/fa/ frens edition
/ternobyl/ - /RBMK/ and /ttg/
Just watched the first two episodes. It's pretty fucking kino so far. Does Mr. Hickey show up again?
In Chernobyl? Um...yes, yes he does. Especially in ep.3
Mr. Hickey becomes even more sensual with that gentle radiation glow.
Yes, he's practically glowing.
How would Mr. Hickey react to radiation sickness? I'm sure it hurts more than his lashing.
Of course it does but he'd like it less
Previous thread:
He wouldn't be radiated.
fucking faggot i'm glad you turned into pizza some 140 years later you glow in the dark faggot i hope you suffered for destroying what was left of the arctic expedition you fucking faggot you should've been reared with a flaming iron rod but you'd probably like that you faggot rest in cement faggot i hope your mick family had to eat themselves and rocks and dirt faggot
Jeez!! What the F?
Real Mr. Hickey did nothing wrong, lay off him.
>not teromobyl
Real Vasily too!
Yeah but there's no debate about that and real Vasily wasn't portrayed as an evil homo by anyone with no family left to defend his honor.
hoiiiiii sie sämmylämies osta reaktoorii
Hello /ternobyl/ post Akimfu pls
Just like old times :__;
Hahaha! Hello Akimfren
Hello, fellow Akimfag.
At the moment, I'm busy with work. But I'll return.
Most importantly, user...
Beard or no beard?
He's always wearing that hat!
*Glukov approves*
Yeah it’s kind of funny. His two best known roles, 10 years apart, same hat
The Terror was beautiful.
But Chernobyl had best costumes
Whose got the pic of this, but Dyatlov is in the back smoking?
You mean this one? This is the only one I can find that's similar.
>ywn shove graphite up Hickey's butthole and watch him melt from the inside
Thanks, but it's not the one. It's definitely a shot of the guys being all nervous about something in the foreground, and Dyatlov is in back suckin on a cigarette. It's no big deal.
I cried
I cried more in this scene
What was the meaning of this scene?
please Mr. Hickey just a little sip, just a few drops, I'm so thirsty Mr. Hickey please
You taste metal?
FUCK. This show is so depressing. Those last few episodes always puts me in a funk for the rest of the day. All of these great characters dying awful deaths, nobody gets a happy ending.
I literally rewatched this scene right now, and I don't understand it. It seems Des Voeux doesn't respect Hickey. Or maybe it was flirting, idk.
He was clearly flirting. He saw Hickey's dick and clearly wanted it. And Hickey blew him a little kiss.
Reminder that just before this Hickey was trying to lure out a ship's boy to fuck and suck.
just watched this and it was quite kino, it says miniseries, does that mean this one season is all we get or that potential future seasons will be as short? it feels like it ended though
Should we tell him, anons?
I noticed that too. Did they fuck or what?
Eh? The guy he was talking to just before he left to go pee? I thought that was Des Voeux
Wipe that smirk off your face and tell me damn it
There's going to be a season 2
BUT it's going to be OC donut steel not affiliated with the book or the main story or the characters in any way, it's going to have George Takei in it, it's going to be about Jap internment camps and by all accounts there will be a healthy dose of "fuck Drumpf and fuck white people"
Has anyone done the face filter thing on vasili in his final form yet?
this shit is nightmare fuel
Beard, senpai.
Huh, for what purpose? This sounds very odd. I was thinking perhaps there are more things they could say about chernobyl or maybe Fukushima if Japan at all. But internment camps? Odd..
The Terror was supposed to be one session. It seems AMC wants to make their own American Horror Story and a Season 2 will premiere August 12. Unfortunately, none of the cast or crew that worked on Season 1 will return, so everyone assumes is going to suck.
Narcissa Wright was on Chernobyl?
You were talking about Chernobyl? I'm referring to Terror considering that's what the OP pic is
This user is talking about The Terror, anons
I think I understand whats going on here. I was talking about if chernobyl would have a second season, apparently OP's pic is about the terror which is from the same creator/director?
bouncy bouncy
Lol no. Two actors are in both shows so we combined the generals.
No it's not. We just combined the Terror and Chernobyl generals because there's an overlap in fanbase.
No, but Hickey was trying to get him alone.
It was just some unnamed ships boy I think.
Was he really though, I didn't get the impression he wanted the guy to follow him.
Oh okay, my bad I didn't know that. Makes sense. However my question still stands, do you guys think chernobyl will have another season to tell more of the story or perhaps a different nuclear story?
Nah but it would be cool if it did! Perhaps they could do Fukushima or something. The creator is currently working on another project.
Thats what I was thinking, the cast won't be the same of course but the production and the director were really good in Chernobyl so i'd like to see more.
All we hear is the kid say something like "What do you mean? Go where?". What else could that mean?
Fukushima is boring as fuck and you'd have to cast nips meaning it would be shit.
