>gets retconned as a creation of Palpatine to prepared his resurrection
>Palpatine return, he was behind everything
>he even prepared an entire Fleet of Sith troopers and star destroyers with death star tech and sent them in the unknown regions to wait for his return
So, how will they adress Snoke in Rise of Skywalker?
Star Wars Rise of Skywalker
who really cares? its ruined beyond repair
Nice fanfiction
I do, I laugh at this trainwreck
It's funny and all I have left for this franchise
Nobody gives a shit anymore
>it's LITERALLY the movies
What a waste of trips
Thing is Palpatine never needed a backstory. He's old, wears black and uses magic, he's an evil wizard straight out of fairy tales. Snoke, on the other hand, is deformed alien in golden bathrobe, you don't know his deal and "he's evil" will not suffice.
Who is even still thinking about this? I gave up on the prequels the second I saw TPM, I wouldn't had even seen nu-Wars if my brother hadn't dragged me to the first one, gave up on them too, why do you niggers keep pumping money into franchises that you clearly hate? Just stop watching.
Complaining is the right of all sentient beings
Dead guy
Palpatine did not need a backstory because he was the Emperor of the evil empire we knew about since the opening of the first film. He is at the top of the ladder of evil with Vader as his servant. Snoke needs a backstory because we want to know how this empire who lost their emperor aqcuired a new leader, and corrupted the child of the main characters so strongly.
You don’t need to give an explanation to a story’s premise but you do need to explain a change from that premise
Three films leading up to the return of Sheev as some sort of avatar of the dark side or wound in the force may have been kind of cool, but that is not what they were trying to do. They fucked up
>Disney's trilogy is just a shittier version of Dark Empire.
>who really cares? its ruined beyond repair
A good story set in a different part of the timeline without sjw nonsense would fix everything. Chances of this are Han Solo tier low, though.
>sjw nonsense
Minorities existing is not SJW nonsense incel.
The first movies already feel disjointed and shitty. This one is going to be awful too. It's so obvious they had no idea what they were doing and just decided to play it by ear instead of planning things.
Remember when they said he is a new original character and not Plagueis or Palpatine? Lmao
That is the most hilarious thing about this clusterfuck. The Disneyfags defence was always "but the EU had tons of bad things, they had to dump it all and start over", and then Disney goes makign shitty versions of the EU. Just look at how terrible their Thrawn is, and now we have a Dark Empire without all the stuff that atleats made it interesting and cool looking.
a woman with a garbage plan refusing to tell anyone about it and shitting on the people who have exit strategies is SJW shit. letting the empire explode transports for multiple hours when you have the ability to kamikaze any one of them into the fleet and eviscerate it is SJW shit
writing archetypes instead of a story is SJW shit
Yet here you are faggot.
Im sorry, i didnt know you were screening the movie here, or charging for admittance.
So this all counts as a success for the film, great job disney.
>Nobody gives a shit anymore
You're still here faggot.
That wasnt me. Get with it.
And expressing apathy, doesnt negate it. He is participating in a thread, not consuming the media.
>>he even prepared an entire Fleet of Sith troopers and star destroyers with death star tech and sent them in the unknown regions to wait for his return
I wonder what they've been doing in the Unknown Regions™ for 50 years. That's some 1D ball in a cup kind of plan.
>my winky was the key all along!
why won't Luke give him a hug
he just wants a hug
A good question, for another ti-
Oh wait... well just buy that fucking comic we'll make about it incel.
None of that is "SJW shit."
It's just bad writing.
It's like "SJW" has lost all meaning with you morons and now just means "anything I don't like."
Don't forget to watch The Snoke Legends coming to Disney+ this autumn.
I kinda care because of cam clips on Yea Forums
Movie starts with "Never bring a man to do a womans job"
Why did Palpatine create Snoke?
Why do you take someone less attractive than you to a bar and make sure they stay near you? Makes you look good by comparison even if you're an evil, horribly disfigured elderly man that does space magic.
I don't get it
Dark Empire even got heavy foreshadowing nods in the prequel films, so I think it's fair to say it's a more natural follow-on to the films than this Disney clusterfuck.