Would he have browsed Yea Forums?

Would he have browsed Yea Forums?

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>"women can make good art"
>every film made by a woman is some sort of sexual fantasy she has

He would have posted all the mommy gf threads.

who cares kevin's a faggot

This movie feels like a biography of me desu, except i never shot the school because never had a gun.

the irl actor probably browses lgbt

Isan't his mother the main antagonist of doom2016?

he used a bow you stupid fuck

He didn’t even use a gun though, you could have shot up your school with arrows like he did.

I've had a crush on Tilda Swinton for so long.

I'd nut on her bald head in doctor strange

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I actually did had a gun inside the school at some point, one of the boys from class took a rusty .38 in for unknown reasons and asked me to put it in my backpack until it was time to leave, but i coudn't touch it, i knew i would do something if i held it so i just stared at it and refused they called me a pussy even, i don't think they knew the danger they were.

I've found that part retarded. How can you do a "mass shooting" with bow and arrows?

My name is Kevin

Memento was produced by two women.

IIRC they don't show the attack in the movie right? It's been so long since I saw it.
But in the book he locks everyone in like the auditorium and takes shots at them from the balcony.


Too attractive

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nah the camera stays on him as he shoots a couple of arrows with some screams and then it cuts to EMT crews and shit outside and his crying mum if I remember it right

Is this film any good? What's the directors best film?

the incel phenotype

We need to talk about you

it's pretty shit, lot's of build up to a shitty pay off, like an hours jack off session to leak out a thimble sized nut

Prove it, Kevin

producents dont really do anything, that just means she got married rich and then gave his money to someone else

morvern callar


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It’s good, but Ramsay has only gotten better with time. You Were Never Really Here is great. She’s probably the best female director right now imo.

>You Were Never Really Here
Either you went to nyu or you’re a woman and/or faggot. Terrible movie, this chick has no actual skill proof that women are meant to be barefoot and pregnant.

Do you talk to your mother like that too?

did all these guys really browse /pol/?

Dat’s a purty mouff right there

That mouth is literally made to be fucked. There’s nothing wrong with saying that when you look at that face. Men like that exist only to serve other alpha male cocks.

based & edgepilled