Girls like to piss together in large groups, maybe gays do that too?
I remember reading there was a fair bit of corruption there too, not as bad as the russians of course but it was there. Though you may be right about it possibly being boring..
Slow thread? Where all the Hickey droolers at?
Forcing my DS3 Hickey character to wear cute dresses and listening to his death moans.
Hickey actually got a good number of invaders today. Everyone who did it started making jerking off motions at him. It was nice.
Lmao! Well, I'm sure he enjoyed that.
Are we brothers, Francis?
Fitzjames fucking deserved so much better man
Uncle, sit down.
Quick question: are you filming the gameplay and then post it on YouTube?
I'm not playing user, it's another user who I was replying to.
No because I fucking suck
Some of them don't register. It has to be a pretty straight shot with clear mouth and eyes.
Funny enough, Akimov was very hard for it to detect a face.
Some Adam for you
How the fuck did he become so jacked in just a year? His tits are bigger than hers now.
Hi user
Litereally Lol'd
>ywn get to be Akimova, and wipe 20-30 stools from his blackened, decaying and delicate, faceless body.
Will I ever find happiness?
> HAPPENING - Massive Explosion in Russia
> mobile.twitter.com
> news.yahoo.com
> The 100,000 residents of Achinsk are currently being evacuated.
>ywn do the same with sweet Vasily
>ywn gently massage his puffy, tender boipussy afterwards to make him feel a little bit better
Better call Legasov!
She's on it
the kino triumvirate
Would fight core-chan for him! He's so cute bros.
he was always a bit ripped
Lol. Sneaky. Nice ass, Adam
How the shit is he 34 years old
This thread could use a little Collins
That's lead mr hickey
>those answers
Holy shit he sounds fucking based
Chernobyl won a TCA award whatever that is. Jared Harris accepted it, I think
Caption this!
I can't but I do hope they're very good friends.
Post more cast photos
Who was the rightmost dude again?
Nagaitis in his next film
I wish Chernobyl had cast photos like that :__;
It's one of the ships boys, I forgot his name
Akimfren, you ever seen him without those glasses irl?
For real, source?
He looked so much better when he was slender, a jacked manlet intimidates nobody and just looks disproportionate. Look at his tiny girly hands compared to his arms.
That's Vasily Ignatenko, he did nothing wrong.
>not posting the webm
What do you think Hickey was doing before the expedition? What was he trying to escape from?
I didn't have it. But I do now.
He was never the same after the rape.
Where can I watch Terror legally lads? I really like watching shows like this with my missus but it's not on Amazon Prime or Netflix or anything like that, and it's like 20 quid for the full season
Just torrent it, it's what I've done with my bf
he just wanted to live somewhere warm
Have another.
Poor lads
Nice. Thank you, comrade.
I'll post some more content I got from the /rbmk/ generals back when the show was airing.
Based! Haha that filename.
>Did somebody say.....3.6?
Calm the fuck down Crozier, he can't hurt you here
Comrade Dyatlov! Stop drinking the feedwater!!
Who's faster?
>Bryukhanov tapping
>Hickey running
The delicious feedwater.
Perevozchenko running to the control room after bouncy fuel channel caps freak him out.
I wish Sam Troughton got to do a little PR like that. He's just recently done a few radio interviews abou the show. Must part of the emmy campaigning.
The Terror guys all got to go to a red carpet event. No fair.
Oh fuck
Yeah. Maybe they will be at the Emmys? What did he say about the show? Did he speak about irl Akimov at all?
The music during that scene was kino.
When there's something strange in the Motherland, who you gonna call?
Legasov and Shcherbina!
Sam Troughton said he wasn't invited :(
How rude! Off to gulag with them.
I serve the Soviet Union
He was asked in one of the interviews about attending the Emmy's - he's not. Yes he hdid speak of irl Akimov, but he knows about as much as we do.
They weren't in depth interviews or anything. It was nice to hear him speak about the show though.
He did say something like they took it all very seriously and wanted to be respectful. Apparently Johan Renck was tough with his notes.
>Does Mr. Hickey show up again?
Ooh, interesting! Thanks.
It's a shame he hasn't been invited to the Emmy's. I wonder whose going. Maybe just Jared and Stellan.
Anons, what was that russian website/forum that posted chernobyl fanart and Stellan Skarsgard tribute mv's?
Plz help
vk com/public182993344
Second thing posted there. WTF is this shit lmao
He cute
was he jewish?
What was his fucking problem tho?
Lmao! He didn't have a problem. Just scared of what the reactor was doing.
Kill me, Mr. Hickey.
Did you anons watch Peterloo?
The era is similar to that of The Terror. He would have been good on that show.
Nope. If it's Kino will watch though.
Poor tired qt.
[s]I wanna wrap a blanket around him and take him to bed away from evil radiations[/s]
Found a website where I can watch it, maybe tomorrow
Spoiler tags never work for me. What do?
