shocking" sex scene at the end, but the reality is that it's not funny, clever or shocking at all, it's just stupid. I feel like an asshole that I wasted my time watching this shit. Fuck this movie.

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Split and Glass were kino

I was a bit disappointed with You Were Never Really Here, but I didn't think it was bad at all. It was just missing something. It's just okay.

The only good thing about Glass was the Split guy's performance.
The rest of the movie was pretty retarded, especially the ending.

You didn’t get the films.

Two possibilities my friend, guy’s a schizo autistic who really wanted the you’s, which is likely and really payed off for him, or he’s a schizo who spent 24 hours baiting the fuck out of weebs, also worked out very well. Point is this place sucks lol

>reservoir dogs
Explain yourself, user. Dogs is Tarantino's 2nd best film and Gummo is a great movie.



Ma mori diocan!

>>made no sense
Live in harmony with nature
>>tried for some environmental theme but failed
>>had no idea who the pig was
Pig god
>>who were the wolves meant to be?
Wolf gods
>>What was the all the human shit about
They were using too many resources
>>just a a bad story to a visually nice movie

>t. M.Night

>has an environmental theme but also shows that industrialization can improve the quality of people's lives and nature can be a cold bitch
>wtf it makes no sense

So did anyone locate the guy yet?
When's the public execution scheduled for?

yet another ragin jap boy with no proper defence of a shitty kids movie

>"Herro, is that Hiro?
Yeshh i havea biga ploblem
they make a fun of japanese city movies, but i say theya good, they no listen.
close it down
ching chong hiichichi waaaaawwww ping pong"

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Man of Steel

You’re fucking killing it man, you have baited kids for days to come, congrats. I’m (you)r biggest fan

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Crying at this bait ITT. Just say every Ghibli film is garbage next time and call it a day.

Based, all these replies and no one could even try to prove you wrong(they can't)

Fucking based

Has anyone here watched Foodfight! or any of Uwe Boll's worst?