
Champions League semi-finals
Pumas UNAM (LigaMx) vs Cruz Azul (LigaMx)
Seattle Sounders (MLS) vs New York City FC (MLS)

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Santi Rodriguez is gonna win it

>rigging the drawing so mls teams aren’t all eliminated before semis
Why even watch this Mickey Mouse cup?

theres nothing else on

why though

blame peeon for choking so hard to seattle sounders
>Why even watch this Mickey Mouse cup?
some memes here and there

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im fucking tired of espn shilling chicharito as the solution for the national team, before chicarron and vela decided to play in the mlels everyone used to made fun of the league but since those 2 got gut in that league they now pretend that both players but specially chicharito is back to being ''elite''

I'm trying to get into soccer but there's so much shit going on all the time I don't know where to look

He's scoring and you're lacking goalscorers
Weird he can't even be a bench option

So do I go for the Mountain Pumas or do I bandwagon Blue Cross instead?

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the shilling is kinda cringe, young players should be getting more minutes instead. but i partially agree that he should've been called at least for the last wcq qualifiers, imagine chicharito scoring a tap-in vs usmnt in azteca (3/4 of the usa defenders are mls players too anyway)
what could have been

yep there are tons of tournaments on, i'd say focus on your favourite clubs
he's literally blacklisted by tata martino since late 2019

La máquina

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Hello send more cabecita Rodríguez

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I hate Reynoso

here is diente lopez country

why is her dace so shinny?

whos this distinguished girl?

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Hello it's me again and still hate Juan Reynoso

My e-gf

Blue Cross = patrician choice

>women lineman
Yikes get back to kitchen whore

hope solo. she has nudes.

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Why are Med girls so Hawt?

It's just low quality football, don't have anything against you people

>Choke Axul

Classic Choke

Los cementeros...

Jurado making this shitty ass team looking better than actually is

Hello it's me again and a fucking hate Juan Reynoso I hope a pack of niggers rape him

I fucking hope Corona gets subbed in instead of Jurado. What a mistake he was bringing in.

Que bueno ya andaban bien alsados esos pinches chemos hediondos


It's only the bandwagon part who get cocky when Cruz Azul wins despite playing awful.


nel el trusazul no remonta siempre se mueren asi

>pumass will lose another concacaf final and end Mexican domination

Ya valio madre el tata tuertino va a querer llevar a dinneno a la selección

it's not like cuck azul were a better option either way

Since ojitos meza I don't remember a single Cruz Azul manager that tried to play offensive football, caixihna, siboldi and Reynoso play the same boring system

No creo que pueda hacer el tramite antes de octubre wey

>Inb4 MLELSOI finalist chokes like a bitch for the fifth time in a row

>fox sport shilling mozo again
Fraudino already has his team in that regard is equally stupid as Reynoso

he would be perfect playing next to Johan

I remember being so sad when Toronto's bravest Bradley flew it over

>Fraudino already has his team
yea bro can't wait to see shitters like Gallardo and 40 yo Moreno defending against Argentina strikers

the one from the honour

is there away goal here?

I would ditch the 433 and use 532, arteaga and mozo focus entirely in attacking



>tata using any other tactics besides the repetitive 433
comedy gold


Pumas son expertos en cagarla en las finales seria una humillación muy culera si los gringos pierden con pumas

Claro porque cuck azul tiene una reputación en ganar finales

nombre, si ahorita esos gringolards andan callados porque su dizque generacion dorada quedo en 3° lugar de eliminatoria despues de ser violados en costa rica, pero si llegan a ganar la concachafa van a estar mas alzados que nada


Does anyone here care about MyLittleSawker?

Puro pinche La fc

Last I checked Cruz Azul has won more finals than Pumas.