Spoiler tags have a built in gay detector, stopping homos from using the feature.
At the very least read the faq before you post here dingus
Yea Forums.org/faq here I'll even feed it to you
So like what the fuck did they do all day? I know the day in question was special because they were running a test, but what happened day in day out? They just turned knobs and looked at gauges? Print of results? Read the print out?
Kirschenbaum sat on his fat ass during the test. Did he do that every day, or what?
ooh where did you find this?
Thanks. Also I did everything right just said 's' instead of 'spoiler'.
LOL! Ahem he was in control of the turbines. Idk maybe. Wiki what do people do in a Nuclear Power Plant.
In the USSR many people were employed in the engineering field especially who did absolutely nothing and were there just so the numbers would look good on paper, while only a select few were actually important in any way. My mom's "work" was like that, it was apparently soul-crushing.
On Google. Just typed in 'Sam Troughton Akimov'
Some F's for this legend
I still want to give him my lungs, bone marrow and pancreas.
>about to be hanged
>decides to bant and not even care that he's about to die
He'd find some way to be a madlad even with radiation poisoning.
>Hickey using the latency period to have sex with as many men as humanly possible and make them all sick
>ywn be as cool as Valery Legasov
Imagine how much more he could've done if he'd stayed longer...
Do you think Vasily did that with his wife ?
I know..
Mazin why wasn't this included
Fuckin Mazin doesn't know what he's doing. This is gold
*cries in Ukrainian*
>having sex in a hospital surrounded by dozens of other people
I don't think even Hickey would do that user
That's what those curtains are for, virgin
So, when's that extended edition coming out, Mazin?
Maybe too miserable to show.
I'd prefer more scenes with them happy.
>they're transparent
Hickey is the type of person who would do that.
I fucking hate cancerous vk chernobyl fandom but this is actually really sweet
Gods I want to bang Vasilys wife
Yeah. That's sweet but the stuff they post.. most of it is quite offensive.
Well have another non-offensive one.
>Ywn raise your child in a commieblock with your sweet loyal wife who would still love you even if you turned into human soup
Why even live
For all his eccentricities Hickey was actually pretty secretive about where he conducted his liasons. The lewdest thing he did was peeing inside at Carnival.
>peeing inside at Carnival.
Wish Des Voeux would have ripped his dick off for that, it was not a stable Mr Hickey...
Des Voeux would be better suited for gently wiping him clean with his tongue.
Des Voeux does NOT partake in sodomy with the crew
I found a pic of irl Sitnikov! Where's his cool mustache?
He doesn't even need to be touching Hickey to drink his piss.
Replying to
I'm laughing
Ikr! Dude needs to lay off the feedwater
He didn't have one. You must've not been in /RBMK/
He's second in pic related
People are shipping Kirschenbaum and Stolyarchuk on that weird VK site.
Idk how I feel about that
Sadly not. I wish I was, seemed like a right laugh.
corechan you dirty slut should I put in my control rods so you calm down?
>Kind, well liked by all who knew him
>Gentle and soft-spoken
>/fa/ as fuck soviet frames
>On-trend manly 80's mustache
>Appealing in and out of work clothes
>Family man
>Strong sense of responsibility
>Willing to commit suicide for the good of the people
You can't go wrong with Akimov
What are they spraying here? heavy water or something?
>literally the same face
just goes to show humans have a limited number of face templates to work with before the programming start cycling back around
stay woke bros
Perfect husband material.
>that interview with his wife about watching him die in the hospital
Anyone fancy Perevozchenko?
The handjob at Platypus Pond scene in the book was really hot, why did they leave it out?
can someone post the chronological edit of episode 5?
thank you fren
Why didn't Chernobyl have opening credits?
But user, fuck drumpf and fuck white people is a great premise for a show
Season 2
I love the eerie end credits desu.
Epilogue at Ep.5 makes me cri everytiem.
Seriously though, it does.
The Terror had an amazing opening.
Young Collins
Guys, I've just seen a manip of Dyatlov and Bryukhanov in bed. WTF.
That VK site is something else...
qt Leonid from that Zero Hour docu
For some reason, the fact that it's Russkies drawing or shipping that shit makes it slightly less objectionable to me.
What would you do for your senpai /ternobyl/?
LMAO FUCKING... that guy headbanging next to him. FUCK MY SIDES.
I'd fight core-chan for Khodemchuk.
Mazin really screwed up there.
Murder Fomin and save him from ever getting irradiated.
Hey old /RBMK/ anyone still got those Akimov no-face edits?
Is this the most beguiling smirk on television today?
The thread will probaly die soon
Akimov's on it
If I ever get a cat, he's gonna be named Hickey.
Akimov is also a great cat name, user
I wonder how Akimova is today.
He's very catlike, it's a perfect name for an actual cat.