Opinions on CGI?

I work in visual effects (mostly on small, independent movies) and was curious to hear what you think about CGI or modern visual effects in general. I'm very biased towards it, so I wanted a wide range of opinions.

Are there any older visual effects techniques that you miss seeing? Do you think CG has improved anything for the better? And are there any aspects that modern visual effects miss out on that could greatly improve it?

Some of my favorite to work on are the subtle effects that people will never notice, like painting the production crew out of mirrors and sunglasses and such. What are yours?

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it’s like the male version of that speedrun tranny dinner, it even has egghead
dude in the middle front isn’t very annoying in the vids at least

Anything good I've seen in the last decade have been both from Neil Blomkamp. Also, hate those guys. They had a video sperging over muzzle flashes. It was a very unnecessary thing to nitpick.


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Not a fan of them either. They do seem to have a bit of knowledge on the technical aspect, but on a lot of the more subjective comments on how good a shot looks, I tend to disagree with a majority of the time. Plus most of their personalities are so grating. The glasses guy in the middle-left is the absolute worst. Always gasping and pretending to be surprised when something is CG and has to be the loudest one in the room.

Can you honestly tell me it made a difference at the end? I'm indifferent towards john wick and is a fan of guns but c'mon. you can't suspend your disbelief over something you have to go frame by frame to spot?

>internal society of assassins operating out in public
>but it's gun flashes that are unrealistic

Believability, dumbass. Ever heard of it?

>Opinions on CGI?
Good CGI = one that doesn't feel like CGI.
Bad CGI = everything that clearly stands out.

Good CGI: Davy Jones from PotC, despite all these years.
Bad CGI: Thanos, this feels like a videogame boss, so unreal and generic.

i think the problem with most CGI is that it loses physicality as an anchor to reality.

matt paintings, minatures, props, stunts, pyro and make up are all based in our physical reality, so even if they're done in an unconvincing way, it still doesn't take you out of it like any hint of noticeable CG.

>we fooled everyone with this video we spammed
and it looks awful like wtf how are you going to critique whats bad after that with as serious face

Thanos is high-tier CGI in some shots (namely close ups). You're thinking of Steppenwolf

both are obviously shitty generic renders and you could put them in videogame as well
thanos is just so fake anyway, despide high-quality closeups

I dislile CGI because it makes people lazy. Look at the movie Legend. Look what we were able to do with just make-up and props and practical effects. There is CGI in that film too, but it is not at the forefront and it is not jarring. That’s what CGI should be, complimentary and in the background. Shit like Avatar makes me want to vomit.

soul vs soulless

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Right? It also bugs the hell out of me that everything they judge is looked at through shitty YouTube compression. Those new Godzilla trailers looked so miserable on YouTube because all of the rain, soot, and artificial grain was just destroyed. But these guys use it to look for fine details down to the pixel? Fucking idiots.

more and more often I'm seeing studios use a completely default smoke effect where they just color it or add a filter and call it a day it's really fucking annoying especially since smoke is supposed to be one of those things you can hang your reputation on in CGI.

cg smoke/fog is even more glaring than cg blood

Godzilla 2014 had amazing smoke.

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CGI is just a tool, it can be good and bad, depending on use. Let's take Tom Cruise movies. CGI is used mostly to remove safety harness and strings. This is good. Meanwhile capeshit with fake rendered background and characters flying and shooting lasers is obviously bad CGI.

it did, when it's done well its great but that seems to be a rarity.

They really nailed it in Godzilla. With a proper simulation of smoke where you can have an actual depth map of the model and smoke (like Godzilla here), it really helps things feel less flat especially when composited well together. I feel like certain (smaller) companies don't want to take the time to track a live shot, rebuild it digitally, and run sims to get it as accurate as possible. In all fairness, I can't use Houdini worth a damn yet so I might be completely wrong.

Super Hero CGI has gotten a lot worse that it was even back in 2012

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> unironically shilling faggidor digital