Best international film posters?

Best international film posters?

Attached: 7Cw2iDV.jpg (716x1024, 161K)

One more similar

Attached: d6b3VQQ.jpg (1600x2358, 1.76M)

>inb4 running blade man

Attached: 6CA77415-B72A-4FA7-8170-2A1B6D909A2C.jpg (537x755, 52K)

I'm trying to find a high res version of the (swedish?) Empire Strikes Back poster. It's wild looking

japs just do it best

Attached: shoplifters-movie-poster-1000778681.jpg (519x727, 177K)

Attached: il_570xN.1855813612_tl74.jpg (570x855, 82K)

this is absolutely gorgeous
also i would say that empire has arguably the best posters out of the original saga

Attached: 373689A9-D916-47D0-A018-0E9D0027E0E5.jpg (1024x768, 294K)

i don't even like the movie but the japanese poster is dope

Attached: 162034.28092045.jpg (500x710, 85K)

This one?

Attached: bbbb.jpg (184x273, 13K)

Attached: repo men poster.jpg (1250x1852, 380K)

These are great, but based on memory, the entire base color of the poster was black. I believe there was a rainbow theme going on the text color. It could have been an Asia poster. (Maybe Korea?)


Attached: Danton.jpg (836x1201, 90K)

possibly this one?

Attached: D7A54B60-9779-4098-8F90-793C020778C9.jpg (638x900, 396K)

fuck you it's a great movie

tarsem is reddit: the director

Attached: sl6b6mtmw8l21.jpg (846x1200, 172K)

i loved all the promotional material for this film, but i heard it isn’t worth a watch which is a shame

it's not great but definitely worth a watch

This is very similar! I recall there was an AT-AT and yoda more prominent in the poster. I lost all my saved Yea Forums images a couple months ago and I'm just going off memory

this is probably for one of those miyakzi or wahetver his name is faggy japanese HUNG CHA CHA CHA stupid lame ass make no sense movies
like princess onikawa and the other one

fucking shit movies

Attached: harakiri.jpg (580x835, 51K)

based on this reply, i’m not surprised at all that you’re too stupid to see the title of the film right on the fucking poster

Attached: 430B5FD6-8CF1-45D7-AD6A-BD51798A21BB.gif (500x281, 1.79M)

princess mononoke and spirited away aren't hard to understand. literally kids movies user

i cant read jap chicken scrawl you fucking weebo
i dont pretend to like anime and understand jap just cause its "cool"

english bottom left

ok so you’re clearly trolling. it’s in english in the bottom left corner

Attached: Blade Runner Poland.jpg (620x383, 74K)

Attached: drive.jpg (960x1440, 426K)

that’s a surprisingly kino poster user

Attached: ABE9BBF7-8EED-4F95-8851-3D4023ACD32F.jpg (497x755, 84K)

Attached: The Godfather Cuba.jpg (620x381, 78K)

i didnt see that i closed it before scrolling down the smallest bit of the bottom left, who could even see that? whts the point of evern putting it there

for people like you who can't read jap

I don't think it's even worth watching. It feels like a college film student trying to be deep. It's just not a well-written story.

Supreme Star Wars poster kino - Russia

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based nips

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Attached: 1310986567715.jpg (1163x829, 189K)

Obligatory polish Terminator

Attached: 1318671279004.jpg (580x836, 63K)

And polish Apocalypse Now

Attached: 1318671279003.jpg (580x828, 77K)

Attached: Beastmaster japanese poster1.jpg (2056x2912, 851K)

French Stalker

Attached: 1322001697371.jpg (1000x1360, 357K)

now this is kino

Attached: 1327229716466.jpg (2115x2981, 899K)

Attached: 1328082427779.jpg (2133x3000, 1.43M)

thought for sure that was DiCaprio

Attached: 1346258187072.jpg (465x700, 268K)

Its the typical film that goes like this:
>great ideas
>absolutely horrendous trash

Hungarian Space Odyssey

Attached: 1347734206586.jpg (936x1295, 887K)


Attached: 1376358600554.jpg (2465x3500, 1.3M)

Okay fuck this shit, I hope autopost works this time. Fuck Yea Forums and fuck Hiro

Attached: 1376757104428.jpg (2000x1397, 790K)

That was from Thailand btw. Now: Polish Godfather Part Two

Attached: 1377096391626.jpg (1092x1600, 510K)

Polish vampire comedy

Attached: 1377422246026.jpg (1102x1600, 312K)

The best one for Stalker, no doubt

Polish Mississippi Burning

Attached: 1377422421313.jpg (1600x1126, 587K)

Polish war movie about evil germans

Attached: 1377422809563.jpg (1140x1600, 692K)

This seriously might be the best poster I've ever seen. Holy fuck.

Polish Face/Off

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"The nude vampire"

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Looks just like him, right?

>when you autopost with a blue captcha field but three second before posting it decides it wants a captcha after all

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Attached: hmm-suspiria.jpg (2135x2973, 1020K)

Attached: 51NA5e3iDDL.jpg (352x500, 50K)

This could be a cover for blood meridian

Attached: eXistenZ_B2-1.jpg (637x900, 190K)

Czech Terminator

Attached: Terminator16.jpg (1409x1972, 1.43M)

Great thread, thanks based user

guess I should've googled before posting

Come and See had some super kino posters

Attached: 3362741140.613.w355.Ewms.jpg (355x513, 194K)


Attached: socha-poster03359.jpg (600x406, 124K)

Attached: InlandEmpire_B2-1.jpg (655x900, 254K)

Attached: come-and-see-movie-poster-1985-1010380360.jpg (270x491, 17K)

Some of these posters are like those weird wall artworks on those weird Haunted House rides on the coast of England.